For your Friday evening pleasure… from Trout Fishing In America
Knock on Wood (Part One)
As a child when did I first hear about trout fishing in America? From whom? I guess it was a stepfather of mine.
Summer of 1942.
The old drunk told me about trout fishing. We he could talk, he had a way of describing trout as if they were precious and intelligent metal.
Silver is not a good adjective to describe what I felt when he told me about trout fishing.
I’d like to get it right.
Maybe trout steel. Steel made from trout. The clear snow-filled river acting as foundry and heat.
Imagine Pittsburgh.
A steel that comes from trout, used to make buildings, trains and tunnels.
The Andrew Carnegie of Trout!
The Reply of Trout Fishing in America:
I remember with particular amusement, people with three-cornered hats fishing in the dawn.
I don;t recall having ever heard anyone else ever mention Richard Brautigan. Very odd, indeed. What was the name of the book in whcich one of characters had an obsession with counting everything? I don;t think it was WIllard and His Bowling Trophies…
“Revenge of the Lawn”? It escapes me.