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November 2024


NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg to ban 16 oz ‘sugary drinks’ [Darleen Click]


Mayor Michael Bloomberg is reportedly on the verge of taking serious aim at sugary drinks, as the New York Times says the mayor wants to ban such drinks larger than 16 ounces from nearly all dining establishments in the city.

The New York Times says that the mayor wants to ban sugary drinks in nearly all restaurants, movie theaters and food carts on the street. The city’s proposed ban is reportedly aimed at reducing obesity.

The paper says that any sweetened drink larger than 16 fluid ounces could be prohibited by next March if the ban goes into effect.

Psssst… buddy, I got, like, two 8 ounce drinks I could let you have!

Well, like what should be expected of someone who would endorse Charlie Rangel?

53 Replies to “NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg to ban 16 oz ‘sugary drinks’ [Darleen Click]”

  1. Abe Froman says:

    Darn. You mean I won’t be able to get a 32 ounce cup of coke with 20 ounces of ice in it at the movies anymore?

  2. happyfeet says:

    he’s such a total fag

  3. sdferr says:

    Well sure. When one becomes king, one bans the things one doesn’t like and exempts the things one does. It’s only natural.

    For tyrants.

  4. happyfeet says:

    if you just walked up to him and kicked him in his faggot nuts people would get all serious and punitive-minded I bet

    even just the once

  5. cranky-d says:

    Another reason to never go to NYC.

  6. happyfeet says:

    Mr. Drudge is on the case

  7. sdferr says:

    For damned sure I wouldn’t toss my 7-11 BigGulp Dr Pepper on him: I likes the stuff too much to waste it thataway. Nut kicking sounds far more practical.

  8. Abe Froman says:

    It would be funnier if he was crushed to death by a soda machine.

  9. newrouter says:

    mayor bloomberg died today from dehydration from salt intake

  10. happyfeet says:

    kinda like a slug huh

  11. sdferr says:

    Maybe sensible states — with a view to restoring a more proper market economy — ought to institute reverse taxes against uneconomic endeavors undertaken by the Federal gov’t? Like for instance: placing punitive excise taxes on any Federally subsidized clap-trap such as electric automobiles, or wind power generators, batteries and so on? Getting less of what is economically wasteful (and ultimately stupid) seems like a good idea on the whole.

  12. happyfeet says:

    that’s really quite brilliant Mr. sdferr

    can you believe they want permission to kill more bald eagles?

    these people are fucking assholes

  13. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Is he going to ban diet sodas too after everybody switches over?

    That fake sugar shit causes cancer you know.

  14. sdferr says:

    Sump’in strange is goin’ down on the block here, like they’ve found a bomb or methlab or something. Anyhow, of a sudden, though without any sirens or hubbub, something on the order of six various sized police cars, a mix of firetrucks, an ambulance and what looks (in the dark, though its side lights are on) like a mobile command center have showed up, with about a dozen cops setting up shop about 200 ft. from my office window. Other cruisers seem to pass through quietly, stopping to chat for a minute or two before moving on. Piques the curiosity, it does.

  15. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Must be another bath-salt junkie who turned into a face eating zombie!

  16. sdferr says:

    Further and closer inspection determines the Class C sized motorhome thingy is indeed the bomb squad. So.

  17. Ernst Schreiber says:

    ‘splodey face eating zombies!

  18. sdferr says:

    There’s someone yelling at the top of his lungs “Fire in the hole!” This repeats three times in different directions, a pause, then: Boom! Blowed something up. Not terribly concussive, I should say. Certainly less so than the sonic booms the space shuttle used to cause as it passed by on return to Canaveral.

  19. sdferr says:

    Apparently it was a pipe bomb, though the explosion I heard seems to have been a small destructive charge the police themselves set to break the bomb down. The officer I spoke with was singularly unresponsive as to detailing the origin of the thing, how it got called in, how it was found and so on.

  20. Ernst Schreiber says:

    How you gonna stop the face eating zombies without pipe bombs?

  21. sdferr says:

    Offering sammiches in lieu of faces won’t cut the mustard with face eating zombies, I take it?

    Maybe an Oxy-Acetylene kit would fill the bill? Just hold still there a second while I cut you in half mr. zombie.

  22. B Moe says:

    How you gonna stop the face eating zombies without pipe bombs?

    After extensive research in various zombie-infested video games I feel safe in declaring a sawed-off shotgun to be the ultimate anti-zombie weapon.

  23. Dale Price says:

    New York knew what a schoolmarmy twink this tinpot was, but they gave him a third term anyway.

    So, yeah, my sympathies are limited.

    I’m sure Yonkers merchants will appreciate the upsurge in retail soda sales.

  24. leigh says:

    Careful sdferr. You don’t want to be a “person of interest” to the local gendarmes.

    We usually observe an uptick in meth lab explosions about this time of year.

  25. Slartibartfast says:

    Something to think about: how much overlap do you think there is between people who want to ban sugar, etc and the people who want to legalize currently-illegal drugs?

    I’d guess it’s significant. Which would be kind of jaw-droppingly dissonant, if true.

  26. I lived in a county in KY that went “moist”. You couldn’t buy booze, there were no bars, but you could get liquor by the drink in a restaurant. Before that, if you didn’t want to drive a million miles to a wet county you could go to an honest to God – no shit bootlegger and buy booze out of his garage at a slight mark up, or, if you wanted to get drunk with company, you could go to a road house. There were two by me, one would sell you a glass with some ice and coke, the “bourbon” (corn) was free for your use, just stored away so the kids couldn’t get at it. That place was a little shady, I never felt comfortable there. The other was a “fishing camp” that charged you a membership fee. Members could help themselves to a can of beer out of the bait cooler. Your membership was renewed hourly, three hour minimum. You got three tickets when you paid your “membership” fee. It was an old construction trailer on the Ohio, open until the generator ran out of gas.
    He sold bait from the same cooler, but you couldn’t put your boat in. You could tie up, if you wanted. That place was awesome.
    This was 2005.

    Mebbe I’ll buy a bodega storefront in NYC near a high school and sell 6oz plastic cups with ice, and put a self-serve soda fountain full of Mountain Dew and all that energy drink crap in the seating area. Or maybe I’ll sell 32oz styrofoam cups of unsweet tea and just put a bucket of simple syrup out for the customers to use as they see fit.

  27. palaeomerus says:

    “Slartibartfast says May 31, 2012 at 7:15 am
    Something to think about: how much overlap do you think there is between people who want to ban sugar, etc and the people who want to legalize currently-illegal drugs?
    I’d guess it’s significant. Which would be kind of jaw-droppingly dissonant, if true.”

    ” I would never EVER put red meat in MY BODY.” River Phoenix*

    (later found dead in an alley behind a club with traces of cocaine and heroin IN HIS BODY. But I’m sure it was an all natural organic speedball that killed him in some unpredictable fluke. Way safer than t-boning and hamburgering. )

  28. leigh says:

    LMC, that sounds a lot like the unlicensed nightclubs I used to go to in San Francisco in the 80s. Live music, dancing, styrofoam cups of soda and bottles of booze that you paid for with tickets (the kind you got at the carnival) you bought at the door.

    Good times.

  29. Yep. A lot less dancing though. Unless, of course, you happened to mention you thought Rick Pitino was an *ahem* honorable gentleman… Then you may have learned to tap-dance pretty well.

  30. bh says:

    I dropped the ball on turning this into a flame thread with Abe. My smack talk levels have been depleted off blog on the Heat lately, I guess.

  31. dicentra says:

    What if I’m toting a 20 oz. DIET Mt. Dew?

    Will I be part of their new catch-and-release program?

  32. leigh says:

    You two can spend the evening making yokel jokes bh, when the Thunder and the Spurs play.

  33. bh says:

    I’ve been using that series to rip on Seattle actually, leigh.

    Suck it, rain-soaked hipsters.

  34. motionview says:

    Sorry but the irony is so deep and the lack of self-awareness so blatant that I just have to drop this somewhere

    As for the Times coverage, Richard Stevenson, political editor of The New York Times, emailed: “Since the very first stirrings of the 2008 campaign, The Times has exhaustively and aggressively covered nearly every aspect of Barack Obama’s story. To suggest that we’ve pulled our punches or tilted coverage in his favor or against his opponents just is not supported by the facts…”Two days after we published the dressage piece, we ran a 6,000 word report on Obama’s management of the anti-terrorism fight.

    The Romneys dancing with horses vs. The Man Who Killed Bin-Laden hunting down and killing terrorists.

  35. Crawford says:

    One of my favorite labels on a handgun’s case is “NOT LEGAL FOR SALE IN CALIFORNIA”. How long until we see a similar label on the side of cases of Coke?

  36. leigh says:

    Suck it, rain-soaked hipsters.

    Heh. Likewise, I’ve been rubbing it in about the Kings and the Debbils (as much as my kid the Penguins fan hates it).

  37. Crawford says:

    Don’t you understand, motionview? Cheap hit pieces on one candidate, hagiographies for the other == BALANCE! They are, after all, covering negatives for one and the positives for the other, so over all they’re covering good and bad!

  38. Ernst Schreiber says:

    [H]ow much overlap do you think there is between people who want to ban sugar, etc and the people who want to legalize currently-illegal drugs?
    I’d guess it’s significant. Which would be kind of jaw-droppingly dissonant, if true.

    It’s only dissonant if you forget that these people think like small children. If I can’t do my thing, you shouldn’t be able do your thing either, for teh fairness!

  39. Abe Froman says:

    I dropped the ball on turning this into a flame thread with Abe. My smack talk levels have been depleted off blog on the Heat lately, I guess.

    Can’t really expect to get my A game either, given how badly I want the cocksucker to die in a fire.

  40. Ernst Schreiber says:

    In fairness, the NYT is probably uncomfortable with the fact that the guy likes to scratch names off of a list —too reminiscent of Johnson.

  41. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Wouldn’t it be more poetic if he drowned in a vat of cola syrup than died in a fire?

  42. Abe Froman says:

    I already used that material upthread, Ernst. But on further reflection, I really just want him to die in a lot of pain. New York is already too awash in cheap irony. I’m developing an allergy to it.

  43. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    I’m waiting for the story: “NYC man Holds Up 7-11 at Gun Point; Demands Bucket of Slurpee (1/3rd Cherry, 2/3rds Coke)”

  44. sdferr says:

    I’d rather see the random New York City resident kick him in the nuts every day. Day after day. After all, there are a lot of New Yorkers. Even Bloomberg will get the message sooner or later.

    The alternative application of tar and feathers being highly unlikely that is, on account of the general stink of hot tar standing anathema to precious New York olfactory sensibilities.

  45. DarthLevin says:

    I’d rather see the random New York City resident kick him in the nuts every day

    Assumes facts not in evidence.

  46. DarthLevin says:

    Wouldn’t surprise me if Nanny Bloomberg had his name legally changed to Sandy Vagina. Truth in advertising laws and all that…

  47. Abe Froman says:

    The funny thing is that NYC has historically been free of 7/Elevens, but they’ve recently been making a big push to take over the place. Bad timing, you might say.

  48. bh says:

    Whenever I think of NY beverage containers, I think of this dude.

    Bloomberg I now associate with douches larger than 16 ounces.

  49. Abe Froman says:

    Heh. Just looking at that cup makes me think of muddy, burnt coffee.

  50. JD says:

    Bloomberg I now associate with douches larger than 16 ounces.

    Massengill will be incorporating that into their next ad campaign.

  51. McGehee says:

    I can’t imagine why Bloomberg is against sugary drinks. His brains are obviously the consistency of high-fructose corn syrup.

  52. batboy says:

    During his time as Prime Minister, Tony Blair criminalized 3,000 activities. That is, he criminalized about one activity per day.

    All this criminalization did not markedly improve England.

    Mind you, lots of jobs for government bureaucrats.

  53. JohnInFirestone says:

    Bloomberg’s all for banning empty, wasteful calories of soda but donuts are ok?

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