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October 2024


Porretto Says Fie to Buggers [Dan Collins]

Has further thoughts on marriage (of men and women), at Eternity Road.

5 Replies to “Porretto Says Fie to Buggers [Dan Collins]”

  1. Sinner says:

    Sure dan, link my tirade from the pub and not here…

    thanks ;)

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Sorry. I meant to post this in the Pub, to tell the truth.

  3. The Lost Dog says:


    This looks like an easy pop fly headed in your direction.

  4. Pablo says:

    Eh. There’s not a heck of a lot to say that hasn’t been well covered over the last few days. FWP’s checklist is nice, and worthwhile to those who do decide to head down the road to marriage. But none of that changes the fact that marriage in America is now meaningless.

    An oral contract is still worth the paper it’s written on. Marriage used to be the exception to that rule, but not anymore. Given the potential pitfalls for men, I couldn’t advise marrying in good faith, and it seems that many more young men are thinking along those lines.

    Ultimately, that’s a bad thing for women, and for humanity in general.

  5. Pablo says:

    I suppose I should object to this bit, as well:

    Don’t kid yourself: childrearing is the mother’s task. Men are not suited to it, for reasons of basic evolutionary biology and psychology.

    That used to be true, but we’ve been socializing what once was a natural fact out of existence for some time now. Now, a man who isn’t actively engaged in the intricacies of child rearing is a heartless bastard, and a woman who is fully devoted to them is an unfulfilled fool. Remember, women are just as capable as men, so it only stands to reason that men are just as capable as women, hairy farting brutes though they might be.

    Ain’t equality grand? Or perhaps that should be “equalness.”

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