
Jeff's Wish List

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March 2025


What Your Pledge to The Goldstein Democratic Convention Fund Will Buy [Dan Collins]

(with related commentary on Mother’s Day):

Comment by happyfeet on 5/8 @ 12:37 pm #
Oh that’s right. Mother’s Day. I did that yesterday. I very nearly forgot but Other Guy mentioned it. I spent more than I wanted to I think but it’s kind of cool cause mom’s getting a plant that comes from this place that just mostly exists to employ special people who don’t think so good, so it’s better than doing the honeybaked ham thing again.

Comment by Jeff G. on 5/8 @ 12:38 pm #
Shit. Have to go out and get a Mother’s Day gift. In the rain. Shoeless.

Oh. And here’s a pledge. If I can raise $500 more, I will develop a character who is very pro gay marriage, wears a few rolled up bandanas, a half shirt, short shorts, leg warmers, and maybe even some roller skates.

Dig deep, people. I’ll have to really get my abs firmed for that one.

Comment by happyfeet on 5/8 @ 12:38 pm #
I love you mom. Here’s a ham. Kind of lame.

30 Replies to “What Your Pledge to The Goldstein Democratic Convention Fund Will Buy [Dan Collins]”

  1. Enoch_Root - BONC also says:

    You know… if I saw that conversation in real-time, in-thread… er, context, I wouldn’t think anything of it. But seeing it as an actual post, in and of itself, I am beginning to wonder if really this place is mostly a big pit of sick and mostly twisted odd creatures trapped in the wrong century… or, possibly, wrong dimension…

  2. scooter (not libby) says:

    Which, as indicated by your naming yourself “Enoch Root”, is right up your alley.

  3. JD says:

    Thank you Mom. Here’s a ham.

  4. Enoch_Root - BONC also says:

    scooter – point taken. it’s just I wonder if PW is the intratard’s Land of the Misfit Toys. If it is, then would that make Jeff the kid who wants to be a dentist? And, worse, I guess one of us would have to be the demented jack-in-the-box. And then there’s the elephant stuffed animal missing chunks of itself. Who then would be the Himalayan Snow Beast?

  5. N. O'Brain says:

    I never had to give Mom a ham.

    She had me.

    WAAAYYYYY ot, more good news:

    Al Qaida leader arrested in Iraq

    The leader of al Qaida in Iraq, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, has been arrested in the northern city of Mosul, an Iraqi Defence Ministry spokesman has said.


  6. PCachu says:

    ‘Fraid I can’t be the snow beast. I don’t bounce. At all.

  7. Joseph Merrick says:


  8. Ouroboros says:

    Do they have a stuffed snake on the Island of Misfit Toys?

    Cause if they do I think I would be uniquely qualified to play the part.

    If not a snake, how about an eel….?

  9. Ouroboros says:

    … or maybe a Ferret.. They’re long and skinny..

    ..but I’d have to wear a wig and glue on some legs..

  10. McGehee says:

    And, worse, I guess one of us would have to be the demented jack-in-the-box.

    Only one?


    Here we are
    Bound to be kings
    We are the misfits of the blogosphere!

  11. McGehee says:



  12. Jim in KC says:

    Good idea, closing the Queen tag. You wouldn’t want your face to get stuck like that. Or something along those lines.

  13. SarahW says:

    My mom slugged me with a small ham in a plastic bag once. That’s a long story.
    I guess that makes me yarny. Like that doll, the once that you can’t quite put your finger on what’s the matter with her.

  14. How long can you get your hair by then? Cause I might be able to donate some if you can get a good Jew-fro going.

  15. cranky-d says:

    In my opinion, there was nothing wrong with the doll. She was just unloved for no good reason.


  16. Jeff G. says:

    That’s what wigs are for, Christopher.

    So far, nary a dime since I made the latest offer to humiliate myself. Which is both good and bad, depending on one’s perspective. Or one’s desire not to be photographed looking like some Venice Beach freak with an Obama bobblehead doll on his shoulder like some demented parrot.

    But then, what are you gonna do, right?

  17. Rusty says:

    OK. I shelled out some bucks. Which is more than the tiresome trolls will ever do. So if you do something bazzare, take pictures.

  18. nishizonoshinji says:

    i amazond.
    works well.

  19. nishizonoshinji says:

    did you see dr. pournelle’s fundraiser?
    good model, i think.

  20. donald says:

    How does a guy like that get arrested? How come he ain’t some kinda meat based paste?

  21. happyfeet says:

    Oh. Misfit Toys. That was the first Rudolph tv thinger. And Speed Racer comes out this weekend. Same studio what distributes them and also Bill Maher. And you notice also Burl Ives is involved, who was in Roots, which is distributed by the Speed Racer and Rudolph people too.

    Make it stop.

  22. McGehee says:

    Good idea, closing the Queen tag.

    Yeah, I hate it when people forget to close their HTML tags.

  23. Dan Collins says:

    I’d be with you, hf, but . . . Christina Ricci.

  24. happyfeet says:

    I like her too. I kind of wanted to see the one with Reese Witherspoon where Christina had a pig face. That didn’t happen though.

  25. happyfeet says:



    They both say a lot with their eyes I think.

  26. Dan Collins says:

    I’m not permitted to access that server. *sigh*

  27. McGehee says:

    Hmmm. I just realized my previous comment could be read as a reference to another person’s HTML coding. That was not my intention; at the time I was unaware that anyone had done any such thing. Other than me, of course.

  28. happyfeet says:

    Oh. Weird. I tried it in a different browser to make sure.

  29. Semanticleo says:


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