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January 2025


Obama’s been taking pointers on geography from Biden [Darleen Click]


Geography is hard!

via Nobama

69 Replies to “Obama’s been taking pointers on geography from Biden [Darleen Click]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    fucking momo

  2. cranky-d says:

    Can one man remember the location of all the cities in the 57 states?


  3. Danger says:

    We had Frickin Aircraft Carriers go into all of those ports.


  4. newrouter says:

    indonesia and hawaii are on the gulf coast too you nazi clowns. now leave me alone to golf. – baracky

  5. newrouter says:


    deep enough so that “leading from behind” can’t be found

  6. BigBangHunter says:

    – Apparently some heavy hitter donors are tied somehow to the dredging companies soooooo.

    – Wonder if bumblefucks parents were in Hawaii when Germany bombed Pearl Harbor…..

  7. BigBangHunter says:

    – The problem can be traced to his spelling of “The Golf”.

  8. sdferr says:

    They’re probably anticipating ships like this Emma Maersk, with others currently under construction.

  9. sdferr says:

    CMA CGM Marco Polo, built by Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in South Korea. Take a GoogleEarth zoom trip to Geoje-do island on the south eastern flank of S. Korea and you can see six or more ships of similar size being built there.

  10. happyfeet says:

    Asians man they build them some shit

    I bet they’re not even scared of pipelines

  11. sdferr says:

    Yep, S. Korea, it’s the new embodiment of the former American can-do spirit.

  12. happyfeet says:

    i wish my 401k had a “S. Korea” etf

    but nope

    I do have the option of pimco though so I can always invest in the ironclad safety of US Treasury bills

    but I dunno

    it just feels greedy

  13. sdferr says:

    Also while you visit there via GoogEarth, check out the aqua-culture in the estuaries to the north-west of Geoje-do and elsewheres in the southern bays there: it’s astounding in the extent.

  14. happyfeet says:

    aqua-culture is the future!

    except for in Asia

    it’s old hat there

  15. sdferr says:

    Russia, it still seems to me, embodies more of a “can-drink spirit” spirit. They haven’t quite got the hang of the other one yet.

  16. happyfeet says:

    drinking and gay-bashing and fucking Obama up the ass is all Russia is good for really

    except for they have natural gas and also my understanding is they have congenial hookers

    used to be you could adopt darling orphan babies from them

    but Obama fucked that up

  17. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Russia Bets Big On Trans-Siberian Railway

    I’m sure the Chinese will appreciate all that effort.

  18. geoffb says:

    In Japan they are building too.

  19. sdferr says:

    Do you reckon the Japanese are setting up for vstol F-35 versions geoffb?

  20. geoffb says:

    Could be but they say they have not put in any of the facilities that fixed wing aircraft would use, only helicopters.

    Japan says it has no plans to use the ship in that manner.

    The Izumo does not have catapults for launching fighters, nor does it have a “ski-jump” ramp on its flight deck for launching fixed-wing aircraft that have a short take-off capability.

  21. geoffb says:

    Of course with the increasing abilities of drones they could be setting up for that type of force.

  22. cranky-d says:

    The F-35 is such a disappointment. I watched a documentary on the program a long time ago depicting the competition between the two teams who put forth their designs and was excited about the prospects of the aircraft. Now, it’s just another very expensive airplane that did not live up to its promise.

    That being said, I hope they get it working properly, and I hope we sell them to Israel and Japan as well as the U.K. and our other real allies (the mideast “allies” can pound sand), if they want them. Also, I’m glad Japan is taking steps to defend itself against China, as it’s looking more and more like the U.S. won’t be helping them.

  23. happyfeet says:

    my understanding is the ship turns into a giant robot what you do NOT want to fuck with

  24. cranky-d says:

    By the way, one more president like Obama and there will likely be another war.

  25. BigBangHunter says:

    The Izumo does not have …

    ….Any problem making the required mods if it suits their goals. The Chinks and Russkis know this and won’t goad them.

  26. sdferr says:

    I looked around a little and it doesn’t seem the Japanese are on the buyers list. They do appear to have a 5th gen fighter of their own under development, but it doesn’t seem to have a naval version.

  27. Ernst Schreiber says:

    What makes you think another war won’t happen before 2017?

  28. happyfeet says:

    everyone so goddamn broke there’s not gonna be a war

    maybe a coupon war

    or a food stamp war

    or a war on childhood obesitah

    but not the kind where people get combat pay and what have you

    not enough whorenanke dollars in the world no more

    America is tapering you see

  29. cranky-d says:

    I trust the Japanese will make a very good plane that works well. As for lacking a naval version, I would guess that they are not interested in projecting force too far from their nation.

    For now, anyway.

  30. happyfeet says:

    and for crying out loud does anyone really want to see what failmerica would do as an encore to iraq and afghanistan

    the very idea is more cringeworthy than an anthony weiner press conference

  31. cranky-d says:

    I think the more aggressive countries will wait to see who the next president will likely be before doing anything rash. Plus, starting a war would encourage us to elect a hawk, and while our capacity for destruction is diminished, it is still formidable given a leader who is willing to use it.

  32. geoffb says:

    I like how they call it a destroyer with it being larger than the USS Wasp and not much smaller than the size of our WWII Essex class carriers.

  33. Ernst Schreiber says:

    What makes you think we’d start it? Other nations can’t act? Everything happens as a consequence of what America does or doesn’t do? Other nations don’t have interests of their own?

    What you call tapering, others call provacative weakness.

  34. cranky-d says:

    Iraq and Afghanistan were not wars in a traditional sense, in that we were nation-building at the same time. That was a mistake.

    An actual war would look quite different, more like the first Iraq war, except this time we had better not stop until it’s finished.

    That being said, I have zero interest in being in a war. The problem is, weak presidents encourage such things.

  35. happyfeet says:

    why would anyone waste resources attacking failmerica here or abroad while she’s so busy ass-fucking herself into oblivion

  36. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I think you’re overlooking the fact that the middle east is starting to look like the Balkans did a hundred years ago.

  37. cranky-d says:

    I’m surprised they didn’t name it the Yamoto.

  38. happyfeet says:

    That was a mistake.

    food stamp made damn sure of that

    but the end result is you idiot americans squandered an obscene (!) amount of money and got a nice but not spectacular number of your own kids dead for a handful of shit

    it’s so embarrassing

  39. sdferr says:

    There’s a looming problem for the Israelis. They have to decide if they’re serious or not serious; if they can’t live with an Iranian nuke force or if they can. Depending which way they decide, the makings of a much wider conflict are already in place.

  40. cranky-d says:

    So you are not an American, electric hamster? That doesn’t surprise me.

  41. happyfeet says:

    they might could determine that they don’t have to make a determination

    all the cool kids are doing it

  42. cranky-d says:

    I think Israel will have to act. They keep hoping Obama (PBUH) will change his tune, but that isn’t happening, recent oratory to the contrary.

  43. happyfeet says:

    i’m an american but i have an ironic detachment

    it’s a tried and true coping mechanism is my understanding

  44. sdferr says:

    The Israelis seem to be immune to the temptations toward “be cool” baubles and significantly more focused on distinguishing what’s actually necessary and what’s not — which isn’t to say that they’ll always get it right, but that they’re consciously trying to get it right, on account of not having any guarantees of second chances.

  45. happyfeet says:

    what’s the yiddish word for alacrity

  46. sdferr says:


  47. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Israel acting will cause other actors to react.

  48. happyfeet says:

    I think chop chop will do the trick

  49. cranky-d says:

    I agree, sdferr.

    I thought they would have acted by now. Perhaps the have more leeway than we realize, or are waiting on further intelligence. As you said, they need to get it right the first time.

  50. palaeomerus says:

    He meant the gulf of R’lyeh

  51. sdferr says:

    I thought they would have acted by now. Perhaps the have more leeway than we realize, or are waiting on further intelligence.

    I think the Israelis have found (much to their surprise) that Obazm is exerting every effort he can to stop them from acting in their interests, and that because their alliance with and dependence on America is so deep, they can’t help but attempt to appease him. And in the meantime, the American people have no clue Obazm acts in this manner, or how. He isn’t telling, and they aren’t asking.

  52. To give Duh!1 some credit? At least the Chicago Ward Heeler got the cities & states right….

  53. guinspen says:

    Can one man remember the location of all the cities in the 57 states?


  54. serr8d says:

    Speaking of SlowJoe Biden, he sends a fundraising email …

    Friend —

    I’ve been in politics for a while now, but I’ve never seen anything quite like this.

    A group of freshmen senators are running the show in the Republican Party — that is not hyperbole.

    You should see what these guys are doing now. They’re asking their Republican colleagues to sign a pledge to shut down the federal government unless we defund Obamacare.

    Now these aren’t bad guys, but I want you to think about this: not only are they still trying to get rid of health care reform — they’re willing to use the entire federal government as a bargaining chip to get it done.

    That’s what we’re dealing with in Washington right now, and it’s unprecedented in my lifetime.

    Make no mistake — one thing we don’t need is to let the Republicans outrun us in 2014, and elect a bunch more people to the House and Senate who think, act, and vote the way Ted Cruz and Rand Paul do.

    Joe, IF ONLY Paul & Cruz were running the perpetually confuzzled GOP, this little Republic might be sustainable. As is, with the embarrassingly empty-headed GOP as it’s configured today, this little Republic is barreling FORWARD to attend a very large train wreck.

    Oh, and asshole, you’re not my ‘friend’.


  55. Ernst Schreiber says:

    And the only way a government shut-down happens is if Obama vetoes the continuing resolution that funds everything else. People need to be reminded of that.

  56. Matt says:

    On the upside, Barry says Michelle’s program on obesity is making poor kids healthy….

    It couldn’t possibly be that Barry’s programs for the economy are so bad that poor families can afford less food then before, thus they’re eating less and losing weight. Either way, its a win, I guess.

  57. Squid says:

    why would anyone waste resources attacking failmerica here or abroad while she’s so busy ass-fucking herself into oblivion

    It’s like all this talk about Russia, China, and Japan threatening each other, or all the evidence of the Middle East jumping the rest of the way into total war, doesn’t even enter the rodent’s palsied brain meats.

    Let me put it in terms that even the most cupcake-addled mind might understand: The bad guys aren’t going to declare war on the United States. They’re going to declare war against their traditional regional rivals, because they don’t fear any interference from the United States. Now, some may say that the U.S. shouldn’t be in the international peacekeeping business in the first place — that it’s an inappropriate and unconstitutional role that Washington has claimed for itself. I have some sympathy for such views, but I can still recognize that hot wars in the Middle East and around the Sea of Japan would be Very Bad Things for the people who live in those regions. Also, they would be Somewhat Bad Things for us.

  58. Libby says:

    “I think the Israelis have found (much to their surprise) that Obazm is exerting every effort he can to stop them from acting in their interests…”

    I think you’re right, Sdferr, and there’s also been the passive-aggressive leaking of Israeli secrets by this administration: Stuxnet, secret base, and now attacks on Syria (

  59. leigh says:

    I miss the old days when we were feared and loathed. Not just loathed.

  60. Squid says:

    Yup. I hate a badass who throws his weight around because there’s nothing I can do to stop him. I also hate a cowardly weakling who never does anything to stand up for himself.

    But I respect the former for what he can do to me, even if I don’t like him.

  61. happyfeet says:

    of course nobody worries about US interference it’s a brokedick food stampocracy led by cowardly whores like obama and john mccain with a well-established track record of cutting and running like a bitch

  62. dicentra says:

    If you’re not reading Kory Stamper, here’s one reason you should: Editorial Correspondence: More Answers I Cannot Send.

  63. Jim in KC says:

    I’ll confess to having no idea where Jacksonville is because I don’t give two shits about Jacksonville, but Savannah?

  64. Thanks for that link, Dicentra. I needed a good laugh and you and Kory Stamper provided it.

  65. […] Obama’s been taking pointers on geography from Biden [Darleen Click] | protein wisdom […]

  66. palaeomerus says:

    “But I respect the former for what he can do to me, even if I don’t like him. -”

    Cowardly weaklings have a way of blowing up eventually and changing people’s attitudes regarding their capabilities one sucking chest wound at a time.

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