Claims to distinguish between “movies” and “reality”:
Sharon Stone believes the Sept. 11 attacks should not have been used as a pretext for the United States to launch wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to her comments published Monday in a pan-Arab newspaper.
In her interview with Al Hayat, the actress also bemoaned what she called Americans’ decision to ignore the deaths of so many Iraqis.”
I feel at great pain when the spotlight is on the death of 4,000 American soldiers, while 600,000 Iraqi deaths are ignored,” she said. “War is not a movie, it is a tragedy of dead bodies, victims, the disabled, orphans, widows and the displaced.”ÂÂ
That’s really, really deep, Sharon. And yeah, war sucks. Almost as bad as Basic Instinct II.
Matthews ‘Worried’ Hillary Could Regain Momentum?Anybody concerned with what Matthews thinks?ÂÂ
Someone splain this please. (Check the writers credits.)
The runtime is 1 minute.
Hmmm. I guess they were working with Sharon’s character development limitations. Savvy.
But you gotta wonder what Meg Ryan thinks about all this.
It reminds me of that episode of Star Trek where Spock does that Vulcan Mind thing on a living rock and doubles over and screams PAIN!
And feets that is some unGodly powerful Google Fu, we are not worthy.
I was going to offer some indignant commentary on the intelligence of Hollywood personalities and why anyone cares what they think. Happyfeet does a far better job of distilling the essence of their significance.
We need to find someone to turn this into an Obama commercial.
Sharon Stone is fucking insane.
We now know she hates war, but it’s those naughty, nasty little Germans that really keep her coming back.
I can’t find a link that covers the whole thing, but you’ve got to catch Kathy Griffin talking about a speech that Sharon Stone gave at an AMFAR gathering. Part of it is here (starting at about 4:40) , but there’s a good bit more that got cut off at the end.
Celebrities should be laughed at. Politely.
From a distance.
Not, as is my predilection, to lean over the table, plant both hands firmly astride their dinnerware, and scream “BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE!!!”
I don’t give a shit what Sharon Skinny Stone opines at any time. But you don’t dispute the causualties. If you do, state it here now, because the Iraq dispute will fall off the radar, because the economy is collasping.
Wow. I was babbling bigtime.
many have disputed the 650,000 number.
I don’t hear Sharon talking about how many died in the years before we got there, or how many will die if we pull our soldiers out (to save their lives, not the lives of Iraqis).
She is right about war not being like a movie, though. You can just write ‘The End’ on a war and call it over.
you can’t, I mean. can’t can’t can’t
The casualty numbers are wrong.
The war in Iraq has already fallen off the radar.
The economy is not collapsing.
If missing all of them is good, you’re batting 1.000.
Also in war you don’t get your own trailer. Back me up here, RTO.
Anybody concerned with what Matthews thinks?
Only if he feels the need to share any more funny feelings in his pants.
Actually, Feets, if you’re on a hard post or an improved FOB you might get a CONNEX (shipping contianer) which is almost as good. On Camp Phoenix, E-7 and up, Warrants, and O-4 and up got half a Connex to themselves.
So to get a whole trailer in war one has to be a General.
No wonder Sharon hates war so.
cynn – I dispute the numbers. Vehemently. while you are at it, you assert that we are heading into a recession. please define same, and show which sign posts we have already passed on our way there.
The economy is not collapsing.
Bullshit. It has gotten so bad my boss is lighting his cigars with twenties instead of hundreds. Buy Gold, I say.
Eh. People die in war. Insurgencies can only exist with the support of the people. Am I being an insensitive, amoral hard ass if I don’t care if significant members of the population die who support the insurgents? The same insurgents who behead captives?
I feel like I should be smoking a cigar and sniffing napalm in the distance.
Ah, the Lancet meme again. Serving it’s original purpose.
What a profoundly stupid woman.
Those are real numbers. So, Sharon, what do you think of the people who blew up the families living near Baghdad International?
MAJOR JOHN – Great to see your name on here. I still have a case of Crystal Light waiting for your APO … hint, hint.
Yeah, and I’m voting for whomever you ask me to, so keep that in mind, too.
JD, stuck in Baghdad right now. I hope to be at my final station in a couple of weeks…
Dan – Not the junior Senator from my benighted State of Illinois, please.
What’s consistently looney about all this is the fact that nobody, but nobody among the chic left ever seems to note that the killing of large numbers of Iraqis is not being done by us, but by our enemies in Iraq, and some retaliatory activity by our friends in Iraq, and some of same by people who don’t especially care for us but are not about to shoot at us.
In other words, its complicated, but the bad guys really are the Bad Guys.
Shorter Merovign: Unless that is the celebrity is the BEST PRESIDENT EVER or runs for Governor of Kalifornia or leaves Law and Order to carry water for the right wing….then they are heroes and great.
Major John: “A single death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic,” no? I mean Ms. Moron’s point is less about the number of dead, than the existence of a large number of them. You can wander the streets and telling the Iraqis how very lucky they are that only 80,000 of them have died, instead of Stone’s numbers. The orphans will feel much better.
IJS – Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to type your drivel and be proven the fool.
well, considering they’re being killed at a lower rate than while Saddam was in power, they just might feel better.
and here I thought running and winning and serving in public office would add to someone’s credibility as a politician and their knowledge of political matters. huh. nope, it’s all about the right-wingedness. BECAUSE OF THE HYPOCRISY!!!one!!!!
You can wander the streets and telling the Iraqis how very lucky they are that only 80,000 of them have died, instead of Stone’s numbers. The orphans will feel much better.
As maggie already pointed out, it is more than unfortunate that innocent Iraqi’s have died due to our actions, but at least now they have the hope that the dying will end. Under Saddam, they had no such hope, only ever increasing body counts.
Don’t forget to watch the Frontline on Haditha tonight, ladies and gents. Must be all librul hogwash anyway. Methinks I will DVR it for you all, then you can catch it when you’re ready to learn what allegedly happened, what happened, and how it’s perfectly legal for Americans to shoot 8 year olds and claim they were following orders.
But, you’re right, we’re doing God’s work and God wants us to break a few eggs to make that omlette, then the Protein Wisdom denizens will be the first ones to the omlette bar to ask for “a skosh extra cheese and some of those mushrooms if you please.”
Then why do you comment, JD? Are you pretty clear re: your reputation?
As for Maggs, gee, the “we’re not as murderous as the last guy” must be cold comfort for the Iraqis. Hope and peace in a cluster bomb! Now, on to Tehran, where more endless wars can be fought and civilians killed so that we can save them.
You people are the Colonel Flag from MASH in come to life just to taunt American politics. I never knew this many insane people could exist in one echo chamber. I would have loved to hang out with you in the Cold War and listened how we needed to nuke Germany to save it…
I like broccoli in my omelets. And brown people…
IJS – Go fuck yourself. It is clear and apparent that your fevered swamp of a Schiavo brain harbors some distorted view that anyone around here, much less the American military, condones or supports the mass slaughter of innocents. But, your caricature view of us, and of the soldiers involved, exists only in your fucking sick head.
What? Slow afternoon at the middle school or did Patterico finally ban your trash talking ass?
It makes me tingly when I’m referred to as one of “you people.”
Project much?
Oops, did not mean to offend your delicate sensibilities, IJS. Actually, I prefer it when people/things/morons like you drop by. It serves as an example of what we might become should thinking people fail to utilize their grey matter properly, or in your case, at all.
MURDEROUS KILLBOTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1eleventy
Please, you know you’re winning the argument when IJS starts throwing personal attacks into the mix. He/She just doesn’t seem smart enough to examine all aspects of a given situation, so thats the only tool left. It must really piss him/her off to know that it looks like we will be sticking it out.
I mean Ms. Moron’s point is less about the number of dead, than the existence of a large number of them.
If that is your metric, then are you also as avid in the banning of swimming? More Americans drown in a year than have been lost in Iraq. And banning drivers license under the age of 21 would save more lives in six months than have been lost in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Trade Centers combined. Not to mention all the wasted fuel we would save. And if you are really serious, we could do away with all flammable materials in cars, weld up the doors and put full roll cages in there, require five point harness and full face helments. Be a little uncomfortable, sure, but it would cut highway deaths in half at least. Funny how no one is raising any hell at all about measures that could save far more lives here and wouldn’t compromise anyone’s safety at all.
Are you really comparing Sharon Stone to a successful Governor and a Senator? Boy, you are a mile wide and an inch deep. As for Arnold, he is as Republican as McCain (who has a dearth of love here if you haven’t noticed), and was elected by Los Angeles (Sharon Stone territory) over the wishes of Conservatives, who voted for McClintock. His successes include a budget reminiscent of the recalled Grey, advancing global warming issues, attempts at universal healthcare, and drivers licenses for illegals.
so she’s concerned about the number of dead, but not really. It’s okay so long as it’s some ME dictator doing it. okay. thanks for clearing that up.
and your Haditha bit, that’s like saying it’s perfectly legal to kill eight year olds because someone went into insulin shock, passed out and drove through a school parking lot. NO CHARGES WERE MADE! so obviously we don’t care.
Wait, I wasn’t finished!
No, Arnold is no hero to the right, and Reagan and Thompsons accomplishments are so far beyond acting that the comparison to stone is moronic.
EG: If you keep this rational discourse up, you’ll be in danger of losing your “you people” status.
Fear not! in the overheated world of IJS, you can never lose your “insanity” defense.
IJS – I happen to be here in Iraq helping reduce the number of innocents killed by the bad guys. And you are doing….?
And, IJS, what do you think of the people who shoot mortars into families’ apartments?
Just how many innocent Iraqis have Americans killed? It isn’t anywhere near that 80K number. As for Haditha, that’s the problem with launching attacks from civilian areas: It gets civilians killed. Which is why it’s a violation of the Geneva Conventions.
Major John, good to hear from you.
Pablo – I’m about to do the duffle bag drag to a new location. Hopefully one a little less mortary and rockety.
Hey, why don’t you jump in the time machine, and wait for us in Hiroshima? We’ll be right there, promise.
Godspeed, MJ. They did get the shooters though, right? And without those nasty cluster bombs…
Hello google!…