Jules has a round-up of the premier whiners, and dubs the fallout “Debategate.” Personally, I think the -gate suffix has become terribly debased over time, but that’s just swimming against the tide. With a cigarette in my mouth, and an anchor attached to my dick.
So . . . what’s your favorite “-gate”?
(h/t Reynolds)
Someone recently said we should end averything with “-aquidick.” so call this “Debataquidick.”
I like that suggestion, Jim!
A picket gate.
Why do you ask?
I am still anticipating mine: Super Delegategate.
Yeah, well that’s why “Debategate” is super-double-ironic. Sheesh, do I have to explain everything? But I’m willing to -aquiddick everything if you are. -Aquiddick’s good, extra ironic. Especially when its about a guy who’s sinking and would rather see the woman drown. Many thanks for the link, Dan.
“-gate” is so debased that we’ve run out of names to use, apparently. The original Debategate was in connection with the 1980 presidential campaign.
Extra credit: What was the first copycat “-gate” scandal, after Watergate? Koreagate.
Links, shminks. I buy them in bulk and pass the savings along to you!!!
Man, take your pick
VRWCABCgate (OK, Jersey jim has a better solution)
For all of the caterwauling about the first 50 minutes, Obama is coming off as thin skinned and defensive. Dig a little deeper and you can see the “See? It’s because of this BS that I’m running! Change,” anything to break the cycle of questioning character.
As I’ve said before Obama didn’t like the first fifty minutes because A) He looked bad. b) He couldn’t script the message. C)Those early minutes told voters more about the two candidates than the rest of the debate. (With the exception of the Capital Gains Question.)
Sorry that ABC couldn’t accomodate Obama’s requirement that policy questions beaten to death for several months weren’t offered up as sound bite sacrificial lambs for the the ritualistic hopeful Barack petting.
The whining is like a beautiful symphony to my ears.
For all of the caterwauling about the first 50 minutes, Obama is coming off as thin skinned and defensive. Dig a little deeper and you can see the “See? It’s because of this BS that I’m running! Change,†anything to break the cycle of questioning character.
This is the thing that really fries me about Baracky. He likes to act like he is something new, something original, something previously unseen in this political process. His lying deceitful ads, his vapidity, his “no money from PACs and lobbyists, is trotted out by someone every election cycle. He brings no new ideas to the table, no new way of doing things, nothing but the same old same old wrapped up in his proclomations, and his followers belief of the hopiness and changiness of it all.
“something new, something original, something previously unseen in this political process”
He is, he is what is known as ‘slow skeet’.
Obama has succeeded in making Stephawhozit sound reasonable:
Anchored cockgate
Accept no imitations.
Credit Mobiliergate.
I’m all for a change in the way we focus on our presidents and candidates. It’s just that the people wingeing in this particular case are the same people that just spent the last 8 years subjecting us to the Very Important Topics of Cindy Sheehan, Jeff Gannon, the firing of US Attorneys, TANG, Valerie Plame, George Bush taking too much ‘vacation’ time, Dick Cheney’s hunting accident coverup, the racial inequities of Katrina, the stolen election in Ohio, etc.
I do think the average American is tired of the gotcha games. I don’t think the average Americans are the ones that think Obama was unfairly treated in the last debate. If I thought for one second these bloggers and columnists wanted to “be the change they are waiting for”, I would jump on their bandwagon. I did, for a while- I really believed Obama. Yet I’ve never seen him criticize the behavior of the left on those issues.
I always kind of thought Tailhook should have evolved into Tailgate. For at least two reasons. But it didn’t happen. And I feel sad.
Bill Gates.
Huh? You said you wanted something about a gate, no?
So . . . what’s your favorite “-gate�
That’s why I keep it mined.
Sorry, my linky-thing attempt didn’t work.
I always liked Stargate, but it got kind of repetetive in about season six, and I couldn’t get past episode three of Atlantis.
Seeing as Watergate was the cover-up of illegal activities that brought down an elected official, I think the ___-gate is wrong. I’d go with the first suggestion, Debataquidick, seeing as it involved people expecting preferential treatment to avoid answering unpleasant questions regarding dubious and shameful activities. But given all the inane hyperbole that has come since the debate, I think Whinerpalooza is much more fitting.
My favorite was Fake-Thanksgiving-Turkeygate. Does anyone else remember that? The nutroots went batshit when Bush went to Iraq to visit the troops one Thanksgiving, because the turkey in a photo was supposedly fake. Chimpeach him! Chimpeach him!
He brings no new ideas to the table, no new way of doing things, nothing but the same old same old wrapped up in his proclomations, and his followers belief of the hopiness and changiness of it all.
Thats why college kids flock to him. He is the collegiate equivalent of grade curve inflation. No one fails Professer Baracky’s class. Plus he’s always up for a couple of bong hits in his office.
Elongate. Just because.
When Nixon had burglars break into the Watergate Hotel. Watergategate.
What about conjugate? And who are the victims? I am. You are. He is. She is…
(NB: joke stolen, though I couldn’t say from where)