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November 2024


Edwards: Got to be a Macho Man [Karl]

Philip Klein, writing at the American Spectator:

EDWARDS’S PUGILISTIC populism (which John Tabin captured brilliantly last week) is an absurd spectacle to witness in person. I’ve never heard so much macho talk coming from an adult since I used to watch the WWF as a kid.

Klein goes on to note that rhetoric “is especially silly coming from a man who wants to reengage with Iran and North Korea.”  Klein could have added Iraq to that list also.

If I was a member of the nutroots, I would call such rhetoric hypermasculinist — an attempt to compensate for something.  But I don’t roll that way.  Besides, according to Bob Shrum, Edwards is “not comfortable” around people who go poof in the night.

Update:  Michelle Malkin has more macho news.

31 Replies to “Edwards: Got to be a Macho Man [Karl]”

  1. B Moe says:

    “During his speech, he recounted the story of a 17-year-old girl who died because her insurance company resisted approving payment for a liver transplant. “And people say to me, that what I’m supposed to do as your president, is to sit at a table, and negotiate with those people?” he asked indignantly.

    “Let me say this very clearly: Never! It will NEVER happen when I am President of the United States!”

    So he will negotiate with Iran but he plans to, what? Invade MetLife?


  2. alppuccino says:

    If Edwards plans to convert one of the C-Span channels to quasi-UFC programming with Senate Leader vs. President or Minority Leader vs. Speaker 5-round submission fights, he’s got my vote.

    Pelosi gets the arm-bar and submits to Kay Bailey Hutchinson over a San Fransisco Dildo Museum earmark. I like it.

  3. Scape-goat Trainee says:

    All those Corporations with all those millions of um…voters, better watch out.
    Heeeerrre’s Johnnie!

  4. Pablo says:

    Who’s your Daddy, Rethuglican? John Motherfucking Edwards, that’s who.

  5. BJTexs says:

    If there is a more faux hypermasculine rant than a tort lawyer talkin’ tough about insurance companies then it wears poufy sleeves and dances the Samba.

    wink, wink

  6. happyfeet says:

    He’s fierce and snarly like this one time I had to give a pill to my brother’s cat while they were gone and they gave me this injector thingy and I was supposed to hold the cat down and then shove this thinger in its mouth and squeeze so the cat would get its medicine and I completely failed and still have these little scars on my arm.

  7. mojo says:

    Cue the Village People…

  8. JD says:

    I really really really really do not like people like Edwards. Did I mention that he is a poofy man with poofy hair?

    Why is Edwards so angry? And does he really think it is the President’s role to mediate coverage dispute between insurance companies and policyholders?

    Fucking ass clown.

  9. McGehee says:

    Why is Edwards so angry?

    Because the Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator™ is missing!

  10. the Other Ken says:

    “Fighting” is something of a democrat tradition. See Al Gore’s acceptance speech in 2000:'s_Presidential_Nomination_Acceptance_Speech

    I think I counted 19 or 20 “fight” words in there…

  11. the Other Ken says:

    Sorry about the stupid link thingy.

  12. happyfeet says:

    Holy smokes! Cap’n Ed has a whole for real live interview with teh Huckabee! As okonkolo says in the comments… “Ditto on the congrats for your access”! Good stuff and also hearing these two go head to head is a super-duper treat!

  13. JD says:

    Is Edwards running for Ambulance Chaser In Chief ?

  14. JD says:

    andy said Edwards was tough because he played football. Any bets on whether he was the 3rd string kicker or back-up poofter, I mean, punter?

    Isn’t punter British slang for something?

    Off to smoke a fag or two …

  15. Rusty says:

    Anybody, who standard retort is “or I’ll sue you.” isn’t very tough ,and isn’t much of a man.

  16. Scape-goat Trainee says:

    “Anybody, who standard retort is “or I’ll sue you.” isn’t very tough ,and isn’t much of a man.”

    True, but they can get rich raising other people’s insurance rates.

  17. JD says:

    Actually, they say things like “give me what I demand, or I will accuse you of bad faith while channeling a dead baby”.

  18. Rusty says:


  19. happyfeet says:


  20. alppuccino says:

    “Off to smoke a fag or two …”

    Careful JD. Whether you smoke ’em or poke ’em, them butts’ll kill ya.

  21. alppuccino says:

    h/t Rock Hudson

  22. BJTexs says:

    “Off to smoke a fag or two …”

    Careful JD. Whether you smoke ‘em or poke ‘em, them butts’ll kill ya.

    Al: BWAAA HAHA: Genius!

  23. JD says:

    Why do you guys insist on trying to ruin one of the few remaining vices in my life?

  24. alppuccino says:

    “Why do you guys insist on trying to ruin one of the few remaining vices in my life?”

    Do you really want to face Edwards in the octagon with a pint of lung-butter in your thorax? He played football y’know.

  25. JD says:

    When Silky becomes the CinC, and wages war against the insurance industry, I stand prepared.

  26. BJTexs says:

    How are you going to do that, JD? Maybe by channeling the words of canceled policies? :-)

  27. JD says:

    We will make him fill out forms in triplicate, leave voice mail messages, and in general, frustrate his assaults. Then, we will demand that he actually argue the facts. Plus, we have literally forests of paper that we could burn and set AGW back at least 20 years.

  28. MarkD says:


    I feel your pain. The Mrs and I were trying to give a pill to our cat years ago – seven pounds of pure mean she was (and is – that cat’s going to outlive me.) Sank her fangs into my arm as deep as they’d go. I guess this confession negates any attempt I might make to claim hypermasculine status.

    Still, I was lucky. The same thing happened to my karate instructor and he ended up in the hospital with a serious infection. They had to give him an IV with antibiotics to knock it out. This guy is the real deal, and his cat managed to do what no opponent ever did.

  29. alppuccino says:

    “The same thing happened to my karate instructor and he ended up in the hospital………….his cat managed to do what no opponent ever did.”

    Chuck Morris?

    ……………I’ll show myself out

  30. happyfeet says:

    MarkD – I didn’t really describe how primal the whole man vs. beast thing got while I was stalking that damn cat around that apartment with my injector thingy. Damn cat raised the bar on the level of force I would have had to bring to successfully complete the mission way past my comfort zone. Definitely humbling.

  31. maggie katzen says:

    RTO and I used to wrestle with Maggie to give her pills and then she would start drooling or throw up. so one time RTO was gone and I was gonna have to give Carlos a pill and he is much larger and pointier than Maggie so I asked the vet how HE gives pills to cats and he showed me and it was so easy (grab the sides of their head with one hand and tilt their head back till they’re looking at the ceiling and their mouth falls open, then throw the pill in). However, it doesn’t work on Maggie because she has no neck so she just backs up or flops over. *sigh* sorry I’m always going off topic lately.

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