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November 2024


Dolores Umbridge [Dan Collins]

From David Thompson:

If you haven’t yet watched this stirring exchange between MoToons publisher Ezra Levant and Officer Shirlene McGovern of the Alberta Human Rights Commission, I urge you to do so now.

Here’s Levant’s opening statement. Note Officer McGovern’s expression throughout.

9 Replies to “Dolores Umbridge [Dan Collins]”

  1. N. O'Brain says:

    [Standing Ovation!]

  2. BumperStickerist says:

    Totalitarianism is forever descending on America, but landing in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, and, now, Canada.

  3. Synova says:

    The internal dialog I provide for her in my head while watching those videos goes something like, “Why does my boss hate me so much?”

    I’m not sure why I assume she’s not the boss.

  4. Slartibartfast says:

    Wow. Amazing. I’m not saying it’s wise or desirable to publish that sort of stuff, but it’s certainly within his rights. And he’s done a bang-up job defending his rights.

  5. Dale says:

    I watched the clips with fascination. Mr. Levant expresses, clearly, his right (God given, or common law derived) to express himself in the most vile ways possible. He does so and I support him.

    But the real issue here is the ability of the Islamists to use our laws to influence our lives in ways they see fit. They are skilled in manipulating the very system they would abolish if they were in control. The willing dupes on the left never fail to amaze me, in that they lack the clarity of thought to see what may happen when they are in the crosshairs. Goodbye, Vagina Monologues. Adios Allah is not Great.

  6. There are further rumblings on the Levant saga here:

    The comments may also be of interest.

  7. Slartibartfast says:

    But the real issue here is the ability of the Islamists to use our laws to influence our lives in ways they see fit.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  8. Education Guy says:

    It is crazy that “free speech” now has it’s very own court system. If he has committed a crime, let a prosecutor or grand jury charge him as such, otherwise this whole system is a institutionalized witch hunt run by those who apparently know better than you what speech can be considered good.

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