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Election 2008: The Onion hacks CNN's website [Karl]

What else would account for “An unspoken demographic problem for Obama?”:

WASHINGTON (CNN) — As both Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton race to make history, some political observers believe Obama might have a unique problem because he’s African-American.

They claim voters often say they’ll go one way, then act quite differently at the polls when it comes to a candidate’s race.

The punchline? “There is no indication in the polls that were taken immediately before the Pennsylvania primary that there was any sort of a ‘Bradley’ effect going on.”

63 Replies to “Election 2008: The Onion hacks CNN's website [Karl]”

  1. Ouroboros says:

    It’s scary.. If you take The Onion’s articles off their site and mix them with ‘real’ articles from the mainstream media.. I defy you to sort them out…

    Take this one..(One of my all time favs, attributed to Nancy Pelosi)

    The Americans with Inabilities Act of 2006

  2. and if there happens to be any, well… let’s see, the folks voting are… erm… democrats? I thought they were immune to racism and such.

  3. SGT Ted says:

    So, to summarize:

    Obama is in trouble because whitey is racist. Except we can’t tell if whitey is, indeed, a racist.

    Is that right?

  4. Karl says:

    SGT Ted,

    Yes, but it’s “unspoken.” No one is talking about this whole “race” thing.

  5. happyfeet says:

    Hey I ain’t votin’ for no black African-American I’m voting for Baracky. Hillary is such like a total racist bitch.

  6. JD says:

    Nobody is talking about race? Nobody except for every freaking Obamatron out there.

  7. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    It does seem to be the fallback manuver for any Obama voter I have ever seen. They just call the other person racist, or imply that alot of people will not vote for Obama simply because he is black and that voting for him will move us past that.(like that is not racism hoping you can cleanse your whiteness by voting for a black man)
    This is especially difficult for me to understand when you hear these same people actually defend a blatant racist, Rev. Wright, and suggest he is somehow taken out of context. Like if I was ordering a hamburger one day something like this might pop out “yeah white people invented AIDS, can I have fries with that please.” It kinda makes me think the racism they want to “move past”, is the kind that will end up by election time equating “moving past” racism as simply voting Democrat.

  8. dicentra says:

    How do they know that people said one thing and did another? They don’t poll every potential voter, but they do count every actual vote.

    What if the voters who say they’ll vote for the black guy are less likely to actually show up at the polls than those who don’t? Maybe they’re not in the habit of voting, or they don’t have a ride, or they’re just not that into it.

    I’d call it the “Obama girl” effect, myself. It ain’t racism, folks: it’s inertia.

  9. psycho... says:

    The “Because white women won’t vote for Obama and black people won’t vote for Hillary, white guys are racists” spin works much better than the “secret ballot = KKK hood” spin. They should stick with the former, at least until the primaries end.

    Nutroots-type Democrats have been waiting years for the right big voter-racism/-sexism story to hook the idea of universal “card check” to, to get the idea some MSM air, so that when the Party makes its big move against the secret ballot, the idea doesn’t seem crazy. With a November loss in the air, they’re jumping the gun.

    Calm down, kidz. If your guy loses, you’ll get what you want. You always eventually do. Patience. Top men are on the job.

    Top men.

  10. Aldo says:

    The “Because white women won’t vote for Obama and black people won’t vote for Hillary, white guys are racists” spin works much better than the “secret ballot = KKK hood” spin.

    Mark Steyn summed it up the other day at the Corner:

    “But, if they think this is a low, mean, petty, unbecoming contest, wait an election cycle or two when the Democratic primary offers the gay guy versus the imam.”

  11. Lisa says:

    Okay this obsession with Obama is starting to get disturbing. I mean, you have already said you think he is a Marxist crank and a dilettante. The “All Obama All the Time” thing is getting boring.

    Just my humble opinion. I thought you might want to know what I, your token Marxist crank commenter, thought about your topic choices.

  12. happyfeet says:

    This was a lot a CNN post too though. That was really stupid how they did that story. The punchline was worth it I thought.

  13. N. O'Brain says:

    “…you think he is a Marxist crank and a dilettante.”




  14. N. O'Brain says:

    Actually, I usually just call him an “empty suit”.

  15. Lisa says:

    Actually, I usually just call him an “empty suit”

    Yes, I forgot about that one.

  16. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    The civil rights movement is just like the anti-war movement today. It is just another Democrat get out the vote and fundraising effort. Notice they take no real steps to supposedly “deal” with either issue. They just pander and then fundraise.

  17. MCPO Airdale says:

    Lisa – Why do you hate McCain? Could it be ageism? You hate people over 60, don’t you?

  18. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    Can a white person be so anti-racist that they hate their own race?

  19. Karl says:


    1. This post is not about Obama. It is about the absurdity of CNN reporting on the sun rising. “Some” think race is a factor here (albeit w/ no “Bardley Effect”)? It’s “unspoken”? Really?

    2. As you are usually sharp enough to catch the rather obvious humor of that, I suspect that you had a knee-jerk reaction to the number of posts I have done on Obama lately.

    In truth, I would prefer to do fewer Obama posts. It’s why the last post I did on Wright was rather perfunctory — why do a Wright post before the whole interview airs, other than to report the fact of the interview (widely known)? It’s why I really made this one about CNN.

    But if you looked at the election-related stuff bubbling in th blogosphere at noon Friday (when I had the window to post), you’ll see it’s mostly all about Obama (or people complaining about what the Clintons say about him). Nor is that unusual. if you look at the PEJ Campaign Coverage Index, you will find Obama dominates coverage most every week. When Clinton’s campaign was in turmoil, I was able to do more on her. When the GOP nomination was contestsed, I was able to do more on Huckabee, Romney and even McCain.

    But my point in guest-blogging here is not to obsess about Obama so much as it is to drive traffic here to keep the doors open in the event that Jeff starts to blog here more regularly. At the moment, most people want to read mostly about Obama, so that’s what’s for dinner. When another subject to which I can add value (generally poli sci value) pops up on the radar, I will enjoy MovingOn it. Dan does the wackier stuff, so I generally try not to poach his turf. This post mocking CNN is my own commentary on how much the media is beating the Obama horse.

  20. Lisa says:

    #19: Fair enough. I guess I am just getting Obamfatigued. And I really like the Senator (not as much as Thor, who is wildly infatuated).

    And yes, you guys did have some really clever, insightful coverage of the GOP dog and pony show months back. That was awesome.

  21. JD says:

    Plus, it is just so damn easy to make fun of Baracky. Combine that with CNN having worse reporting than my daughters Kindergarten newsletter, and you might as well tee it up.

  22. Barack H. Obama says:

    I’d like to buy a vowel, Pat.

  23. Cowboy says:

    Also, Lisa, I think Obama news and analysis is driven to a large extent by the opportunity his candidacy has given Americans to talk frankly (sometimes in unattractive ways) about race.

    To me, Obama is a terrible candidate for the Democratic party and would be a disasterous president, but if nothing else comes from his campaign than that discussion, he’s probably served the country well.

    Of course, his campaign and the obligatory ass-kissing the MSM has engaged in has also provided us with new insight about how genuinely stupid and morally bankrupt CNN and its ilk truly are.

  24. Karl says:

    I would add that — not being all that excited about any of the candidates — there are any number of my posts that are nominally about one of them, like Obama, but which are really more about a larger phenomenon, usually one of political science.

    For example, Obama’s “clingy” kerfuffle. IIRC, other bloggers have noted that Bill Clinton said something roughly similar some years ago. Had I been guest-blogging here at that time, Bill would have been the hook for my posts, because the it’s the larger Thomas Frank “What’s the Matter with Kansas?” thesis that I’m really needling.

    Or when Huckabee was the hot story, it was a nice hook for looking at the evangelical vote, how some of it is frustrated with the GOP, how the more liberal side that was for Carter has re-emerged a bit, how the evangelical style doesn’t play well with Catholic voters (which is one reason Obama lags with Catholics, imho), etc.

    So for those (including, but not limited to Lisa) who have a distinct candidate preference, when reading my posts, it may help to recognize that my analyses or critiques are often not personal, but an attempt to see where the daily punch-and-judy fits into a larger picture. Similarly, Obama is a big-picture guy, which is why he praised Reagan. What he was really saying was that he wants to realign US politics the way RR did, but some Lefty bloggers — either from narrowness or from Clinton-boosterism — chose to blow their stacks. I’m not running for anything or excited about any of those who are, so I can afford that level of detachment ;-)

  25. Lisa says:

    Yeah JD he totally takes himself way too seriously – which is a greenlight for mockery, in my opinion. He was much more relaxed when he was just another clown wasting campaign money. Now that he has been anointed the reincarnation Jack Kennedy (and I think he believes it), he is kind of a bore. Actually, any candidate who gets endorsed by George Clooney instantly becomes tiresome. I love George Clooney, but something about him turns interesting politicians into honking bores.

  26. Cowboy says:

    For me, Karl, it’s that studied objective analysis with which you look at the campaigns that I appreciate the most. I really enjoy looking at the political dynamics of the campaign, and your posts are the best, most sophisticated, yet understandable analysis of that dynamic that I’ve found.

  27. Cowboy says:

    Of course, it goes without saying that I really only read your stuff to pass the time between Shannon Elizabeth’s nipple posts.

    And pie.

  28. Cowboy says:

    I mean nipples. I don’t have a favorite.

  29. Cowboy says:

    I mean nipples. I don’t have a favorite.

  30. Cowboy says:


  31. Pablo says:

    I love George Clooney, but something about him turns interesting politicians into honking bores.

    I’d like him better if he kept his political focus on Darfur, for the same reason I tend to like Bono, despite the pretentiousness. These guys don’t know everything about everything, but when they care enough about an issue to educate themselves in it and advocate passionately and wisely for it, they can move the cheese. When they drift into things they’re not so well versed in, then they’re just tedious.

  32. Well you have to realize they’re just setting up the narrative for Obama’s loss: America is racist.

  33. I’d call it the “Obama girl” effect, myself. It ain’t racism, folks: it’s inertia.

    The more I think about this, the more I like it. They keep saying Senator Obama has the youth vote, I’m willing to take them at their word. The Youth Vote = the No Vote. They talk about who they like, they’ll even poll about who they like, they’ll go to rallies and shout and wear signs… and stay home on election day. The Obama Girl Effect is perfect, she was such a fan she sang a song, then couldn’t be bothered to vote, or even know when or where to vote. It’s not racism, it’s not a Bradley effect. It’s apathy.

  34. Lisa says:

    #31: Very true Pablo. Well said. They can be very effective. And they can be embarrassing when they get out of their depth (like flying to Iraq to chat up the militants).

  35. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Apathy. No. that implies any sort of introspective and considered decision making. The young mind doesn’t work that way. Remember back when you were young. The motivations are far more primitive and simple.

    * 1) Raise some hell a lot. We’re bored. Maybe get in that cute poll workers scivies. Being where the action is. Party on. Political action. Fuck Yeah!!!111wlwventyonest!!!11

    * 2) Voting? Actually going to a polling booth and hanging with “the man”? Ewwww. Thats so what parents and old people do.

    – The rites of spring.

  36. happyfeet says:

    It’s a lie. Young people a lot don’t feel unempowered these days. Obama Youth are just part of the marketing plan is all. You won’t meet many of them in the media. They’re mostly just for decoration I think. You want to know why? Listen to Amanda’s podcast she made for her book. Summary here. At first I thought Obama Youth were an extension of the Vietnam Template, but no. Baracky’s media planners grew up with Benetton. They were quite taken with it I’d bet. With the ads. The clothes not so much. Those were for the cool kids, not for them. But now they get to patronize the cool kids with Baracky’s money. Dear Diary: Baracky told me he teaches people “real life.” Baracky said, real life sucks losers dry. You want to fuck with the eagles, you have to learn to fly. I said, so, you teach people how to spread their wings and fly? He said, yes. I said, you’re beautiful.

    This’ll end well.

  37. Salt Lick says:

    Young people a lot don’t feel unempowered these days. Obama Youth are just part of the marketing plan is all.

    They remind me of myself at that age — idealistic and having no clue about the chasm between words and action. I worked to get Jimmah elected and when he and Rossalyn walked down PA Avenue to the inauguration I thought that meant we’d entered the Age of Aquariums. Obama is Jimmah in blackface.

  38. Salt Lick says:

    Lisa — an African-American “Lisa” called Limbaugh a few days ago. Was that you?

  39. N. O'Brain says:

    Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines

  40. Kristen says:

    I admire Obama for showing restraint against the ridiculous attacks against Obama – Clinton does not even believe her own attacks. She will do anything to win. We need a leader – not another cowboy (girl) talking tought and dividing people. I know people that work closely on Obama campaign. He has been given many issues to attack the CLintons, but chooses to focus on our country. Many people have tried to get him to bring out the true story of Attorney Hillary defending a child rapist – badgering a 12 year old girl. It is so true – yet she packages herself nicely as a child advocate. He refuses to touch it. He is a diplomat – a statesman – We need him so desparately – but the great racial divide will keep us from getting a great president.

  41. JD says:

    Kristen – You are an idiot. Now put away the copy and paste, quit eating the paste ;-) and go hug a tree, attend services by 0tis Moss, or moon a truck driver.

  42. JD says:

    The great racial divide that is voting 90 percent for the Obamessiah? The racial divide that Moss and Wright and Baracky seek to exploit?

  43. JD – Amen to that, brother. Can you imagine if Clinton was garnering 90% support from whitey? Talk about racism.

  44. Carin TWPBH says:

    . He has been given many issues to attack the CLintons, but chooses to focus on our country. Many people have tried to get him to bring out the true story of Attorney Hillary defending a child rapist – badgering a 12 year old girl. It is so true – yet she packages herself nicely as a child advocate. He refuses to touch it. He is a diplomat – a statesm

    Yet … there it is. Amazing.

  45. Salt Lick says:

    He has been given many issues to attack the CLintons, but chooses to focus on our country.

    Kirsten — If my closets are full of snakes, how smart is it for me to focus my campaign on snake-handling? Better I emphasize Hope and Change and Unity.

  46. JD says:

    Obama would not be nearly as much fun without the nishidiots like Kristen, who have swallowed the Kool Aid, and are such myopic foot soldiers.

  47. Barack H. Obama says:

    I’d like to solve the puzzle, Pat; “She Came in Through the Bathroom Waffle.”

  48. Pablo says:

    Clinton does not even believe her own attacks.

    Such as? What has Clinton said about him that she doesn’t think is true?

  49. Hopey, Changey, Kool-Aid.

  50. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “I’ll take Obama Smurfettes for 500 Alex”

  51. flan says:

    #36 Mr. Feet,

    Thanks for the link to Amanda’s podcast. The Amazon reviews of her book are hilarious. She’s a racist!


  52. thor says:

    So for those (including, but not limited to Lisa) who have a distinct candidate preference, when reading my posts, it may help to recognize that my analyses or critiques are often not personal, but an attempt to see where the daily punch-and-judy fits into a larger picture. Similarly, Obama is a big-picture guy, which is why he praised Reagan. What he was really saying was that he wants to realign US politics the way RR did, but some Lefty bloggers — either from narrowness or from Clinton-boosterism — chose to blow their stacks. I’m not running for anything or excited about any of those who are, so I can afford that level of detachment ;-)

    I’m glad you understand you’re not running for anything. You’d lose miserably. And your laughable analysis is brimming with false assumptions and personal opinions. That’s but one reason your analysis of Obama’s pending doom after the Jeremiah Wright story originally broke ended up so far off the mark. You projected what was never there, and you continue to do so. Certain people give you a baby seal clap, I don’t, other than for your endurance and for the occasional thread that’s not an opaque, laughably bad smear job on Obama.

    You want respect, earn it. Obama did, and you can too. Jeff has changed my perspective and opinions. Was he not, I believe, correct he would not have been able to sway me, for, if I may paraphrase him in quotes, “I’m not afraid of your big words.” In your case, Karl, just leave it at “words,” period.

    Forgive me for expecting more than an empty suit barking out claims of empty-suitedness.

  53. McGehee says:

    You want respect, earn it. Obama did

    When? How?

  54. Michael Vick says:

    Fuck you, thor, you two timing bitch.

  55. B Moe says:

    And your laughable analysis is brimming with false assumptions and personal opinions.

    “I blow my nose at you!”

  56. thor says:


    Pre-Iowa caucus, give me the odds of Barack Obama winning the Dem. party nomination. Reasons for his beating the odds? A little luck, sure, a lack of fear and whopping dollop of effen genius.

    Very few things happen without reason. Barack Obama is, in relative terms, a political genius. Laugh at your own peril because it’s as Posh says, “wanker he’s not, flash, he’s totally massive.”

  57. B Moe says:

    Barack Obama is, in relative terms, a political genius.

    I will grant you that: relative to Hillary Clinton or John Edwards, Obama is a genius.

  58. Mikey NTH says:

    I’d call it the “Obama girl” effect, myself. It ain’t racism, folks: it’s inertia.

    It’s political Beatle-Mania.

  59. Mikey NTH says:

    And your laughable analysis is brimming with false assumptions and personal opinions.

    It isn’t often that inadvertent self-analysis is posted in a comment, but there it is.

  60. McGehee says:

    Um, Thor? I haven’t seen any reason to suppose that winning the Democratic presidential nomination as “earning respect.”

    See “McGovern, George,” “Dukakis, Michael,” “Gore, Al” and “Kerry, John.”

  61. […] sure racism played a part in some fashion or other.  If you look hard enough, you can find racism anywhere. […]

  62. LEON says:

    I have never ever heard before where a presidential candidate had to denounce his association with another person in order to be President of these United States. Bush did not denounce Bin Laden nor Husein to become president, John McCain has not denounce Trent Lott, Ronald Reagan or any of the other presidents have ever denounce racism in America. Also, they have never been asked to give up their race to be president.

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