From Stanley Kurtz’s Radical-in-Chief, ppgs 59-60: Every aspect of Obama’s treatment of his career choice in Dreams from My Father was an active theme at the 1983 Cooper Union Socialist Scholars Conference. Want to fight the “dirty deeds” of Reagan and his minions? Become a community organizer. Do it well — and do it in a minority community — and you just might become the next Harold Washington, leading a
November 18, 2010
November 18, 2010
"Holder Strikes Out in First Gitmo Civilian Trial"
Sure. But it’s not whether you win or lose. It’s how you play the game. Right?*
November 18, 2010
Pragmatic Murkowski to Tea Partiers: "I was elected by Democrats, mostly, so eat me"
Okay. So I paraphrased: As her write-in votes surpassed the votes for Republican nominee Joe Miller this week, Murkowski asserted her independence from the party. Murkowski told the press she feels liberated because she won “not because I came as my party’s nominee but because a very, very wide range of Alaskans of all political stripes have stepped up and said ‘you’re the person we want to represent us in