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November 2024


God and Science Collide in Nation’s Capital [Dan Collins]

Emitting dangerous quantities of nishitrons.

Weep for the pandas. Haven’t they suffered enough?

One panda was killed and another is still missing, and nobody knows how many wild pandas have died.

87 Replies to “God and Science Collide in Nation’s Capital [Dan Collins]”

  1. CArin -BONC says:

    Yet many scientists — 40 percent according to a 1997 poll cited by Shermer — believe in God. This isn’t big news to scientists, but might surprise people who rely on mainstream views of science

    That’s not what our nishidot says.

  2. Rusty says:

    How terribly sad for nishidot.

  3. Log Cabin says:

    Stop saying it’s name! It’s burnss usssss!
    Wicked. Tricksy. False.

  4. Sdferr says:

    I am interested in the question of people who have no god/gods. By people I mean tribe or other large natural group, however you choose to call them. Language sharing, custom sharing, from the hunter/gatherers right up to the complex civilizations like Incas for example, or a modern nation, for another.
    I do not mean individual people, like Richard Dawkins, for instance, but a whole group that shares the absence of a deity/s. And of course, would not be aware of what it is they are missing. I know of only one such people, but wonder if you guys have heard of any or can think of other examples?

  5. cranky-d says:

    You know you summon demons by speaking their name, right? So stop it.

  6. nishizonoshinji says:

    65% unbelievers in the scientist class…. -99% unbelievers in the top tier of scientists
    within the margin of error.

    but consider….i am a believer….so is stu hamerhoff and sir roger [penrose].
    our “deity” has pretty much null set in common with the standard issue xian skyfather.

  7. nishizonoshinji says:

    oh…….sry carin, 1997 is old poll data.
    unbelief is on the increase.

  8. cranky-d says:

    I told you… .

  9. nishizonoshinji says:

    this i found interesting dancollins.

    53% of professors have an unfavorable view of Evangelical Christians but only 3% have an unfavorable view of Jews. A summary of the study is here. 33% have unfavorable views of Mormons.

    i wonder why that is?

  10. serr8d says:

    I think the only reason some of these neo-scientists (and their tag-along mathematicians) have declared war on god(s) is that they chafe under the rules they perceive are placed on them by the faith-based (you know, rules like ‘don’t take those human fetuses or eggs and do a Dr. Frankenstein on them!).

    It’s a power struggle they can’t win.

  11. Good Lt. says:

    >>One panda was killed and another is still missing, and nobody knows how many wild pandas have died.

    I thought I sensed a disturbance in the force today. That’s what it was.

    See? Killing pandas really DOES affect everyone! Now care, CARE, damn you!

  12. Sdferr says:

    Serr8d, time was they understood they couldn’t win and kept their beliefs quiet under their thinking caps. Somewhere along the way they lost their (proper) fright and started talking (too much) aloud. When they found nobody came to kill them they got the idea that this was going to be ok and poured it on, down to today when it has become something like de rigueur. I fear it won’t end well but what do I know?

  13. SEK says:

    But but but … my invisible man in the sky can beat up your invisible man in the sky!

    No, really, he can.

    I mean “He.”

    Make that “HE!

    F**K YEAH!

    Ahem, no seriously, ahem. I am a very serious academic to be taken seriously.

    F**K YEAH!

  14. nishizonoshinji says:

    oh yez we are winning.

    check it……the old skyfathergod is evolving to be a new “science-friendly” kinda god.

    Science hasn’t necessarily made belief obsolete, “but you must find a science-friendly, science-compatible God,” he writes. And that is possible, he claims, calling this entity a “scientific Creator.”

    cheers Aldo.

  15. nishizonoshinji says:

    dont think so SEK.
    science is kicking that oldstyle skyfathers big white ass.

  16. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “oh yez we are winning. – D Crockett – Battle at the Alamo – TX, 1836

    – The idea of G_d being the articifer of, and in everything, was adopted long ago by many in the science, and is not a new idea.

    – Overall it was a good broad based review. My only nit would be that I think Hoodbhoy has it exactly backwards in trying to place G_d within science.

    – The old tenet that “no creature can ‘know’ the outside characteristics of the framework of its existance” is very much safe, so G_d will forever remain outside the purview of science.

    – BTW nishi, Einstein believed that tenet also. So did Fermi, and Oppenheimer, and Maxwell, and Schroedinger…ect ect ect.

  17. SEK says:

    BTW nishi, Einstein believed that tenet also.

    One problem, BBH:

    The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this. These subtilized interpretations are highly manifold according to their nature and have almost nothing to do with the original text. For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything “chosen” about them.

  18. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Sek. Einstein was expressing his contempt for religious superstitions and organizational dogma. He was not an atheist, he did express a belief in a “G_d”, and he said near his death that he had found Him in his own work.

    – People I knew that were near to him said he mentioned several times that he thought his difficulties in discerning the “ether” he had searched for most of his adult life, might be forever beyond mans reach because it might be that very G_d that was manifest in so many ways in nature.

    – Those ideas have led me to conclude he believed in a G_d.

  19. cranky-d says:

    BTW, the pandas have had it. It isn’t a matter of if, it’s when.

  20. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Oh, and if you needed any more indications that both he and Fermi were believers you only have to look at some of their famous arguments concerning quantum mechanics, which was in direct compitition with Einsteins ether theories:

    Fermi: “Quantum Mechanics perfectly describes the apparent randomnous of nature.”

    Einstein: “G_d does not throw dice with nature.”

    Fermi: “Don’t tell G_d what to do.”

  21. Log Cabin says:

    Discussing religion with the Nishidiot is pointless. She sees what she wants to see and is not interested in forming any understanding or in doing any learning.

    Any fool that writes “hahahaha” and “lulz” constantly (to point out ‘humor’ that others don’t see? or to ‘celebrate’ having won the game of ‘gotcha’)is obviously a bit socially retarded and needs to constantly annoy and hector those that she disagrees with.

    Any attention, even bad, is better than no attention. Those of you with kids will understand.

  22. and Dan reels one in again! BWAH HA HA HA HAaaaaaa!

  23. serr8d says:

    science is kicking that oldstyle skyfathers big white ass.

    (yeah, I know LC, but to toy with it shows good sport. And one day, after maturing a few decades, it’ll think back on these converses with a rueful smile. ;)

  24. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Discussing religion anything with the Nishidiot is pointless.

    Fixed it for you. :-)

  25. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “science is kicking that oldstyle skyfathers big white ass.”

    – Actually nishi, that sort of immature comment pretty much stamps you as young and very much inexperienced, something like your candidate, where all things are still possible in your youthful exuberant mind.

    – Truth is, serious science is long and hard, and very much a difficult grind it out game, and the only ass you’ll find being kicked most of the time, is those of you and your fellows.

    – More than anything, science can be arduous trial and error, and if you’re very good at what you do, and very very lucky, maybe once or twice in your whole scientific career you will have a eureka moment. Many labor all their lives and never do.

    – But then you’ll understand that when you’re older.

  26. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Btw, nishi: I designed a cool new t-shirt logo for you.

  27. Pablo says:

    check it……the old skyfathergod is evolving to be a new “science-friendly” kinda god.

    I distinctly recall you telling me that you believe God/Allah/Hashem created the universe. That would require a pretty sciency skyfathergod, wouldn’t it?

  28. dicentra says:

    33% have unfavorable views of Mormons.

    i wonder why that is?

    Bigotry against green Jell-O salad with shredded carrots and miniature marshmallows, duh.

  29. geoffb says:

    SBP, @ 27

    That might be SFW but it burns, burns, my eyes.

  30. geoffb says:

    All the school cafeteria ladies were Mormons? That explains a lot.

  31. dicentra says:

    If you have an uncontrollable urge to sing “Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree” in early spring, then yes, it would explain it.

  32. JHoward says:

    I’ve wisely decided not to comment in this thread. If I did I’d have to point out that proofs by acclaim are no more convincing than other proofs by acclaim.

    As with trolls and quantum physics, it seems merely speaking them creates them.

  33. JHoward says:

    I’d also have to ask the nuggie, again, if the uuneeverse was made of infinite reducibility or just stopped at some really little bits and hovered, as it were, faithfully above nothing.

    Because of the science, designed as it is to explain being.

    But I’ll resist.

  34. I’ve wisely decided not to comment in this thread.


  35. JHoward says:

    We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn’t know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged and obeying certain laws, but only dimly understand these laws. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that moves the constellations.

    The harmony of natural law…reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.


    (If I were commenting, that is. By citing the intellectual superiority of others, divining in their minds proofs I’d happen to approve of. Although I’ve come to something of an opinion on SEK…)

  36. geoffb says:

    Best non-comment, and beats the hell out the comments too.

  37. JHoward says:

    If the rate of expansion one second after the big bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, the universe would have recollapsed before it ever reached its present size.

    It would be perfectly consistent with all we know to say that there was a being who was responsible for the laws of physics.

    -S. Hawking, atheist(?)

  38. JHoward says:

    By the way, as it’s useless to comment metaphysically, it makes little sense to point out that the odds of the universe existing as it does are about 1 in 10 to the 123rd power. That’s a kinda big number, as in if you numbered it on all the protons in the universe, you’d run out.

    Naturally, that means nothing to lots of really big, purely scientific minds, so please ignore it.

  39. N. O'Brain says:

    From the article:

    “…culture-draining force of consumerism.”

    I know tht that is an example of reactionary left/fascist boilerplate, but, what the hell does it mean?

  40. Cowboy says:

    …and you know what? I don’t so much like pandas anymore. For me, it happened when I found out they’re not really bears. I thought, you know, that’s pretty sneaky of them, trying to pass as big black and white bears.

    But when I found out they are really more closely related to weasels, it sealed the deal.

    Weasels are hateful, violent, and duplicitous.

    Just like pandas.

    Panda weasels.

  41. The harmony of natural law…reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.

    what strikes me is mankind’s propensity to believe we really are the most significant actor within The System itself. It is entirely in keeping with the Leftist worldview that we really are the “center of the universe”. Attributing weather patterns to our activities, for instance, speaks to a bizarre mindset. Forget tectonic activity… forget the giant nuclear fireball in the sky… This is like me blaming climate change in New Berlin, WI on the ants in my yard. And that is but one example of the silliness.

    That many folks really do believe they have such a massive impact on the Cosmos En Total speaks volumes. But, then, I would proffer that it is a closed mind which fails to consider its utter insignificance in space and time… which overstates its import… which believes without cause or evidence that the net of its substance is more than it is.

    It does not surprise me… today is the most important day evah! I am the center of the universe! Me, me, I, I… I am the next American Idol. The world has never seen an intellect akin to mine! I have a unique spin… thoughts that have never been considered… blah, blah, blah.

    It is the sheer egotistical manner of humanity… the belief that despite all evidence (h/t to Nishi) I am the center of the universe!

    Precisely why it is that when we want to understand… really understand… we are called upon to reduce the self. To become very small. To cast a very small shadow. In this manner, we discount the bloat to something more appropriate in measure than our hyper-inflated estimation of ourselves.

    I will be the next American Idol! I have what it takes! My mother says so.

    Recycle! The Cosmos is depending on you!

  42. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Cowboy, have you had your waffles and bacon this morning, smothered in that smooth buttery goodness of “aunt Jimimah”?

    – Speaking of Cowboys, with the apparent 180 by the NK with its nuclear program this morning, it appears that McChimpyHitlerBusHalliburton’s Cowboy diplomacy seems to be working better than waltz’s and basketballs.

    – Are you paying attention Maggie?

  43. Dan Collins says:

    Cowboy, I think that it’s been proved that they really are bears, rather than badgers.

  44. Dan – no it’s not. Olberdouche showed a clip from YouTube which definitively proves they are badgers. NTTAWWT

  45. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – BTW, if you listen closely you can hear the SecProggs, and the Obamaton camp sobbing.

    – Damn, on the wrong side of the WOT and Iraq.

    – On the wrong side of the oil mess.

    – On the wrong side of health care.

    – On the wrong side of border control.

    – On the wrong side of taxation.

    – On the wrong side of international diplomacy.

    – What next, Bin Ladin’s head shipped to the US in a Macy’s holiday gift hat box?

    – Things are really bleak in Proggville these days, with every new bit of good news for America. And how fucked up is that when your parties success depends on America getting hurt?

  46. Fahrenheit 911 Logic – Pandas are black and white. The levees in New Orleans were purposefully ruptured by the CIA, formerly run by one director Bush (the elder). Bush’s son has insurance on his ranch in Texas. Texas is within proximity of Louisiana. Many of the flood victims had no insurance. New Orleans coincidentally is a chocolate city. Black chocolate is more popular than white chocolate. Everyone who’s anyone knows that Bush (junior) prefers white chocolate. Also a fact is that both Bushes have mutual funds which include diverse holdings… among which are Home Depot (curious, especially given the reconstruction necessitated by the flood) and also Chocolate Blanca, LLC (curiously the world’s largest producer of white chocolate). Badgers have no preference. Pandas are not known to have a preference either. Reports that Home Depot and Chocolate Blanca have invested a ton of time into market research which indicates the Panda inspires purchases of white chocolate have surfaced. Wisconsinites are known to consume a lot of chocolate. The Univ of Wis mascot is the Badger (coincidence??? ;)). If the chocolate city is to be rebuilt, it seems Bush wants to ensure it is built with white chocolate. And only a calamitous event such as Katrina could bring about this vision. As for the insurance angle… keep in mind the goal is a white chocolate city… so, without insurance, most of the victims will (oddly enough) be displaced… and it’s a double windfall for Bush, because many of them are relocating to Texas and Florida (where Bush’s brother wuz guvner). wouldn’t be surprised if they have their hands in rental properties throughout both states. So, it is crucial that pandas are considered badgers. Think Big Chocolate!

  47. nishizonoshinji says:

    my current favored theory, which actually integrates nicely with sufism, faana, transhumanism, and the Turing Heresy.

    Most scientists and philosophers assume consciousness emerges from complex computation among brain neurons and synapses acting as indivisible bits, or information states. Penrose and I suggest that consciousness involves processes at deeper levels, specifically sequences of quantum computations (~40 per second) in structures called microtubules inside brain neurons. The quantum computations we propose link to neuronal-level activities, and are also ripples in fundamental spacetime geometry, the most basic level of the universe.

    One implication of our model relates to a possible scientific basis for secular spirituality (unrelated to any organized religious approach). I should say that Roger avoids discussion of such implications, but I’ve been willing to raise this possibility.

    For me, spirituality implies:

    * Interconnectedness among living beings and the universe

    * A ubiquitous reservoir of cosmic intelligence/Platonic values in touch with our conscious choices and perceptions

    * Existence of consciousness after death

  48. Most scientists and philosophers assume consciousness emerges from complex computation among brain neurons and synapses acting as indivisible bits, or information states. Penrose and I suggest that consciousness involves processes at deeper levels, specifically sequences of quantum computations (~40 per second) in structures called microtubules inside brain neurons. The quantum computations we propose link to neuronal-level activities, and are also ripples in fundamental spacetime geometry, the most basic level of the universe.

    Yeah… you’re right… no evidence of an Author there.

  49. Slartibartfast says:

    my current favored theory

    Is it testable? Negatable?

    It looks a great deal like religion at this point, only without the sacred writings.

  50. Dan Collins says:

    Neurons. Something happens. Voila! Consciousness!

  51. Roboc says:

    my current favored theory, which actually integrates nicely with sufism, faana, transhumanism, and the Turing Heresy.

    Once again, a bunch of commingled theories and doctrine which adds up to bullshit.

  52. Dan – please step away from the Event Horizon.

  53. Roboc says:

    Dan – please step away from the Event Horizon.

    Otherwise the next step will be spegettification.

  54. Dan Collins says:


  55. Rob Crawford says:

    science is kicking that oldstyle skyfathers big white ass.

    So you’re not really a Muslim; you just claim to be. Why is that, exactly?

  56. Rob – it’s called HEDGING … or it might be DECEPTION

  57. what it isn’t is honest.

  58. Rob Crawford says:

    So, basically, nishidiot holds to beliefs that are largely indistinguishable from Shirley McClaines, except that she tries to wrap it up in some sciencism — not science — and types “lulz”.

    So, really, nishidiot is a moron of the highest order.

  59. no, not a moron – 24 years of age is all

  60. Rob Crawford says:

    what it isn’t is honest.

    Oh, I think she’s being honest. It’s just she’s too stupid to really have any concept of the utter… what’s the word… incoherence of her statements and beliefs.

    She’s a ‘tard, and the ultimate expression of the “self-esteem” movement. She feels good about herself, for no other reason than she believes she should. There’s certainly no substance to her accomplishments, abilities, or even to her basic ability to connect with other people. She’s fluff wrapped in attitude, a nothing nobody, a nullity.

  61. Rob Crawford says:

    no, not a moron – 24 years of age is all

    Age has nothing to do with it. At least not physical age.

    Mentally and emotionally, she’s a toddler. She may be able to ape the accomplishments of adults, but she can’t actually understand them. Her “griefing” is nothing more than a tantrum at people who just won’t bow to her whims.

  62. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – A professor of Neuro-science, in addressing one of his classes, poses the following question to a student concerning an concept in the field called the humuculous:

    Professor Townsand: “Ms Blanchert…..When you think of your life as you live each event, moment to moment, how exactly do you perceive the process in your mind?”

    Ms Blanchert: “Oh, well Professor, thats simple….I just picture a large video screen in my head, and my life is played out on the screen, moment to moment, as I experience myself and everything around me.”

    Professor Townsand: “I see…Very good Ms Blanchert….Now…’Who’ is watching the video screen?”

    Ms Blanchert: “Professor, are you trying to get me to say theres such a thing as a “spirit”?”

    Professor Townsand “No, no…not at all Ms Blanchert, I’m a very open minded individual, so I would tend to want to let your spirit speak for itself.”

  63. Roboc says:

    Nishi doesn’t need a god, she has a mirror!

  64. Cowboy says:

    Existence of consciousness after death

    Which pandas conspicuously lack.


  65. Roboc says:

    Comment by Cowboy on 6/26 @ 7:07 am #

    Existence of consciousness after death

    Which pandas conspicuously lack.

    Even if you make a rug out of the pelage?

  66. Cowboy says:

    …now you’re talking.

    The only good panda weasel is a dead and flat one that keeps my feet warm on cold winter nights.

    Plus, if you point its dead, flat head towards the door it’s good feng shui.

  67. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Um guys….If scoring means anything to you, I would suggest you lay off the “pandas suck” theme.

    – Pandas have this “Ohhhh, aren’t they just sooooo adorable (squeal)” thing going on with the ladies.

    – My sweetie tells me I wouldn’t understand, its a “girl thing”. You’ll usually tend to do better by just accepting that some things are knowable only to G_d and the wimmins.

  68. Slartibartfast says:

    A “nishitron” is, I’d say, a particle that resembles the neutrino in that it streams freely, but does not affect (nor is affected by) much of anything in the universe.

    But it has its own religion, which is nice.

  69. alppuccino says:

    Pandas have this “Ohhhh, aren’t they just sooooo adorable (squeal)” thing going on with the ladies.

    “Hi. Trudy’s Tattoo and Body Piercing? Can you make my johnson look like a panda?”

  70. TheGeezer says:

    The city’s residents – exhausted by the litany of pain and hardship following the earthquake on 12 May that left 90,000 dead or missing and millions more homeless

    Well, godless communist regimes may not be able to handle rescue of a few paltry millions of its citizens, but, by Mao, they sure can whip up a rescue lather over cutsie bears with stuffed-likeness marketing potentials.

  71. Roboc says:

    Doesn’t it[good feng shui] depend on whether the mouth is open or not? I couln’t find a “good feng shui” website which addressed panda rugs!

  72. JD says:

    Kung Fu Panda is not a bad movie, at least on an IMAX screen.

  73. Roboc says:

    If scoring means anything to you, I would suggest you lay off the “pandas suck” theme.

    I thought “bad boys” got laid more. I can’t seem to keep up with what you can do and what you can’t do in order to bump uglies! Well, one more thing to add to the list.

  74. N. O'Brain says:

    “Hi. Trudy’s Tattoo and Body Piercing? Can you make my johnson look like a panda?”

    “Ummm, couldn’t Mr. Johnson just rent a panda suit?”

  75. The Lost Dog says:

    “dont think so SEK.
    science is kicking that oldstyle skyfathers big white ass.”

    Only in the eyes of smug, hubristic dolts like you, Nishizero. It’s funny, but what you think doesn’t bother me, but the fact that you pretty seriously think you are as smart as a human can get, does.

    I hope God belts you right betwen the eyes someday, because IF you ever become aware of the truth, you will go totally insane, and run away screaming at even a glimpse of your true self.

    Here’s a general rule, and the reason that you think God is a “construct”. That rule would be that the larger your ego, the farther you are from God. That you can’t even leave even one iota of room for the possibility of God shows just who you are, and how open your mind really is…

    Laugh all you want. I used to be just like you…

  76. SEK says:

    On the one hand, we have evidence that Einstein chucked the notion of a benevolent God when he was older.

    On the other, people claiming that nishi will only come into the fold when she’s older.

    These two trends seem, to me, slightly contradictory. Will my current atheism be confirmed by my inevitable wizening? Or will it be denied? I’m not sure what to think.

    Best to hedge my bets and Praise Jesus! Crap, I mean, the other one.

  77. Slartibartfast says:

    Will my current atheism be confirmed by my inevitable wizening? Or will it be denied? I’m not sure what to think.

    There’s always c) none of the above. I mean, if there’s no afterlife, there’s no confirmation/denial, right?

    Oh, ok. I suppose there might be an afterlife for atheists, too, but you’d have to construct some mythology around it, which might be contrary to the entire point of atheism.

  78. JD says:

    Nishit, Mental Midget.

  79. Aldo says:

    I thought I smelled burning sulphur over at this thread.

    What’s up Nishi? ;)

  80. Cowboy says:

    Nishit, Panda Weasel.

    …only without the moral compass.

  81. Cowboy says:

    …and did you know that a weasel will go into a hen house and kill every damn chicken in there, taking only one or two to eat?

    That old canard about animals only killing what they need to survive? The weasel family forgot to read that particular memo.

  82. nishizonoshinji says:

    i think that smell is Jindal spontaneously combusting.
    chemical castration, exorcism, ID in the science classroom, and angry villagers with pitchforks.

  83. – Are you paying attention Maggie?

    huh? wha? *blink* *blink*

  84. Rusty says:

    Foxes will do that too. Coyotes as well. And the hype about our native American brothers being good to the earth? Bullshit.

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