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March 2025


"Reports: Documents show Holder was briefed on Fast and Furious in July 2010"

The US Attorney General for all intents and purposes is a co-conspirator in the murder of US border agents.

And where is the WaPo on this? Tracking down the history of a fucking rock in Texas — hoping the rock’s palimpsest history will speak to the subconscious racism of a GOP Governor whose most serious problem with his base is that he is too soft on illegal immigration.


update: More, from Doug Ross.

29 Replies to “"Reports: Documents show Holder was briefed on Fast and Furious in July 2010"”

  1. newrouter says:

    also on the breitbart front:

    Aside from the confirmation that Shabazz did meet Obama in Selma, I’ll just highlight this bit of the conversation:

    Question: What is it that he said either in Selma, Alabama or that you’ve seen him say recently that particularly pleased you?

    Malik Shabazz: Well when he was in Selma, when he spoke at the black church there and he was able to again draw out of the tenets of black liberation theology. Because he was teaching about the story of [inaudible – Jesus?] and Moses and Pharaoh and the children of Israel and the Pharaoh as it is written in the Torah or the Old Testament. And he was drawing the comparison to the struggle for justice through slavery here in America and comparing us to the children of Israel. And so I knew that he had a…a based in some sound theology that is rooted in our community. And at that point I knew that he…he understood what was going on.

    Shabazz goes on to say “God is with this man.” If you’re interested in hearing the speech Obama gave inside the AME church in Selma, the one Shabazz is commenting on, it was broadcast by C-Span and can be viewed here.

    Observers have speculated on Obama’s connection to black liberation theology since Reverend Wright came on the scene, but Shabazz is one more voice confirming that Obama does have an affinity for that viewpoint or, at the very least, understands it well enough to give a convincing sermon based on its tenets.


  2. newrouter says:

    I think the strongest case that Eric Holder knew the full details of Fast and Furious goes like this: Holder was being briefed on the operation by assistant attorney general Lanny Breuer. Breuer, meanwhile, almost certainly knew that guns were being walked. Here’s an excerpt of an e-mail between two Justice employees:

    Do you think we should try to have Lanny participate in press when Fast and Furious and Laura’s Tucson case are unsealed? It’s a tricky case given the number of guns that have walked, but it is a significant number of prosecutions.

    Therefore, it’s at least reasonable to suspect that Breuer mentioned this fact to Holder at some point.

    UPDATE: Okay, one more note. Judging by the CBS anchor’s summary of Justice’s response — they claim that the e-mail concerns events that occurred before Holder was at Justice — it doesn’t hold water. Holder was confirmed in February of 2009. Operation Fast and Furious didn’t start until fall of that year.


  3. JD says:

    The only reason you are questioning Holder and Teh One is because they are black. And Bush. Racists.

  4. Joe says:

    I am waiting for stories that Sarah Palin crawled all over that rock in the 80s.

  5. Joe says:

    She was of course “necked.” And nubile.

  6. newrouter says:

    i’m hoping that jerry wright shows up at “occupy chitown” with ophrah

  7. guinspen says:

    And where is the WaPo on this?

    Guzzling Taqiyya.

  8. geoffb says:

    Re: #4-5, Actually I think she is the one they called to pick it up and turn it over.

  9. Ernst Schreiber says:

    She was of course “necked.” And nubile.

    Still is. Nubile I mean. Probably “necked” too from time to time.

  10. pdbuttons says:

    i see nekkid rocks from my porch that todd built

  11. Swen says:

    I’m pretty sure she’s neckid under those cloths! :)

  12. pdbuttons says:

    she’s like a total bitch!
    she wont give me a rib but when
    apples are handed out/she’s first in line

  13. geoffb says:

    If there was “justice” in this world Holder and quite a few others of his minions would get a number of years where all their names would be “Bitch”.

  14. Joe says:

    geoffb, they might get neckid too.

  15. geoffb says:

    Not going to go there, I still need my sight.

  16. JD says:

    Imagine if this had been done by Bush/Ashcroft as opposed to this bitches there now.

  17. JD says:

    Those, not this …

  18. urthshu says:

    >>And where is the WaPo on this? Tracking down the history of a fucking rock in Texas

    Dance your cares away, type up news another day…

  19. Joe says:

    Special Prosecutor has to be the mantra. Every right wing web site needs to repeat it. It is actually bigger (if that is possible) than Chris Christie.

  20. Mueller says:

    Lets see who in Washington folds first, once this gets legs. More than one Democrat operative is going to be doing hard time.

  21. Matt says:

    JD, I agree but we both know that would never have happened. Its pretty clear the anti-gun agenda at work here. What’s not clear is how there is not already a special prosecutor. Holder should be prosecuted.

  22. JD says:

    It is pretty clear Holder perjured himself.

  23. LTC John says:

    OK, this is now at prosecution level of #$%& – where is our limp wrist press, asking Holder about this? Why is Holder not under oath, explaining the lie?

  24. Mueller says:

    Special prosecutor time.
    Collateral damage my ass.

  25. […] The Hill, Sipsey Street Irregulars (who have owned the story on the tubes), Andy at AoS, Bob Owens, Jeff at PW, Doug Ross, and honestly just about everyone else except the sinistrosphere, who are still focused […]

  26. Roddy Boyd says:

    “Tracking down the history of a fucking rock in Texas.”

    Pure blogging gold that line right there.

  27. JD says:

    Their explanations aka bald-faced lies the last couple days were laughable. He thought he was being briefed on something else. He did not read any of the briefs. BUSH!

  28. […] “Reports: Documents show Holder was briefed on Fast and Furious in July 2010? And where is the WaPo on this? Tracking down the history of a fucking rock in Texas — hoping the rock’s palimpsest history will speak to the subconscious racism of a GOP Governor whose most serious problem with his base is that he is too soft on illegal immigration. […]

  29. JD says:

    Sounds like the House is calling for a special prosecutor.

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