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October 2024


"At N.L.R.B., Flurry of Acts for Unions as Chief Exits"

Must be part of that new Administration promise to roll back regulations and strengthen the private sector.

Couple this with what’s happening at Boeing and Gibson, and what is going on here is clear: the Administration is convinced it can continue the move toward democratic socialism while staving off criticism by manufacturing the perception that it is fiscally responsible and pro-business, aided in this effort by a compliant advocacy press that will dutifully frame its machinations in just that way.

Manufactured consent = “reality”. Whereas actual reality is racist and extremist and needs to be rounded up and shuffled off to reeducation camps until it learns who’s boss.

Up is down. Black is white. Chico is the Man.

Notes Competitive Enterprise Institute Editorial Director Ivan Osorio:

The Obama administration seems to be throwing every pro-union measure at the wall to see what sticks, in order to give union bosses something — anything — to keep them on board for the 2012 elections. Having failed to get card check through Congress, the administration has turned to the NLRB to enact pro-Big Labor policy changes. This week’s NLRB trifecta is of a piece with the Board’s targeting of Boeing for opening a plant in South Carolina, a right to work state, and its support of shortened election periods and remote electronic voting (“e-card check”). Unfortunately for America’s economy and workers, this only increases businesses’ regulatory burden and creates further uncertainty, deterring investment and stifling job creation.

Heh. He says that like it’s a bad thing.


8 Replies to “"At N.L.R.B., Flurry of Acts for Unions as Chief Exits"”

  1. dicentra says:

    We expected something different when we elected a Chicago politician?

    Silly us.

  2. sdferr says:

    The suspects got away with an unaccounted amount of cash.

  3. DarthLevin says:


  4. geoffb says:

    It’s not personal it’s just cultural.

    WASHINGTON (CN) – 3M claims an investment company conspired with high-powered lobbyist Lanny Davis in a smear campaign to “coerce” it into paying “tens of millions of dollars … to save them from the consequences of yet another unprofitable investment,”
    Davis, who worked as a special counsel for President Clinton from 1996 to 1998, has lobbied for a string of controversial clients since leaving the White House, including African dictators, military coup supporters in Honduras, and the government of Pakistan.

  5. B. Moe says:

    Don’t have the link handy, but the NLRB is also trying to force unions on Catholic schools if it decides they “aren’t religious enough”.

  6. bains says:

    Obama’s Jobs initiative supposedly will include a tax break for employers who hire new workers. What a joke! This is pure politics aimed at the average worker who has no clue about running a business or hiring employees. The new rules and regulations and paperwork and penalties imposed by everything the Dems – since Jan. 2007 – and Obama – since Jan. 2009 – have done far outpace any puny tax break the left would set forth.

    What the House should do is re-write anything that Obama offers so that any tax break for hiring be made to equal all the increases in costs for as long as Obamacare, regulated Cap&Tax, and the host of other new regulatory schemes are in place.

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