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October 2024


Are You Threatening Me? [Dan Collins]

Miami Herald: Just give him the keys, and nobody gets hurt

The rapid escalation of the U.S. anti-immigration hysteria — fueled by ratings-hungry cable-television hotheads and leading Republican presidential hopefuls — is a dangerous trend: It may lead to a Hispanic intifada that may rock this nation in the not-so-distant future.

Remember the Palestinian intifada of the early 1990s, when thousands of frustrated young Palestinians took to the streets and threw stones at Israeli troops? Remember the French intifada of the summer of 2005, in which disenfranchised Muslim youths burned cars and stores in the suburbs of Paris?

If we are not careful, we may see something similar coming from the estimated 13 million undocumented immigrants in the United States, most of them Hispanic, who are increasingly vilified in the media, forced further into the underground by spineless politicians and not given any chance to legalize their status by a pusillanimous U.S. Congress.

We are creating an underclass of people who won’t leave this country and, realistically, can’t be deported. They and their children are living with no prospect of earning a legal status, no matter how hard they work for it. Many of them will become increasingly frustrated, angry, and some of them eventually may turn violent.

Vaya con Cornholio!

45 Replies to “Are You Threatening Me? [Dan Collins]”

  1. Major John says:

    “Many of them will become increasingly frustrated, angry, and some of them eventually may turn violent.”

    Actually, many of them will return from whence they came.

  2. B Moe says:

    “We are creating an underclass…”

    They just can’t avoid the boilerplate, can they? No matter how idiotic, they just have to recite the same tired old propoganda.

  3. BJTexs says:

    Once again, the victimization and subsequent (both real and potential) violence is OUR FAULT!

    Because if we’re not treating the lawbreakers with kindness, puppies and government bling then we JUST DON’T CARE! THUS THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES OF THE DIREST DIRE!

    Also, there appears to be some sort of religious connection missing in this comaprison. I’m sure it will come to me eventually.

  4. Dan Collins says:

    Teh comaprison is a cool word.

  5. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:



    Any questions?

  6. BJTexs says:

    Teh culmsy trypeest.

    Editing, it’s what’s for deennar!

  7. Dan Collins says:

    No, BJ . . . I would never have thought of comaprison had you not done that.

  8. BJTexs says:

    Well, unconscious people are dangerous…

  9. Speakup says:

    “It may lead to a Hispanic intifada that may rock this nation in the not-so-distant future.”

    Apparently, as opposed to the intifada in play now.

  10. Brett says:

    I wouldn’t say the proper response to such a threat, Mr Oppenheimer, is to appease them. I’m sorry you consider that hysteria.

  11. Doug says:

    “We are creating an underclass of people”

    It was Mexico that created the underclass they just shipped them
    I Wish My American Friends Who Fret About Mexican Immigrants Could Be Here with Me…

  12. N. O'Brain says:

    Self-defense Against Fresh Fruit:

    [Well, we were talking about dangerous vegatables, were we not?]

  13. Drumwaster says:

    But what if they have a pointed stick?

  14. BJTexs says:

    “It may lead to a Hispanic intifada that may rock this nation in the not-so-distant future.”

    Does this mean I should stock up on rubber bullets and waterboards?

  15. Darleen says:



    Zapata is celebrated as a champion of “social justice” aka “progressive” when he was really in favor of private property rights.

    The absolute corruption of the Mexican government won’t change until the illegals in this country return there and demand change.

  16. John Stephens says:

    Drugs and abortion. It worked last time, didn’t it?

  17. TheGeezer says:

    The absolute corruption of the Mexican government won’t change until the illegals in this country return there and demand change.

    As long as the impoverished in Mexico receive money from family working here, the traditional corruption in Mexican government will continue. Open borders here subsidizes suffering in Mexico.

  18. buzz says:

    “who are increasingly vilified in the media,
    (When, exactly did this happen)
    forced further into the underground by spineless politicians
    (forced by not given green cards?)
    and not given any chance to legalize their status by a pusillanimous U.S. Congress.”
    (bullshit. Same chance as anyone else in the world who wants to move here)

    We are creating an underclass of people who won’t leave this country and, realistically, can’t be deported.
    (We? Who is this we you speak of)
    They and their children are living with no prospect of earning a legal status, no matter how hard they work for it.
    (bullshit again. Move back home then work at it)
    Many of them will become increasingly frustrated, angry, and some of them eventually may turn violent.”
    (and that will be the day we see just how well enforcement and deportation works. As well as the death to any attempt to legalize them.)

  19. Terrye says:

    I think that some folks on the right have gone a bit overboard when it comes to the whole immigration issue, but I can not even imagine something like this happening. Most of these people would probably be happy if everyone just ignored them.

  20. This column is a weird combination of patronizing immigrants as The Other and then regarding them as a bunch of violence-prone thugs. Make up your mind, would you?

  21. Bill Maron says:

    So, at best, this “writer” is trying to manufacture news. At worst, he’s inciting people to violence.

  22. (When, exactly did this happen)
    Following 9/11, after ten years of economic boom saw us run out of low skilled workers in the US.

    (forced by not given green cards?)
    Forced by our unworkable Jim Crow era immigration laws.

    (bullshit. Same chance as anyone else in the world who wants to move here)
    Bullshit. Our absurd quotas discriminate against all kinds of kinds of immigrants in hundreds of ways. An Icelandic metalurgist can come here to work tomorrow, while it could take a Mexican painter decades.

    (We? Who is this we you speak of)
    That would be you and all of the other populists who think that more of the same laws that are failing now are going to somehow magically work in the future.

    (bullshit again. Move back home then work at it)
    Why? That’s as retarded as cops making people who run red lights stop twice at the next one. It would serve to only disrupt and harm American businesses and farmers with absolutely no corresponding benefit to anyone.

    (and that will be the day we see just how well enforcement and deportation works. As well as the death to any attempt to legalize them.)
    And how would we be able to tell the difference from, say, now?

    Don’t get me wrong, the whole Miami Herald piece is laughable in it’s predictions of intifada. All that will really happen is the democrats will find themselves with another generations-long lock on power as 40+ million Hispanic Americans (±13 million registered voters) go the African American route and vote almost exclusively against republicans.



  23. Rob Crawford says:

    This column is a weird combination of patronizing immigrants as The Other and then regarding them as a bunch of violence-prone thugs. Make up your mind, would you?

    That’s no different than the left treats Muslims and blacks.

  24. JohnAnnArbor says:

    We could change our immigration laws to match Mexico’s. They’d be strict and enforced draconionly. I’m guessing that’s not what the writer had in mind.

    More seriously, why not make them self-deporting? Give a date past which new immigration laws will be enforced with fervor. Simultaneously, say that workers WILL be admitted to the States in significant numbers (millions), legally; all they have to do is apply at the appropriate US Consulate in their nation of citizenship. That way, Mexicans (et al) who respected the law have a decent chance at beating those who did not to the consulates to get the legal papers for proper admission, and there should be little adjustment as businesses hire properly-credentialed employees.

  25. Fat Man says:

    OK. The illegals would think better of it if they knew the misery the Palis had brought on themselves.

    But, if they do act like that it will be their problem, and the wall along the Mexican border will be 100 feet high, electrified and studded with machine gun turrets.

  26. Darleen says:

    Forced by our unworkable Jim Crow era immigration laws

    with all due respect, Peter


    As long as we lurch ever more into socialist welfare programs then the openborders advocates are aggitating for the destruction of this country

    You want “cheap” labor? Fine. But no free education/medical/shelter.

  27. There are no “open” borders advocates; that’s just a mischaracterization of pro-immigration arguments. The welfare state has always had and always will have a the problem of free riders. It goes with the territory, Mexicans or no Mexicans.

  28. And you want “free” education/medical/shelter? Fine, pay the piper, and quit making everything else unnecessarily expensive for the rest of us in capitalist states.

  29. Pablo says:

    Memo to illegals considering intifada: This ain’t France, Homey.

  30. happyfeet says:

    I agree with Peter.

  31. McGehee says:

    Every other country on earth reserves its welcome for those who obey their laws. Somehow we’re expected to be different.

  32. happyfeet says:

    If they’re ripping off mattress tags they should be punished, but mostly if we weren’t different we would be more like where they came from. The not insubstantial fraction that are brilliantly assimilated are a gift horse and I myself haven’t any idea what the teeth look like.

  33. happyfeet says:

    The city of angels is not a city of anglos when you think about entrepreneurs. White people here mostly whine a lot. I rather dislike many of them.

  34. happyfeet says:

    Instead of flipping houses they should get off their whiny white asses and get a Subway franchise or something. It’s really pitiful.

  35. happyfeet says:

    It’s just not really fair to judge immigration from the perspective of living in a place where the white people don’t suck is all I’m saying.

  36. Dan Collins says:

    Why are you in LA, anyway, happyfeet?

  37. happyfeet says:

    It was just fate, a series of accidents really, and now all my skillz such as they are will keep me pretty much stuck in the LA-Chicago-NY axis, and really, the small town Texas boy in my head is pretty much ok with that.

  38. happyfeet says:

    It’s weird how with messenger and phone and youtube and travelling and all, it’s easy to be here as long as I have and not really feel as trapped and sucked in as I guess I am. And also LA is just not that sticky – the surfaces here are very shiny.

  39. Cincinnatus says:

    Tell me, if someone robs a bank, do they get to keep the money after they serve the time? Isn’t putting illegal immigrants on a bus to Mexico analogous to bringing the money back to the bank?

  40. B Moe says:

    “An Icelandic metalurgist can come here to work tomorrow, while it could take a Mexican painter decades.”

    I think this statement is key. Current immigration laws are heavily skewed toward skilled workers, while the semi- and unskilled labor we are really short of is discouraged and impeded.

    “You want “cheap” labor? Fine. But no free education/medical/shelter.”

    No problem here, Darleen. Although I don’t understand why poor ass immigrants draw so much more ire than worthless fucking homeborns who have even less excuse for being bums.

  41. happyfeet says:

    I guess so. It doesn’t sound quite as cheering though. Kind of Puritanical really.

    Oh wait. Now I’m confused.

  42. happyfeet says:

    That last was to Cincinnatus, by the way. I should have refreshed or something. I can’t really get too angsty about illegals mucking about with the welfare state either. The school system around here – not really worth the journey, sad to say. The rest of it, well, that wasn’t really my idea, you know? Patch em up and get em back to work until someone has a better idea is probably best.

  43. B Moe says:

    It pisses me off so bad to wait in line behind Professional Democrats wasting my tax dollars on lottery tickets, too damn stupid to realize they already won the lottery when they were born in this country.

  44. happyfeet says:

    What bugs me is seeing American politicians speaking Spanish. Not even remotely cute, that. If it’s rude at the dinner table, it’s rude at the podium, ask me.

  45. Cave Bear says:

    I agree with Pablo; this isn’t France. Nor even the West Bank. The homeys try that “intifada” crap here, they are going to find themselves eating a lot of hot lead, if not from the cops and National Guard, then from my neighbors and I, because we are not going to put up with that shit.

    I’m in my fifties now, and all my life I have lived and worked around these Hispanic “Billy Badass” types, and I’ll let you all in on a little secret. Those motherfuckers are real brave when the odds are five-to-one or more in their favor. But change those odds to five-to-two, and they head for the damn hills.

    I saw a documentary on the National Geographic Channel (of all places) the other night about this MS-13 gang everybody is in such a snit about (it was interesting to note that it turns out most of these punks are leftist-trained ex-“rebels” from places like El Salvador). They actually had multiple videos of these assholes beating the crap out of some poor slob who had aroused their ire. Invariably there would be a dozen or more of them standing there, with six to eight of them stomping the hell out of their victim. Real brave, huh?

    What I find particularly amusing is that when these punks are interviewed, the make a lot of noise about “respect” and “honor”. Bullshit. By their actions they demonstrate that they would not know respect or honor if it came up and bit them on the ass.

    No, the answer is real simple. You want to emigrate to this country? Fine. Do it legally, learn to speak and read Engish, as that is the language spoken here, and adapt yourself to the American culture. And if you can’t handle that, then get the hell out.

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