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March 2025


A Massive Insult to the Brain [Dan Collins]

Poor Mr. Casaubon had imagined that his long studious bachelorhood had stored up for him a compound interest of enjoyment, and that large drafts on his affections would not fail to be honored; for we all of us, grave or light, get our thoughts entangled in metaphors, and act fatally on the strength of them.

–George Eliot, Middlemarch

Today’s prime example of progressive post-intelligent thought comes from Jeffrey Feldman at the Huffington post, who entitles his extraordinary entry “Did Limbaugh Try to Incite Violence?”

For weeks, now, Rush Limbaugh has been trying to incite political violence by giving on-air military-sounding orders, effectively ‘commanding’ his listeners to wage war against the U.S. electoral system.

The right-wing pundit‘s ‘orders’ to his Republican listeners have been clear: vote in the Democratic primaries as a coordinated tactic for sewing division in the opposition party. The goal of such ‘chaos,’ Limbaugh has stated explicitly, is to foment hatred between different parts of the Democratic Party leading, ultimately, to street riots during the Denver convention.

The ongoing incident raises a serious question:

How does Limbaugh’s bid to incite political violence with radio broadcasts differ from previous instances where radio has been used to that end (e.g., Rwanda)?

Most Americans would agree that using radio to incite political violence is not only wrong, but the attempt itself represents a massive failure in our democracy. How Limbaugh’s broadcasts differ from, say, radio broadcasts that incited violence in Rwanda and Kenya, for example, can help us to understand exactly what Limbaugh was doing and the exact danger it poses.

Political violence? Wherefore dost thou shit me, sirrah?

This is the same hooey that defines disagreement as some act of psycholinguistic violence against some protected group. Does Limbaugh advocate that the Replis take up machetes against the Demtus and hack their limbs off?

A more feculent edifice of stupidity I have not seen in many moons. It is Greenwaldian in its construction from fragments of airy nothingness mortared together with rhetorical dung, and every bit as sturdy. What? No mention of Kos? Nothing to say about the Recreate 68ers broadcasting their desire for actual, physical violence against people and property at the Democratic Convention?

I hereby ass-rape you, Mr. Feldman–by decree, you snivelling spooge-bag.


50 Replies to “A Massive Insult to the Brain [Dan Collins]”

  1. SGT Ted says:

    This is akin to Bill Clinton blaming the OK City bombing on talk radio.

    I get sloppy seconds! I’m feelin like a Viking today.

  2. McGehee says:

    Last night I committed gustatory violence against several species of fish and assorted aquatic creatures. Not to mention my digestive tract but it’s used to being victimized in such fashion.

    During the course of dinner I also rhetorically disemboweled the vegetarian and vegan communities with insulting humor.

    It was most enjoyable.

  3. happyfeet says:

    Baracky says we shouldn’t decide stuff based on whether or not it will cause a genocide. You have to keep your eye on the ball.

  4. N. O'Brain says:

    “tactic for sewing division”

    Did he actually write that?

    Just checked.

    Yup, he actually wrote that.

    Fucking illiterate.

  5. McGehee says:

    Baracky says we shouldn’t decide stuff based on whether or not it will cause a genocide.

    Well, that’s good, ’cause I need to go genocidal on a cookie. Back later.

    <distant battlecry> DIE COOKIES!!!! </distant battlecry>

  6. The Apologist says:

    I hereby ass-rape you, Mr. Feldman–by decree, you snivelling spooge-bag.

    OMG! I laughed for three whole minutes after reading this. I actually cried a little and now my face muscles kind of hurt. Thank You Dan. I can always count on PW to bring the funny at some point during the day. This is why I rank PW just below AceHQ as the best blog on the net these days.

    happyfeet, you’re consistently hilarious too.

    Just sayin’.

  7. SarahW says:

    a coordinated tactic for sewing division in the opposition party.

    Next tactic, superglue on your seats. Because you rip what is sewn.

    McGehee, I just beat up and committed a bunch of macarons to the ovens. Mmm, crispy and, uh, chewy. That’s as close as I’m going to a pun right there.

  8. SarahW says:

    I wonder what a good filling would be for a PW macaron. What they look like

  9. qrstuv says:

    So now trouble of any kind is “violence”?

    No wonder the Left sees no threat from Islamo-fascism.

    They have lost the vocabulary.

  10. jdm says:

    You know, like the idiot I am I went to the link and read parts of the article in question. It occurred to me after reading the conclusion:

    When a prominent radio figure begins systematically calling for his listeners to engage in acts that intended to bring about political violence, citizens have a responsibility to examine the implications of such a development.

    that he is serious. And loopy. But the most interesting thing (to me) is that after accusing Rush of inciting violence against the Left in the context of the Rwandan mass murders, he prescribes… discussion? analysis? I mean, he has built an argument that describes a Dittohead Army on the move, possibly machetes in hand, looking for poor Lefties to attack, murder, hack to pieces. And the course of (re-)action? Examination.

    And then I remembered something… ah, yes, the finest parody of the Left ever written, The Life of Brian. In this case, scene 21, when the revolutionaries need to act to defend one of their members.

    Is there any wonder why non-Leftists worry about how Obama and the Left may run the war against Islamism?

  11. McGehee says:

    I wonder what a good filling would be for a PW macaron.

    Just the thought is making my pancreas scream for mercy.

    Which makes my spleen very, very happy.

  12. N. O'Brain says:


    Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted.

    – Fred Allen

  13. happyfeet says:

    Thanks, Apologist. I do not know this AceHQ. I’ll check it out.

  14. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Machetes? How common. Go to Cold Steel or Atlanta Cutlery and pick up a nice stylish cutlass with a good carbon steel blade…

  15. Dan Collins says:

    What Would Reynolds Buy?

  16. Pablo says:

    This is preemption. When the proggs behave badly, all will be debited to the Limbaugh account. And Halliburton. And Blackwater. And Kyoto.

  17. McGehee says:

    No wonder I was disappointed with my last cutlass. I bought it at an Oldsmobile dealership.

  18. Jeffersonian says:

    “Vote for Hillary” == “Kill the Tutsi”

    Some people shouldn’t be allowed near keyboards.

  19. Ric Locke says:

    McGehee, the only consolation is that le Sabre from across the road was even duller.


  20. McGehee says:

    They got along well, though.

    Ran off and had a litter of Toronados or some such. They were pretty happy until one day the le Sabre had a Corvette.

    It was an ugly divorce.

  21. Cincinnatus says:

    Limbaugh needs to encourage his listeners to kick Feldman in the nads.

  22. Rick Ballard says:

    “It was an ugly divorce.”

    As bad as the Mustang’s breakup after she dropped that Pinto?

  23. SDN says:

    Was Mr. Feldman born a total dumbass or did he go to special schools?

    I’ll take both for $1000, Alex.

  24. Commandante El Rushbo says:

    Attn., PW Battalion:

    If Che’ were alive
    What would He do…

    Carry on.

  25. McGehee says:

    Not quite, Rick. It could’ve been worse for both couples, I suppose, since at least they kept it in their respective religions.

    The Dodge Ram that was caught canoodling with a VW Rabbit, not so much.

  26. N. O'Brain says:


    The commentors over at AoSHQ are a scream.

    Watch how they change names for comments.

  27. wishbone says:

    Two complaints, Dan.

    1. Whew, the imagery from your decree. Yikes. I’m kinda out of options for a remedy because Ambien gives my nightmares. Looks like I picked a bad week to quit vodka and barbs…

    2. The comments in the link at HuffPo are laced with plutonium level toxic stupidity. Give Rush credit, he knows how to annoy the little critters.

  28. Rick Ballard says:

    Ugly stuff, McGehee. Reminds me of the National Enquirer spread on that Marlin checking into a cheap motel with a school of young Barracuda. He sure got more than he was counting on…

  29. thor says:

    If Che’ were alive
    What would He do…

    He’d be thirsty. I think he’d request a Tecate and a lime.

  30. Spiny Norman says:

    #7 SarahW

    Because you rip what is sewn.

    LMAO! I’m dyin’ here!


  31. JohnAnnArbor says:

    for sewing division in the opposition party

    Wonder what kind of a stitch that is.

  32. JohnAnnArbor says:

    Hey, is this Feldman guy related to Corey Feldman? “Cause that could explain the stupid. A little.

  33. David the Fifth says:

    On the other hand, you probably won’t be very welcome over at Ace’s unless you embrace the AoS Lifestyle. Everyone there is a self-described moron, dedicated to killing hobos and drinking Valu-Rite. Other than that, it is a reasonably hospitable place…as long as you are not a McCain supporter.


  34. The Lost Dog says:

    How could anybody be upset with Mr. Felddman?

    It is obvious that someone peed into the fruit vat just before the illegal farm workers packed him into one of those tiny little cans that say “Dole’s Fruit Cocktail”

    Let’s see how long it is before the rest of the fruit cocktails try to indict Mr. Limbaugh for exercising his right of free speech.

    My guess is that it won’t be long before some left wing brown shirt does exactly that. Another guess is that John McDrooler will go along with it – as a “compassionate conservative”, you know… “Let’s reach out to the left, even though they have kicked our teeth in every time we have tried to for the last 50 years or so…”

    No one has a right to question the party bosses, and I just re-read the Constitution to make sure that the founding fathers put that clause in there. I couldn’t find it, but I KNOW it’s there somewhere!

    I just heard some brown shirt say that Hillary Clinton has no right to stay in the race. I just LOVE the Demolition party. “Fuck your interpretation of the constitution and shut the fuck up when I talk at you!”

    What scares me is the reaction of Oba Ha Ha Ha Ha Ma’s supporters to his “I am full of hot air, but wear expensive clothes and know how to be hopey truthy” speech. I just don’t get the feeling that there were a lot of history buffs in that crowd.

    Ahhh.. time to go. I just get so pissed sometimes (a LOT!). I used to laugh at these idiots, but I’m not so sure it’s funny antmore.

    Thank you for your time.

  35. Aldo says:

    The right-wing pundit’s ‘orders’ to his Republican listeners have been clear: vote in the Democratic primaries as a coordinated tactic for sewing [sic] division in the opposition party.

    Not only is it post-intelligent it is post-literate.

  36. Dewclaw says:

    Is that the 82nd Airborne Sewing Division… or the 10th Mountain Sewing Division?

  37. TheGeezer says:

    snivelling spooge-bag

    My nostrils are damaged by hot coffee going in entirely the wrong direction. Damn, why can’t I come up with stuff like that?

    This may be the funniest thread ever…

  38. mojo says:

    Rip what you sew!!?
    (peers at Sarah, decides against instant termination)

    Ah, she ain’t that bad.

    I blame the thread.

  39. Lil' Cheney says:

    Ra ra ra-ra, kill the hippies, Ra ra ra…

  40. BJTexs TW/BP says:

    Big Puppet Heads, Big Puppet Heads
    Walkin’ down my street
    High on outrage, short on brains
    Lookin’ for some cans to beat

    Big Puppet Heads, Big Puppet Heads
    How do you stay upright?
    Manipulated by chief ditto head
    sew blinded by the chaos light

    Big Puppet Heads, Big Puppet Heads
    tools of the radio thug
    they will pay, that self serve news
    While dittos laugh and hug.

  41. McGehee says:

    Reminds me of the National Enquirer spread on that Marlin checking into a cheap motel with a school of young Barracuda.


    Matador and, uh…


    Gremlin? Pacer?

    I think I’ve run out of gas for this genre.

  42. PalmettoTiger says:

    If Che’ were alive
    What would He do…

    Frantically claw at the roof of his coffin while screaming “Let me the fu#k otta here, amigos?”


  43. McGehee says:

    Frantically claw at the roof of his coffin while screaming

    PT, you do know how to brighten my day.

  44. Al Maviva says:

    dedicated to killing hobos and drinking Valu-Rite

    You say that like it’s a bad thing, or somethin.

  45. PalmettoTiger says:

    Thanks, McGehee. Not being the literary wit of others on here – and not really having anything new to add to the ‘science and ethics’ thread – I do what I can.


  46. TheGeezer says:


    Matador and, uh…


    Gremlin? Pacer?

    I think I’ve run out of gas for this genre.

    McGeehee, say it isn’t so!

    How about anything with Midgets?

  47. McGehee says:

    Hmmm. Midgets and Gremlins. Guaranteed to send JD ballistic.

  48. datadave says:

    “finest parody of the Left ever written, The Life of Brian. In this case, scene 21, when the revolutionaries need to act to defend one of their members.”

    that’s teh Stupid! eh ya!! how about X-ianity, Life and Motherhood too? I don’t think Monty Python’s ilk were a bunch of Conservatives do you?

    English Fords !!!! with turn signals that hinge out of the middle door posts. As kids we used an Shetland pony to pull it down the street in the snow.

    Limbaugh’s rhetoric is indeed akin to that of the Nazis during the 30s and 40s. Just replace the word, “Liberal” with “Jew” and you’ll get the picture. Repeat after me, “Leave a few of them Liberals around just to show how bad it used to be”. a quote I heard on his program awhiles back.

  49. B Moe says:

    I don’t think Monty Python’s ilk were a bunch of Conservatives do you?

    John Cleese is, not sure of the others.

  50. McGehee says:

    Right, dogmadave. Because Hitler’s speeches were all about making people laugh.

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