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November 2024


Sometimes, Life Is Just Good (CraigC)


12 Replies to “Sometimes, Life Is Just Good (CraigC)”

  1. Spiny Norman says:

    Considering how many “vans full of illegal immigrants” there are in the Southwest border states on any given day, this was all but inevitable.

  2. Donah says:

    Who really cares about ilegals? Who´s job are they taking away?? Not mine… I hold 3 masters.. All they do is fill those jobs like working in the field.. no self-appraising American -black included- wants to take… so what´s your beef mister?? If you´re too lazy to do a proper day´s work or labor then shut up and let those poor souls try to make a better living for themselves… It´s the American Dream… ain´t it? Or is the American dream only for US born shits who do nothing else but fleece everybody in their sights… car sharks for instance… and pimps….or have I said too much….Donah////

  3. Dan Collins says:

    Donah, let me ask you this: why do other countries, such as Mexico, care so much about illegals, such as Guatemalans?

    Why do we care about it so much? Because it seems to us absurd that people who enter our country illegally are suddenly entitled to access to our schools, hospitals, & etc, whilst at the same time being exempt from taxes. They draw upon services that are in short supply for actual citizens, especially those in the lower socioeconomic brackets. When international aid institutions praise European governments for giving more per capita in foreign aid than the US, they often fail to consider what this indirect aid from the US costs citizens here. This is saying nothing about the cost to our criminal justice system, exemption from paying damages by virtue of incapacity, etc.

    The lobbyists are bought and paid for by the Mexican government. They send federal employees of their country here to address rallies for amnesty. What happens if an American even walks in a protest in Mexico? Deported to the US.

    So, Donah, before you come here with your one-world jive, learn a little bit, you twerp.

  4. Slartibartfast says:

    …but don’t give yourself away.

  5. JD says:

    HISPANICISTS !!!!!!!!!!!

  6. […] response to CraigC’s post about the illegals whose vehicle smacked a border patrol vehicle in the back, a visiting moonbat […]

  7. Rob Crawford says:

    All they do is fill those jobs like working in the field.. no self-appraising American -black included- wants to take

    Bigot. Not racial — though there’s a hint of that in your statement — but apparently based on work you consider “beneath” you.

    I’ve worked “in the field” — helped plant tobacco, bring in hay, raised cattle, mucked out the barn, and once I even replaced a fence post in the middle of a cold downpour — and there’s nothing wrong with that kind of work. It’s work — nothing beneath anyone, or unworthy of anyone. I’d do any of that — any job, really — to avoid having to live off money forcefully taken from other people.

    The biggest problem with illegal immigration is that it’s a blatant exception to the rule of law. How can we expect people to take our laws seriously when we exempt millions of people from having to abide by them?

  8. alppuccino says:

    “Who´s job are they taking away?? Not mine… I hold 3 masters.”

    That sounds like one of those sado-masichisto type jobs where you let these 3 masters come in to your house and you hold their willy while they gently whip you with some sort of sex toy.

    …you can have that job.

  9. Jim in KC says:

    “Gently?” I doubt that, alppuccino.

  10. daleyrocks says:

    I hold 3 masters..

    From the considerable intellectual depth of that comment I’m thinking thigh master, dungeon master and masturbator.

  11. TomB says:

    no self-appraising American -black included- wants to take

    Huh? “black included”?

    What the HELL is that supposed to mean?

  12. Jack Klompas says:

    All hail Donah. Behold the state of graduate education in America. “I hold three masters.” Haha yeah okay. Master Bates, Master Buhtory, and Mastah of Dizzastah. What’s with the “black included” line you racist idiot?

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