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December 2024


Dems 2008: Change we can’t believe in! [Karl]

No wonder Barack Obama had to accept the resignation of foreign policy adviser Samantha Power:

Power downplayed Obama’s commitment to quick withdrawal from Iraq on Hard Talk, a program that often exceeds any of the U.S. talk shows in the rigor of its grillings. She was challenged on Obama’s Iraq plan, as it appears on his website, which says that Obama “will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months.”

“What he’s actually said, after meting with the generals and meeting with intelligence professionals, is that you – at best case scenario – will be able to withdraw one to two combat brigades each month. That’s what they’re telling him. He will revisit it when he becomes president,” Power says.

The Politico’s Ben Smith adds:

UPDATE: A Clinton adviser — though, unlike Power, not a member of her campaign team, recently told The New York Sun similar things about the New York Senator’s position.

Thus, on Iraq, as with the issue of trade, the Democratic candidates are pandering loudly to their left-liberal base, but quietly saying something quite different.

Talk out of both sides of their mouths?  Yes, they can!

Update:  Both campaigns are tactically retreating to declarations of unconditional surrender.  For now.  Tomorrow is another day.

(h/t Memeorandum.)

63 Replies to “Dems 2008: Change we can’t believe in! [Karl]”

  1. MC says:

    I want to do that too. Do they have classes somewhere that teach how to talk out of both sides of their mouths?

    Maybe from Jeff Dunham?

  2. thor says:

    Thus, on Iraq, as with the issue of trade, the Democratic candidates are pandering loudly to their left-liberal base, but quietly saying something quite different.

    It seems like the guy who doesn’t do his homework – me, me, me – has been saying that all along. Obama isn’t a nutty liberal. The most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate? My ass. I embarrassed for the parrots. Read his books, read his quotes, especially in those older articles written about him. Listen to what Obama says and not what other people say he says. He’s a solid Democrtic Party candidate. You know, the type of candidates that are more liberal than the Republican candidates.

    Barack Obama will roll to victory over those who keep their eyes and ears covered. He’s very good.

  3. Karl says:


    You are discounting the possibility that in those old articles, he is doing exactly what he is doing now — telling his audiences what they want to hear. As for his liberalism, it is to be found in his voting record, in the IL Senate as well as the US Senate.

  4. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Isn’t it funny how days can turn into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years.sometimes decades even, when you’re waging a war you can’t afford to lose.

    – Welcome to the “real” world of reality Lefty.You see, its not just a word when good men and woman are bleeding for your right to say stupid things and act like an asshole.

  5. thor says:

    McCain voted against the Bush tax cuts. That was counted as a liberal vote. McCain voted against the tax cuts because he wanted to be more fiscally conservative than his conservative colleagues. In reality his vote was a conservative one. “On the record” votes are a not always a good barometer as to who is how much of a liberal or conservative when defined with a simpleton’s binary as an interpretative sort’a Bible, if you will.

    Read or listen to chapter one of Audacity of Hope. If you feel you can honestly state that Barack Obama is the most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate after listening to Obama himself say what he stands for then I’ll paypal $10 into Jeff’s tip jar. Deal?

  6. guinsPen says:

    Barack Obama will roll to victory over those who keep their eyes and ears covered.

    Exactly. Anyone who opens their eyes and ears to him will realize that he’s King of the Barking Moonbats, and vote accordingly.

    He’s very good.

    Until someone asks an off-script question.

  7. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    Yes thor voting to authorize doctors to actually kill a baby that survives an abortion attempt is not liberal at all.

  8. guinsPen says:

    @ #5

    Daniel Carcillo is Sidney Crosby.

  9. TmjUtah says:

    What? Both sides are pandering to the fringe to maintain cred in their pursuit of the nomination?

    In March? My goodness! I bet they (the DNC for sure, but really the losers here are BOTH candidates) are wishing they could have wrapped this up in Texas or Ohio.

    Why, now they have to be as Left as… as… well, damn, as they REALLY ARE, for all America to see… and to judge… with months and months to go until the general election.

    In front of cameras. And microphones. And bloggers.




    Karl – and to be honest, Rush – you magnificent BASTARDS!

  10. SteveMG says:

    The Canadian government denies this story.

  11. Semanticleo says:

    “You are discounting the possibility that in those old articles, he is doing exactly what he is doing now — telling his audiences what they want to hear.”

    Oct 2002 he made a speech (admittedly to Iraq War opponents) which
    was counter to the general public mood. It was an unequivocal position
    that few shared and even fewer made public. I’m sure you’ll find
    fault as a reflex. But it is possible he is real.'s_Iraq_Speech

  12. JD says:

    It is possibly that he is real … ly naive, and dangerous, miss cleo.

  13. thor says:

    Sorry, I wasn’t aware anyone Left of Phyllis Schlafly was a barking moonbat. I certainly didn’t know by recognizing Barack Obama as talented orator and politician meant I was using a plastic spork to carve hearts out of freshly aborted bambies. I would say “I’m trying to keep it real” but that’s so, so Obama-speakey!

    You people. It’s you, not me. It’s Night of the Living Fred Thompsons around here. You’re condenialservatives! But if it takes triple-layering aluminum foil over my underwear to block your cyber ball shots, no prob. My sporty assessment stands erect.

  14. guinsPen says:

    Read or listen to chapter one of Audacity of Hope. If you feel you can honestly state that Barack Obama is the most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate after listening to Obama himself say what he stands for then I’ll paypal $10 into Jeff’s tip jar. Deal?

    Per incident?

  15. Jeffersonian says:

    When Obama can make his voting record and legislative initiatives as inspiring as his rhetoric, I’ll sit up and take notice. Until then, he’s just another straight-ticket, hard-left Chicago machine pol.

  16. JD says:

    If you feel you can honestly state that Barack Obama is the most liberal Senator in the U.S. Senate after listening to Obama himself say what he stands for then I’ll paypal $10 into Jeff’s tip jar. Deal?

    There is satch’s college fund. Could I please get just like 1% of that total?

  17. guinsPen says:

    It’s Night of the Living Fred Thompsons around here

    “I’d cut us some slack if I were you, ‘eh?”

  18. Karl says:


    In 2002, Obama was an IL state Senator. Do you know what his district thought about Iraq? How ’bout what IL’s mood was generally? How did Sen. Dick Durbin vote on Iraq?


    If you think Obama’s book is not a political document, you should seek help. Really.

  19. Jeffersonian says:

    Durbin voted no on Iraq, yes on Afghanistan. It wasn’t a terribly courageous stance for Obama, particularly with the legislative district he was in.

  20. Semanticleo says:

    “In 2002, Obama was an IL state Senator. Do you know what his district thought about Iraq? How ’bout what IL’s mood was generally?”

    Do you really think his political aspirations were confined to those borders?

  21. guinsPen says:

    I’m telling you, people, this thing will get out of hand and someone will be doing push-ups.

  22. B Moe says:

    It was an unequivocal position that few shared and even fewer made public.

    You have a strange definition of unequivocal.

  23. JD says:

    With Obama’s district, the backing of Sen. Emil Jones, and the backing of the Daley/Madigan machines, it would have been courageous to take the other side of the issue. He took the position that best fit with his district, and those that put him in his political seat.

  24. Rob Crawford says:

    Uh, thor, if you’re so uncomfortable ’round here, there are plenty of other sites to visit.

    Seriously, dude, you’re not going to convince us Obama’s not a flaming socialist. Look at the advisors around him, fer crissake. Remember, you’re not just electing the president, but an entire administration.

  25. Semanticleo says:


    If you are so threatened by opposing views, you might consider the same advice.

    You might start your own Blog.

    You could call it ‘Corn off the Cob”

  26. guinsPen says:

    @ #24

    Thor, please stay.
    You’ve almost convinced me to flip.

  27. guinsPen says:

    @ #25

    No, and as it should be, threatened by Complete Moonbattery.

  28. cynn says:

    “It would be the height of ideology, you know, to sort of say, well I said it therefore I’m going to impose it on whatever reality entreats me,” Power told the BBC.

    What the hell does this mean? Height of ideology? Reality entreats him? Non-native speaker best case; stalking horse is my guess. Candidates need to rid themselves of these sham advisors and do their own damn research. Obama needs to speak clearly for himself. Hillary’s surrounded herself with a bunch of buffoons as well. McCain pretty much flies by his hormone level.

  29. Rob Crawford says:

    If you are so threatened by opposing views, you might consider the same advice.

    No problem with opposing views. Sick and tired of opposing views expressed ignorantly, and the anger you get from the ignoramuses when you point out their ignorance.

    You of the “I trusted Clinton so his abuses of power didn’t bother me” being one of the prime examples.

    And, seriously, making fun of someone’s name? You might want to think about glass houses — half the people on the ‘net think you’re a chick, the other half think you have a thing for seminal fluid.

  30. JD says:

    “It would be the height of ideology, you know, to sort of say, well I said it therefore I’m going to impose it on whatever reality entreats me,”

    What in the same hell does that mean?

  31. JD says:

    I trusted Clinton so his abuses of power didn’t bother me”

    That was beautiful, if for no other reason than one of the moonbats was finally honest about something other than their hatred of those that do not share their views.

  32. JD says:

    Miss Cleo is suffering from pre-traumatic stress disorder, Rob. It is incurable.

  33. thor says:

    Comment by Rob Crawford on 3/7 @ 7:45 pm #

    Uh, thor, if you’re so uncomfortable ’round here, there are plenty of other sites to visit.

    No thanks, dude, not after wasting $5 in aluminum foil constructing a foil ball-shot blocker. Besides, who else but I can mollify the waves of shit crashing against the castle walls

  34. JD says:

    A tin foil nut sack saver. Priceless.

  35. guinsPen says:

    Because of the Balderdash !!!

  36. cynn says:

    I will grant you repubs (and Karl on point) one thing, that I have casually observed (not being an obsessive hack). The dems need to get their story straight, and get it out there. No more ruffly panties for the bring ’em home now crowd, and roomy boxers for the tough it out bunch. Pick a pair, and wear ’em.

  37. thor says:

    Comment by guinsPen on 3/7 @ 5:49 pm #

    He’s very good.

    Until someone asks an off-script question.

    If you invest in a blu-ray drive and decent video card or a Tivo you can rewind back to that moment in the debate when Hilly put-spotted him on Louis Farrakhan’s endorsement. You can’t coach Michael Vickian foot speed. You can’t coach Ray Leonard hand speed. You can’t coach Nolan Ryan fastballs. And you can’t coach Obambam debate deflections. He’s a natural. Face life.

  38. Jeffersonian says:

    The dems need to get their story straight, and get it out there. No more ruffly panties for the bring ‘em home now crowd, and roomy boxers for the tough it out bunch. Pick a pair, and wear ‘em.

    Don’t hold your breath, sweetheart:

    “At a time when American casualties are down, at a time when the violence is down, particularly affecting the Iraqi population, is that the right time to try and set time tables for withdrawing all American troops? I mean you talked about…the end of 2009,” Kroft remarked.

    “Yeah, absolutely. I think now is precisely the time. I think that it is very important for us to send a clear signal to the Iraqis that we are not gonna be here permanently. We’re not gonna set up permanent bases. That they are going to have to resolve their differences and get their country functioning,” Obama said.

    “And you pull out according to that time table, regardless of the situation? Even if there’s serious sectarian violence?” Kroft asked.

    “No, I always reserve as commander in chief, the right to assess the situation,” Obama replied.

    Time for Sen. Audacity O’Hope to resign from his campaign?

  39. guinsPen says:

    Pick a pair…

    I’m from the “…of six-packs, buy Bud.” generation.

    So, Ok.

  40. cynn says:

    Jeffersonian: Nothing wrong with his position; he just shouldn’t make it so unequivocal when convenient. No, it is certainly not time for him to quit the campaign; I’m not as hard-assed as you all are. It is time for him to congeal all this ephemeral goo into a hardline position, or he loses a lot of voters because he can’t articulate when it counts. Just my opinion.

  41. guinsPen says:

    Besides, who else but I can mollify the waves of shit crashing against the castle walls


  42. cynn says:

    I am liking thor. I will subscribe to his newsletter.

  43. guinsPen says:

    Me too.

  44. Rusty says:

    Ain’t gonna happen,Cynn. To do otherwise would go against their nature.

  45. Jeffersonian says:

    Nothing wrong with his position; he just shouldn’t make it so unequivocal when convenient. No, it is certainly not time for him to quit the campaign; I’m not as hard-assed as you all are. It is time for him to congeal all this ephemeral goo into a hardline position, or he loses a lot of voters because he can’t articulate when it counts. Just my opinion.

    Obama just canned an advisor for articulating his exact position as stated to Steve Kroft barely a month ago. Today we’re back to the cut ‘n’ run strategy, unequivocally stated as you pant for. It would appear that saying what is most expedient in the moment is the “new” politics Obama is offering. How this differs from the old politics is anyone’s guess.

  46. thor says:

    Comment by cynn on 3/7 @ 8:58 pm #

    I am liking thor. I will subscribe to his newsletter.

    Wow, and I was thinking of writing a newsletter. I think I’ll call it “Thor’s Upright Observer”, or maybe “The Taken Pecker”, then there’s the lovable “I Have A Live-In Girlfriend But Herald” or the daft “We Could Discuss A Quickie Daily”.

    Just some ideas.

  47. Bender Bending Rodriguez says:

    The same exchange happened on Newsnight tonight — I guess the British media didn’t sign onto the Obama Protection Scheme. Jeremy Paxman nailed Power (ewwwwww) on the same issue. And if you get caught out by Paxman the night after you get bowled by Stephen Sackur, you must resign immediately. What was funny is that the lead voiceover had pimped her as “Obama Advisor” but by airtime the Chyron caption had been magically changed to “Former Obama Advisor with an Unattractive Unibrow.”

  48. MC says:

    …coach Michael Vickian foot speed… – or tell him where to buy his dogs.

  49. B Moe says:

    You can’t coach Ray Leonard hand speed. And you can’t coach Obambam debate deflections. He’s a natural. Face life.

    True enough, but Hands of Stone don’t happen overnight.

    McCain ain’t gonna give him a quick rematch.

  50. datadave says:

    Samantha Power between her knees? Didn’t Al Gore have a similar type person around him?

  51. Cowboy says:

    Speaking of Al, DD, do you know where I can pick up a cheap “global-warming blower”? I just looked out the window at about 6 inches of fresh global warming on my driveway–it’s going to take all day to dig out.

  52. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    Comment by JD on 3/7 @ 8:17 pm #

    I trusted Clinton so his abuses of power didn’t bother me”

    That was beautiful, if for no other reason than one of the moonbats was finally honest about something other than their hatred of those that do not share their views.

    Do you have a link to that comment?

  53. Rusty says:

    #13 quote; I certainly didn’t know by recognizing Barack Obama as talented orator and politician…..

    that’s the rub , isn’t it? Nobody knows if he is a talented politician. He’s never done anything. But you take it on faith that he would be a viable president. And you blame the repubs of a theocracy. He is, though, a product of the Chicago and Cook county political machines. So hes got that whole, “I didn’t take no money! Nobody gave me any money. you can’t prove I took no money.” going for him.

  54. datadave says:

    snow don’t mean nothing …temps are still rising…we had one of the biggest snow levels for the year… but it’s melting so damn fast spring is around the corner and that didn’t happen this soon before..Same in Utah: big snow, early spring…and later falls.

  55. B Moe says:

    Qualifying at Atlanta is snowed out this morning. It’s called weather, dave, embrace its changeyness.

  56. JD says:

    LFFLR – I have demonstrated a complete inability to do the linky thing. If I recall correctly, Rob Crawford had a link to it previously.

    Having datadave and teh caric show up in the same day is precious.

  57. guinsPen says:

    @ #37 Hilly put-spotted him

    Pthhhhhut-spotted. Hilly attempts to board Obie, misses, and separates her own shoulder. She’s a natural.

    And you can’t coach Obambam debate deflections. He’s a natural. Face life.

    No, but you can catch Mr. Lindrosbama looking down at the puck. Face Mr. Stevens.

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  61. […] named to the transition team for the State Department: [T]he “monster” comment was likely only part of the reason for the Power outage, with more realistic Kinsleyian gaffes about how quickly US troops could be […]

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