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November 2024


What Kind of Extinction Threatened People How Long Ago? [Dan Collins]

Study says near extinction threatened people 70,00 years ago

I’m nearly interested by stories like this.  But most of all, this will be a reminder to the radical greenies of how close we came to a world without humans. 

I blame Bush. (h/t Reynolds)

36 Replies to “What Kind of Extinction Threatened People How Long Ago? [Dan Collins]”

  1. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “….a world without humans.”

    – Isn’t that basically what the Rad-Greens are after?

    – So then, back in those days they just bought more “fishhead footprints”, proving every age has its share of “fish oil” salesman.

    – And they didn’t even have Geico insurance.

  2. serr8d says:

    “…climatological shift[s]…” Of course, comparing the then and the PC version of the now.

    Did Al Gore write that article? Or this doomsday guy?

    “…peak oil forces us to stop burning fossil fuels, which might give us a chance, as a species, to squeeze through the global-change bottleneck. Peak oil is the last chance for our species, and many, many others with which we share the planet.

    Thus, if you care about other species, or even about our species, peak oil is good news.”

    Doesn’t matter. Both wear the same sackcloth.

  3. Newspeak instructs me that “Globular Warming” is now to be referred to as “Climate Change” – thing is, I distinctly recall a different “Climate Change” I learned about in undergrad Earth Science. At the time, it was described as normal fluctuations in climate from region to region over the course of time. I have also been told where I live was once under water. And at another time underneath a glacier.

    But if we could just plug up all the volcanoes, stop this thing called plate tectonics, the Earth would be a much less violent environ. Maybe if we just sit down with Mother Earth and ask her to just give peace a chance! I am sure she would hear us out… and then we could work on stopping time altogether! We would never have to die! And my pension and 401k would grow forever and ever! We could implement negative population growth. And if we did it quickly enough I could still divorce my wife and my penis would work forever and ever!

    Dare to dream!!

  4. robert says:

    It was the eruption of a Super Volcano at Toba. The same thing can happen at Yellowstone. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Green movement (not that I care). Research Toba and Yellowstone Super Volcanos. If Yellowstone erupts, life will end in the USA, except for those who can live underground for years.

  5. “life will end in the USA, except for those who can live underground for years.”

    Great, the fucking weathermen and cockroaches running America.

    This explains everything.

  6. scooter (not libby) says:

    Dude, I completely saw SuperVolcano on Discovery. We’ll totally make it if Yellowstone erupts – it’ll just be really cold for a long time. Which is OK with me, because it’s typically pretty hot in Texas year-round.

  7. scooter (not libby) says:

    Also, we’ll all need our cars washed.

  8. mojo says:

    Excuse me? Did you say “LICE genes?…

  9. McGehee says:

    My theory? It was caused when Jeff G. went too long without posting. Fortunately he came back just before the end.

  10. Matt, Esq. says:

    I think more accurately, this sounds like a Rovian plot.

  11. Rob Crawford says:

    I have also been told where I live was once under water. And at another time underneath a glacier.

    Here in Ohio some of the most common rocks are fossil-bearing. They’re packed full of aquatic life — shells and coral in particular. And we’re supposed to be afraid of a measly 10′ rise in sea levels?

  12. Xanthippas says:

    But most of all, this will be a reminder to the radical greenies of how close we came to a world without humans.

    I blame Bush.

    What incredibly original snark. I’m glad you were “nearly interested” enough to manage to write all that out.

  13. dicentra says:

    Hey Xanth:

    What brings you ’round these here parts?

    Amongst all us tree-hatin’, gun-totin’, Bible-thumpin’, farner loathin’ ignoramuses, I mean.

  14. Smirky McChimp says:

    I fucking hate farners.

    (what’s a farner?)

  15. Ouroboros says:

    If the corporations that own those outdated “SuperVolcanos” would quit thinking only of the bottom line and the investment in new, green, hybrid Supervolcanos that spew oxygen and watervapor when they erupt we wouldnt be in this mess…

    ..or at least buy a whole bunch of “Lave, Ash & Fiery Boulder” Offset Credits.

    People BEFORE profits!

  16. mojo says:

    Thank goodness I had the foresight to buy that “Get Out of Nuée Free” card from that nice man…

  17. I’m always hugely skeptical of stories like this because they are 95% speculation, 4% assumption that other sciences are filling the gaps that you don’t know and 1% roughly based on a particular interpretation of data.

  18. irongrampa says:

    But would there still be pie?

  19. Ouroboros says:

    On a sort of related tangent.. Anybody following the news out of Piedmont AZ? Another news balckout.. Seems the military has had it all blocked off for a few days… They have some weird film coming out of there.. dont know what to make of it..

  20. RTO Trainer says:

    Except that water vapor (75 W/m2) is almost twice as powerful as a greenhouse gas tahn carbon dioxide (32 W/m2).

  21. Ouroboros says:

    Piedmont’s kinda near Phoenix… Northwest.. Weird that those unidentified lights were seen in the sky over the area a few days ago and now the military’s out in force.. like theyre hiding something. makes you wonder what theyre up to..

  22. Ouroboros says:


  23. mojo says:

    Andromeda strain.

  24. Pablo says:

    And those lights were road flares tied to helium balloons. Unless they’re part of some sort of fence!

  25. Ouroboros says:

    Ok.. I see you’re not in the mood for some apocalyptic internet alternate reality immersion theater today… damn.. and we haven’t had a good fake apocalypse event since Cloverfield…

  26. McGehee says:

    Sorry, Ouro — but that kind of viral movie marketing is just so three years ago…

  27. Ouroboros says:

    Yeah, it’s all been done before but it’s so much more fun than another round of Obama said this and Hillary said that and McCain just smirks… I wish the miltary would spill some weaponized Bird-Flu virii just to create soemthing newsworthy to talk about..

  28. Pablo says:

    Fucking reality based community! Hmmmm…let’s post that over at liardogfake and see what happens.

  29. Ouroboros says:

    Preferably a spill of something that turns people (except me) into flesh eating zombies.. I could go for some zombie hunting diversion today.. The last few hours at work on Friday are a total drag.

  30. McGehee says:

    I could go for some zombie hunting diversion today.. The last few hours at work on Friday are a total drag.

    I take it you don’t work at a place where the zombies come to you?

  31. McGehee says:

    …’cause, what’s that like? I’ve always wondered.

  32. Rusty says:

    Screw volcano’s in Yellowstone. There’s earthquakes around here. The whole midwest is fixin’ to split apart.

  33. McGehee says:

    Cool. Oceanfront property in Missouri!

  34. B Moe says:

    So we are going to rebuild New Orleans just in time for it to become New Atlantis?

  35. McGehee says:

    I’ve bought stock in this company that builds really big waterproof domes…

  36. Merovign says:

    Just so everyone knows about the “California falling into the ocean” thing – it ain’t goin’ West, it’s goin’ North. And it’s just LA to San Fran, though the Central Velley, in a worst-case, could get wet.

    On the other hand, with reality being defined by “viral videos” these days, who cares?

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