
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

November 2024


Well, then.

Looks like I’ll have to reconsider my nascent support for changyness and hopeitude after all.

Too bad, too. I was really hoping to get in good with Oprah…

103 Replies to “Well, then.”

  1. Dan Collins says:

    Those fucking bastards made RWS say “hell”!

  2. happyfeet says:

    I can totally see Baracky on a flag like that one day.

  3. Karl says:


  4. Dan!!..LOL!!!!!!!!!!

    I am just so glad that I saved Jeff from this monumental mistake.

  5. JD says:

    Hell is as close as RWS will ever come to cussing. Personally, I am glad those changeyness fuckers are so up front about their socialism. Maybe Barry O could pick Chavez or the Ghost of Che as his running mate. What are the chances of this showing up in the MSM?

  6. Sean M. says:

    Change = firing squads, apparently.


  7. JD says:

    RWS is my favorite non-cussing McCain supporter.

  8. Education Guy says:

    Obama was in my town this weekend remembering the Titans. Most of whom are too young to vote, but whatever.

  9. jdm says:

    I can totally see Baracky on a flag like that one day.

    Well, even though both have a lot of Useful Idiots ready, willing, eager even, to create a phony mythology about each of these people’s heroes, Obama’s got miles to go before he can hang with The Che.

    Of course, if Obama gets murdered, that’ll help a lot.

    On the other hand, with no motorcycle trip, no diaries about that trip, no revolutions to hang with, no prisoners to order executed, no prisoners to kill, no cool guns, and no beret, I think Obama will always be a nice guy with some outdated ideas.

  10. ahem says:

    I’m holding my nose and voting for McCain just out of concern for the troops. I’d never forgive myself if I sat on the sidelines and let this little communist shit, Obama, take command of them without a struggle.

  11. TerryH says:

    I can totally see Baracky on a flag like that one day.

    Vanderleun has that covered in a “retro-fascist tone, making it popular with spoiled white art students who like to make believe they are living in a totalitarian society, instead of one so rich and confident it can afford to indulge their vapid fantasies of “oppression.”

  12. happyfeet says:

    Things move so fast these days.

  13. jdm says:

    It’s interesting, ahem, that only little “western” communist shits don’t care about the military. All the non-western ones do.

  14. nishizonoshinji says:

    wow this is pretty frivolous….is this the new PW?
    like Obama sanctioned what some fatassed prole put up in that office.
    betcha malkin will link this one.

  15. happyfeet says:

    Symbols, nishi. In the vacuum of Obama’s policies, they matter a lot really.

  16. JD says:

    Symbols, nishi. In the vacuum of Obama’s policies, they matter a lot really.

    Happyfeet – This response is beautiful and elegant in its simplicity, and can be easily extrapolated to the entire Osama Obama movement.

  17. nishizonoshinji says:

    how can a dopey poster Obama has never even seen be a symbol?
    do u honestly believe he wud have sanctioned it if he saw it?
    it is all sour grapes for use guyz.

    and enterprises of great pitch and moment
    shall in this reguard their currents turn awry
    and loose the name of action

  18. happyfeet says:

    It’s not a symbol for Obama, it’s a symbol for us I think. Obama Guevara resonates I think with people who find his nebulous changeyness at best a little dubious. Guevara was all about the changeyness too. Linking Obama with other visionaries and his followers with their followers is a pretty organic response to his campaign I think. But if you overthink it it’s not nearly so fun.

  19. McGehee says:

    Obama Guevara

    I had that album on cassette, once upon a time. But I think “Synchronicity” was probably The Police’s best.

  20. Jeff G. says:

    And those anti-Semitic tracts published in Ron Paul’s newsletters? How dare we blame him. He can’t be held responsible for what the people hired to work in his name do! That’s just asking too damned much.

  21. JD says:

    Jeff G – You know that the utter and complete bastardization of language, the elevation of form over substance, is a one-way street, and only heads in a direction that makes R’s look bad. Ironic about Nor Laup, since the racist misogynistic bastards on the Right were the ones that exposed him and rejected him. Doubly ironic that does not happen on the other side of the aisle.

  22. Darleen says:


    if that is an official Obama office then the campaign is responsible for any idiocy that happens there.


  23. happyfeet says:

    Mr. John Cole and his juicy balloons have this guy who says that it’s the official office but not the official staffers who put up the flag. Here. Which, I don’t see how that matters exactly.

  24. psycho... says:

    It’s not a symbol for Obama, it’s a symbol for us I think.

    The only place I’ve ever seen that particular Che flag design, without the “REVOLUCION” that’s printed under his face on the official version, was as a midway balloon-darts game prize.

    It’s the state fair Theatre of Pain tapestry of executioner-fetish displays.

    So I think you’re right, but not like you meant.

  25. thor says:

    I’m shocked nobody has taken this opportunity to really shine. Based on a few Senate votes, which of you Cain haters is going to be the first to proclaim John McCain is, actually, more of a Communist than Che Guevara?

  26. happyfeet says:

    Hmmph. I don’t think you read the not nearly so fun part.

  27. happyfeet says:

    Oh. that was at #25. For real mostly what I mean to say is it’s a great symbol cause it incontrovertibly would never have been found in a Clinton or McCain office.

  28. Karl says:

    During the 1960s alone, the regime Che helped set up executed over 100,000 people, and incarcerated some 350,000 political prisoners out of a Cuban population that numbered only 6.3 million in 1960. Che enjoyed torturing and abusing the prisoners, including children. Twice, Che plotted terrorist attacks against New York City.

    So some morally retarded young miscreants put up a flag with his picture on it in Obama’s office — blisslfully ignorant of the fact that Che detested rock and roll and railed against “long hairs,” “lazy youths,” and homosexuals — and nishi thinks no one should care, because she too wants to be swept away with the rest of the garbage.

    Boo frickin’ hoo, nishi. Stick that in your memehacker. You’re giving a pass to morons who idolize a mass-murderer and idolize Obama in the same ignnorant way. Hope you can look at yourself in the mirror.

  29. happyfeet says:

    Oh. See that’s exactly what thor said too.

  30. happyfeet says:

    Ok my #30 refers to my #28 in light of thor’s #26. Carry on then.

  31. Karl says:


    That comment is sufficently insulting as to rank you as almost as stupid as the Che-worshippers. I was going to go a bit easy on McCain, but I guess not so much now.

  32. happyfeet says:

    Ohnoes. Is it just me or is this gyre getting wider?

  33. Karl says:


    There are plenty of sites on the web where McCain gets called Juan Mcvain, the Manchurian Candidate, etc. etc. etc. The folks here at PW not only don’t pull that crap, we dump on people who wander here making those sorts of comments. So thor’s comment is pure jackassery and insulting. If he wants to play that game, I can start treating him like actus.

  34. JD says:

    Is johnballoonjuice really trying to push the idea that this is not something that Obama should have to answer for because a volunteer in his offices put it up? As though there would be some kind of fundamental difference if it had been placed behind the desk by a paid campaign staffer. Apparently, it made no impact on the staff in place. This may seem minor, and in the grand scheme of things it is, but dammit, it is illustrative. It is a peak into the ideals that are driving this changeyness. And, we should be concerned.

  35. Karl says:

    It will do wonders for Barry in FL.

  36. JD says:

    Well, we know it will not be given any life outside of the blogs, so it will not actually have any effects for them. Chances are, with the compliant and fawning press, he will never even be questioned about it.

  37. happyfeet says:

    I hate it when they call him Juan. But I think thor is meaning more that this Guevara thing illustrates what he sees as an ideological chasm between Senators McCain and Obama, and that he’d think even the most rabid McCain hater should see that. He just said it different.

  38. Karl says:


    thor’s comment:

    I’m shocked nobody has taken this opportunity to really shine. Based on a few Senate votes, which of you Cain haters is going to be the first to proclaim John McCain is, actually, more of a Communist than Che Guevara?

    Based on your prior comments, I know how you read it, but the premise of the question is that we might make the comparison, when no one here does that kind of crap. If he’s going to start playing the troll, he will get the full-on troll treatment from me.

    And if I wanted to, I could be as tough or tougher on McCain than Jeff is. I could do it every day and twice on Sunday.

  39. thor says:

    Don’t hold back on my part, Karl. Be all you can be. Once it gets comfortably settled in, Billary Clinton will be looking for a few good interns. Give it your best shot.

    Me, I think I’ll vote Republican, which means I’ll be voting for an American war hero during this time of war. I will not lick grape jelly off Hildabeast’s swollen ankle.

  40. happyfeet says:

    This is awkward cause I was kind of vituperative about McCain myself until he became all de facto. Kind of a lot vituperative. Now my sleeping pills are kicking in and I don’t have anything really to say. Crap. It’s only mid-February.

  41. Karl says:


    When has anyone compared McCain to any communist at ths site? Don’t you owe people an apology? Do you really think that brand of jackassery reflects badly on yourself and the candidate you support? Or are you a gaing empty maw, an autonomotan who has no moral center?

    Just curious.

  42. Karl says:

    that’s “gaping” empty maw. Thought I should clarify, given the limited intellect to which it was addressed.

  43. Karl says:

    ..and autonomoton, as well. Typing quickly does not serve me well.

  44. Karl says:

    I should add that thor apparently would prefer to insult people here, even if it raises the risk that we would get stuck with a Dem POTUS. That’s a finely-honed sense of priorities thor has.

  45. thor says:

    The full troll-on treatment, no! The VC broke McCain’s hip with a half-troll electro-water bone-shocker. I give. I’ll say what you want from now on. I swear I will. Where are you taking me? Please, someone tell my wife I love her.

  46. Karl says:

    Oh, and should thor bother to return, I would like him to admit that he voted for John F. Kerry, given his hard-on for war heroes.

  47. Karl says:

    thor’s back. How was voting for John Kerry, thor?

  48. Karl says:

    C’mon thor. Give us the war hero love. Kerry was decorated, amn.

  49. RTO Trainer says:


    I think Thor’s been having you on, mate. And you fell for it.

  50. thor says:

    Kerry, war hero? Well, I guess Kerry did win the war medal tossing competition.

    I support the conservative leaning Republican Senator from Arizona.

    I forward my apologies to all who felt insinuating some here might state, hint or otherwise imply Senor John McCain esta mas Communisto por Che Guevara, escuse mi todos. Mi no beuno en my cabeza.

  51. Karl says:


    thor is being a jackass. He’s been a jackass almost entirely from the get-go. He’s taking the road under the bridge with the rest of the trolls. It’s not a question of falling for it. It’s a question of recognizing it. I try very hard to be civil to the commenters here, but if he wants to be treated like I treated actus before he ran away, or like Oliver Willis (who I ran off of BuzzMachine a while back), that’s what he will get.

    Put another way, it’s jackasses like thor who tend to put Jeff off blogging. So my tolerance for it has decreased since Saturday.

  52. Karl says:


    Thanks for the apology.

  53. thor says:

    One could hang the jackass frame around my neck, as you say, but I think I’m bringing what others call balance into the argument for, or against, John McCain. If that means I don’t always agree with Jeff or Karl, then let our friction lead to folly and jolly.

    I get it. McCain is an imbecile for allowing his name to be attached to that immigration bill. I’m willing to give him a pass in light of his recent reversal on the issue. I don’t get John McCain sometimes, I admit that too. But he’s our little rock-jaw, and he’s out cnadidate, and I don’t want him unfairly taken out behind the woodshed. If anyone deserves a second, third or fourth chance, it’s this rock-jaw’d jarheaded Vet. He does love America and he is a loyal Republican, if nothing else. I see upside.

  54. thor is being a jackass. He’s been a jackass almost entirely from the get-go.

    and that’s been his gimmick from the get-go. (or maybe I’ve got it wrong and he really does like Michael Vick) but also he was the one that sent burrhog a stuffed monkey way back when. OTOH I could be completely wrong, it’s hard to tell in text sometimes.

  55. thor says:

    Michael Vick was over-prosecuted because of who he was. Of that, there is no doubt. He was wrong to be involved in the sport of dog fighting. I stood up and defended the dimwit because he should not have had to endure the looney PC crowd piling on. When the commissioner of the NFL donated $250K (if my memory serves) to PETA to make them go away, I think the jist of my argument proved itself accurate.

    Michael Vick did not invent the awfulness of dog fighting. He will pay a heavier price than anyone ever prosecuted for dog fighting. I’m about even-handedness, that’s all.

  56. I’m about even-handedness, that’s all.

    and usually in a most colorful way that makes me laugh. oh well. everyone’s so touchy lately.

    going back to speaking of consideration of changeyness a friend of mine posted this. I won’t vote for McCain in the primary, but I also can’t bring myself to ignore how the Dems are going to treat the military. I just don’t know at this point, there’s lots of time til November.

  57. thor says:

    It think everyone is projecting the blandness of the Repub nomination process on McCain. When Huckabee is your Obama it does bring a sinking feeling, no doubt. Not that Huckabee is a bad guy, it’s just that Chuck Norris does his best acting in infomercials.

    Watching Obama deflower Hillary is much more entertaining. The Repubs just can’t match the show going on on the other side of the fence.

  58. Sean M. says:

    Fine, if it’ll get everyone to quit bickering…

    John McCain is a commie pinko rat bastid who sits (comfortably, I might add) to the Left of Karl Marx himself, and would publicly fellate Alger Hiss while being banged up the squeakhole by a strap-on wielding Ethel Rosenberg. In public. And he’d pay handsomely for the privilege, too. With money he redistributed from the wealthy to the workers and peasants.

    There, thor. Are you happy now?

  59. Sean M. says:

    Now, the healing can begin.

  60. thor says:

    Bravo! Sean, dude, you said everything Karl would say if he polished off a pint of Stoli and let his tongue go.

    Look for my “Leave McCain Alone!” videos on youtube. I’ll do it. Dont’ push me, Karl! Don’t even think about it, Jeff. I will cry and scratch at my webcam like a dumped debutante. Your brutality will not go unanswered. Someone has to step up and be McCain’s man-bitch. If Dan Collins sends me a script, I’ll be that sniveling man-bitch in full tantrum.

  61. Sean M. says:

    Thanks for the kudos, thor. I’m all about the togetherness.

    That said, you were supposed to stop baiting Karl, who was a good sport after your pidgin-Spanish apology. And lay off Jeff and Dan, too.

    Feel the love, brotha.

  62. thor says:

    Yeah, well, we are going to lose the 2008 election by monumental Mondale proportion. It’s Bush’s and McCain’s fault, moreover, it’s the whole Republican party’s fault. So what if Bush gets a standing ovation from the “true conservatives” and McCain, a war hero in his twilight years, gets dog shit tossed at him.

    Back in the day we’d go to Austin to raise hell, then to San Antonio to get really drunk and then to Laredo to get laid. The border has been wide open since I can remember, just the way Bush wants it. Could we shut it down, well yes. Could we ship the cheap labor home, well yes. Everyone knows they Repubs won’t do it. They’d rather not pay the full bill to repair the shingles up on the roof after a tornado. Everyone knows the Dems won’d do it. Universal health care translated means free health care to anyone who speaks Spanish, uses a fake SS and votes democrat.

    We’re screwed.

    Tax cuts while we’re at war, that was not brilliant. Using our troops as traffic cops in Baghdad, that’s not what Marines do. Allowing interest rates to go to zero, which collapsed our currency and created day trading in the Florida condo market, that was not economically prudent, nor is the $600 worth of free cheese I’m going to be receiving very soon.

    And now we sit back and watch the Clinton kick-back machine bully its way back into the White House,

    We are so …..

    I agree with Jeff. Pass me a red t-shirt and my coupons to the government health clinic. If Obama wins we can say we achieved a post-modern milestone and sing Bob Marley songs. The ineffectual Repubs aren’t worth voting for. I pray another hurricane Katrina comes and blows my house down. To be able to stop making mortgage payments and receive a shiny new two-room trailer with lots and lots of bags of free ice sounds like a dream. I’d fix my trailer up real nice, get the NBA package on Dish Network, add an extra room with a window unit air-conditioner and a redwood deck with a martini glass shaped hot tub. It’s never to late to take classes and learn Swedish. I’m beginning to believe “yes we can” take 3, 4, 5-months off a year to vacation and relax. I don’t even know how to paint with water colors! Nudes in charcoal! I’m so there.

  63. Sean M. says:

    I tried to offer an olive branch, and look what it gets me…

    Tax cuts while we’re at war, that was not brilliant. Using our troops as traffic cops in Baghdad, that’s not what Marines do.

    I should have suggested a return to teh GOLD STANDARD!!!one!1!

    Let’s end the war with teh Ron Paul rEVOLution!


  64. datadave says:

    That Che thing has nothing to do with Obama, Jeff. I am reading his second book, Obama’s I mean. It’s good, very good about history of Senate and politics and obviously the guy’s an excellent writer. His first book was well reviewed and that was before he was seriously in politics. I am only half way through Audacity of Hope but I can see he understands the health care cost crisis, the middle class squeeze and politics to the n’th degree so much more than the phony folksiness of Fred Thompson and his red truck.

    Policies? He reveres the Constitution as a U of Chicago Law school Constitutional law professor. He is opposed to further income mal-distribution caused by Bush’s tax cuts and for a more progressive income tax and not a flat tax while our tax system is fairly regressive at the moment after Reagan and Moynihan’s (sp?) huge tax increase on payroll taxes of the 80s. Ask Bill Gates and Warren Buffett about that. Other than making taxes more progressive, there isn’t much radicalism in the guy. He just wants to get something done…so that may be radical.

    Che? he lived in a society of vast income inequality. His reaction thus was understandable after his seeing the misery of the Latin Americans ala Motorcycle Diaries etc. And being from relative privilege and seeing the void beneigh even middle class people such as’s not hard to understand the average Latino’s aversion to oligarchs that shot peasants in the face just to win an argument. It’s a place where if local big shot had a grudge with a smaller landowner or peasant the local Jefe just told a hired hand to kill the offender. I hear that’s how the current govt. of Columbia is dealing with it’s crime problem to some success. Find the ones most likely to commit crimes and ‘disappear’ them. Che was just a reaction to that climate of fear and desperation that permeated Latin American, long before Marxists did anything.

    from reading Obama, he’s pretty damned smart and considerate and thoughtful. El Rushmo says he ain’t going to be the nominee though. No way!

  65. B Moe says:

    He is opposed to further income mal-distribution caused by Bush’s tax cuts and for a more progressive income tax and not a flat tax while our tax system is fairly regressive at the moment after Reagan and Moynihan’s (sp?) huge tax increase on payroll taxes of the 80s.

    A whole lifetime of stupid in just one sentence.

  66. nishizonoshinji says:

    well…my misunderstanding is that i thot ObamaGuevera is a thotless snarky tossoff appropriate for Hot Air an the
    that is stone brilliant.

    twodigit crowd, but if Jeff wants increased readership an goggle hits its fine.
    i dont think its the commenters an the DenBeste effect (altho SDB has comments now!!! amazin!!)
    i think Jeff wants to be popular.

    the thing i think is fantastic is right now is all the old alliances are fracturing.
    the xian fundies that delivered the rove-engineered 2004 election to the repubs rejected mitt-the-eleventh-hour-candidate BECAUSE OF TEH TRIBALISM. huckabee is their voice! an theyr voting huck whether u like it or not.
    its wildly amusin to see the pundit class try to bully the proles into votin mccain.

    bilarys impressive political machine is failing. the pantsuit-tribe is fightin the hipness-tribe on the democratic side. two decades ago bilary was hip—they had all the moviestarendorsements. now Obama is hip.
    u talk about “changeyness” but really it is evolution.
    the old paradigms are fracturing.
    Obama learned to take advantage of the caucus states…he subverted the political machinery. he used bricolage.
    he took the howarddean model of internet fundraising and exploited it.
    that is stone brilliant.

    the repubs are mired in infighting an tired policies.
    right-to-life as a single issue? thats the moron gradient right there.

  67. nishizonoshinji says:

    hmmm..i think i actually meant if Jeff wants to be ace or malkin, obamaguevera is good.
    but am i the only one gettin doom signals from the repubs?

  68. B Moe says:

    Michael Vick was over-prosecuted because of who he was. Of that, there is no doubt.

    The trial was over-hyped because of who he was, which is entirely appropriate because he is who he is because of hype. I have seen no indication the sentences were different from any other operation of that size, if you can positively prove otherwise, it would be nice for you to do it for a change rather than continue your right-wing Amanda Marcotte routine.

  69. McGehee says:

    Me, I think I’ll vote Republican

    Many of us want to do the same, but unfortunately there isn’t going to be a Republican among the nominees.

  70. B Moe says:

    u talk about “changeyness” but really it is evolution.

    You are aware that the paths of evolution contain many dead-ends?

  71. nishizonoshinji says:

    You are aware that the paths of evolution contain many dead-ends?

    yup, but evolution is a response to the environment
    wats the option?
    evolve or go extinct like the conservatives.

    but im absolutely certain of two things.
    everything evolves, and high school never ends in the blogverse
    its still a popularity contest.
    national presidential election, CPAC blogger of the year.
    all the same

  72. nishizonoshinji says:

    oops i mean to say, Whigs, not conservatives.
    freudian slip?

  73. thor says:

    Comment by Sean M. on 2/12 @ 5:30 am #

    I tried to offer an olive branch, and look what it gets me…

    I should have suggested a return to teh GOLD STANDARD!!!one!1!

    Let’s end the war with teh Ron Paul rEVOLution!


    Ron Paul is an idiot. But so are people who think the U.S. can run deficits, allow its currency to free fall all while raw material import prices skyrocket. Watch the price of commodities compared to dollar trading. We may as well let the dollar trade down until it allows for the organical rebuilding of our manufacturing base. It’s not like we’ll have a choice. It’s not like it’ll be quick or painless. And though being the world’s bankers was more fun than being the world’s Maytag factory workers … we didn’t make our Excel spread sheets balance. We don’t have the currency reserves anymore. They now have more than we.

    I’m not afraid to paint colorful birds on ceramic plates while wearing my red beret .. or play golf all day; it’s not like I can afford to travel Europe and write sentimental poems on Parisian cafe napkins.

    A free trailor sure would free up some cash flow and getting rid of my wife would free up even more. She’ll hate the trailor and, wallah, it’s a win-win. I’ll buy Miami Heat season tickets while they’re cheap and be the crazy dude who dances funny just so I can see myself on the scoreboard. during timeouts. That’s the ticket.

  74. B Moe says:

    yup, but evolution is a response to the environment
    wats the option?
    evolve or go extinct like the conservatives.

    Everything evolves, we have no choice. The choice you have is to try to steer and regulate the change in an intelligent manner, or just randomly embrace and celebrate change for changes sake, without acknowledging that bad change is what leads to extinction.

  75. thor says:

    Comment by B Moe on 2/12 @ 7:17 am #

    change rather than continue your right-wing Amanda Marcotte routine.

    That hurt. That’s way below the belt. If you find me someone-anyone incarcerated for as long as Michael Vick, who lost as much money as Michael Vick, who lost as lucrative a career as Michael Vick all for dog fighting I’ll take back everything I’ve said. And I never said he wasn’t an ass but making him pay $1 million bucks to have his dogs cared for and put up for adoption by those freaks at PETA was a crime in itself. If he was broke the dogs would have been put down instead of being sent to holistic dog-talkers and featured on PETA’s money raising commercials. $1 million bucks for dog daycare divided by 54 dogs – you do the math. A lot of homeless people could have attended junior college with that money.

    Allow me time to recupirate from your vicious name association. Amanda Marcotte. That’s cold.

  76. nishizonoshinji says:

    too late, dude.
    ur way behind the curve to shape phenotype in this election.
    we say…..lack of genetic variance translates to inability to evolve in response to environmental changes.
    it seems to me the old paradigms lack flexibilty, like the xian coalition an bilarys oldskool party machinery.

  77. JD says:

    FREE MICHAEL VICK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND, MUMIA !!!!

    That Marcotte reference had to leave a mark.

  78. nishizonoshinji says:

    adaptative….i love that word.
    that is why i think Obama can take the general.

  79. nishizonoshinji says:

    omg my spelling!

  80. B Moe says:

    If you find me someone-anyone incarcerated for as long as Michael Vick, who lost as much money as Michael Vick, who lost as lucrative a career as Michael Vick all for dog fighting I’ll take back everything I’ve said.

    There you go again! You made the assertion. You said there was no doubt about it. It is up to you to prove it. And I am talking strictly about the sentencing, his fame and career have nothing to do with the legalities of it. Or are you suggesting that the law should have been lenient with him because he suffered so much financial pain and public humiliation? Because the fact is the law would have been more lenient on him if he had been contrite and honest about it up front. At least Michael got the chance to make some money, poor little Marcus was so brutally oppressed in college that he never even got the chance to cash in with the NFL. Those judges should have considered that when is future was being destroyed just because of a few measly assault charges.

  81. B Moe says:

    You can’t get beyond seeing the election as purely a game, nishi, which it very well may be. I am looking at a much bigger picture.

  82. nishizonoshinji says:

    my favorite book
    well…except for cryptonomicon an snowcrash

    gtg, droogies

  83. thor says:

    Comment by B Moe on 2/12 @ 8:39 am #

    There you go again! You made the assertion. You said there was no doubt about it. It is up to you to prove it. And I am talking strictly about the sentencing, his fame and career have nothing to do with the legalities of it. Or are you suggesting that the law should have been lenient with him because he suffered so much financial pain and public humiliation? Because the fact is the law would have been more lenient on him if he had been contrite and honest about it up front. At least Michael got the chance to make some money, poor little Marcus was so brutally oppressed in college that he never even got the chance to cash in with the NFL. Those judges should have considered that when is future was being destroyed just because of a few measly assault charges.

    Of his sentence all I can do is repeat what the talking-head lawyers said on those talking head news shows, and they said his sentence was unduly long for someone who had no prior criminal record. Marcus has nothing to do with Michael, and yes I know Marcus got booted from college.

    He was made a big-time example of, that’s all I’m saying. It’s not like dog fighting is the crime of the century, or it didn’t used to be anyway.

    Is it right to make one guy suffer so much more than another guy for the same crime? There’s good arguments either way you answer the question. PETA sure profited off Michael Vick, but should they have? They aren’t a judicial entity. All kinds of ethical questions arose in this case, as well as emotions. I get it. I have had dogs that were part of my family, etc…

  84. I'm Just Saying says:

    For Karl

    During the 1860s alone, the regime George Washington helped set up held several million in legal bondage (while untold thousands died on the slave ships during Washington’s presidency) and fought a gruesome war with its neighbors, killed 600,000 of it citizens in a Civil War and presided over the genocide of well over 100,000 native peoples, killing over 90% and incarcerating several million on reservations across the hinterlands. More than Twice, Washington’s successors plotted attacks against Texas, Cuba, and Mexico.

    Spinning history with guilt by association is very fun, karl, You were right!

    Oh, and, since you guys are getting so excited over long discredited political orthodoxies, can we see if Obama has any symbols from the Whigs or the Bull Moose party in any of his offices.

    Watch out under your bed, righty! You thought it was John McCain coming to carry your tac cut away, but it’s really Obama, bringing COMMUNISM TO AMERICA!! AHHHHHHHHH.

    Seriously, though, thanks to Karl for showing how historical guilt by association can be played like the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

  85. Rob Crawford says:

    So IJS and nishi — you wouldn’t have any problems if footage of a Republican campaign office with a picture of Adolph Hitler appeared? You wouldn’t think the Republican party in general, and the candidate in particular, would have any reason to distance themselves from it?

    You don’t think it would become a freaking media sensation?

    And, IJS, the good works of Washington and the government he helped found far outweigh its flaws. What good came out of the murderous life of Che?

  86. Sean M. says:

    What good came out of the murderous life of Che?

    Like, a million kewl t-shirts, brah.

  87. nishizonoshinji says:

    duh, che!=hitler
    u keep tryin to find isomorphism in non-congruent systems.

  88. McGehee says:

    During the 1860s alone, the regime George Washington helped set up held several million in legal bondage

    “The regime” did this? I had no idea the U.S. Government owned any slaves. I thought nearly all of them were in private hands.

  89. nishizonoshinji says:

    now…if u want to say obama~jfk….

  90. happyfeet says:

    duh, che!

    sometimes I think you don’t even know how much you rock. That’s too cute.

  91. Jeff G. says:

    I could care less about being popular. But the money’s nice.

    But that doesn’t mean I’ll be aiming for the middle.

    I post about what appeals to me. The same way Ron Paul’s newsletters are illustrative of (some of his) supporters, the temerity it takes for a staffer to put up a Che poster in a campaign office for someone seriously vying for the Presidency of the USA I find illustrative, as well.

    Sorry it doesn’t cause rapid firing of the synapses, nishi. But sometimes the base and obvious is every bit as important as the cerebral and cryptographic.

  92. Karl says:


    Your continued jackassery and mischaracterization of my opinion only proves that some of McCain’s supporters behave as much like children as some of his his detractors — moreso, really, when it’s McCain who is ostensibly ascending to the leadership position. When your arrogance and stupidity helps blow it for McCain, you will of course blame others.

    Moreover, having apologized last night, for you to come back and repeat the basic insult does not speak well of your honesty or integrity. You have beclowned yourself. Congratulations.


    Che=George Washington? Good luck with that.

  93. B Moe says:

    …the genocide of well over 100,000 native peoples, killing over 90% and incarcerating several million on reservations across the hinterlands.

    Mathematics is obviously not one of your strong points. I’m just saying.

    And this word “incarceration”? It does not mean what you think.

  94. B Moe says:

    too late, dude.
    ur way behind the curve to shape phenotype in this election.

    This election isn’t the end of the game. Not even close.

    By the way, have you read the Ender’s Game series by Orson Scott Card? You might enjoy them.

  95. RC says:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; McCain deserves our undying gratitude (and gets mine) but being a Swabby (not Jarheaded, get yer services right, Semper Fi) hero does not entitle him to every prize he stretches his pudgy hands toward. I honor him as a Naval Aviator, as a man and as an American, but he’s not fit to be a ballerina or our President.

  96. Rusty says:

    Thor. Why so upbeat?

    Yeah. Sure dave. Obama has no control over what his people do. Really think he’s fit for president?

  97. thor says:

    Comment by Karl on 2/12 @ 2:23 pm #


    Your continued jackassery and mischaracterization of my opinion only proves that some of McCain’s supporters behave as much like children as some of his his detractors — moreso, really, when it’s McCain who is ostensibly ascending to the leadership position. When your arrogance and stupidity helps blow it for McCain, you will of course blame others.

    Moreover, having apologized last night, for you to come back and repeat the basic insult does not speak well of your honesty or integrity. You have beclowned yourself. Congratulations.

    I think you’re saying I’m the Che poster on McCain’s office wall. Fair enough.

    At least I’m not being a hot spur digging into McCain’s thigh.

    In my opinion some of you are trying to mold McCain into your image and likeness.

    We disagree but I’ll try to be more civil. I said “try”.

  98. thor says:

    Comment by Rusty on 2/12 @ 5:35 pm #

    Thor. Why so upbeat?

    My wife is getting ready for bed and she’s not wearing panties.

  99. nishizonoshinji says:

    “the temerity it takes for a staffer to put up a Che poster in a campaign office”

    hmm…see….i dont get the temerity…generational?
    to me che! is some dude that looks cool on a t-shirt.
    i dont think it is the same as promoting hitler or paulite nazisms.
    so there is some subtlty operating here that eludes me.

    an u see….i want u to post on wat interests u…
    lulz i just want u to post.

  100. happyfeet says:

    The woman in front of che was a hispanical sort though. An older hispanical sort. I think she knows the score on the duh, che! I really bet she does.

  101. Rob Crawford says:

    to me che! is some dude that looks cool on a t-shirt.

    Well, you certainly write like you’re proud of your ignorance, so at least you’re consistent.

  102. Rusty says:

    Master of HYPERBOLE!

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