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November 2024


Another of the Kind of Revelation [Dan Collins]

the Hillary camp fears:

The company run by one of Hillary Clinton’s top campaign officials has been providing public-relations services for Blackwater – the security firm, accused of killing 17 Iraqi civilians, that has come under fire from Congress.
Burson-Marsteller, run by Clinton pollster Mark Penn, has been representing the troubled security firm in the lead-up to congressional testimony this week in which top company officials defended their policies and techniques for providing security in the war zone.

Notice how they pick one of their most unattractive file photos!!!1!

In that Congressional testimony, have they bothered to bring in any of the State Department personnel who were there? Seems an odd omission, if they haven’t.

15 Replies to “Another of the Kind of Revelation [Dan Collins]”

  1. I think this might be the more troublesome bit:

    Further complicating matters for Clinton is that Blackwater’s first contract with the federal government actually wasn’t under the Bush administration. It was in 1998, according to company officials, when Clinton’s husband was in the White House.

  2. Semanticleo says:

    It’s the spin, Collins. You’re a might hesitant on the venal prose.
    Mayhaps your Feeders are overextending their stay. I’m not surprised
    you are too smart to start gobbling down this camel. They have nothing to lose promoting their Projection. It’s kinda like some roulette addict plunking down his last fifty on Black. You watch, but admiration is extinct.

  3. rickinstl says:

    Jesus cleo, you sound like you’re in the middle stage of a meth-induced sci-fi fever dream.
    I’ll bet you didn’t even read the post, you’ve just had those lines scrawled on one of the eleven legal pads you’re surrounded with, one for each of your personalities.
    Keep it going dude, it’s Saturday!

  4. Big Bang (Pumping you up) says:

    – In the nean time Black-Water has never lost, or even had wounded, one of the people it was guarding, which probably means that no matter what pose they take, if the jihadists, or anyone of a dozen groups are firing AK-47’s at them they defend themselves, which Cleo-nutz would find barbaric, them not waiting to have half the detail killed before they shoot back and all.

  5. Topsecretk9 says:

    And of course, like Clinton’s extensive use of Halliburton…

    ….further complicating matters for Clinton is that Blackwater’s first contract with the federal government actually wasn’t under the Bush administration. It was in 1998, according to company officials, when Clinton’s husband was in the White House.


  6. Topsecretk9 says:

    Oops to me, Maggie Katzen already had it.

  7. Good Lt. says:

    Better be careful. That kind of revelation might get you a lawsuit, and your broadcasting license/First Amendment rights nixed by Clinton Inc.

  8. Drumwaster says:

    It’s the spin, Collins.

    What, exactly, is being spun? Hillary’s extensive involvements with the company that provides independent security for vips in a war zone? Or the fact that one of her top aides runs the PR firm lobbying for them in Congress? (Oh, wait – that last is a conflict of interest if Blackstone ever gets called up before the Senate Armed Services Committee, isn’t it?)

    Are you afraid that people’s opinion of her will be somehow tainted by her rather close connection (over several years) of a large quasi-governmental company getting no-bid contracts on her husband’s watch? Or disappointed that she never made it as high as CEO?

    Trust us, moron, the general opinion of her on a national scale ranks right up (or is it down?) there with yours on this blog.

  9. Mike C. says:

    Blackwater’s first contract with the federal government actually wasn’t under the Bush administration. It was…when Clinton’s husband was in the White House.

    Halliburton, too.

  10. The Lost Dog (El Pero Perdido) says:

    Blackwater. Haliburton.

    Steinberg, Goldberg, Iceberg – it’s all the same to me.

    The truth about either company doesn’t matter, because we can use them to smash the fuckin’ Bushies. A couple more years and the Constitution is dead. Momentum, momentum, momentum…

    The Democratic leadership has left all vestiges of the truth and the heart of the constitution in the lurch because they are playing to ignorance, and ther are almost enough ignorant people (and growing daily) to bring us into the Stalinist state that they desire.

    OT: “Exterminating Angels”.


  11. The Lost Dog (El Pero Perdido) says:


    Who can put this “e” where it belongs in my previous post?

  12. topsecretk9 says:

    MikeC– that’s why I wrote “And of course, like Clinton’s extensive use of Halliburton…” before I posted Clinton’s inauguration of Blackwater.

    Cleos’ just have real long, skinny necks – to put in sand – so they don’t have to confront or admit all the uncomfortable facts.

  13. Mike C. says:

    Right you did, topsecretk9. Sorry, that’s what happens when I drink and comment.

  14. zhongyan says:

    Better be careful!
    If you want to contact me, go to my site –

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