Me, I’m with him on this one.
— Unless Paul were to name Sarah Palin as his running mate, and maybe Herman Cain his Secretary of Stopping Illegal Immigration. In which case, save me a seat on that fucking bullet train to awesome!
(thanks to RS McCain, who has more)
[…] “Save me a seat on that f–king bullet train to awesome!”RECENTLY:Nov. 30: Friedrich Hayek vs. Ace of SpadesNov. 29: #tcot @AceOfSpadesHQ So, You’re Still […]
What happened to Mr. “Just Win Baby!”?
I never understood the appeal of Ace’s site. The commentors all seem like refugees from Free Republic who sneak over there so they can swear in the comments. You know; morons.
I think Ace does a pretty good job
when he’s not wearing his political campaign horse-race handicapper sportscaster headphones, that is.
Just so you know, even if he should win the Republican Nomination, I will not vote for the mummified penis of Grover Cleveland… even… and I mean this… even if it means that the enameled cock of that spendthrift Hoosier, Harrison, gets another shot at my sacred balloon knot.
Obama reminds me of Warren G. Harding, without the style, and with fewer friends. Harding was also elected because the PTB thought he looked “presidential”. He was a loafer who spent most of his time playing cards with his pals, boozing, banging hookers and making shady deals ala Teapot Dome.
No one has seen Obama with any wimmins, but he does spend an inordinate amount of time screwing off: golf, b-ball, watching teevee, going on expensive vacations, boozing at public functions and throwing parties with questionable guests of honor. Maybe he’ll drop dead while campaigning, just like Harding.
Ace is an idiot. He’s incapable of grasping a clue with his “pure conservative” shtick.
Either you believe in our founding documents, or you don’t. Not everyone agrees how to apply those principles to every situation, that’s why we have a supreme court after all, but it is the appeal to those principles in the first place when making your argument that makes one a conservative.
All the republican candidates say they are conservative. It’s for us to decide which is the most conservative. It ain’t about pure, it’s about judging which one we can most trust to govern conservatively.
Unfortunately, too many like ace don’t make their judgment on that criteria, they would rather talk of “electability”, and call those using evidence of conservatism as criteria “purists”.
Also, he banned me from commenting there. Not for any reason but that I was disagreeing with him, I conclude, because I was arguing respectfully.
Fuck’in purist…
Lee, you should have used more triple-entendres and cuss words in your argument. Respectful arguments put him off his game because then he has to answer in kind.
It’s okay, Ace. If Paul’s the nominee I’ll vote for him to cancel out your refusal. I’d rather have the crazy guy at the top of the ticket than serving as [early removal from office] insurance like Spongejoe Hairplugs.
…just don’t mention Michelle Obama and Patrick Ewing in the same sentence.
Bathroom humor and swear words, as well as questioning the legitimacy of another poster’s birth also go further over there than reasoned arguments.
I never understood the appeal of Ace’s site. The commentors all seem like refugees from Free Republic who sneak over there so they can swear in the comments. You know; morons.
To see the appeal of of Ace’s site existed about you have to go back in time about 6 years.
I ran my recent have marathon with the word “Moron” on my back, thanks to another Ace commenter who had it made for me.
have – half
I could easily vote for Mr. Dr. Paul his foreign policy is gay but curiously not wholly inappropriate for a pathetic brokedick former superpower.
I like Ace & the site, I disagree with their focus on electability and their judgement on who’s electable.
Ah, the old winning the battles versus winnning the war problem…
Well, shit. Now I know my support for Paul is ok, if that little GOP flag waving hobo fucking moron doesn’t like him.
Ron Paul would make for an interesting Home Secretary.
Maybe we could reorganize the Cabinet.
Why not? We’re going to free up all of those positions currently being held by Czars.