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November 2024


F*cking One Middle School Boy [Dan Collins]

strikes one as misfortunate.  F*cking five smacks of carelessness.

–Lady Bracknell

65 Replies to “F*cking One Middle School Boy [Dan Collins]”

  1. mojo says:

    “The Importance of Being Earnest”

    Can’t fool me.

  2. Enoch_Root says:

    I am tired of the Teacher’s Union simply tolerating this behavior and clearly sweeping it under the carpet… I mean, it’s not like teachers just started abusing pupils this decade! How many innocents have to be abused before they get the message? Whatever it is, this is why I am against “organized education”. I mean, shit… teachers! of all people!

  3. Enoch_Root says:

    bunch of child rapists!

  4. Dan Collins says:

    I had a thread on Irish-Polish relations yesterday, Enoch. Where were you? Has Mary called you yet?

  5. BJTexs says:

    We have the Sharpton wanna-be preacher proclaiming “racism” in the “light” sentence handed out, the teacher being white and the boys being black don’cha know. Gaping mouth moment when the picture of the black presiding judge is shown.

    It’s a sad day when you’re not even half as sharp as Sharpton.

  6. layerguy says:

    Where the hell were these teachers when I was growing up? Damn kids today have it made.

  7. lee says:

    Yeah BJTexs, what he should have been bitching about is her light sentence because she is a woman, not white. Then he might have been on to something. Can you imagine a man getting his sentence reduced from 16 to 6?

    My favorite part when she apologized to the “young men. Middle school students are men now?!

    Seems a lack of contrition to me…

  8. Techie says:

    Why don’t we make teachers jokes like Priest ones?

  9. BJTexs says:

    Yeah BJTexs, what he should have been bitching about is her light sentence because she is a woman, not white. Then he might have been on to something. Can you imagine a man getting his sentence reduced from 16 to 6?

    Well, lee, The Narrative™ wouldn’t have been served for his constuency. He is, after all, a representative of the Patriarchal Christofascists and really wants to keep teh womyns down.

    The Black Judge thought still makes me laugh. What next, the judge as Uncle Tom? Hee-larious!

  10. Slartibartfast says:

    I don’t know how you can describe this as “careless”, except in the most literal (which is counter to common usage) sense of the word: she didn’t care.

  11. Slartibartfast says:

    OTOH, and I really hate to say this, but it’s true: if I’d had an opportunity to have had sex with a reasonably attractive (read: alive, with a reasonable BMI) woman at age 13 or 14, I don’t think there’d be any permanent scarring of the psyche.

  12. alppuccino says:

    It’s this damn war.

  13. memomachine says:


    “Where the hell were these teachers when I was growing up? Damn kids today have it made.”

    Damn straight! Hell when I was a kid we had Pong. PONG! WTF? They’ve got the DS, 360, PS2/PS3 and every other damn thing. All we had was a fucking spot of light bouncing back and forth!

    And the damn thing wasn’t even fucking *round*!

  14. Slartibartfast says:

    …and we LIKED it!

  15. Swen Swenson says:

    Perhaps middle school boys are like potato chips: You can’t have just one!

  16. Slartibartfast says:

    …and if you have a bunch of either, this is what happens.

  17. Slartibartfast says:

    This, even.

  18. JD says:

    Iowahawk – If you are reading this, an article about teachers similar to the one about journalists would be humorous.

  19. Synova says:

    The lesson ought to be… if you want to have sex with teenaged boys *don’t be a teacher*. Sure, it’s still statutory rape and it’s still creepy slut behavior, but at least you’re not a creepy slut teaching middle school students.

    When parents or a community are trying to instill responsibility in children, they have a right to expect teachers to support them rather than use the school as her own little fount of sex toys.

  20. lee says:

    Another good title for this post would be:

    What Once Were Vices Now Are Habits

    -Doobie Brothers

  21. lee says:

    err, that should be:
    What were once vices are now habits…sorry.

  22. Carin says:

    Well, a female teacher who has sex with a student is obviously crying-out for help. She was most likley abused growing up, and thus has turned to young men for solace because they are less threatening.

    A male teacher who has sex with a student is a filthy pig.

    Any questions?

  23. lee says:

    I have a question.

    Any chance some “abused while growing up” large bull dyke will rape her with a mop handle while she is in prison?

  24. mishu says:

    A male teacher who has sex with a student is a filthy pig.

    Any questions?

    Why? Is it the wiener?

  25. mishu says:

    Any chance some “abused while growing up” large bull dyke will rape her with a mop handle while she is in prison?

    What are you some Bushbotâ„¢? That’s tor… right. That kind of torture is ok.

  26. B Moe says:

    The poor little white boys who couldn’t get none are the ones should be shouting racist. Just sayin’.

  27. Rusty says:

    Hell. At that age ya pretty much got a boner all the time anyway. -Oh. Miss Crabapple! Could you take care of this for me, please?-

  28. ccs says:

    My favorite part when she apologized to the “young men. Middle school students are men now?!

    This set of 5 are men, she ‘made them men’.

  29. cuteseedumbshit says:

    Huh, I guess I’m old-fashioned.

    I was taught there’s more to being a man than getting laid.

  30. lee says:

    Oops, forgot to change my name from the other thread…

    *red face*

  31. Enoch_Root says:

    Get this! 4th Coach in Milwaukee Metro this year!

    I swear! Children are our future and all our teachers want to do is fuck them!

  32. Alcyoneus says:

    The double standards at law in favor of women are appalling.

  33. daleyrocks says:

    I thought the libs keep wanting to lower the age of consent, or is that just teh gheys?

  34. B Moe says:

    Dear Penthouse,
    I couldn’t believe this happened to me. I was sitting in class, just minding my own business, anxiously awaiting the day I was old enough to vote for Mike Huckabee, when this voluptuous young temptress of a substitute teacher came slinking into class wearing hot pants and spike heels and I immediately jumped up and screamed:


  35. Slartibartfast says:

    As if. You would have hit her like the fist of an angry god, is what you would have done. At age 14, anyway.

  36. Slartibartfast says:

    Just like this, is what I’m saying.

  37. Attila Girl says:

    I have some questions:

    1) “What? All at the same time?”

    2) “Did she get video? That would be a shame. I can dispose of it, if you like, to protect community standards. If you’ll only hand it over.”

    I’m fairly indignant about the whole thing. Gotta go take care of something . . .

  38. B Moe says:

    You would have hit her like the fist of an angry god, is what you would have done. At age 14, anyway.

    You Goddamn Right! This is a case where I veer widely off the conventional path.


    These women should be given medals. Nothing they could do would fuck me up worse than going to bed with a raging fucking hard on for YEARS and being told I was just going to have to wait.

  39. lee says:

    Attila Girl, eewwwwww!!

    Sex with minors by an adult isn’t cool, even when the minor is a boy and the adult a woman. Especially when the adult is in a position of authority over the minor.

    Now really, would you think your comment #37 funny if a man posted it about Enoch_roots link at #31?

    Again, maybe I’m old-fashioned, but that’s sick humor.

  40. lee says:


    I have to disagree with you on that one B Moe.

  41. Al Gore says:

    Again, maybe I’m old-fashioned…

    I think the problem is you aren’t old fashioned enough. When I was a kid this shit would have gotten laughed out of court.

  42. lee says:

    Yeah, sure. That’s why there was so much of this going on in those days. I guess everyones grandfather was getting laid by their 7th grade teacher.

  43. B Moe says:

    Yeah, sure. That’s why there was so much of this going on in those days.

    You honestly believe it didn’t?

  44. lee says:


    OK, like homosexuality, It happened, but there was such social stigma that it was waaaaayyyyy more rare than it is these days.

    Do you honestly think teachers should be encouraged to fuck their teenage students?

  45. Slartibartfast says:

    Sex with minors by an adult isn’t cool, even when the minor is a boy and the adult a woman. Especially when the adult is in a position of authority over the minor.

    I have some limited agreement with this notion, but it’s probably not congruent with yours. For me, the danger, here, is that she’s a teacher. She’s in a position of trust, where sexual activity does things to destroy the teacher-student relationship, and erodes the effectiveness of the teacher to do whatever it is that teachers do. Besides bedding multiple students, I mean.

    Now, if it’s the neighbor’s wife’s hot-but-unmarried 30-something friend visiting for a summer weekend, that’s another thing entirely.

    And, yeah: rarely happens outside of Penthouse Forum. But that’s what the Forum‘s for: feeding the hopes of young men sliding down the zipline of puberty.

    Not that I ever actually read it, mind you; just heard people talking about it.

  46. lee says:

    OK Slart, but out of curiosity, where is your age line dividing lucky kid with hot older woman and too young kid with creepy hot older woman?

    Obviously you think 18 is too old for the age of consent, so where do you think it should be? 16? 14? 12? Should a girls age of consent be older than a boys?

  47. MayBee says:

    I love you, lee.

  48. B Moe says:

    My issue is more with the 6 year sentence. If one of those boys beat the shit out of the teacher, you think he would get anywhere near 6 years? Fire her. Make her get counseling. Put her on probation, but 6 fucking years in prison for consensual sex with a kid one year away from a driver’s license? Come on.

  49. Andrew says:

    Look, just because a minor WANTS something doesn’t mean its a good idea for him to do it.

    I don’t think that should be too deep a concept. Enough of this “Oh, any degradation for a slice of sweet, sweet poon!” horseshit. Are we men or are we monkeys?

    When I was 13, I had serious hots for one of my mom’s co-workers, who was 19 and gorgeous. I followed her like a puppy dog and managed to be funny/cute-in-a-little-brother-way enough for her not to find me so repellent and annoying that she avoided my company. If anything like the above routine had happened, I would absolutely have gone for it. And that would have been a BAD thing.

    Because becoming sexually active at an age when you aren’t emotionally, legally, or financially prepared to deal with it is not okay. It just isn’t, and no amount of whistful piffling over the summer my balls dropped is going to change that.

    The deeper question is what the fuck is wrong with these 20-something young women that they feel the need to have sex with pubescents? Are they that incapable of dealing with an adult man on equal terms that they have to hand out BJ’s at middle schools?

    Fer Crimeny’s sake …

  50. lee says:

    but 6 fucking years in prison for consensual sex with a kid one year away from a driver’s license? Come on.

    I kid can get a license at 16, so you think the age of consent should be 15? 14? What? Should that be the age for girls too? If a male teacher is banging five 15 year old students, should he just be fired and sent on his way?

    Personally, I don’t think the fact they were boys(by the way, do you feel the same if it was a male teacher seducing boys?) makes it any less harmful. Boys need to be taught good morals, same as girls, if we are going to maintain a civil society. Do you think those “lucky” students are going to have the respect for women they should have? I doubt it. I believe accepting that behavior makes all women less safe, further lowers standards of decency, erodes civilization by taking us in the direction of animals instead of elevating us towards a great society.

    But then hey, I already confessed to being old fashioned. I believe in chivalry, which is more than opening doors for women. Our society is becoming more base every day, and it worries me. An immoral society is a doomed one.

  51. JD says:

    I am the first to admit that I would have shot my wad in 17 seconds of heaven over my 5th grade teach, but that would not have made it right, nor should it today. The disgusting double standards should embarass even a hard-core feminist. That she got 6 years is remarkable, not because a penis person would have got 15-20, bur that is a large sentence for a woman. Usually it seems like therapy, an short sentence, and off to Playboy.

  52. Andrew says:

    Um, didn’t the first one of these, the one that married her objet d’amour, get ten years? Or do I misremember?

  53. B Moe says:

    Okay, we will play it your way lee. Why only 6 years, why not 10 or 20? If what she did was so wrong why not just burn the fucking witch at the stake? Why should she ever be free to walk the streets like a civilized human again?

    Is that silly enough for you? I will try again later after a few cocktails if not.

  54. lee says:

    The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women.

    Nobility of spirit or action

    Just in case you were wondering what I meant…

  55. lee says:

    If what she did was so wrong why not just burn the fucking witch at the stake?

    Yeah, and put tailgaters in front of a firing squad!!

    Come on. That’s a big leap from giving her the consequence the law subscribes(and I’m sure she knew), or same sentence a male teacher would get.

    Why won’t you answer my good faith questions? What should the age of consent be? Should it be the same for boys and girls?

  56. BJTexs says:

    BMoe: i’m left with the uncomfortable thougth that your solution of firing and counceling and transfer is just the sort of thing the Catholic church tries for years with molestiong priests. The only way to keep kids safe is to make it an eggregious and unlawful act to take advantage of a child under sixteen.

    The moral equivalancy route doesn’t work for me, I’m afraid. But you are still a hell of a guitarist.

  57. JD says:

    Andrew – Yeah, she got 10 years, only after violating the law, and the judge’s orders, over and over and over and over again.

  58. Slartibartfast says:

    K Slart, but out of curiosity, where is your age line dividing lucky kid with hot older woman and too young kid with creepy hot older woman?

    The “creepy” part is probably a matter of perspective; mostly the age of the person thinking it’s creepy.

    Good question, though. Not a bad question, just because I don’t know the answer.

    Obviously you think 18 is too old for the age of consent, so where do you think it should be? 16? 14? 12? Should a girls age of consent be older than a boys?

    I think the age of consent is about right. I mean, isn’t the point of illicit sex that it’s illicit?

    None of the above should be taken as anything remotely like: Hey, if 12 years old is good enough for Chairman Mao, it’s good enough for me.

  59. JD says:

    I know this … if you just step back, and think about how this would play out if that were your daughter getting fucked by one of her teachers, the tone of the story would be dramatically different, as would the legal outcome.

  60. BJTexs says:

    JD: If it had been my 12 year old daughter, both the tone and the legal opurcome wouldn’t have been the only things “altered.”

    The things one can do with a sharp machete…

  61. Slartibartfast says:

    …as well as the extralegal outcome; let’s not forget that.

    Sure, I have a double standard; I freely admit it.

  62. B Moe says:

    I don’t have a problem with the age of consent being where it is, I just think some common sense should be used in judging the severity of the crime and the appropriate punishment. It is obvious to me that having sex with a 12 year old is worse than a 17 year old. I do think it is worse when girls are the victim- they are typically far more emotionally fragile and they run the risk of a devastating pregnancy.

    I just basically think it is a bit ridiculous that if she had physically assaulted them she would probably have gotten a lighter sentence.

  63. lee says:

    I just think some common sense should be used in judging the severity of the crime and the appropriate punishment. It is obvious to me that having sex with a 12 year old is worse than a 17 year old.

    Yes, and the punishment for those circumstances are different.

    I do think it is worse when girls are the victim- they are typically far more emotionally fragile and they run the risk of a devastating pregnancy.

    I think boys can be as messed up emotionally by a teacher fucking them as girls, and what about the risk of a devastating incurable STD?

    I just basically think it is a bit ridiculous that if she had physically assaulted them she would probably have gotten a lighter sentence.

    Do you think it’s ridiculous that an adult man that rapes an adult woman gets a much harsher sentence than if he had just beat her up?

  64. Enoch_Root says:

    new bumper sticker – “hands off the privates, teachers!”

  65. Dan Collins says:

    Pink Floyd:
    Hey, teachers! . . . stop having sexual relations with teenagers!

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