
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Mike Hendrix [Dan Collins]

If your Thanksgiving isn’t complete without a few tears, you may wish to read his post about Christiana.

Mary and I are going to NYC to check out his band on New Year’s Eve. Hope to see you there.

13 Replies to “Mike Hendrix [Dan Collins]”

  1. B Moe says:

    “Mary and I are going to NYC to check out his band on New Year’s Eve. Hope to see you there.”

    What is their name and where are they playing?

  2. Dan Collins says:

    “Well, it’s at Rodeo Bar, which is on the corner of 3rd Ave at 27th. We’re bringing an opening act with us from Pittsburgh, good friends of ours and a good band. They’ll most likely go on around 11 or slightly before; you’ll have to get there ridiculously early if you want a seat, if past years are any guide”

    Hope to see you there, B Moe.

  3. B Moe says:

    I have played the Rodeo Bar, know right where it is, great place. I will see if I can swing it.

  4. Mike says:

    Didn’t know you were under the Great Musician’s Curse too, B Moe. You know the one I mean: the one that gets in your blood, can never be truly lifted, and keeps you dirt-poor for life; Billy Beck is another member of that fine fraternity. ;)

    And thanks for the link, Dan. Hope everyone here has had a fine T-Day. Looking forward to seeing you guys New Years Eve.

  5. happyfeet says:

    That blog Mike links has a link to a story that is very much like the things that guy with the armadillo writes about sometimes.

    Property rights, one of the foundational ideas of this nation, mean less and less these days. Abusive eminent domain cases are popping up all over the county. This, a bit different, is probably one of the most absurd cases I’ve heard.

  6. thor says:

    Dude, she’s smoking.

  7. My sympathies to all concerned. A nephew of some friends at church died a few years ago; got into a tight spot with a cafe racer on a rainy night, and didn’t leave himself an escape hatch. Only 24. “Sweet dreams and fine machines in pieces on the ground”… Ride on, and ride safe, Mike.

  8. Yep, thor, those cigarettes will get you – but only if you slow down.

  9. The Lost Dog says:

    B. moe. A musician? Whoa.

    How about the Cutting Room? Rodeo Bar is yet to come for me. It’s such a hassle to get into NYC bars, and I usually don’t feel like dealing with it, because the business end can suck the life out of the playing end. And I’m not abslotely crazy about driving home at 4:30 in the morning.

    And I’m really old…

    Most of my “up and coming” NYC musician friends have to pay the bar to play there. Talk about skewed…

    Sorry I can’t make it, Dan, but I was offered a truly obscene amount of money to play New Years eve. I normally stay home, but the money gave me a woody…

  10. otcconan says:

    Count me as another musician posting comments on this blog.

  11. B Moe says:

    “Didn’t know you were under the Great Musician’s Curse too, B Moe.”

    Oh yeah, I have been afflicted for damn near my whole life. This is a pickup gig I just did that may become semi-permanent:

    Little outdoor benefit deal, but we all had a great time and are going to try to play some more. I am the old fat bastard on the left. And the lead singer is really tall, I am not a midget, lol.

  12. happyfeet says:

    You can play the guitar for real. You do that bridge thinger at around 2:50. That’s so cool. I don’t have any talents that are like explicit.

  13. Mike says:

    Smokin’ indeed, thor, in every sense of the word. ;)

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