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November 2024


GOP 2008: McCain calls lots of people "boy," okay? [Karl]

Top John McCain aide Mark Salter, rebutting a Washington Post story about Maverick’s legendary temper, observes in passing:

McCain routinely refers to people and colleagues as “boy.” He does to me, to Lindsey Graham, Joe Lieberman, and almost everybody. It’s like saying hey, buddy. He means nothing by it.

Uh-huh.  That’s not a timebomb waiting to explode in a general election campaign against Barack Obama.  Not at all.  There is no amount of intentionalism that will save him.

(h/t HotAir.)

14 Replies to “GOP 2008: McCain calls lots of people "boy," okay? [Karl]”

  1. datadave says:

    he’s always calling me his ‘friend’.

    Is that a campaign promise or just a big lie?

  2. serr8d says:

    What John doesn’t want to do is deflect that coming criticism with the ‘old age’ shield. I used to cringe when my surviving 97-year-old great aunt routinely used the ‘N’ word, but unfortunately, in her turn-of-the-century childhood, that wasn’t a white-hot issue.

    We certainly have our work cut out for us. VP Charlie Crist?

  3. Salt Lick says:

    Well, you know sailors. As long as he doesn’t shout, “Ensign, bring me a boy!

  4. The Lost Dog says:

    “Comment by Salt Lick on 4/21 @ 6:39 am #

    Well, you know sailors. As long as he doesn’t shout, “Ensign, bring me a boy!”

    But if he did, he would definitely have Nambdla (North American Man Boy Dog Love Association) vote sewn up. I think their motto is “We like big dogs and little boys”

    I am leaving that last tasteless sentence in because, for a moment there, I actually thought of people wagging their finger at me. I would much rather have a different finger waggled at me for really bad taste, than to not say something because Barack’s minions have finally gotten to me.

    Luckily for me, I didn’t have to use the word “m—-y” or “n——-y”, both of which the use of has become a hanging offense.

    But I have to admit, it is hard trying to explain to my eight year old why he can’t say the word “monkey” out loud anymore.

  5. JD says:

    Can you imagine the outrage if he calls Baracky “boy” during a nationally televised debate? Girl, not nearly as much.

  6. Pablo says:

    What if he says ‘Me and my boy, Barack. We cool.’?

  7. Mikey NTH says:

    He’ll likely used ‘my esteemed colleague’, but in that way that legislators do, so that you can feel the contempt just dripping off of it.

  8. BJTexs TW/BP says:

    If I were McCain, I’d stay away from commenting on Obama’s “Boyishly good looks.”

    Oh, and don’t say anything about him being “articulate.”

    And only Michelle gets to call him “stinky.”

  9. JD says:

    BJ – Oliver Willis going crazy over articulate being racist was one of my favorite internet moments.

  10. sashal says:

    C’mon, boys , be fair to Barak.
    He just said that McCain will be better then Bush.
    That statement alone will buy him a drink in my favorite bar…

  11. Salt Licik says:

    C’mon, boys , be fair to Barak.
    He just said that McCain will be better then Bush.

    That’s mighty white of him.

  12. Techie says:

    What if he switches to “homeboy” for the general?

  13. McGehee says:

    he’s always calling me his ‘friend’.

    As long as he doesn’t also call you “special” or “privileged,” I wouldn’t worry about it.

    ‘Cause coming from him it wouldn’t mean what it means when Obama says it.

  14. MC says:

    For McQ most of us are “boys” (I mean who are male anyway). AGEIST!

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