Captain Queeg made a “surprise” appearance during Letterman’s monologue tonight. Either he’s feeling so confident about the election that he thinks he can goof off, or he’s worried enough about it that he’s considering his options. It’s about 2:55 in.
It’s really shocking to me how so very much depends on him.
Is this his “playing the saxophone” moment? Seems that way.
Rush Limbaugh played a tape on Tuesday, April 1, 2008, I didn’t note the time, and I’d just turned on the radio, didn’t catch the name of the lady interviewing, or who she represented, and I didn’t catch the name of the school, that McCain attended, I don’t know if this was high school, or the military school, or what – but the lady asked him a question about the school, because the yearbook shows his nickname there was “Punk” – his reply was that he loved that school, and everything, but that he’s never made a secret of the fact that he was rebellious, didn’t work on his grades, etc, and yes, his nickname was indeed “Punk”.
No, it was not an April Fools stunt.
Not to my knowledge.
So then Diane Sawyer’s next question, well, we have the whole exchange.
SAWYER: Today you’re going back to Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia, part of your biographical tour. We got the yearbook. It says here that your nickname was Punk. Anything you want to say about that?
MCCAIN: (laughing) Listen, I loved this school. I was a kid who was rebellious, and we all know that. Some of my happiest times were here, but I certainly was not exactly the model student.
RUSH: But we all don’t know that. What do they mean, everybody knows that he was rebellious? We all know that? Hell, 66% of his own voters don’t even know what his immigration position is. Time for the Grooveyard of Forgotten Favorites, Senator McCain being rebellious.
I knew he was rebellious. I knew that from the 2000 election. His mother called him a ‘scamp’, if I recall correctly. It made me love him then and now.
– The only possible way in the known universe that McGranpa could be where he is at this point is for the Donkeys to do exactly what they’ve managed to do, in all their cu;t leader loving, America hating, Euro gush collectivist moon-battery MarxBot splendor. Emulate a clown car circus, where all the clowns are naked, the car is on fire, and the audience are all preparing to hang themselves from the tent wires during the grand finale meltdown.
– Unfortunately for the main stream American electorate, this is precisely what has transpired.
– Makes you want to kiss the feet of whichever pol devised 4 year term limits. At least by 2012, maybe with a little time, some real progress in Iraq, and another bite at the apple, next time around we’ll hold a real election.
He wasn’t bad, though the timing wasn’t perfect: his first response was a straight line when it should have been a joke, and then he forced two jokes in in a row.
At least he’s answering the criticisms, even only in a sideways fashion. And he is answering the “appearances” of Hillary/Barack (literal/in caricature) on SNL.
I’ve made my peace with it. With him.
– So then this is what its come down to LMA? We have the solumn responsibility of casting our votes for a rebelious Rino, simply because the alternative is flat out ludicrous? Wonderful.
– Make peace with being ham-handedly manipulated. Don’t think so. But at this point, with the Dems rushing headlong over the political cliff, McPain could probably just mail in his inauguration. So more feat accompli than accepted.
– Yell you one thing. If Gamps tries that “one world, open borders” scam again I expect him to be burried in a blizzard of Emails, to where he wishes he was back in Arizona.
BBH, yes, this is exactly what it comes down to. It’s him, or it’s Obama (let’s face it, Hillary is done – stick a fork in her.) (Come to think of it, I’d stick a fork in her for no reason at all, given the opportunity.)
As has been said by better folks than I, I love my country more than I dislike McCain.
Was attendance compulsory?
Is he sort of red wheelbarrowy that way?
I think the reason McCain’s going after “free” media, like the “David Letterman Show” is that he’s been hoist by his own petard.
I’m not sure of the details, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that since he’s taken taxpayer money to sustain his campaign, he now falls under some provision(s) of the McCain-Feingold law, and is limited in how much money he can currently spend on his campaign. That’s why he also gives loads of interviews.
IIRC, McCain’s also gone to court to claim that McCain-Feingold is unconstitutional. (In the words of Instapundit: “Heh!”)
I think McCain-Feingold is a violation of the First Amendment, and it’s one reason I’d never support McCain. Still, I like the idea that choking off funds means the guy has to appear in public.
…beside the
white-haired maverick.
Blah blah blah theocons blah blah Schiavo blah blah blah Creation Science blah blah.
Fill in the blahs, being creatively hip in spelling and inability to use the shift key.
After Eight years of corruption and lies, either McCain or Obama would be a breath of fresh air. I guess no one from the far right here is getting a job in the McCain administration. Still mercenary positions are still avail. in Iraq…go for it.
heh, slart? reading my mind or what?
that’s about it for the creepy Rightwingers: schiavo .. creation science. ? yupp.
theocons…well, Bush all the way.
we’ll hold a real election.
try Cialis or Viagra. It even works for solo hand work.
After Eight years of corruption and lies,
I believe it’s been 20 years for Obama dave. Of course in the last 8 years you’ve had, Nagin, Jefferson, Patterson, McKinney, Coleman, etc. (I’m sure I’m forgetting some)
So, I’m going to teach my kids values and morals. But if they make a voting mistake, I don’t want them to be punished with a black politician.
I love the new non-pc!
I seem to recall back in 1992 a lot of people honestly, seriously believed Bill Clinton’s promise of “the most ethical presidential administration in American history.”
One of the things that warns me off of embracing McCain is his ostentatiously cultivated image as a corruption-fighter.
Come to think of it, wasn’t there a recent New York governor who marketed himself as more-ethical-than-thou…?
I’m wondering if there’s some charitable foundation devoted to addressing problems of this nature.
“…cult leader loving, America hating, Euro gush collectivist moon-battery MarxBot splendor. Emulate a clown car circus, where all the clowns are naked, the car is on fire, and the audience are all preparing to hang themselves from the tent wires during the grand finale meltdown.”
I just wanted to point that out again, for that should be in Wikipedia as the lead paragraph in the “Democratic Party” listing.
I don’t like McCain, but when it’s a choice between him, Jimmy Carter II and Nixon-In-A-Pantsuit… hey, back when I was a Democrat, I held my nose and voted for Dukasis. So I’ve done worse.
dataless – Do you know what a mercenary is ?
C’mon, folks, you know damned well Democrats cannot be corrupt! It’s simply definitionally impossible, because if a Democrat does it, it’s not corruption!
He really is a lot red wheelbarrowy. That really fits for me.
What country is that, Russ?
Yeah Datadave, I even know some of those mercenaries. They’re building hospitals, schools, and water purification plants and trying to get decent food and clothing for the Iraqis. The eViL bAsTArdS!!
Which reminds me: Should I be putting one of those “TWP” thingys in my byline? I’ve thought that with a name like “Swen Swenson” you’ve figured out that I’m pretty much white even though perhaps not terribly typical [full disclosure: I’m also part Irish].
Other evidence, not mentioned by HCF, also suggests that vocal production has been adapted for speech in humans. ,