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March 2025


“The family rescued by George Zimmerman after a rollover crash in Florida are terrified they will become targets for hate mobs”

Which, ironically, we find out about from the UK Daily Mail , our own mainstream press being too busy counting the burps, naps, and newborn craps of the fetus-cum-Royal Prince or Duke or whatever the hell he is.

The family rescued by George Zimmerman after a rollover crash in Florida are terrified they will become targets for hate mobs who have made death threats to the neighborhood vigilante.

Mark and Dana Michelle Gerstle told friends they do not want to talk publicly about Zimmerman for fear they will be accused of portraying him as a hero – and face a backlash from those who consider he got away with murder.

‘They are very grateful to Zimmerman for what he did, but they do not want to get involved,’ said a friend, who asked not to be named.


There is so much hatred directed towards him they have got to think about their own family. There are a lot of crazies out there. If they say anything in support of him it could backfire.’

The neighborhood watch volunteer, who to many is the most hated man in America after being acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin, helped save the family after a terrifying crash.

Zimmerman pulled the Gerstles’ and their two young children from their SUV after it rolled over in Sanford, Florida near the busy I-4 motorway.He had been driving past with another man and went to the aid of the couple who were trapped in their upturned vehicle.

It was the first public sighting of the 29 year old since he walked free from a court in Sanford after a jury cleared him of the second degree murder.


Mark Gerstle, a 52 year old pharmacist, instantly recognized Zimmerman when he pulled him from the driver’s seat of his overturned vehicle.He told firefighters: ‘George Zimmerman pulled me out.’

Zimmerman made sure Gerstle, his 41 year old wife Dana Michelle and children aged eight and four were safe before leaving the scene.

He did not call 911 but eight other callers did report the accident. None of the callers mentioned Zimmerman.


Friends of the couple, who make regular trips from their home to the Disney theme parks in Orlando, said they will be concerned that they could become targets for hate mobs who have threatened revenge for the death of Trayvon Martin.

‘Let’s face it, George Zimmerman is pretty toxic right now,’ said a friend.’Mark has two young children and has got to live his life round here. Why would he want to mark himself out.

‘Whatever he says could be taken out of context. If he praises Zimmerman then people will say he is making him into a hero. It is easier if he says nothing.’Like Casey Anthony, another Florida resident who was sensationally cleared of murder, Zimmerman faces living in the shadows for the rest of his life.

Not only has he and his immediate family received death threats, but his legal team have also been warned they are on a hit list.

Rallies were held across the US at the weekend by protestors angry at the jury’s decision to acquit Zimmerman on all charges.

You know why he’s “toxic”?  Because of a wilding media, the rabble rousing of the race-baiting industry, a divisive President with an anti-gun hard-on, wannabe political activists looking to get their protest on, and the refusal of people to stand up for a guy who was trying to keep his neighborhood safe.

I understand that the Gerstles don’t want to get involved out of fear for their safety:  this is the left we’re talking about, after all, and for all their projection they are the perpetrators of most political violence in the country and the world over.  They reinforce themselves as mobs, tell each other that their hatred is a form of outraged virtue, and then justify the ruination of people’s lives and reputations.

Still, Zimmerman helped pull a man, his wife, and their two children to safety — and this after being publicly crucified for not allowing a likely stoned teen pound his melon into the pavement until he was dead or living vegetation, for managing to live.

This after the media and the left — including the President, members of Congress, the Justice Department, etc., — turned him into a scapegoat and vowed to use him as the kindling to fire up racial tensions.

This after a trial that could have put him away for decades — despite the fact that the charges were on their face absurd — that he withstood, refusing to admit guilt, even under enormous political pressure to do so.

This after all the death threats and the bounties that the leftist mob and the race baiters have engendered, this after years of being lectured about “civility” by a President who continues to look at White America — and now White Hispanic America, evidently — as a class of evil that, until they subjugate themselves to him, and admit to their own deep-seeded hatred of the Other, will not earn his forgiveness.

And Zimmerman himself said not a word about this act of charity.

The Gerstles are fortunate that Zimmerman is the man he is.  And they could repay him by letting everyone know about it, not by caving to the passions of some manufactured lynch mob.

And I advise them that if they in fact fear for their lives as a result of a mob’s irrational hatred of a kindness done them, they might get themselves some firearms and learn to stand their ground.

Doing the right thing is never wrong; it can only be made to feel that way.

(h/t newrouter)

36 Replies to ““The family rescued by George Zimmerman after a rollover crash in Florida are terrified they will become targets for hate mobs””

  1. Shermlaw says:

    My comment to the last thread is better here. The amount of information contained in the photos alone is enough to tempt lowly burglers/home invaders regardless of whether the anti-GZ mobs get exercised. Of course, MSNBC will claim any problems arising from this incident are their own fault for being a) white and b) allowing themselves to be rescued by GZ.

  2. William says:

    Yeah, don’t stand up for the truth now, guys. Wait for the country to get even better.

    I’m sure if we just keep our eyes closed for a few more years….

  3. our own mainstream press being too busy counting the burps, naps, and newborn craps of the fetus-cum-Royal Prince or Duke or whatever the hell he is.

    In ordinary aristocratic practice, the first son of a duke is honorably a marquess, usually of whatever Dadoo is duke of since normally he or one of his ancestors was a marquess before being made a duke.

    But royals have so many spare titles lying around the palace that nobody’s using, they worry about the tourists pocketing one like an ashtray on the way out.

    “Oo, luv! Wha’d you nick up at the queen’s house?”

    “Nuffin important, ducky. Yer lookin’ at the new Earl of Brougham-Smithwich-on-Tuesday.”


  4. Damn well put, Jeff.

    This is why I was a bit angry at Sarah Palin for not running for the Presidency.

    Now is the time for all good man to take a stand for Good.

    ‘Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor’.

  5. BigBangHunter says:

    – I Think thats “Coe”, but maybe not if you’re Welsh.

  6. BigBangHunter says:

    – It would seem we’ve reached a sort of Pen-Umbra point in the silly season, something you might refer to as “Alice in wonderland – page 2”.

  7. BigBangHunter says:

    – Yeah, the body Lefturd was in manic meltdown yesterday with no names to focus their unbridled certifiable hate on. Like some immense broken transaction that threatened to burn out the servers on the facebook network.

    – They’ll be viciously fine now.

  8. leigh says:

    I thought that was “Cor blimey!”

  9. newrouter says:

    levin didn’t finish this quote tonite

    ““When members of this house use language such as ‘for everyone that is a valedictorian, there is another 100 out there who weigh 130 lbs — and they’ve got hands the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert,’ is offensive.”

    King did not acknowledge Garcia’s comments.

  10. leigh says:

    Ha! I didn’t even go to your link first and I was right. I like it when that happens.

  11. Danger says:

    “Like Casey Anthony, another Florida resident who was sensationally cleared of murder, Zimmerman faces living in the shadows for the rest of his life”

    So now Casey Anthony = George Zimmerman? Girl gone wild/mad mom = Neighborhood watch captain?

  12. BigBangHunter says:

    – Just for Leigh. I saw a peace where Mooche gave a speech recently where she shills for Jug ears by saying “Keep the faith La Raza,My husband has your back”….or words to that effect. So yeah, they don’t want to lose the Hispanics, no way.

  13. BigBangHunter says:

    – piece, sheese.

  14. BigBangHunter says:

    – So now that there are names the whole GZ thing has gone down the memory hole for HuffPoop. Understandable since 95% of the Proggies commenting were in denial and screaming it was all PR and staged.

    – Drudge is having a lot of fun with the Weiner thing:

    “Erection update – Weiner still in – Balls to the wall coverage.”

  15. geoffb says:

    Holder’s DOJ takes physical possession of Zimmerman trial evidence including his handgun.

  16. lilida says:

    What if Martin had killed Zimmerman? Who would have saved the family from the burning SUV? Maybe someone else could have, but maybe not.

  17. SBP says:

    “But royals have so many spare titles lying around the palace that nobody’s using”

    I think they should revive their claim to the throne of France, ’cause that would rock.

  18. BigBangHunter says:

    – Always has been since the founding of our country. (see – “hang together or hang alone”.)

  19. I am in fact considering changing my PW handle to “Earl of Brougham-Smithwich-on-Tuesday.”

  20. leigh says:

    Thanks, BBH. I knew those turds weren’t going to let the Hispanics go without a fight.

  21. Darleen says:

    What is crazy is dipping into the comment section of just about any place that is carrying the story of GZ rescuing this people … the conspiracy mongering is offered up seriously:

    #1 that GZ had a police monitor in either his car or home and got to the scene before anyone to make himself a hero

    #2 It’s a staged hoax in order to make himself a hero

  22. palaeomerus says:

    “Holder’s DOJ takes physical possession of Zimmerman trial evidence including his handgun.”

    Future headline: George Zimmerman’s Handgun Found At Scene Of Cartel Related Shooting In Mexican Town Near Texas Border.

  23. sdferr says:

    Heh. And impossibly handicapped Asperger’s suffering homicide detective exclaims “I just don’t grasp this human nature shit, but I’ll endeavor to nobly muddle on despite the fact (whatever nobly means, ’cause I don’t get that either).”

  24. Holder’s DOJ takes physical possession of Zimmerman trial evidence including his handgun.

    And O’Mara’s list of lawsuit defendants grows.

    My prediction: the first federal trial resulting from all this will have Zimmerman as plaintiff.

  25. newrouter says:

    proggtardia today

    to learn of Pillard’s pet legal theory — that abstinence-only sex education is unconstitutional. Pillard wants federal judges to require “egalitarian sex education” What does that mean?

    Egalitarian sex education should recognize the realities of sex-based subordination and harm even while it strongly counters sex-based stereotypes and double standards. It should acknowledge and oppose male-on-female aggression and the larger system of gender hierarchy that such aggression exemplifies and sustains. It should also, however, recognize that boys and men, too, are frequently harmed by sexual aggression, and that girls and women can be the moving force behind irresponsible or otherwise harmful sex. And it should always–especially as applied to young people—express hope that old patterns will change.


  26. newrouter says:

    effin “post constitutional”

    – that abstinence-only sex education is unconstitutional –

  27. Rich Fader says:

    Time the American press spends covering Wills & Kate’s son is time not spent inflaming lynch mobs against Zimmerman and anybody who crosses his path however tangentially and doesn’t automatically agree he’s anything other than Satan in human form. Let us give thanks for the little fella.

  28. BT says:

    Heh. And impossibly handicapped Asperger’s suffering homicide detective exclaims “I just don’t grasp this human nature shit, but I’ll endeavor to nobly muddle on despite the fact (whatever nobly means, ’cause I don’t get that either).”

    Sounds like a tv guide summary for FX’s The Bridge

  29. […] Outed As Leftist Plant Gateway Pundit: Family Rescued By George Zimmerman Terrified Of #Trayvon Mob Protein Wisdom: “The Family Rescued By George Zimmerman…Terrified They’ll Become T… Kathryn Jean Lopez: The Francis Factor And The Challenges It Presents Power Line: Cornelia Pillard, […]

  30. geoffb says:


    The Congressional Caucus on Black Men and Boys will hold its first hearing starting at 3 p.m., during which Tracy Martin will offer opening remarks, according to a release from caucus co-chairs Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) and Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.).

    The title of the hearing is “The Status of Black Males: Ensuring Our Boys Mature Into Strong Men.”

    The three witnesses set to testify are:

    David Johns, executive director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans

    Michael Eric Dyson, professor at Georgetown University

    Kweisi Mfume, former NAACP president, congressman and Congressional Black Caucus chairman

    Resembles this from a while back.

    Opening statement from Georgetown Law Center student Sandra Fluke before the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee on women’s health and contraception.

  31. John Bradley says:

    Oh great, now we’re going to have to buy birth control pills for black teenage boys, too.

    What with the FAIRNESS and everything.

  32. […] IS THIS AMERICA? The family rescued by George Zimmerman after a rollover crash in Florida are terrified they will […]

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