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November 2024


John McCain: Lurching, light green maverick [Karl]

The Washington Post reports on the incoherency of John McCain’s positions on environmental issues.  For example, when it comes to drilling for oil off the shores of California or Florida, he is a federalist.  When it comes to drilling in Alaska, he opposes it as though it was drilling in the Grand Canyon or the Everglades (though the latter is in Florida, last I checked).  Except if it is attached to a must-pass defense spending bill, in which case he reluctantly votes for drilling in the ANWR.

The WaPo also reports that McCain has made the environment one of the key elements of his presidential bid, but “follows a fairly instinctive approach to deciding environmental questions,” and does not boast an extensive staff of experts on these issues.  Given that the environment ranks low in every poll of issues important to Americans, one might wonder whay McCain has spent so much political capital annoying conservatives and green groups alike, with no clear payoff among the electorate and no overarching principles motivating him.  It is probably best seen as an example of what our host Jeff Goldstein has called “essentially a progressive mindset that lurches toward conservatism whenever the mood strikes.”  In this case, he probably thinks he looks like Teddy Roosevelt, but it’s more Bull than Moose.

Update: Allah-lanche!

24 Replies to “John McCain: Lurching, light green maverick [Karl]”

  1. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – I don’t know what MvDinosaur thinks he looks like, but I know what he looks like to me. A confused old fart. As Ann said recently: “So now we are left with a choice between a Progressive Black guy with bo ecperience who talks to terrorists, and a living relic Progressive who talks to Ted Kennedy. But perhaps America is getting the changiness its been seeking, by finally getting rid of the Clintons.”

  2. happyfeet says:

    Carbon dioxide is not pollution. I know that’s hard for John to get his head around, cause it sounds so chemically, but for real it’s just air. There was bunches of carbon dioxide in his cell in Nam even. Torturous fiends.

  3. McGehee says:

    Just think how McCain will react when people tell him about dihydrogen monoxide!

    He’ll declare war on the stuff. Literally.

  4. daleyrocks says:

    Somebody needs to tell St. John that we need to drill it and drain it here at home while we try to figure out how to develop energy out of progressive bloviations and gasbaggery. Glenn Greenwald alone ought to be good for a mid-sized city once the technology is perfected.

  5. psycho... says:

    essentially a progressive mindset that lurches toward conservatism whenever the mood strikes

    I probably said this last time, but —

    Too kind.

    His only “lurches toward conservatism” are military-related. His social-con positions are Progressively justified (e.g., “human cockfighting”; he’s all about shielding the rubes from temptations-to-degeneracy), and his anti-earmark schtick is a cloak for his preferred, less blatant, more old-fashioned style of corruption. He’s pro-military because the military is part of the government, the whole of which (with the exception of some libertarian-minded and/or RACIST! Republicans) he identifies with a heroic image of himself.

    T. Roosevelt is a very apt comparison, and the “instinctive” nature of McCain’s views is the key to it. He’s not inconsistent; he has no ideas, as he frequently admits. He has an attitude, and that’s all he needs, because he’s better than you.

  6. B Moe says:

    but it’s more Bull than Moose.

    And more moose than squirrel.

  7. TmjUtah says:

    Oh geeze just let it be December. Please.


    I’ll vote against Obama. But damn McCain makes it hard for me to decide who for….

  8. Jeff G. says:

    “Goldstein/Burge 2008: How Can We Be Any Worse?”

  9. Noah D says:

    Stolen from Kim:

    “McCain ’08: I love my country more than I hate John McCain.”

  10. JD says:

    Goldstein/Burge – Mushroom bruises all around for the media.

  11. memomachine says:


    “Goldstein/Burge 2008: How Can We Be Any Worse?”

    You know I could buy into that.

    Personally I’m not voting for McCain. So writing in Jeff G isn’t going to break my ass.

  12. Smirky McChimp says:

    McCain ’08 – “When I fuck you in the ass, I have the God-damn common courtesy to give you a reach-around.”

  13. […] more pressing question, per Karl and DrewM: Why on earth is he campaigning on this issue in the first place? His ad budget’s […]

  14. Drumwaster says:

    Just imagine the following scenario come next January 20th:

    “Repeat after me. I, state your name, do solemnly swear to support and defend…”

    “I, None Of The Above, do solemnly swear…”

    {/better living through powerful hallucinogens chemistry}

  15. MikeD says:

    John McCain who graduated almost at the bottom of his class because (we have to assume) he is a maverick and simply wasn’t much interested in intellectual issues, today acknowledges that while he doesn’t know much about economics he has looked into climate science, has become an expert, and is convinced it is real. He insists we must believe him on this subject and so is going to stuff climate change and “crap & tirade” down our throat. Because of the warmening.
    For almost 8 years we have heard how dumb GWB is–a real doofus who can’t talk but lies when he does. John McCain is going to assure George’s legacy and make him look like a genius. Sorry folks, I’ll vote down ticket, but despite judges and Iraq I can’t bring myself to support or vote for this idiot.

  16. happyfeet says:

    I can happily vote for McCain. I want his ass out of the Senate bad.

  17. RTO Trainer says:

    Right, Feet. That makes sense. No more McCain-_____ Whatever Act, just an impotent executive hamstrung by an opposition Congress….

  18. B Moe says:

    No more McCain-_____ Whatever Act, just an impotent executive hamstrung by an opposition Congress….

    Hmmmm… Since you put it that way….

  19. […] Protein Wisdom – John McCain: Lurching, light green maverick [Karl] […]

  20. The Lost Dog says:

    happyfeet –

    I’ll happily vote for McCain, also.

    IF the little dork that drives me to the polling place tells me to. But, then again, if he tells me to vote for Obama, I’ll do that too.

    I may be approaching senility (or may have been senile for the last thirty five years), but I just have this feeling that this election is the biggest nightmare in American history.

    “Would you rather be boiled or fried, sir?”

    Quite a choice, huh?

  21. […] have previously suggested that McCain’s effort seems Quixotic, given how little the vast majority of voters […]

  22. reviews says:

    I’d just like to thank you for taking the time to create this internet website. It has been extremely helpful

  23. John McCain is also a very good politician. he did not win because the people are not satisfied on the Republicans.`*’

  24.  Bench Saw says:

    John McCain is a great politician, perhaps better than Barack Obama..`

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