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November 2024


All We Are Saying [Dan Collins]

is shut the f*ck up!

In a showing of pro-Chinese support, hundreds of demonstrators protested outside a college arena Monday as the Dalai Lama spoke to students on solving problems through dialogue.

Keep it up, morons.

Oh, and f*ck the LA Times.

17 Replies to “All We Are Saying [Dan Collins]”

  1. dicentra says:

    10 quatloos says the Chinese government set up and funded the whole protest, beginning to end.

    Tibet was freed 50 years ago? Spare us that kind of freedom, plzkthx!

  2. This evening, on my way to a meeting for Save the Loggerhead Turtles, I heard a report about how Chinese students are spontaneously (spontaneously!) organizing protest against CNN, BBC, and Die Welte, among others (Others!).

    Apparently they’ve been feeling bad ever since the opium wars (1842, or thereabouts – you know, about the time when the Irish were starving to death while English landlords were feasting on Swiftian roasts, or some such), and it’s time for whitey (or his brown-skinned, epicanthically-folded, unwashed, saffron-robed running dog Asian lickspittle splittist self-delusionalists) (Did I just write that?) to get his (theirs?).

    Oh, and BTW, if you have problems with the curent state of China, well, China’s students threaten to fall on you and crush you.

    (Extended dream sequence:

    Fucking Germans. Nothing changes. Fucking Nazis.

    Fuck it, Dude, let’s go bowling.)

  3. Topsecretk9 says:

    I wish the LA times asked if you were bitter about fuck ass sites that put in that evil code that will not allow you to GO BACK to the referring site. LA Times is particularly evil, no amount of double clicks on the the back button will return you. I guess that’s how they harvest reader ‘clicks” to justify their retarded ad rates and you know get readers. (would not be one bit surprised to learn that newspapers were translating webpage views to “readers” to then translating “readers” to “circulation” in some formula to rape print advertisers)

  4. Sean M. says:

    I counted ten instances of the word “bitter” or a variation thereof in that LAT post.

    Keep trying that tack, MSM douchebags. Maybe if you say “bitter” a few million more times, we’ll forget that Obama basically said “Religion is the opiate of the Masses.” And that these small town voters are a bunch of gun-totin’, knuckle-dragging, racist, nativist morons.

    Yeah, good luck with that.

  5. N. O'Brain says:

    “Barack Obama, who started this whole thing by blabbing on in some ill-expressed psychobabble at what he thought was a closed fundraiser…”

    To translate from Newspeak: he said what he actually thinks.


  6. Bill M says:

    Wow, they are a fountain of Angostura over there. Who paid for the plane that flew over with a banner? How much is the Chinese gov’t pouring into these protests? There are inquiring minds and we want to know.

  7. BJTexs TW/BP says:

    He was greeted by a standing ovation. University president Mark Emmert welcomed the Tibetan leader, calling him the “pre-eminent spiritual leader of our time.”

    Whoa, dude! Me thinks your opinion of yourself as a dubber of teh authenticity is a tad inflated.


  8. McGehee says:

    Funny thing about that LAT thread — all the comments affirming bitterness were not from the guns-and-Jesus crowd after all.


    Heh heh heh.


  9. McGehee says:

    no amount of double clicks on the the back button will return you.

    My back button has an associated drop-down menu from which I can select the page I want to go back to. If it didn’t, I’d be bitter too.

  10. BJTexs TW/BP says:

    I’m just bitter about all of the bitter people who express their bitterness about the bitter climate in this country where bitterness roams the land bitterly expressing the bitterness of middle amerika bitter batter butter whoop, whoop, narc kerfunkie….



    *mutters* Stupid outrage generator…

  11. McGehee says:


    Does that make you less bitter?

  12. datadave says:

    three tits? whatever happened to one knee, two knee, wee knee?

  13. McGehee says:

    three tits?

    Haven’t you ever seen Total Recall?

  14. Swen Swenson says:

    All we are saying is..

    Kiss my asterisk?

  15. McGehee says:

    …give cheese to France!

  16. Spiny Norman says:

    Am I showing my age when I say I can remember when the LA Times was a more-or-less conservative paper?

    The idiots running the joint now must think The Nation isn’t Left enough…

  17. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    Moderator:“….Are there any others that want to give voice to their inner bitterness?”

    Timid voice:“….ummmm…I….I….I’m kind of b-b-bitter that the LA Times is still in b-business………d-d-does that c-count?”

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