Obama delivers 40 minutes of fail yesterday –- so bad that his chief cheerleader Joe can’t keep his eyes open –- and what is the response out of the Lamestream Media?
Say “hello” to “Monica” Klein:
Unlike Republican Congressman Paul Ryan’s recent budget plan, Barack Obama’s proposed no radical restructurings or curtailments of brontosaurus-size programs like Medicare or Medicaid. Unlike some of the other plans floating about, and there are scads of them, his didn’t propose gimmicky new revenue-raising schemes like a national sales tax. Indeed, Obama didn’t add much to the measures he had previously proposed – except for an increased desire to cut defense spending and a requirement that Congress enter into annual sudden-death negotiations if the deficit exceeds 2.8% of gross domestic product. But the President did add a crucial element to the debate: a sense of proportion and sanity.
Excuse me? Obama is driving the country off the cliff with unprecedented Federal spending and unconscionable expansion of Government (and concurrent curtailment of Liberty) and it is Obama that is sane??
The strongest section of the President’s speech was a history lesson. We didn’t have a significant deficit problem 10 years ago. We had a budget surplus.
Like Obama, “Monica” here deliberately fails to mention the effects and consequences of 9/11/01. Fancy that.
Obama then proceeded to eviscerate Ryan’s extremely radical proposal
Well, yes, Obama was snarky and nasty, but he wasn’t eviscerating Ryan’s proposal; Obama just followed the usual Leftist playbook. Make up a lie about the thing or person you disagree with then argue against that lie.
This enduring Republican low-tax fetishism has come to seem quite delusional
People, how dare you, I mean, how dare you, want to keep more of your own earnings! A fetish I tell you! Like you actually believe that money belongs to you first place. Peasants.
Obama proposed a return to the Bush-Clinton policies that put us on the path to budget surpluses in the 1990s – and he will be able to restore the Clinton tax rates simply, with his veto pen, if necessary, in 2013.
More lies, more historical revisionism, more promises to screw the American taxpayer. Why it’s like Klein is channeling Obama as he writes!
Ronald Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” Obama spent the better part of his time yesterday pounding the Left’s version of reality that America is great ONLY because of Government programs.
Can the contrast between Americans and neo-Europeans be any clearer?
Wipe your chin, Joe. Then get back to work.
C&D letter from Monica on the way, in the mail.
I wonder if Joe Klein knows how much of the current fiscal year deficit is a direct result of changes to the Clinton era tax rates. Would he also be willing to go back to the Clinton era spending levels?
Never mind, he is bathing in Barcky’s love spunk. Let’s not disturb him.
I hope he was wearing goggles. That has to sting when you get it in your eyes.
Reading a few of the comments on that article reveals even Time’s followers aren’t buying that bullshit.
Surely do hope that this attitude shows up in 2012–if so, maybe we’ll wind up with a functional Republic.
Not so much, otherwise.
Apparently, Ol’ Joe and Obambi are unaware of Hauser’s Law.
Tax rates matter but not in the way they think…
Trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. It has to be about proportion and sanity, or rather Obamas lack of it.
I think Obama knows exactly what high tax rates do. He wants to put the economy in a position that will require the government to step in to “save” it. He also knows that there will be no real revenue from taxing “the rich” more. He does not care about revenue. He cares about changing this nation fundamentally, and it looks like he is going to get there.
Eat the rich. They are delicious.
This sums up Pellegri’s comment quite nicely.
Cloward-Piven in action.
He’s on the record about that, when he admitted his desire for massive capital gains tax increases had nothing to do with revenue, but with his idea of “fairness”.
Exactly what I was thinking, too, JD. Even then, it was too much and way beyond constitutional limits.
I’ve decided that Obama and his fellow progressives are more of a danger to American than Islamic terrorists.
Ooop! Ack!
Let’s just summarize Mr. Klein: “Obama is awesome and we’re lucky to have him for president.”
The rest is just filler.
Mr. Klein: “Obama is awesome and we’re lucky to have him for president [to save us from the evil republicans].”
I think you missed something in the summary there Blake. ;-)
OI – if Klein and Barcky want to fetishize the smoke and mirror BS that the Clinton spending got us, Team R should immediately introduce a budget for the exact same number as Clinton’s average spending level. Then to 2000. Then 2001. Then 2002. Then 2003. Were people dying in the streets then?
Fortunately it being in Time no one will be influenced by Mr. Klein’s article.
Mikey, the comments seem to indicate that even the ever shrinking readership was nae too impressed with that bit o’ news-fellatio.
This enduring Republican low-tax fetishism has come to seem quite delusional.
Low-tax fetishism? We want to pare back government to a mere $2,000,000,000,000 or so, and this jerk calls that “low-tax fetishism?” Fuck that.
I mean, sure, I dream about a government that exists at 1898 revenue levels, but I’m willing to accept 1998 as a baseline. For starters, anyway.
The comments on that video are amazing.
Many of these people who are ragin’ about how wrong it is are letting themselves be manipulated by anyone who pulls the “the rich are BAD” strings, even when those people are sitting in that self-same tax bracket. FFS, Obama himself went “they want to give people like me another tax cut” and people were still fellating him for the eat-the-rich rhetoric.
They most certainly have a vital disconnect in their brains that doesn’t allow them to realize that even while he says this stuff, he’s one of the people who hires “975 experts” to get a 30% tax break and hides his income in offshore accounts and does whatever else to avoid paying the taxes mandated on other people in his income bracket because that’s what you do when you’re in that bracket.
(c_c( Screw birther conspiracies, I wanna see his tax records.
I’m not sure describing Joe Klein as taking Obama’s tiny wiener and balls all into his mouth at the same time is appropriate. I have Klein more along the lines of mashing up the Obama family poop and eating the whole grains out of it and then washing it down with their urine and then relaxing with his face between Michelle’s huge buttocks and deep-breathing in her Mediterranean Diet farts.
But, please, I’m not the arbiter of what’s appropriate. Just my two cents.
Republican low-tax fetishism vs progg big gov’t cock slapping
“Republican low-tax fetishism has come to seem quite delusional”
“Fetishism”? As in a fixation?
Not the word I’d choose, but but under the circumstances, OK.
“Delusional”? As in a false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact?
Not OK. It is not a false belief to be fixated (in the context of budget negotiations) on the fact lower taxes produce greater wealth. For everyone. What is delusional is thinking the government produces any wealth. For anyone (other than government of course).
Not that Klein is delusional, he’s just a liar. And (by Einsteins definition)insane.
LBascom, yes, I see I did miss something in my summary.
I also just about spit coffee on my keyboard.
I’m still confused about how wanting low taxes is a “fetish”. I mean, if I wanted low taxes only while wearing a gag ball and assless leather chaps, then THAT would be a fetish.