
Jeff's Wish List

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September 2024


Debates to be moderated by one side only

A few days back,  CNN’s Candy Crowley said the Romney/Ryan ticket “looks a little bit like some sort of ticket death wish”.  Which I’ll be happy to declare a neutral and “objective” bit of journalistic analysis once she declares that the Jugears McFoodstamp/ Joe’s Empty Stupid Lunchbox ticket running as encumbants “lookx a little bit like some sort of bad Martin Lawrence buddy flick, only with a shitload more socialism.”

Joining Crowley on the list of moderators, according to Drudge, will be PBS’s Jim Lehrer, CBS’s Bob Schieffer, and for the VP debate, ABC’s Martha Radditz.

Proving yet again that the best way to get a gig as a debate moderator is to make it known  you’re hostile to conservatives and Republicans.

— And the national GOP will go happily along with the self-inflicted wound, content, as always, to be on the defensive.  Because maybe this time, the national legacy media will really like their spunk and determination in answering the rigged questions, and will shower them with the praise and acceptance they continue to long for!

Meantime, we’re all severely conservative Republican extremists now!

(h/t Terry H)




78 Replies to “Debates to be moderated by one side only”

  1. BigBangHunter says:

    – They must be really worried this time. They’re not even trying to fake non-partisan.

    – The two sides could not be clearer in the diametric ideas of governance, leaving aside scale and size of DC, which seems a bridge too far for either side:

    Ryan: “Our Rights Come From Nature And God, Not From Government.”

    Obama: “A New Vision Of An America In Which Prosperity Is Shared.”

    – Apparently we’re in for another annual “new vision” where things get “shared”. He must have discovered a new demographic to steal from. Maybe he ment to say “In which poverty is shared”.

    – Here’s a more comphrehensive link for the Progressives to add to their album of proud moments in statist politics.

  2. cranky-d says:

    Obama: “A New Vision Of An America In Which Prosperity Is Shared.”

    From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.

    He really could not be clearer unless he just said, “I think Marx was awesome.”

  3. cranky-d says:

    I’m such a severe conservative I bought some more ammo for the guns I cling to.

  4. motionview says:

    Losing more politely.

  5. BigBangHunter says:

    – If you’re going to have a hope of fitting the stereotype cranky-d, you’ll need to practice holding a King James bible in one hand, your gun in the other, while skouting Vengence is mine sayeth the lord whenever mowing down the Zombies.

  6. newrouter says:

    Obama: “A New Vision Of An America In Which Prosperity Is Shared.”

    choom rules

    Maraniss also says Obama was known for his “Interceptions”: “When a joint was making the rounds, he often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted ‘Intercepted!,’ and took an extra hit.”

  7. BigBangHunter says:

    – Leys hope he takes the biggest hit of all this November.

  8. BigBangHunter says:

    – As an aside, is it just me, or does this Ryan on Obama match up seem a bit to ‘accidental’.

  9. newrouter says:

    or does this Ryan on Obama match up seem a bit to ‘accidental’.

    i think mittens saw those vids of ryan vs obama. ryan’s take down of o! and o!’s supreme court schtick on ryan.

  10. cranky-d says:

    Darnit, I forgot that I lost all my guns in that boating accident.

    Oh well.

  11. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    To be fair, the initial offer from the Obama campaign was Bill Maher, Andrea Mitchell, Bill Moyers and Keith Olbermann.


  12. motionview says:

    And the Romney Camp came back with David Frum, Jen Rubin, Bill O’Reilly, and Michael Medved

  13. cranky-d says:

    Lol, motionview.

  14. BigBangHunter says:

    ….and just in case you harbored any doubts that the Progressive cult of the Cave Bear is founded on a solid base of fantasy, HuffPoop lede:

    “Game of Thrones author blasts GOP for voter suppression”

    – Because, lets face it, nothing says deep political thinker and gravitas like a insightful obsevation from a giant in the fantasy book industry. Nothing.

  15. cranky-d says:

    Wanting the voters to show IDs is voter suppression.

    Up is sideways. Black is green.

  16. eCurmudgeon says:

    And here I’ve been trying to figure out how we can get Jeff, Karl Denninger, Dave Burge or Glen Reynolds as a debate moderator…

  17. newrouter says:

    Wanting the voters to show IDs is voter suppression.

    bogus polls not so much

  18. leigh says:

    I don’t like the debates. They are just a regurgitation of the talking points that we’re all sick of by then.

    I’d like it better if they had a more exciting format. Ryan works out with the P90X, he could challange Joe the Biden to go a few rounds in the ring.

  19. motionview says:

    We should all work on our dead-pan concern troll moderate undecided independent poker face in case Mr. Gallup calls and get into that town hall debate.

    Topic: Town meeting format including foreign and domestic policy
    Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
    Location: Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York
    Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
    Participants: President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney
    Moderator: Candy Crowley (CNN Chief Political Correspondent)
    The second presidential debate will take the form of a town meeting, in which citizens will ask questions of the candidates on foreign and domestic issues. Candidates each will have two minutes to respond, and an additional minute for the moderator to facilitate a discussion. The town meeting participants will be undecided voters selected by the Gallup Organization.

  20. leigh says:

    Heh, mv. They’d catch on as soon as a difficult question was asked by one of us. We’d get the hook.

    Probably get auditied, too.

  21. Jeff G. says:

    If you are still undecided at this point, you’re an Obama voter. Or a retard.

    But I repeat myself.

  22. BigBangHunter says:

    – The Left, as long as they’re in power at least, would never agree to debates moderated by someone without solid Marxist credentials.

    – They’ve got enough problems to deal with like finding some way to put lipstick on the Obama economic pig, and how the hell they’ll be able to camoflage Biden enough so he looks and sounds like an actual satient being.

  23. Jeff G. says:

    I’d be happy to monitor a debate.

    First question: Mr President, marxistdickbagsayswhat?

  24. newrouter says:

    paul ryan will newt them and maybe mittens too. it will be fun. destroy o! and the mbm with country watching.

  25. BigBangHunter says:

    – First question: “Mr. president, is that a Q-tip in your pocket, or are you just happy to see Candy?”

  26. newrouter says:

    “Mr. president, is that a Q-tip in your pocket, or are you just happy to see Candy? larry sinclair?”

  27. TaiChiWawa says:

    Crowley: “Congressman Ryan, I have a pair of gloves that may or may not be from a certain incident in Brentwood, California back in the 90s. Would you mind trying them on?”

  28. BigBangHunter says:

    ‘Ja notice they dropped the suit against Sinclair just in time for the elections.

    – Last thing they need right now is Gay talk in the press.

    – That ballot suit in Ohio has them holding their breath and gritting their teeth.

  29. newrouter says:

    ‘Ja notice they dropped the suit against Sinclair just in time for the elections.

    when baracky loses shtf

  30. BigBangHunter says:

    Romney: “Ok…..But if the gloves don’t fit, you must aquit!.”

  31. newrouter says:

    when baracky loses how else does nytwapoabccbsnbc get any relevance back? they made him.

  32. TaiChiWawa says:

    Crowley: “I happen to have another pair of gloves here…”

  33. motionview says:

    Lehrer: can we just admit that both campaigns have been equally lacking in substance, stop the negative campaign ads and outside spending, and go back to having a professional media decide who gets told what?

    Obama: We’ve defined Mitt, right after we define Ryan, OK.

    Lehrer: Sounds like moderate bipartisan compromise. Gov. Romney, is the so-called “Death Ticket” too severely restricted by the TEA Party extremists for that kind of common sense free market reform?

  34. newrouter says:

    newt it

    Lehrer: can we just admit that both campaigns have been equally lacking in substance, stop the negative campaign ads and outside spending, and go back to having a professional media decide who gets told what?

  35. newrouter says:

    newt showed how to eff the mbm. bring it on.

  36. cranky-d says:

    The progressives are doing their damnedest to get me thinking of voting for Mittens. They have no idea how disillusioned the classical liberals are right now by having such a poor choice for president, especially with “our party” taking us for granted.

    They would be a lot smarter to just shut up, I think. However, no one ever accused them of being smart other than other progressives.

  37. BigBangHunter says:

    – That picture on Drudge with the Wonce standing at the podium with a corn field in the background, not a single other person in sight, with the caption ‘tryin’ to get the feeling again’, pretty well sums up Obama’s situation right now.

  38. leigh says:

    What are they going to pull from the bag of dirty tricks next? Obama claimed Mitt’s dad would be ashamed of him a few days/weeks ago. Today Biden invokes Ryan’s dead dad, as well.

    I guess it would be improper to bring up Joe’s dead wife and kid whose tragic deaths he’s been pimping for years and bring up the fact that his wife was at fault.

    I mean, fer cryin’ out loud. How low can they go? Thank God no one has a dead child they can wave around—-wait. Biden does that.

  39. Mike LaRoche says:

    – That picture on Drudge with the Wonce standing at the podium with a corn field in the background, not a single other person in sight, with the caption ‘tryin’ to get the feeling again’, pretty well sums up Obama’s situation right now.

    “Bring back that loving feeling,” eh? Well, that’s what Reggie Love is for. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  40. leigh says:

    News footage showed the Wonce examining the dead corn while (presumably) a farmer was pointing and talking. Like the douche knows what he’s looking at. He later went on to speechify about how Ryan was holding up the Farm Bill that was for relief, when in actuality the thing has already been voted on and Ryan voted for it.

  41. BigBangHunter says:

    – Well you know how it is with the Progs Leigh. Never let facts get in the way of a good lie.

    – Here’s the link for the full speech in Ipwa today, complete with the hecklers showing much more. They actually rushed the stage, and one airhead tried to charge again. Get a load of the dude that runs up to protect Ryan. Whoa…..

    – You know when they start resorting to this sort of shit just how desperate they’re feeling.

    – Reporter: “How many hecklers were there?”

    – Ryan supporter: “…Ohhh maybe three or four… know, the same number of Progressives as Obama has at his rally’s”

    – Ouch.

  42. BigBangHunter says:

    – BTW, that whole ‘dead corn’, failoed crop meme is a total fucking lie. They planted a record number of acres this year. If they lost even 20% they’d still have a record crop. It’s just to push prices up.

    – And all the crap about starving the world, and some other world leaders asking us not to do fuel with the corn. Thats a total lie also.

    – We don’t sell any coern over seas and we only use 7% of the crop for cereal/sugars ect, foodies, the rest is used for beef feed and about 10% for fuel. Period. We have more than a years supply in storage. We would have to have 5 straight years of draught to start seeing anything like the effects they are lying about, and even then it wouldn’t be starving anyone.

    – Other countries won’t buy our coen because it doesn’t meet their standards amd GMO’s.

    – What a bunch of lying shitheads.

  43. leigh says:

    More lies? The hell, you say!

  44. leigh says:

    G-20 is going to discuss rising food prices. Over Wagyu beef and lobster, no doubt.

  45. BigBangHunter says:

    – Here in Cal they have so damn much corn they don’t know what to do with it. Its selling at the local supermarkets 5 ears for a buck. You can do even better at the road side stands out in the county where you can get huge ears of sweet white corn for the same price.

    – What a crock. Uncontrolled fututures trading using propaganda fed to the press is going to be our ruin if someone doesn’t do something about it.

  46. Darleen says:

    Good lord, the lefties are spewing all over the place! Paul Ryan is a “fake Christian” and “fake Catholic”

    salon says so, so it must be so.

  47. JD says:

    Bbh – it is no lie that there will be a shit harvest of corn in the Midwest this year. I can only speak for my folks farm, 1800 acres and the friends that farm around them, but this drought has destroyed their corn crop, in a large way.

  48. BigBangHunter says:

    – I know thats true for some area’s JD, and I feel for the folks that are actually effected, but the situation in general, specifically the “starving poor folks over seas” is pure hogwash.

    – Farmers that are trully effected should be compensated, the rest are laughing all the way to the bank, and its not their fault. They just go along for the ride. Its the futures market thats driving the bus.

  49. motionview says:

    It’s not a farm bill, it’s a food stamp bill.

  50. motionview says:

    POWERS: It will affect old people, just they’re not old right now. So they will eventually be old.

    KRAUTHAMMER: They’re called young people.

  51. BigBangHunter says:

    – Powers is living proof if you’re pretty no one notices what you say.

    – Well no one but Krauthammer, but then he probably hasn’t had cooz in 40 years.

  52. newrouter says:

    POWERS: It will affect old people, just they’re not old right now. So they will eventually be old.

    blond a – hole


    Powers graduated from the University of Maryland and attended Georgetown University Law School for a year and a half.
    Personal life

    Powers was raised Episcopalian but later spent much of her adult life as an atheist, only to come to “view everyone as God’s child and that means everyone deserves grace and respect.”[16] Powers married Dr. Marty Makary, Professor of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University in January 2010.

    Powers briefly dated former Congressman Anthony Weiner in 2002, and remained his close friend after their romantic relationship ended. After initially defending him when the story of Weiner’s sexting scandal first broke in May 2011, Powers later condemned his conduct and called for his resignation from Congress.”

  53. BigBangHunter says:

    It will affect old people, just they’re not old right now. So they will eventually be old.

    – The Left can’t ‘hear’ reality economics. Its like a dog whistle for them. The idea that money does not really just appear on bushes and trees is more than they can accept. If anyone on their side gets even close to speaking the truth to them they either start banging pots or jabbering to cover the words with noise.

    – They’ve been fed a steady diet of class envy for years, and they’re convinced theres this giant trove of money being horded by the evil rich, and all they have to do is demand redistribution, and all will be well.

    – That little lie is absolute gosple for them.

  54. Danger says:

    From everyone’s favorite Moron:

    “My dad used to have another saying, for real,” Biden said. “And, by the way, I’ve been saying this for 30 years. And I’m glad to see that Congressman Ryan likes his dad, too, and quotes his dad. I mean that sincerely. But my dad [had] a lot of wisdom. Every time someone tell you, say, ‘Look, let me tell you what’s important to me, what I value.’ My dad would go, ‘No, no. Don’t tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I will tell you what you value.'”

    Someone should point out the last budget he and Oblamo presented recieved a 97-0 no vote in the Senate.

  55. EBL says:

    They should fire whoever at the GOP approved this, but they will not.

  56. BigBangHunter says:

    – 85-88% of the wealth (work potential) of America, not a static metric by the way, resided in the middle class.

    – Chocolate jesus has used class warefare to talk them into electing him and then used his office to destroy ~40% of middle class wealth in less than 4 years, and yet the true believers adore him

    – When they finally get it we’re going to need to open a lot of additional therupy clinics.

  57. EBL says:

    The solution for this is easy. The GOP gets to pick a moderator, the Dems get to pick a moderator, and then those two have to agree on a moderator. Then you have three for each debate to ask questions.

  58. EBL says:

    Like someone said earlier today, Obama loves poor people so much he made more of them.

  59. Danger says:

    JD says August 13, 2012 at 10:45 pm
    Bbh – it is no lie that there will be a shit harvest of corn in the Midwest this year. I can only speak for my folks farm, 1800 acres and the friends that farm around them, but this drought has destroyed their corn crop, in a large way.


    Sorry to hear that, course a sane government would stop ethanol subsidies and let us use corn for what it was meant for:



    Return my call Mr.
    ( I thought Midwesterners had better manners than that;)

  60. George Orwell says:

    Please oh please, GOP, tell us you’re just playing rope-a-dope and you will demand a switcheroo of the moderators at the last minute, or that you plan to play by no one’s rules and ignore or talk over the moderators. Tell us you have an alternate location already rented for a last minute walkout and switch of venue, coordinated with Fox and Breitbart, with cable feeds and intertubes streaming set to go.

    Oh what the fuck. They will play the same fools in the debates as they always do, letting the media pretend to be impartial with nary a qualm. This is about media and political careers, not ideas and governance.

  61. BigBangHunter says:

    “…From the book ‘When you lay down with roaches’…..Looks like the Left has decided to go with a little blackmail, seeing as to how Jug ears is sucking wind right now:

    “Deafning Silence – Both candidates Obama and Romney continue to ignore Afghan war.”

    – Wondered how long they would wait before playing that card. The inclusion of Romney is just so they won’t be too obvious.

  62. SDN says:

    Here in Cal they have so damn much corn they don’t know what to do with it. Its selling at the local supermarkets 5 ears for a buck. You can do even better at the road side stands out in the county where you can get huge ears of sweet white corn for the same price.

    BBH, the sweet corn you buy on the ear at the stand / supermarket isn’t the same corn used to make corn meal, animal feed, etc.

    Another name for Yellow Dent Corn is ‘field corn.’ Field corn is quite a different product than what most North Americans have become accustomed to; sweet corn. Sweet corn, the corn we eat as a vegetable, has a very thin skin. Sweet corn is loaded with sugars which is harvested before the kernels mature. The field corn called yellow dent, has a very thick outer skin that doesn’t soften up to the point you can eat it even if you cook it for hours. There’s really only two ways to eat it – grind it dry into a meal, or by using a lye, remove the skin and eat it as hominy.

    Thus it is possible to have plenty of sweet corn in a given locality (that thinner skin means it doesn’t ship as well) while having a shortage in general of field corn.

  63. Not just corn, down here it’s the hay too. Some cattle have been on bales since June.

  64. John Bradley says:

    The Left can’t ‘hear’ reality economics. Its like a dog whistle for them. The idea that money does not really just appear on bushes and trees is more than they can accept. If anyone on their side gets even close to speaking the truth to them they either start banging pots or jabbering to cover the words with noise.

    Reminds me of that idiot suburban state rep (D) from the Reason video about Detroit’s proposed $500M light rail project.

    So, we have a limited pool of money… right? Is that what you’re saying? There’s only so much money in the world ever? Well, obviously, that’s not true, if we wanted to build a new… if that was the case, then if we wanted to build a new school in Royal Oak for instance, we’d say, “We can not build a new school in Royal Oak because we only have so much money.”

  65. sdferr says:

    “This is about media and political careers, not ideas and governance.”

    There is a great deal to that George, though we can see how any transition from the status quo ante to a serious examination of [political] ideas and governance must itself be about ideas [and even governance, at least in respect of governing or addressing the questions thrust forward by misgovernance] in a way. Mere acquiescence to the status quo, without such a transition and examination would be bad, we think, but the act of a transition itself — even if it cannot progress much beyond the beginnings of a transition — can be salutary.

    Hence our current dismay. But there is time yet.

  66. Good lord, the lefties are spewing all over the place! Paul Ryan is a “fake Christian” and “fake Catholic”

    This is so much fun coming from the side of staunch Catholics like Nancy Pelosi, Jim Moran and Andrew Sullivan…

  67. Squid says:

    It doesn’t stop there, John. The brilliant minds who brought us John Edwards are proclaiming that Ryan is bad for women…

  68. JohnInFirestone says:


    That “Shared Prosperity” link implies that Obama wasn’t alive (or paying attention) between 1982 and 2001. If everyone getting richer isn’t shared prosperity, I have no idea what he’s talking about.

  69. Jeff G. says:

    During 82-2001, he was stoned, then radicalized, then polished, then retrofitted as a puppet.

  70. sdferr says:

    The curtains part. Oops.

  71. leigh says:

    She and Fareed Z. can share tips on how to spend their free time.

  72. sdferr says:

    Then there’s the other side on the other-other side, our great pals, the Republican strategists:

    “There are a lot races that are close to the line we’re not going to win now because they’re going to battle out who’s going to kill grandma first, ObamaCare or Paul Ryan’s budget,” said one Republican strategist who works on congressional races. “It could put the Senate out of reach. In the House it puts a bunch of races in play that would have otherwise been safe. … It remains to be seen how much damage this causes, but my first blush is this is not good.”

  73. Squid says:

    I need the names of those strategists, sdferr, so that I can whack them with my penis. Has there ever been a more obvious illustration of Jeff’s “How can we ever take back the country if we promote guys who are serious about taking back the country?” argument?

  74. […] -Jeff Goldstein, me, great minds and all that jazz: Proving yet again that the best way to get a gig as a debate moderator is to make it known you’re hostile to conservatives and Republicans. […]

  75. sdferr says:

    Time was their name was generically Moby, but these days they’ve acquired a newer better anonymity under Republican strategists.

  76. sdferr says:

    Levin happens this evening to be dealing with a similar piece from a


    who seems to have it in for Paul Ryan, and turned out a hit-piece to be published in the HuffPo.

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