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November 2024


Yes, Virginia, Some Stereotypes Are True

Via Patterico, behold the splendor of the fat dork who lives with his mom and thinks that the internets make him Jack Bauer.

Update:  My favorite part of this whole thing, as pointed out by Pablo in comments at Pat’s, is this quote:

Now he’s ripping on me for being 35 and living at home. Give that ol’ boy a star for Originality! Please, If I had a dollar for everyone someone made an offhand comment about me living here. I could retire early…

So, Chuck, if you’re reading this–and I know you are–someone points out that you’re a fat loser who lives with his mom, and your response, complete with teenage-girl emoticon, typos, and bad punctuation, is……”Hey, a lot of people say that!”  I’ll bet that shut ’em up. That’s the kind of critical thinking that’s made you the blogger you are today.

77 Replies to “Yes, Virginia, Some Stereotypes Are True”

  1. Dan Collins says:

    Hey, look. It’s Faces of “Liberalism” II.

    Well, we’ve had our moments with Chuck. I think he’s mentally ill, though, so I’m not going to be too hard on him.

  2. daleyrocks says:

    Where’s Steve?

  3. JD says:

    Chucky is vile. He deserves all of the scorn and mocking that the world can heap upon him.

  4. BJTexs says:

    Chuckie writes and acts vile. This is a man who needs serious psychological help, possibly heavy duty meds. No one in their right mind rights something that unthinkably cruel and calls it “snarking.”

    Chuck, please get help now. You’ve lost all perspective of what constitutes reasonable human interaction.

  5. Bender Bending Rodriguez says:

    Despite the fact that Fatty McFatterson is a jobless, basement-dwelling, freeloading hateful waste of carbon with no perceptible talents or skills and will never-ever-ever come within a country mile of getting laid…

    …I’m sorry, I forgot the question.

  6. Squid says:

    He may deserve it in the abstract, but he’s not worth my time. The guy already knows he’s a loser. He’ll never admit as much, but it’s perfectly obvious by everything he says and does. He knows that he’s reviled by everyone except his fellow psychopathic animals. He knows that he’s long since passed the peak of his glory, and at the young age of 35 he has nothing to look forward to in his so-called life. If he’s lucky, he’ll die from weight-related health complications before his mother’s health deteriorates, because it’s obvious that she’s the only thing on Earth that’s keeping him alive, despite himself.

    These things are patently obvious to even the most casual onlooker. They’re obvious to the creature himself. Why should I waste my time repeating the obvious? It brings no new knowledge to the Universe, and his twisted ego feeds off of the notoriety.

    Chuckles, if you happen to stumble on to this discussion: get help. Help yourself, and seek others to help you. In five years’ time, you could actually have a GED, an apprenticeship in a trade or profession, and a healthier lifestyle. Your mother is not getting any younger, and you owe it to her and to yourself to be in a position to support her when she can no longer support you. It’s not too late, but the clock is ticking.

  7. Moron Pundit says:

    I yearn for a return to a time where Mike Hendrix could go to that guys house and kick the living shit out of him.

    People are right that violence is not to be suggested in these situations (for myriad reasons) but sometimes I think the only way we’ll have a return to civility is if douchebags like Chuck Adkins get punched a couple times every time their mouth jumps ahead of their admittedly pitiful brains.

  8. The Ouroboros says:

    Sadly, Bull Dog mouths coupled with Puppy Dog Asses are the norm on the internet not the exception… The internet created a place where every mouthy loser living in Mom’s basement at thirty could pop off in any way they chose with no risk to themselves…( Unlike out in the real world )I wouldnt dignify their crap by even drawing attention to it…

  9. SarahW says:

    I guess Dan’s right, this is clearly a diseased man who is who cannot not understand deep attachments to loved ones. The closest thing to love he has experienced would be imaginary attachments to women who reject him. I’m sure to him it seems a near equivalent.

    He’s doomed to remain an object of scorn an pity in varying order, depending on the situation. Until he lashes out, and if mall-walkers are safe, his mother gets it in the kitchen at the very least.

    Do I sound disinhibited? I have that instycold turns lungs to water balloons. I’m not feeling quite myself.

  10. SarahW says:

    I think I need to go back to bed, I cannot not not cannot not decide

  11. Dan Collins says:

    Thanks for dropping by, though, Sarah. I was wondering how you were doing. Hope you feel better, soon.

    Pour a little Jagermeister into a cough syrup bottle and keep it on your bedstand.

  12. JD says:

    A poem …

    The world will be a better place,
    When Mike punches Chuckles in the face.

  13. otcconan says:

    Mike should kick his ass, and then claim insanity via the “crimes of passion” statutes. Who on earth would convict someone for kicking the ass of the guy who insulted his dead wife?

  14. Mikey NTH says:

    Dan – was Chuck the one who was causing a crapstorm here earlier this year? Lives in allen Park, Mich. or some other Downriver suburb of Detroit?

  15. Dan Collins says:

    Yeah, that’s the same one.

  16. JD says:

    Make the world a better place
    Stuff another bag of Doritos in Chuckie’s face

  17. Synova says:

    Legally, you know, it would probably be considered “fighting words.”

    No, I’m not suggesting it, that sort of correction needs to be applied immediately which is why the internet seems to promote ignorance over the difference between argument and insult, and grave insult and profound offense. Idiots like this don’t get their faces pounded in so they never learn better.

  18. Swen Swenson says:

    Hey! Look on the bright side. Just think how much carbon this guy is sequestering!

    Get well, SarahW! I’d recommend putting a little cough syrup in a Jagermeister bottle, it’s cheaper and they taste pretty much the same..

  19. JD says:

    I would hit him, just for fun. But, as May Bee pointed out, I am judgmental like that.

    I have not been in a fight for a looooooooooooooooooong time, since I was in the service, but I feel a visceral urge to just punch him in the gut. Except my hand would have to probably be surgically extracted from there. Chuckles really is a freak of nature. Who knew that a man, allegedly, could be carrying triplets in the third trimester?

  20. JD says:

    Skip the cough syrup altogether. Jaeger and Red Bull. Drink of champions. It will cure the cough, and keep you awake for days on end.

  21. BJTexs says:

    Chuckie has apologised on his blog for going “well beyond the pale and beyond the limits of good taste.”

    He then proceeds to take 5 paragraphs essentially justifying why he wrote the vile dreck to begin with. There has been no shift in the idea that a blog criticising something he wrote on his blog is tantamount to a personal attack.

    Chuckie is missing the the nuance gene, bigtime.

    He follows that up with threats of calling law enforcement for his perception of threats on the commentaries of various blogs (perhaps educated by the time it was pointed out to him that threatening another blogger when he knows exactly where you live might get him arrested.) Keep your eyes peeled because he claims to be monitoring other blogs and we know he’s shown up here in the past.

    If you’re looking, Chuckie; would your mom be proud of that comment? Why don’t you print out the whole flame war for her and ask her how she feels about it? Oh, and a sincere apology followed by 5 paragraphs of justification is not an apology.

    Someday you may learn that “turning the other check” does not involve shifting your butt in a recliner in order to more easily reach the cheese doodles.

  22. JD says:

    BJ – He is a fucking liar. He had the gall to claim that he did not know the circumstances of her death, and had he known the circumstances, he would have never said that. I call BS on that to begin with, but it is actually beside the point. You correctly note that after his pseudo-apology, he spends an inordinate amount of time justifying his actions, which pretty much negates the apology. To me, the kicker was that the circumstances of her death are not really relevant. He drug the deceased spouse of someone that did not write a mildly critical post into a flame war with someone that wrote a mildly critical post about a fat ass tub of lard who literally chose to post one of the most embarassingly bad photos I can recall seeing, for the entire world to see. He is contemptible. Like the folks yesterday, he is not worthy enough to braid Rosie’s back hair, or to lick the smegma from Michael Moore’s fat rolls.

  23. JD says:

    CHUCKLES – Wash your fucking pants! It looks like you have 3 months worth of Cheetos dust on your mountainous thighs. I loathe you. I pity you. I would not even spit on you if you were hungry.

  24. JD says:

    Or thirsty. Damn, he pisses me off so much, and I am only an observer. Makes timmah and Caric look like pikers, or amamteur hour.

  25. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    I bet this guys World of Warcraft character could kill us all.

  26. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    LOL (and I really did)…That was very good, LFFLR.

    The guy is a shit stain. Plain and simple. He seems to have a history of saying something stupid (imagine that) and then regretting it.

  27. B Moe says:

    “I bet this guys World of Warcraft character could kill us all.”

    Bullshit. I gotta Orc Hunter would wtfpwn his noob ass.

  28. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    Comment by B Moe on 12/12 @ 2:54 pm #
    “I bet this guys World of Warcraft character could kill us all.”
    Bullshit. I gotta Orc Hunter would wtfpwn his noob ass.

    How can you kill that which has no life?

  29. BJTexs says:

    JD: Deep breaths. You are not talking about someone of sound mind. Let it go…

  30. Carin says:

    How many dumps can one guy take on the internet? Chuckie is attempting to find out.

  31. B Moe says:

    “How can you kill that which has no life?”

    The same as in any other work of fiction, I guess.

  32. Mikey NTH says:

    A stake through the heart is the classic way LFFLR.

  33. Retire early from what?

  34. Professor Blather says:

    Congratulations, Dr. Frisch.

    You’re no longer in first place.

  35. Bilby says:

    Ew. I’ve seen this guy’s stunts before. He craves attention and will do anything to get it. He’s probably loving this.

  36. BJTexs says:

    LFFLR’s comment about Chuckies WOW character is the best of thread IMHO, but this ine from Ace is a close second:

    Where you see a bloated waster of oygen, I see a bonanza of bio-fuels.
    Posted by: Goracle at December 12, 2007 05:14 PM (0rl7n)


    BTW: It appears that his site is down. Good!

  37. JD says:

    Mikey – A steak would just make him bigger. I am thinking SlimFast, or Trim Spa.

  38. B Moe says:

    “BTW: It appears that his site is down. Good!”

    His mommy probably found out what a bad little boy he has been.

  39. mesablue says:

    Geez, not this loser again.

  40. The Stranger says:

    What the hell is going to retire from? …sitting around Mom’s basement and stuffing his hole with Mom’s food while surfing for porn on Mom’s computer?

    Poor Mom…she’s gotta wash his sheets and his husky size briefs.

  41. Chuckie's Mom says:

    Hey, you fat lazy bastard, what the hell is this charge for a subscription to doing on my Visa bill?

  42. The Lost Dog says:

    The truth is – no matter how much this idiot pisses us off – he is to be pitied.
    I feel sorry for any human being who has been pushed to survive on hate. His anger must be immeasurable, which truly is sad. Such behaviour used to be unacceptable, but no more. There is no one in his life to kick his ass into seeing how pathetic he is.

    An epiphany is his only hope. The new millenium came, and left all concept of shame behind. It’s been coming for a long time (Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, ad infinitum). Unfortunately, the “journalists” also believe that they are beyond embarrassment, and put these assholes on the front page. It used to be that if you were stupid, you got no “air time”. Now it seems to be the main criterium for public exposure.

    When I was “growing up”, these people would have been laughed off the front page. Until Carter, this country had some sort of standards that were seperate from what our hearts yearned for. Those standards were commonly known as “a view to reality”. There is no reality anymore, as far as these idiots are concerned.

    “Whatever my child like widdle heart wants – that is what SHOULD be. Fuck the realities!”.

  43. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    Any bets on if this guy is a virgin?

  44. The Hole in Chuck Adkin's Mattress says:

    Define “virgin”.

  45. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    Here I will just put ever joke I have ever told a nerd on the internet while they were killing me at Halo on one page. I am sure they all apply to this reject.

    You must still be a virgin
    I bet your fat ass saw the movie Thinner and went outside to run over a gipsy
    Do you ever actually USE your penis?
    The off button on your computer must have cobwebs on it by now.
    I bet your AIM buddy list has 200 more names on it than your cell phone.
    Do you eat dinner on thanksgiving with your family via Webcam so you don’t have to log off?
    I bet when you go to the drive thru at McDonalds you end up counting to ten
    You ever meet a woman and not have to type ASL?

  46. Kresh says:

    Well, when you got it, flaunt it, eh Chuckie? Oh wait…

  47. N. O'Brain says:

    Define “virgin”.

    Someone from Virginia.

  48. Mom's Apple Pie says:

    He is a virgin provided you do not count the 17 seconds of bliss I provide for him. Anyone know why he draws tits on me before he pulls out his wanker?

  49. Jeff says:

    [flame_starter]I bet this lazy puke uses Attention Deficit disorder as an excuse.[/flame_starter]

  50. B Moe says:

    “Retire early from what?”

    Speaking Truth to Power is hard work.

  51. Jeff says:

    Retire early from what?

    ‘Retire’ is used in the sense of, “go to sleep, after a brisk walk from the kitchen, after consuming a tasty digestive, after eating a home-style meal prepared by his slaving mother.”

  52. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    “Retire early from what?”

    He is probably talking about his exaustive career as the Dungeon Master for all the nerds at the highschool down the street.

  53. Jeff says:

    Live wrote, “He is probably talking about his exaustive career as the Dungeon Master for all the nerds at the highschool down the street.”

    You know he’s in a Goth LARP group. Has to be.

  54. LiveFromFortLivingRoom says:

    Does this guy live in Ohio?

  55. unrepentant says:

    Great. It’s a real-life version of the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.

  56. Sinner says:

    Dude’s blog is gone.

  57. McGehee says:

    Does this guy live in Ohio?

    Define “live.”

  58. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “Does this guy live in Ohio?”

    As an Ohioan, I think I resent that question. Anyhow, the fat piece of shit lives in Michigan. Fire away.

  59. mishu says:

    I wouldn’t want to be in the same shopping mall as this guy in the near future. Something tells me he’s going to pop soon.

  60. Swen Swenson says:

    Something tells me he’s going to pop soon.

    Oh, he hasn’t gone anywhere. I did a little checking and found that he’s got several web sites, all with 47 ads for every post. Far as this bastard’s concerned there truly is no such thing as bad publicity. Please don’t visit any of his sites!

  61. fletch says:

    A “self-interview” by Chuckles.

    What insulting nicknames were you called in childhood?

    “Have you ever seen my picture? I was usually called ‘dumbfuck Chuck’ or Gomer Pyle, but I was most proud to be called ‘two buck Chuck’– which at least acknowledges both my ‘oral’ and ‘marketing’ skills.”

    Do you like kids? If so, why? Why, in the name of God?

    “I ain’t a big fan of kids, I think I’d change my mind, if I happened to have one, but that’s never happening…”

    (Chuckles’ actual answer.)

    Who was the last person you had a fight with, what was the fight about, and who won?

    “Mommy said she wouldn’t let me post for 2 weeks after I e-mailed a ‘death threat’ to a blogger… but I started posting again after only 11 days!”

    Fall asleep or cuddle?

    “I fall asleep every night while cuddling my ‘Ann Coulter bear’! Somtimes, Mommy will take my Annie Bear away from me so she can ‘clean out the spunk’… but, because I happen to derive great pleasure from my ‘spunky’ Annie Bear, I think I’ll threaten to move out when I’m 45 or 50 or so… that’ll show her!”

    Favorite drunken slattern?

    “Well, it was Mommy, (’til she stole my Annie Bear!)- so now I’ll go with Ted Kennedy.”

  62. Jeff says:

    How…in god’s Earth…can an obviously pregnant man like Mr. Adkins engage in such dire tomfoolery. Have some class Adkins. Do it for the children.

  63. irish19 says:

    #38 JD: I’m thinking flensing knives. BTW, he’s up and running again. The link is at ColdFury in the comments section.

  64. The Lost Dog says:

    Thanks to whoever. See you around. No more promo –

  65. JD says:

    Chuckles – You are a douchenozzle, and a racist to boot. Chuckie must love Sen. Byrd. Funny how all the demonstrable racists wind up being Dems. Byrd, Mayor of LA, Dem Rep., etc …


    No clue, don’t follow football.

    Turn in your man card, immediately. Especially since you are pregnant.


    I’m getting there, but so is bald twat! and your Point???

    How did you discover this phenomena, Chuckles? Did you stand on a mirror, because Lord knows you cannot see your pubes with that boiler in the way.


    I ain’t a big fan of kids, I think I’d change my mind,if I happened to have one, but that’s never happening….

    Oh, thank you Allah! At least he is not planning on reproducing, though he appears to be a surrogate holding triplets for someone. Actually, it also shows that Chuckles knows basic biology, as it would require him popping his cork into a female as opposed to his magic sock for him to ever have to worry about that.

    Singing. and both. and “mad skillz”? that’s so wigger’ish, it isn’t even funny. Be yourself, please, whitey… thank you.

    The profound asshattery of this statement is jaw dropping, Chuckles. Wiggerish? You said wiggerish? You say Be yourself, please, whitey, and yet speak like a bad stereotype of a 1996 rapper, whilst being lilly white from never leaving the basement of Mommy’s house. Maybe it is just me, but this short little statement of yours heaps irony, on top of irony, on top os profound sadness.

  66. JD says:

    He posted a podcast trying to explain why he had to take his site down, and how magically, all of his glorious fuckheadedness got lost in the process. He had some nice lies mixed in as well. He claims to have just pulled her name out of the air, and did not even know she was related to Mike. He has a great section on the disabilities that he has – I kid you not.

  67. Patterico says:

    JD beat me to it. I put the link to the podcast in this comment, and if you scroll down you’ll see which parts my commenters found the most amusing.

    It truly is comedy gold — and, at the same time, terribly sad and pathetic.

    But I’m not crying too many tears for the guy. I’m saving my sympathy for Mike Hendrix.

  68. […] finally reading CraigC’s post from yesterday on that 3 biscuits-shy of 300 pounds Detroit Boy Blunder (and Misha’s absolute destruction of […]

  69. Andrew says:


    The last refuge of the internet scoundrel, the “you fat loser whose never left mom’s basement and will never ever ever come within the near occasion of touching a woman” routine, actually exists.

    I mean, damn. My brother-in-law sells video games on eBay for a living, but at least he has his own appartment. And a girlfriend, too.

  70. SarahW says:

    Assume Adkins didn’t know – he found out quickly enough.

    There’s where the shaming comes in. People make allowance for genetic or aquired idiocy or even just impulsive incivility on the internets, I think. And if he had said, to Mike, “Oh man, I had no idea, what a screwed up thing for me to do, of course I will take it off at once”, that would have been enough to end further discussion of his utter crapness and epic fail of existence.

    I can’t see the great social harm resulting from making this man, such as he is, consider what he has done, why it was wrong, and to make him feel bad enough that he affecs some shame, if he cannot feel it.

  71. PB says:


    Unfortunately, the Thing that Ate Toledo will not feel shame. It cannot.

    It is a classic sociopath, perhaps a psychopath. Empathy is beyond it. To the mind of a narcissistic sociopath, it makes perfect sense to shriek “don’t bring family into this!” right after he started the whole kerfluffle by attacking a recently deceased spouse.

    To him, that makes sense … because there are no other human beings in his world. Did you read the painfully disjointed ramblings about his preacher? Classic psychosis.

    He’s diagnosable. And frankly, it wouldn’t surprise me if the jokes about his mother’s corpse turned out to be true.

    To any normal person, even the idea viciously attacking the recently deceased – to their spouse, no less – is unthinkable. To the sociopath, it makes perfect sense. It was just a means to an end.

    He cannot feel anything. If he actually could, he’d have suicided from shame long ago.

    Thus, all the piling on, while its been endlessly amusing, will not do a thing to the Creature that Ate His Momma while Wanking to Gay Porn (AKA CAMWGA). He doesn’t care. He doesn’t know how to care.

    Which is why the faux Christianity is so amusing. He can’t even grasp the concept.

    He really is a danger to his neighbors. No joke. It’s the pathetic weaklings who act out. If you’ll notice, he’s now so cowardly he won’t even respond.

    Shame is useless with this creature. Trust me.

  72. SarahW says:

    I think he can feel humiliated, targeted, and afraid. Shame, well that would be an affectation.
    So what good can come from shaming? A change in his behaviour, perhaps, or a present retreat from his mistake; but, more importantly, a kind of protection comes from singling anti-social behaviour out….In this case, some more recognition by others that whether by will or illness, his ideas may be pitied or indulged but never taken seriously.

    When I judge him, I’m saying more about myself than him. What will I tolerate in the society I choose for myself? Not that.

  73. The Ouroboros says:

    I’ve always been fascinated by the personality types that are so desperate for attention that negative attention is preferable to no attention.. It’s a classic stalker mentality.. If you really want to punish this weirdo… Ignore him..

  74. SarahW says:

    I think the ignoring can follow the shaming. That ought to have every contingency covered.

  75. Acephalous says:

    Some People Earn Their Infamy: Chuck Adkins, Terrible “Person”

    A reader wanting to cheer me up sent me a link to this site, the horrors of which I don’t want to plumb. But I will. I won’t mention that the proprietor of The Populist Blog, Chuck Adkins, purportedly lives

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