
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Great Stuff at the Pub [Dan Collins]

RTO Trainer: Positive News from Iraq: Ignore this Post!!3!

SarahW: Lolinated

River C: Eternal Web Conundrums, 3

Serr8d: For Dan…  (Not Safe for Wife!)

Also, go check out Christopher Taylor’s excellent blog for more lolly goodness.

Definitely the graphics part of this package.

16 Replies to “Great Stuff at the Pub [Dan Collins]”

  1. The Lost Dog says:


    Is it my computer, or are your hyper-links not hyper-linked?

  2. Dan Collins says:

    You mean to Christopher’s blog? It works for me.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    Oh, the Pub. I didn’t hyperlink those.

  4. happyfeet says:

    I’m going over to Karl’s post. He has lots of links.

  5. Thanks for the link, if it wasn’t for Dan throwing me scraps off the Protein Wisdom table I’d only be read by my aunts and brothers.

  6. Dan Collins says:

    I keep telling you, Christopher . . . yours is one of the best blogs on the net. Pajamas Media would be lucky to have you.

  7. happyfeet says:

    Yes. Is very good blog. I like it as well. Also your climate change series was nicely done and useful.

  8. Thanks guys, I can use a bit of confidence. I have some anonymous commenter hammering me for not spoon feeding him every single bit of information he demands, and the more he insists the more stubborn I get.

  9. Dan Collins says:

    Why don’t you just block it?

  10. Squid says:

    Like most babies, your anonymous cretin would just spit up anything you spoon fed him anyway. Though for kicks, you can post a reply to him using lots of links and very small words, and then go ahead and log in as Anonymous and post a canned “Yeah but none of that means what you think it means” post before he can type it up himself.

    No reason why we can’t have fun playing their game, if we’re going to play it at all.

  11. happyfeet says:

    Late Thursday, early Friday he said. I mean it wasn’t like a pinky swear or anything. But still.

  12. Well he’s not such a bad guy he’s just fixated on one bit. I did a post bringing together all the good news lately out of Iraq with link after link and pointed out something I saw on Ace, but could not remember where because Ace’s archives thing sucks beans and his post titles are as cryptic as mine are. Whoever it was (and I’m sorry I can’t remember the name either) took the violent death rate per year out of South Africa from CIA Worldbook and compared it to the violent death rate for that week out of Iraq, and compared the two based on their populations. For that week it was similar and I thought that was cool, so I mentioned that.

    Well that’s the one fact I didn’t link and so he goes off wondering if I just heard that somewhere or made it up or something and I was just sick as a dog that day and the next and wasn’t up to it. So I said “heck if you’re interested, look it up yourself.” It went up to 14 freakin’ comments like this, and I don’t get that many comments for all the focus on them on my blog. Heck I still don’t feel very well, but the more he demands this information the less I feel like giving him any.

    RTO Trainer did a better job with his pub post on recent good news anyway, great stuff there that warms the heart.

  13. N. O'Brain says:

    A Happy Birthday to all the Men and Women serving with the United States Marine Corps!

    -A Maine Dad

  14. SarahW says:

    Your commenter has feebly google-fu, and the comment form here is hating on links again.

    Consider: Iraq’s official estimate of civilian deaths from violence is now about 25 a day.

    In South Africa, with twice the population, the official murder toll is 52 a day. That’s a rate of killing equal to Iraq’s.

    Above quotation of Andrew Bolt, in a November 7, 2007 commentary piece for which was quoted by Jawa Report;

    and this factoid seems to derive from analysis by James Dunnigan

    Now your commentor can go looking for reasons to believe the numbers aren’t “real” or relevant.

  15. A Happy Birthday to all the Men and Women serving with the United States Marine Corps!

    I concur :)

    Your commenter has feebly google-fu, and the comment form here is hating on links again.

    I figure he has zero google fu, he just didn’t look and claimed he couldn’t find it.

  16. SarahW says:

    Considering my search terms were “Iraq” “south Africa” and “death rate”, you are probably right.

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