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November 2024


“Democracy Now!” host blames Midwest floods on global warming [Karl]

Lefty broadcaster Amy Goodman steps away from the mic to tap out some global warming hysteria for the proletariat:

The floodwaters are rising, swamping cities, breaching levees. Tens of thousands are displaced. Many are dead. No, I am not talking about Hurricane Katrina, but about the Midwest United States. As the floodwaters head south along the Mississippi, devastating communities one after another, the media are overflowing with televised images of the destruction.

While the TV meteorologists document “extreme weather” with their increasingly sophisticated toolbox, from Doppler radar to 3-D animated maps, the two words rarely uttered are its cause: global warming.

Goodman was so busy typing that she missed ABC and NBC, Bloomberg, Reuters, the Washington Post and others mentioning global warming in their flood coverage.

Of course, when National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tom Karl — the main quoted source for these claims — is pinned down by (of all outlets) the New York Times, he has to concede that no single period of flooding rains or other extremes can be blamed on global warming.  That is because weather is not climate, as the very same media outlets will remind us when it suits their agenda.

42 Replies to ““Democracy Now!” host blames Midwest floods on global warming [Karl]”

  1. Dan Collins says:

    Ayers and Dohrn were Climatemen, right?

  2. happyfeet says:

    Well, duh. It’s floody cause all the glaciers in Iowa all melted. ABC sent a news crew and couldn’t find any trace of any glaciers left. I mean how much more quod erat can you get?

  3. dre says:

    Man you folks know about GW causing earthquakes?
    Pinheads get on the AlGore circle jerk NOW!

  4. Sdferr says:

    LondonAmerican left this little bit of wisdom in Rise and Fall 2 while cajoling the rightists for mixing science and biology with politics:
    “…i think it’s plain stupid and unimaginative to try to use “science” or biology to determine some political or legal position…”
    How would Amy Goodman see that proposition?

  5. JimK says:

    You know of course, that Spring floods are never related to record snow falls the previous Winter. I mean that stuff just evaporates, right?

  6. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates - UMBA says:

    Ayers and Dohrn were Climatemen, right?

    That’s “Climate Underground”, sexist.

  7. alppuccino says:

    Boy – if only Falwell were here to tell us that this is Iowa’s punishment for starting this whole Obama debacle. God rest him.

  8. dre says:


  9. dre says:

    “Flooding is global warming at work


    F@2kin’ COMMUNIST

  10. dre says:

    Jeff G,
    Your software sucks

  11. Rusty says:

    When you live near a river sooner or later a lot of water is gonna come downstream.

  12. Gray says:

    1990: “Interesting: If we were to say the earth was warming or cooling, we would say it was warming…”

    1995: “There are some indications of warming, but the earth has these cycles. We won’t really know for decades.”

    1998: “The mean temperature of the earth could rise a degree in the next century, but no one alive will see any effects….”

    2000: “The earth is in runaway heating!”

    2005: “The Earf is changing and it’s going to kill you!”

    2008: “The Earf is at the Tipping Point ‘cuz of YOU! Flooding! Hurricaines! ‘Cuz of YOOOOOOUUUUU! Yer gonna dieeeeeeee!”

    Amy Goodman actually has no vagina or external genitalia. If you were to shave that woolly muff, all you would get for your work is some smooth skin–like the inside of your elbow….

  13. Karl says:

    You don’t need a climatologist
    to know which way the wind blows…

  14. Eric Blair says:

    That dishrag wouldn’t recognize global warming if it lit her ass on fire.

  15. Gray says:

    “As reporters stood in waist-high water in the flooded downtowns of major American cities, President Bush basked in the sunlight in Washington, D.C., urging Congress to lift the ban on offshore oil drilling and on oil shale drilling, and to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. While regular people are getting hit in the wallet at the gas pump, paying now more than $4 per gallon for gasoline, the oil, coal and gas industries are reaping huge rewards, and applying pressure to open up protected spaces for resource extraction.

    ‘K…. Where’s the problem?

  16. McGehee says:

    I’d say the problem is the reporters haven’t drowned yet. What the hell’s taking so long?

  17. Gray says:

    if it lit her ass on fire.

    Amy Goodman actually has no ass either. If you shaved off that woooly ass-muff, all you would get is…. Oh, nevermind.

  18. Ted Nugent's Soul Patch says:

    “As the weeks of steady rainstorms turned into months, farmland, cities and towns in the Midwest suffered flooding of historic proportions. The Great Flood of ’93 is the second costliest natural disaster on record in the US, causing more than $12 billion in damage.”

    That little excerpt is from my senior yearbook–in 1994. $20 says Ms. Goodman didn’t even think to blame it global warming at that time.

    Rarely do you see such a walking cliche of unthinking liberalism as Amy Goodman, but sometimes she even manages to top herself.

  19. panther girl says:

    Why does it never occur to them that this could be Armageddon? ;-)

  20. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates - UMBA says:

    Rarely do you see such a walking cliche of unthinking liberalism Big Lie communism as Amy Goodman, but sometimes she even manages to top herself.

    Fixed it for you. :-)

  21. Merovign says:

    Tipping point?

    How many natural systems operate on positive feedback? As in a quanta of energy creates more result than the previous quanta?

    If you can answer that, you may just have discovered “free energy.”

  22. Merovign says:

    Okay, so, clumsy terminology, but the point about tipping is there.

  23. Radish says:

    13 dead in two weeks of weather? Shit, that’s a Friday night’s worth of shooting victims in Chicago. For perspective.

  24. McGehee says:

    Friday night, maybe — but it’s almost double a St. Valentine’s Day in Chicago!

  25. Spin is a powerful inducement. A tree in my yard contracted root rot and fell on my house. It made for telegenic disaster porn, so they sent out a camera crew to get some shots. They wanted me to say that the drought here in Georgia caused the tree to sicken, but of course I had no way of knowing if that was the reason for it. So, when the report aired, they repeated the words of an arborist they had found, who they induced to blame it on the drought.

  26. Slartibartfast says:

    Man you folks know about GW causing earthquakes?

    Thermal expansion, you know. It’s why you have to leave a space in the frame when you’re installing a new window pane.


  27. B Moe says:

    They wanted me to say that the drought here in Georgia caused the tree to sicken…

    Either that or it was just broken hearted by the rampant sprawl and greedy developers.

  28. Amy is 100% correct. I don’t remember the phrase “global warming” during the great flooding of 1993 when Slick was president, and some other secular religious guy was VP.

  29. tink says:

    3 years ago we were so dry that our crops were withering. Two years ago we had record LOWS in number of tornadoes and an almost nonexistent winter – no snowfall until February

    This winter I shoveled “global warming” off my deck for more than 5 friggin’ months and heated my house for 3 months longer than we usually do –I’m STILL not using my air conditioner because we’re just beginning to hit the low 80’s.

    Yes, we’re raining like a sumbitch – things are flooding because the ground is saturated and when you get 10 inches of rain in a few hours there’s no where else for it to other than the rivers and creeks (which you can find about every 10 feet in this state) and they then jump their banks. Get mega inches of rain night after night, and it continues to flood.

    Welcome to Iowa, we have this thing called “weather” – it happens. It’s also why we have so much farmland – rivers, riverbottoms and flood plains = fertile land and almost no need to irrigate. Hellooooooooo

    Why is it the only people I hear whining and pointing fingers about it on the news are pundits and national news?? The people of Iowa are busy – they’re doing things called “working to save their homes, businesses and clean up their communities” – I guess this is something that the media hasn’t never heard of in the past, cuz ya know, we’re all helpless friggin’ victims.

    I am not making light of the situation, it sucks. Our town was one of the first to flood two weeks ago, a night where two tornadoes followed almost identical tracks and then dumped 7 inches of rain on us. Several Houses and businesses are gone – we’ll do what we need to do.

    But GAWD I’m sick of listening to/reading the idiots who have no clue what the hell they are babbling about.

    It’s Iowa – we flooded before, we’ll flood again.

  30. JD says:

    tink – Bravo/a. Well said. Same here in central Indiana.

  31. Sdferr says:

    Just saw newsreportergirl walking in floodwater in waders: “this water is just full of toxins” says she as she bends down to pick up a beercan from the flotsam.

  32. McGehee says:

    The people of Iowa are busy

    The night my wife and I arrived in Marshalltown to visit some of my late father’s relatives, a storm knocked out power to much of the south side of town where they live (and also where we were staying at our hotel) — thus the electric sump pump in my uncle’s basement quit working. He and my aunt spent most of the wee hours of the morning bailing water out of the basement by hand — bending down with scoops, and walking up and down the basement steps repeatedly. The next afternoon my uncle mowed their lawn with a walk-behind power mower.

    Did I mention he’ll be 90 next month?

  33. McGehee says:

    Left something out:

    The night my wife and I arrived in Marshalltown just over two weeks ago to visit some of my late father’s relatives

  34. McGehee says:

    Aw, what the hell: here’s my aunt and uncle, with another aunt, the evening after all that work. Ignore the datestamp on the pic; my wife’s camera had malfunctioned and she hadn’t yet reset the clock in it.

  35. Jeffersonian says:

    Global warming turned me into a newt!

  36. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates - UMBA says:

    He got better.

  37. McGehee says:

    It’s a fair cop.

  38. tink says:

    Comment by Sdferr on 6/21 @ 3:50 pm

    Actually, Newsgirl is probably right. I can’t begin to count the number of “bypass” notifications I’ve received from the DNR the last couple of weeks.. Between sewage plants and hog confinements, there’s so much waste in the water I had to shut down our well (and we only use it for the livestock and yard) It will be quite a while before it’s clear to use again.

    Our local golf course is dead because the chemicals in the runoff. The crops, well, basically, what crops? Much is gone.

    Add the cities to this mix, the oil slicks are everywhere. That “water” is one nasty mix.

    My husband is Nat’l Guard and just came off flood duty – they stuck em with tetanus and hepatitis shots before they left.

    Iowans are some tough folks though(See McGhee’s comment)they’ll get through it. I’m sure there will be some whining at some point, but I’ve yet to see it- for now I’ll just quote some guy in the local news. “there’s work to be done and I’m able to do it” he was one of the thousands of volunteers filling sand bags.

    Comment by McGehee on 6/21 @ 3:51 pm

    My neighbor is 92 and still has a cow/calf operation. He was out on his tractor at 5AM the day of the tornadoes and floods here — my husband was hacking up the fallen trees on the highway and Will was hauling them away.

    When Hubs was last deployed, when it snowed, Will would drive his tractor down here everyday to plow out our half mile long driveway – he said “Your husband is working for me,so I’m working for him”

    I’m a SF Cali girl, I’ve been here in Iowa for 9 of my 47 years. I never really knew what a true a community was until we moved here. I may joke about it, but Iowans are some damned good people.

  39. […] but this year’s hype is that global warming creates the conditions for frequent and severe flooding in the Midwest.  If scientific disagreement is a capital offense, Hansen should be looking over his own […]

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