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November 2024


Either/Or [Dan Collins]

Using dodgy stats, a new voice at The Impolitic tells us it’s all about the demand side of the equation, and only the demand side.  Moreover, it’s only about the American demand side of the equation.

I ridiculed Obama’s lack of a realistic energy policy to a friend while I was in Wisconsin.  He stated that perhaps it would be better if he were no longer able to drive.  Of course, he lives adjacent to Milwaukee on the bus lines, and can take the bus to Madison, where he works much of the time, and where he usually leaves his car, since he and his partner have another one there.

(with apologies to Soren K.)

29 Replies to “Either/Or [Dan Collins]”

  1. JD says:

    These moonbats always go on and on about globalization, global economies, etc … but when they start looking at the underlying issues, it always seems to be America’s fault. They are as predictable as the nishit’s Memes 1-8.

  2. Sdferr says:

    Dodgy? Dude, that writer is a liar, plain and simple.
    And has this logical relation “…No politician will tell the truth anymore [ANYMORE! HA!…ed] because lazy, fat, and inconvenienced Americans will bellow in protest. …” completely upsidedown. Politicians will only tell the truth 9and even then, reluctantly)
    when Americans are bellowing at them in outrage and threatening to throw them out of office.

  3. bergerbilder says:

    “American oil companies have at present 68 million acres under lease. Have the oil companies done any drilling lately? No! Since American oil companies are not producing oil from already leased land, why should we lease them more acreage?”

    I beg to differ, but this kind of news ( is forgotten quickly. Like most hyperbolic statements, the one quoted above from Swampcracker is flat-out wrong.

    Unfortunately, most of that 68 million acres is in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana and Texas coasts, which have been heavily exploited and are starting to show diminishing returns.

    Also, just because there is no drilling on these 68 million acres does not mean there is no exploration going on there. So far, the exploration hasn’t been that promising or there would be more drilling right now. Maybe it’s time to try a new fishin’ hole.

  4. Sgt. York says:

    This simply couldn’t be more dishonest.

    No new drilling or refineries because the Dems are in the pocket of the greens, and ALWAYS oppose every new permit.

    Believe me, I know.

    It’s automatic, reflexive.

    Has anyone ever noticed how much the left projects [in psychological terms] their own failures? Calling others liars when they lie, calling others fascist when fascism will be the inevitable result of the implementation of their policies?

    I’ve noticed a ton of projection coming from the other side on so many issues…anyone else notice this?

  5. Dan Collins says:

    Yes, Sgt York, we’ve noticed. But if you tell them that, they say you’re projecting.

  6. The Lost Dog says:

    Shit! I should know better than to pop in to PW right after I wake up! I’ve been awake for about a half hour, and I read this? It’s not been a good week, but I don’t need to be pissed of this early in the day.

    The Dems are insane, and addicted to lying. I was talking to a friend the other night who told me that U.S oil isn’t “sweet” enough to bother drilling for. I still can’t believe it!

    And why haven’t the oil companies built any refineries in the last thirty years? I don’t even have to answer that, do I? It is disgusting that the Dem’s have tied oil’s hands behind their back, and are now demanding to know WHY they haven’t built refineries. We are up against a lying bunch of fascists.

    ANY excuse to destroy their own way of life! It never seems to occur to Dem’s that THEY are affected by their own idiocy, too.

    I guess that the “G’ment schools” have finally, after about fifty years of dumb-dumb-dumb, achieved the desired effect of making our children too stupid to tie their own shoes.

  7. bergerbilder says:

    I guess that the “G’ment schools” have finally, after about fifty years of dumb-dumb-dumb, achieved the desired effect of making our children too stupid to tie their own shoes.

    I thought it was Velcro what did that.

  8. Rusty says:

    About 2 years ago I was told, I was a very small bit player in the industry, an EIS for a new refinery would take about 12 years.

  9. Rusty says:

    The Sierra Club is not your friend.

  10. Sgt. York says:

    Yeah, Dan, you’re right. And there’s not much logic to that position, after thinking about it, is there?

    How do you deal with people who refuse to think?


  11. His energy policy is a joke, I actually read it this morning because I had mis-read a headline as “Barak caves on refinery” when it was “BP caves..”

    BP ha been trying to upgrade a refinery in Indiana for years now and it’s been blocked, by Mr Obama and cohort. The refinery would have increased output by 15%. I would gather some of that would be gasoline and it would have been nice to have now.

    But Barak will save us all! “Deploy Cellulosic Ethanol: Obama will invest federal resources, including tax incentives, cash prizes and government contracts into developing the most promising technologies with the goal of getting the first two billion gallons of cellulosic ethanol into the system by 2013. ” and “Increase Renewable Fuel Standard: Obama will require 36 billion gallons of renewable fuels to be included in the fuel supply by 2022 and will increase that to at least 60 billion gallons of advanced biofuels like cellulosic ethanol by 2030.”

    How long does this fucker plan to be President anyway?

    Keep in mind he’s also against free trade with South Korea, which will allow US companies to control largeer chunk of Korean companies and also allow US ownership of Insurance and financials, because Korea has a tax on large displacement engines so US cars and light trucks are more expensive there. A tax that Korea has justified as a tax on less efficient, thirstier and dirtier cars. I thought Obama was big on saving gas..”Barack Obama will double fuel economy standards within 18 years while protecting the financial future of domestic automakers. His plan will provide retooling tax credits and loan guarantees for domestic auto plants and parts manufacturers, so that the new fuel-efficient cars can be built in the U.S. rather than overseas.” Wow, this guy can do Everything! Bring back the Pinto Barack!

    Personally, I’ve already bought a fuel efficient car that was built without me having to provide loan guarantees to a couple of companies who obviously do not know how to run their business. I say maybe we should import as many nice, small, fuel efficient cars as we can and let the big old slow non-competetive companies go out of business instead of bailing them out every ten years or so. Less drain on my tax dollars.

  12. Radish says:

    Cash prizes?!?

  13. Cash Prizes. Like at BINGO in the Community center.

  14. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Yes, its all about demand.

    – Thats probably why gas is 2.15-2.25 in Tiauana across the border from me Dan, and 1.65 if I’m willing to drive south into Baja,

    – Demand, thy name is bullshit.

  15. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – But lets set that nasty little “inconvenient truthiness” aside for the moment.

    – The other “Big lie” game the Jackass-crats are playing is that nothing we can do will change things for 7 to 10 years. I’ve heard that fucking gem out of every Dimbulb talking head at least 5 times since this bs started.

    – There is an estimated 1 Trillion barrels (with a “T”) of oil in the Colorado shale deposits alone, never mind the offshore and ANWAR, of which at least 800 Billion barrels are readily accessible. Thats 2.5 to 3 times the entire reserve of the ME major oil producers, and 14 times the reserves in Venezuala.

    – The day we announce we’re opening it up for exploration, watch how long it takes oil futures, and world wide oil prices to drop through the floor.

    – More Democratic bullshit. And you know what. If they stay on this belligerent course the whole bunch of them, and their dime0store phony candidate are all going to take it right in thr poop-chute, and good for them.

  16. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – I have an energy plan that would solve the whole issue, not for a week or a year, but essentially for good until we could develop a more sane and efficient source. Its so straight forward and breath-takingly simple, I truly wonder why no one that doesn’t stand to make a lot of money off this energy scam hasen’t thought about it already.

    – It would essentially make us energy independent.

    – It would provide all the fuel anyone needs for their own use level, even Al Goricle and his 265 times the average household.

    – It would make the Eco-Nutz happy, more or less.

    – It would essentially reduce the politics in energy usage to a minimum.

    – It would guarantee all of us could get back to where we didn’t have to decide whether to eat or buy gas.

    – It would control the rate of usage to a standard that ensures the longevity of our own reserves while we look for alternatives, so we never get pushed into this corner again.

    – It would allow us to tell the ME countries and bana Republics to go fuck themselves. If we didn’t beed their oil, then they couldn’t accuse us of bullshit imperialism, so the only excuse they would have for attacking us would be pure aggression, and we could tell the Marxist Left to SDASTFU. Kick the legs right from underneath the Fascist cult movement.

    – It makes sense because oil is absolutely critical to our economy and survival.

    – It makes total sense, so it will probably never see the light of day.

  17. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    1.) Open up all available American oil reserves to exploration. Control the rate of exploration to a level that ensures if we actually needed to we could depend only on our own oil. That essentially makes us oil independent, by just the faact its there if we needed it.

    2) Run the oil system the same as we run the cell phone companies. Everyone buys a gas plan that starts at some normal usage level, with various month to month cost levels that go up in price per gallon as your usage goes up. the levels can be set so that average usage for work, school, shopping, some level of descretionary consumption is there for the lowest plan. As your consumption goes up, your cost per gallon goes up. If you exceed even the higher plans, just like in cellular, you pay through the ass.

    – Everybody wins, even the ECO-nutz.

    – Its not a hardass Marxist rationing plan, but it achieves the same results, and satisfues everybodys aims.

    – Discuss.

  18. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Businesses, shipping, interstate and local, would have their own plans, essentially paying at a fixed rate for all instances where its normal critical commerce. Shipping companies will be self regulating just naturally, since they’re not likely to be going for joy rides.

  19. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – The government could go right on collecting tax revenue as a part of the cost per gal for each plan, and again the tax levels would increase as you went up in plan level. That insures the bigger users would be paying the most in taxes. Even the redistribution of wealth assholes would be all smiles with this approach.

    – Conress and the gov. in general might be a little less happy, because they couldn’t play as many pork barrel games with tax revenues, but I don’t know anybody that would get all broke up over that but the Se4cProggs and their nannystate plans.

  20. thoratlas says:

    Somebody’s mind is on a joyride with itself.

    You need a life, or a gun.

  21. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Scares you huh thor. Blows all your Statist plans to hell. Go fuck yourself.

  22. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – If you don’t like it thats the best endorsement the plan could possibly have.

  23. BBH,

    I’d eventually be able to make a decent pile by scouring cheaper gas from across th border and selling it here at a profit. You can’t stop the signal.

  24. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Sure, but getting it to your destination might prove a little tricky. Trucking weigh stations and inspection stops from Maine to Mexico now inspect trucking, particularly fuel or any sort of HAZMAT trucking, very closely. The fines for tax and certification evasion can be breathtaking. But give it your best shot.

  25. Sdferr says:

    Statist is an insult now? When did that memo come down?

  26. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – I don’t consider it an insult, simply a differing POV. On the other hand the description of a persons depth of blind zealousness for a particular POV very well might be.

  27. dicentra says:

    This drives me crazy. What narcissism! They just love these high gas prices, because it will force us to stop driving SUVs and Hummers and use less AC or heat or take the bus to work instead of driving.

    I mean, forced virtue is still virtue, ain’t it?

    But I don’t drive an SUV or a Hummer: I drive an eleven-year-old Protégé that gets 35 on the highway (half my commute). If I switched to public transport, my commute would triple from 1/2 hour to 1.5 hours. I don’t have AC in the house, I have an evaporation cooler. It’s tons cheaper to run than AC, because it’s just a small water pump and a fan.

    Furthermore, a lot of the people in the country are already riding the bus, not using much electricity, or driving a beater car, because they’re already POOR, yo. When the gas prices go up, so do the bus fares, so does the food, so do all utilities. What about all these people on fixed incomes? They’re already living at the major scrimp level.

    AND. If the global petroleum prices are high for us, they’re also high for Guatemala, Haiti, Mozambique, Uganda, Togo, Eritrea, Mongolia, Philippines, Malaysia, and Kazakhstan.

    Yeah, they were such energy hogs to begin with. They ride buses, too, and their fares will rise beyond their ability to pay. Our moronic Ethanol mandates are already taking food out of their mouths: we might as well also prevent them from riding into the city (where they can’t afford to live) to get work.


    But it’s worth it if Our Betters can feel all warm and holy

  28. Trucking weigh stations and inspection stops from Maine to Mexico now inspect trucking, particularly fuel or any sort of HAZMAT trucking, very closely.

    I’ll put it in plastic jugs that look, you know, like immigrants.

  29. Sgt. York says:

    “And now it’s time for ‘Amateur Economic Hour,’ with your host, Dan Collins.

    Every week Dan will post a logical economic proposition, and then you can gleefully watch the amateurs chime in with the looniest of ideas.

    Yes, that’s right: Marxist equivocation, Laffler doubting, Friedman contradiction; lovable lunacy abounds every week.

    So tune in next week at the same time and channel for another edition of ‘Amateur Economic Hour.'”

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