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October 2024


Americans Maybe Not So Racist? [Dan Collins]

Obama’s early success causes the Moderate Voice to muse:

Watching America was launched during Bush’s presidency, and most of the content it has had to work with from around the world has (therefore) been negative toward the U.S., but almost without exception, the superficially anti-American news and views from Chile to China, Argentina to Australia, hav always been at their core, decidedly pro-American: op-eds that complain about the U.S. very rarely call for wholesale change in what America is, but rather, a return of America to itself – to its own, American, values. The world broadly agrees with Bush on that one: American values are human values.

Obama is lifting the lid on this heretofore latent global pro-Americanism. His skin color and lack of experience do not change the fact that Obama is the truly American choice to many of the pundits and commentators who are looking in at the ‘08 election process from the outside – and that is why the world’s press is beginning to use such words as “Hopes” and “Dreams” as much as is the Obama campaign. 

You’ll be hearing much more about latent global pro-Americanism in the coming months, so we’ll just be referring to it as LGPA, here.

20 Replies to “Americans Maybe Not So Racist? [Dan Collins]”

  1. Karl says:

    I almost posted this one myself. By “truly American choice,” they mean, “most in tune with the Left.” By which they mean, “European.”

  2. happyfeet says:

    Obama’s skin color doesn’t change the fact that he’s the truly American choice is what the Moderate Voice says even though if Obama were white that’s not what the Moderate Voice would be saying at all.

  3. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    BINGO, Karl. We have a winner!

  4. Karl says:


    OT, but icymi, your Glenn Beck post has been driving loads of Google-based traffic.

  5. JohnAnnArbor says:

    I’m sure they’ll be fair. They’ll cover the whole range. They’ll ask: “America racist? Or just Islamophobic and homophobic?”

  6. Obama is the truly American choice

    Even if that was true, which I find dubious, how’s that different than Kerry’s “foreign leaders” crack? How is that a positive campaign slogan –

    Vote Obama, because the French like him!

  7. Pablo says:

    Obama’s skin color doesn’t change the fact that he’s the truly American choice is what the Moderate Voice says even though if Obama were white that’s not what the Moderate Voice would be saying at all.

    We should probably keep not mentioning that Obama is as white as he is black. Half, that is.

  8. TmjUtah says:

    I already know the world is massively pro- U.S..

    They wouldn’t be showing up here in Utah on construction sites, retail stores, colleges, and software companies to explain it to me, otherwise.

  9. andy says:

    One america. Love it bitches.

  10. Darleen says:

    right on cue we get andy demonstrating exactly what the Left believes defines “One America”

    Kinda like how Stalin defined what made for the Authentic Comrad (as he slaughtered millions of the inauthentic ones)

    or as David Fascist sez as he gleefully hopes for the Anthropogenic Global Warming Goddess to smite the non-Leftist scum

    There is a poetic justice to this of course. It is conservatives who are giving us the candidates who steadfastly refuse to have the nation take steps that could slow the pace of climate change, so it is appropriate that they should bear the brunt of its impact.

    The important thing is that we, on the higher ground both actually and figuratively, need to remember that, when they begin their historic migration from their doomed regions, we not give them the keys to the city. They certainly should be offered assistance in their time of need, but we need to keep a firm grip on our political systems, making sure that these guilty throngs who allowed the world to go to hell are gerrymandered into political impotence in their new homes.

    There will be much work to be done to help the earth and its residents–human and non-human–survive this man-made catastrophe, and we can’t have these future refugee troglodytes, should their personal disasters still fail to make them recognize reality, mucking things up again.

    It should be considered acceptable, in this stifling new world, to say, “Shut up.

    Andy, David, et al are happiest when grinding their boots into the face of those that don’t kiss their ideological ass.

  11. mojo says:

    Not to be confused with the LPGA…

  12. Karl says:

    One America?

    Edwards has the other one up on eBay?

  13. daleyrocks says:

    So I’m sort of confused here. Is the Moderate Voice basically saying the left has been lying all along about the world hating the U.S. during the Bush administration? That’s my take away from it.

  14. B Moe says:

    “They certainly should be offered assistance in their time of need, but we need to keep a firm grip on our political systems…”


  15. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Really, it’s an anti-American Euro’s dream come true.

    Hillary gets elected -> America is racist.
    Obama gets elected -> America is sexist.
    Any Republican gets elected -> America is sexist AND racist.

  16. Swen Swenson says:

    Any Republican gets elected -> America is sexist AND racist.

    Heads we win, tails you lose. And unlike nuclear warfare we can’t win by not playing..

  17. andy says:

    “right on cue we get andy demonstrating exactly what the Left believes defines “One America””

    Thats edwards and “two americas.” Obama is definitely going for the mushy middle with his “one america” cheese.

  18. McGehee says:

    19. Comment by andy on 1/7 @ 7:03 am


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