
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


When the Democratic Smear Brigade gives you lemons…

…make $2.1 million in lemonade, donate it to the Marine Corps, then sit back and watch as Harry Reid goes from gray-skinned opportunist to, like, grayer skinned opportunist.

Final score: Capitalism 1, Reid, et al, still trying to find their way through the maze of tunnels to the stage.


35 Replies to “When the Democratic Smear Brigade gives you lemons…”

  1. Matt Knowles says:

    This… is… Spinal Tap!

  2. JD says:

    Rush is just trying to purchase a rehabilitation of his image, because we all know that he hates the troops. Or some other blather like that.

  3. BJTexs says:

    Harry Reid, in his eternal non wisdom, is now out trying to take partial credit for the money raised.

    IO I want to say that Reid is worse than a tool can I just call him tools?

  4. A fine scotch says:

    Not only is Harry Reid trying to take credit, he’s doing it on the Senate floor, making his remarks part of the permanent record.

    I loathe Harry Reid.

  5. Stankleberry says:

    Harry Reid is deranged.

  6. wishbone says:

    Yep, 11% and still heading south.

    Is it possible to have a negative approval rating?

  7. MMShillelagh says:

    In Cartman voice: I… am seriously… so… pissed off. Reid should be caned on the Senate floor. This is such a load of awful, blatant, bald-faced LIES that I find it beyond the pale, even for the Demo-craps.

    I mean, c’mon, really? You’re going to get 40 other Senators to join you in personally trashing a private (though by tort law, he’d be a public person) citizen, and lying about what he said as you do it. Then, when he turns around and embarasses you in a rather cunning and totally unforeseeable way (I guess those pain-killers didn’t do any permanent damage to his mental faculties), you try to take credit for the good? Really? REALLY?

    I’m incredulous, incensed, and incandescent!

    (N.B. Yes, that was a joke.)

  8. slackjawedyokel says:

    So, is Dingy Harry going to match the contribution, like Rush is going to do?




  9. BJTexs says:

    OH. My. Gosh. What a pandering, self promoting, charity chasing rat faced little turdlette Reid is. It’s official as of this minute. I raise him to my Pantheon of Loath, right next to John Kerry.

    Friggin, fraggin maroon…

  10. Squid says:

    Dingy Harry may not match the contribution personally, but he has a phalanx of bundlers willing to step up to the plate.

  11. JD says:

    BJ – When reading that into the record, how in the hell could he keep from chuckling and laughing the entire time?

  12. Pablo says:


    Harry Reid’s statement on the matter.

    This part is ab fab:


    You know what else is funny? Media Matters with nothing to say is funny.

  13. Darleen says:

    Congress is really Another World.

  14. smiller says:

    Jitstain. Harry Reid is a jitstain.

  15. the other Ken says:

    By the way, don’t be counting your Clevelands before another gazillion canadian soldier ants are hatched…

  16. The Rick says:

    Wow, over 4 MILLION dollars going to the soldiers and…wait for it…virtually no coverage on the big news networks – even form the assortment of 7 24-hour news networks.
    Liberal Media bias? Unpossible!

  17. The Rick says:

    …and Harry Reid can suck my Harry Rod.

    What a slimy little bastard. He makes Larry Craig look like an honest upstanding citizen.
    Friggin tard.

  18. McGehee says:

    Senate Democrats chose Harry Reid to be their leader, and the only time Harry has a brain cell is when Joe Lieberman sneezes on him.

  19. Alice H says:

    Isn’t it nice of Rush to throw in free shipping?

  20. R30C says:

    It just confirms what I’ve suspected of Reid. His father threw the used rubber out the window of the Packard and it grew.

  21. I was just skimming the letter and I notice they’re still clinging to that stupid Military Times poll from 2006. What planet are they living on?

  22. R30C says:

    McGehee, I visualize Reid more along the lines of Marys brother in the movie “something about Mary” when the school clowns set him up to ask the school hot chick “have you seen my wiener” ..or something along that line.. He makes the rest of them seem intelligent by comparison.

  23. easyliving1 says:

    Rush chose to label Sen. Reid as “dingy,” not “soiled,” the other option.

    I prefer Soiled Harry Reid.

    It’s because I really liked “The Blues Brothers” and their use of the term soiled, as well as the Coen’s “The Hudsucker Proxy,” where old Paul Newman says “sure sure” numerous times, in a memorable way.

    Soiled Harry Reid could be seen as SHR, leading to the “sure sure” entanglement.

    My apologies, but I donated $8 to Jeff and $6 to Ace, so I can post whatever the hell I want!


  24. R30C says:

    Actually “soiled” may be appropriate, as in when Harry Reid found his letter to clear channel worth so much money he soiled himself.

    Anymore fun ways to combine Harry Reid and soiled in a phrase kids?

  25. narciso says:

    One is reminded that Jack Shafer in Slate, brought out the fact that the
    gambling commissioner played by the more self important Smothers brother
    in Casino is based on Harry Reid n 1970s Vegas.

  26. Serr8d says:

    “MORE THAN $2 MILLION FOR A LETTER SIGNED BY THIS SENATOR AND MY FRIENDS.” And my friends. Not ‘colleagues’ or ‘associates’, or ‘accomplices’, but friends.

    Strikes me as an slip-up error in his little speech, there. Earlier he claimed that, if he had had more time, he could have garnered every Senator as a signer.

    Does he think they too are all his friends?

    Or that because they didn’t sign, they are not?

  27. The Lost Dog (El Pero Perdido) says:

    Comment by Dan Collins on 10/19 @ 11:02 am #

    “Harry Reid’s statement on the matter.”

    I hate to beat around the bush (no pun intended), but this man, Lying Harry Reid, is an ABSOLUTE PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!

    Go, Harry!! I will spit in your Stalinist, lying face anywhere, anytime, anyplace.

    How does such a lowlife, lying chunk of offal stay in the Senate? How cool is it that your three sons are the top lobbiests(?) in Nevada? I smell even more bullshit.

    And we are supposed to respect this flying assholes?

    Sorry for the “Kos-tone”, but this moron has pissed me off more than anything I can remember in my life.

    Hey, Harry! we are not all illiterate ignoramuses like the people who elect you.

    Harry is an insult to anyone who has an IQ of over 80.

    There. I feel a little better..

  28. alppuccino says:

    My guess is Hairy Reed has asked that the transcript of his stirring statement of “Mission Accomplished for the Chirren” be printed on his letterhead for a follow-up auction on Ebay. Signed by him and his D.C. roommates, all proceeds will go to the Frost family.

    In the end “Reserve not met” will be the grand total.

  29. Big Bang (pumping you up.) says:

    – Maybe the Reps should get up a resolution to censure Reid for “Gross mis-interpretation, egregious pandering to the crazy aunts in his party, and chronic stupidity”. Wonder how many votes they’d get “for”.

  30. Babbitty says:

    I LOVE you people.

    A couple of posters here insisted that “attack” and “smear” were left-wing words. I found that puzzling..comic, actually since Rush and O’Reilly or their fans are always saying they’re under attack by LW “smear” groups.

    Glad to have that cleared up.

    Maybe the lesson here is – point of view is everything. And I’ll leave it at that.

  31. BJTexs says:


    Actually I think the lesson is – incoherence is not a point of view. What the hell are you talking about?

    No, no, don’t answer. I’m just not that interested.

  32. alppuccino says:

    I think Babbity is citing the rule of thumb for football: When a guy tries to gouge your eye out in a pile up, don’t retaliate because you’re the one who will get the flag for 15 yds.

    Shorter Babbity’s rule: Smearing – fine. Retaliation – personal foul.

  33. Jeff G. says:

    A smear consists of, say, lying about what someone said in order to call him or her a racist or an enemy of soldiers — even when you know it not to be the case.

    Pointing out facts that someone finds inconvenient for maintaining his bogus image? Not so much.

  34. Pablo says:

    A couple of posters here insisted that “attack” and “smear” were left-wing words.

    No, they’re just words. When they become all left wingy is when you use them for things that ain’t what they mean, such as saying that Limbaugh called anyone who disagrees with the war a “phony soldier”.

    Some might call it spinning. I call it lying. But, hey…whatever.

    Scoreboard, baby.

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