Could use some prayers. Some of you, I know, have been following them at Caring Bridge. Here’s the latest:
(Denise Writing)
Well the house looks like a tornardo hit it, but we made it out and are now in Tuscon, Arizona.
Here’s how the last three days have been for us. Eric found out about his tumors on Thursday. Friday I spent all day getting medical records and getting Eric into MD Anderson, Saturday was Cade’s 9th birthday, we had a party. In the mist of all this we were packing to leave for Houston. The last few days felt like a week.
We had a good day driving, listening to lots of praise music. I read the book Betrayed, by Stan Telchin, which I loved. The kids watched TV and colored (thanks Jamie, Daryl and Maddie). Eric drove.
I will do the driving tomorrow, to give him a break. We will be in El Paso tomorrow and will do a long drive on Tuesday from El Paso to Houston. It will be an 11 hour driving day! We need to be in Houston by Wednesday so we will tough it out.
God continues to bless us through our journey. Despite what some friends have said to me, it is God that gives me the daily strength to move forward each day, it is not my own inner strength.
Without God I would be depressed and going crazy. I have one child who is mentally retarded, another with brain cancer and a husband with testicular cancer. No human has the strength to deal with this situation without God.
I am completely at peace with our situation and see God’s blessings everyday. There is a reason for alll of this, I know in the future the purpose will become clearer. Christ is the reason that I am at peace; without Him I would be overwhelmed and miserable.
MD Anderson means they’re in really good hands.
Some people have all the luck, huh?
Good people doing the best they can to make it through the most difficult of times. You’ve posted on this young boy’s struggle before, Dan, thanks for the update.
You know that old cliche, “God never gives you more than you can handle”?
I have always found that to be well-intended, but sort of silly. In my experience, and certainly for the Ragers, we see that God does, indeed, sometimes burden us with more than we can endure.
In moments, though, when our burdens are so loathsome, there is great Grace. W’re reminded of how much we depend on God, and on the friends and other blessings He has placed around us.
Yes, these people are amazing. I have been following their posts, and I am inspired by their faith. Truly living examples of near-Christian Perfection. God Bless them.