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October 2024


Sigh (again) [updated x 2; and again]

Joe just posted this in the comments, and since it is both patently false and alludes to things about me that aren’t true (that I’m aware of) and are intended to paint me in a particular light, I’ll re-post it here, then respond. Because clearly, my last post suggesting that people who don’t like me shouldn’t read me, link me, or worry about me in any way, didn’t take. So:


Over the weekend I had the gall to include a three-word link to a post of his which declared in the headline that meltdown had been avoided, which linked to an article that said there had been a partial meltdown. It was a minor error of the sort bloggers make all the time and what’s more the error originated with a Guardian headline writer, who (like Jeff) didn’t carefully read the body of the article.

Instead of doing a quick and cheerful correction, they decided to have a full meltdown of their own and attack me, which I suppose was predictable. Now he is busy constructing a false narrative wherein I am hysterically passing along misinformation to help the left.

Oh, and I’m a stalker! That said, nobody has sent *me* any cease and desist letters lately. I’m told Jeff can’t say the same.

Comment by Patterico — 3/15/2011 @ 7:02 am

Okay. First, I have no idea what he’s talking about. “Cease and desist letters”? Wha…?

I do wish he wouldn’t be so coy. If he has information about me, he really should just release it. In fact, here: PATTERICO! RELEASE THIS INFORMATION ABOUT A CEASE AND DESIST LETTER! Because if there is one, it would be helpful if I knew about it. So that I could cease and desist whatever it is I’m supposed to cease and desist.

As to the rest of his comment: his “three-word link” suggesting I had RUSHED to declare everything peachy in Japan IN ADVANCE OF THE FACTS is just an outright lie. I hadn’t done any such thing, and I have no idea why he felt it appropriate to link me. I pointed to an article that I’d just read and made a short comment about it. Fuel rods melting and meltdowns that occur in containment chambers are part of why facilities have containment chambers. Beyond that, I had no information. And so didn’t comment further, except to point out that a natural disaster of this sort shouldn’t prevent us from developing nuclear facilities. Later, I went out for the evening. I wasn’t following blog “coverage” of the event. I certainly don’t give a fuck what Frey says about any of it.

Why on earth would I need to issue a correction? Is there going to be a Godzilla vs Mothra battle? Am I suddenly opposed to developing nuclear energy? What’s to correct? I didn’t write the original headline. The story in Japan is clearly fluid. Is this controversial?

Now he is busy constructing a false narrative wherein I am hysterically passing along misinformation to help the left.

Actually, I’m not doing any such thing. I’m busy not thinking about Patterico. Or at least I was, until he again decided to drag me into his ongoing obsessions. I passed along what a couple of nuclear experts said yesterday on Hannity’s show. They noted that the hysteria was helping the cause of the anti-nuke enviros, who were pushing the doomsday scenarios in order to halt the move to nuclear powerplant proliferation. IN ADVANCE OF ALL THE FACTS! I happened to agree. Am I wrong? If so, why?

But the real question is, why is he spending so much time in my comments? Why does he presume he has sources who can tell him anything about me? Why does he care?

He really should try to get me out of his head. His comments read like he’s trying to convince himself of his own bullshit, even as he tries to convince everyone else simultaneously. It’s remarkable. It’s sad. He’s obsessed with me.

Again, there’s a solution to all this: don’t link me, don’t read me, stop worrying about what I do, both on my site and with my life, and get on with yours.

And while you’re at it, leave Radley Balko alone, as well. For symmetry.

update: Frey responds (to someone else):

Sarah, his headline was “Japan relieved after nuclear meltdown in Fukushima avoided.” The link went to a story that said there was a partial meltdown. I did not trump up those facts.

If he’s not criticizing me then who is this other “Frey” who he is criticizing for helping the left by spreading misinformation?

As for his now doing an entire post about my comment above, I will say only that this is what I was told, by the recipient of his e-mails. Whether they choose to reveal themselves and face the fury of the hive mind over there is up to them. I have e-mailed them a link to Jeff’s post.

Comment by Patterico — 3/15/2011 @ 12:25 pm

Quickly: 1) The headline was the headline from the Guardian. Which is why it was in quotation marks. My link took you to their story. My contribution was that their wouldn’t be a Godzilla vs Mothra battle after all. Meltdowns and partial meltdowns, like, for instance, those at TMI, happen in containment facilities. There was no mention of any breach. Hence my conclusion: no giant monsters.

2) The only reason Frey is mentioned anywhere on my site over the last few days is because he spent his time trolling here in order to suggest that I had RUSHED, IN ADVANCE OF THE FACTS, to declare something that I did not declare. It later became clear to me he did so because of something one of the commenters said. Frey became the object of discussion in the comments — as a stand in for hyperventilating coverage — because it was he who brought me in to the mix, and he who set himself against my supposed position on “coverage”. Until he did so, I hadn’t mentioned him, hadn’t mentioned any “coverage” of the Japan story, nor indeed anything else about Japan aside from the Godzilla comment and a few lines supporting nuclear energy. And even when I responded, it was only to clear up a bunch of bullshit someone had posted in Ace’s comment section, which was itself sent along to me.

3) I don’t send many unsolicited emails and I have not received any cease and desist orders. Hell, I haven’t received any return emails asking me please not to send emails. Even so, one wonders why such a recipient wouldn’t simply block my emails rather than have a lawyer draft some letter. Unless and until Frey reveals the name of the person he intimated had sent me such a letter I will have to conclude he’s once again simply making shit up, and that he believes the accusation left floating unanswered serves some purpose. Either that, or he’s calling his “source” a liar without, presumably, meaning to do so.

update 2: The new line of attack is that the Guardian’s headline, which I copied for my headline (and put in quotation marks to signal it was the article’s headline and not mine), was misleading, and that I should have issued a correction. For the Guardian. And it’s headline writers.

I know this because I myself didn’t comment at all on the partial meltdown of fuel rods — their having been contained with no signs of a breach (to that point) in any of the containment units (and besides, it is core meltdown that people freak out about).

No breach. Partial meltdowns to fuel rods contained. Thus, no massive release of radiation. And so no giant monsters who themselves had been created by massive releases of radiation.

Once again, here’s that original post, in full:

“Japan relieved after nuclear meltdown in Fukushima avoided”

Looks like they’ll be no real-world Godzilla vs Mothra battles, after all.

I still say nuclear energy needs to be strongly promoted here in the states (it’s probably best to keep reactors out of California, however). And I suspect we can use what we learn from Japan to better the containment and cooling technology.

That’s it.

That’s me “rushing” “in advance of the facts” to conclude that all is peachy in Japan.

That’s me sending out misinformation and then failing to issue a correction to such misinformation.


[incidentally, the Guardian headline has changed since then. It was changing fairly regularly over the weekend, I suspect. I just happened to grab the headline they had up at the time. The story was and is quite fluid. But the fact that containment was holding was worthy of note.]

Besides. I’m pretty sure wind turbines wouldn’t have stood up any better to the earthquake and tsunami — though I grant failed wind turbines are less likely to force me into eating Kellogg’s Iodine Flakes for breakfast every day for the rest of my life.

Follow the slight of hand, people.

update 3: Writes Frey:

To be clear: I have not seen the e-mails in question. I was merely told there were many of them, written at odd hours of the morning, they were rants, a letter was sent threatening action if they didn’t stop, they continued, but (i hear today for the first time) stopped soon after.

Not making it up. That’s what I was told. Some on the phone and some in e-mails.

One of Jeff’s commenters is now wishing my e-mails could be hacked, to prove his theories about what he believes they would contain. This crowd, as always, has no morals — plus he is flat wrong. I am trying to persuade the person to release the e-mails and the cease and desist letter. The lawyer who sent it is apparently not thrilled about being dragged into this and is upset at me for having said anything. No decision will be made until after consultation with the lawyer tomorrow.

That’s about all I can say. Didn’t make it up and I think Jeff knows it.

Let me be blazingly, eye-scorchingly clear: there is not a single bit of truth to any of this. Frey either made it up or he got punked by one of his own.

A list of questions that have not been answered:

First, why would a lawyer who has already supposedly sent me a cease and desist letter not want his name mentioned? Would it not be on the cease and desist letter itself? How was this letter sent? To what address? Was it emailed? Was it faxed? From what address was it sent? Is there proof I received it? And isn’t the very fact of his having supposedly sent me this letter indicative of his having already involved himself?

When did this take place? Over how long a period? How many emails were supposedly sent? Where are these emails? What constitutes “odd hours of the morning”? What were the rants about? Why is there no specificity to any of these accusations? Is Frey now saying he talked to this person on the phone? If so, shouldn’t he have some idea of what was said in these “rants” that were so “unhinged” and serially stalkerish? What was the context? Why was my impetus for supposedly sending these emails?

Frey says now that all parties he’s citing are reluctant to go public, though he is trying hard to get them to do so. I have ASKED SPECIFICALLY for them to release these things. What’s the hold-up?

The longer these go unreleased, the more suspicious I get that someone is working on fabricating something with my name attached to it.


These are lies this prosecutor is peddling. And those suggesting it happened are lying.

172 Replies to “Sigh (again) [updated x 2; and again]”

  1. Carin says:

    He can’t quit you, Jeff.

  2. Joe says:

    Jeff, There are a lot of meltdowns going on, but they all involve Patterico and his vanity.

  3. Jeff G. says:

    He can’t quit you, Jeff.

    I wish he’d give it a try.

  4. LBascom says:

    Re-posted from the other thread:

    Patterico: “they decided to have a full meltdown of their own and attack me”

    In response to the perceived allegation that he was overstating the situation.


    The man really is a drama queen.

  5. dicentra says:

    I dunno, Jeff. You’re living in his head rent-free.

    Boom! Winning!

  6. JoanOfArgghh says:

    don’t link me, don’t read me, stop worrying about what I do, both on my site and with my life, and get on with yours.

    Oh sure, take away the man’s reason for living, Jeff. Heartless!

  7. Carin says:

    Oh, and I’m a stalker! That said, nobody has sent *me* any cease and desist letters lately. I’m told Jeff can’t say the same.

    I’ll admit it. It’s me. I told Pat that Jeff was stalking me. Apparently Jeff has a thing for older women with 5 kids, chickens, and Tool obsession.

    Who’d have thunk it?

  8. Pablo says:

    I dunno, Jeff. You’re living in his head rent-free.

    Yeah, but what’s the market rate for space like that?

  9. Carin says:

    It’s a tangled web, though, cause everyone knows I’m Pablo’s stalker.

  10. SarahW says:

    This is the strangest fight yet. All agree that information was hard to come by, and that early information about meltdown, actual or potential, were confusing, and poorly reported, and apparently overstated depending on who you trust and what that word means. Which, according to the experts, is no used because it has no precise meaning to THEM, and should not to the general public.

    I didn’t see you pronouncing Japan safe from danger. This seems a trumped up business.

  11. alppuccino says:

    Woman with a “tool obsession”. Not horrible in the vernacular.

  12. Jeff G. says:

    I’d rather not be, dicentra. It’s dark and twisted in there.

  13. cranky-d says:

    I’m pretty sure there are a few DEATH THREATS in this post. I’m still running it through my DeathThreatometer™, so I don’t have any evidence. Yet.

  14. alppuccino says:

    Well, there is the 5 kids thing.

  15. Jeff G. says:

    I’m so tired of this.

    Seriously, why not just stop reading here, or linking here, or worrying about what I do with respect to comment policies, etc.?

    Why does he care?

  16. Jeff G. says:

    Fuck it. I’m gonna have another breakfast burrito.

  17. Carin says:

    Seriously, why not just stop reading here, or linking here, or worrying about what I do with respect to comment policies, etc.?

    Because obviously there is nothing more important going on right now.

    And he already filled in his NCAA bracket.

  18. LBascom says:

    “It’s dark and twisted in there”

    We need a panel of reasonable men to decide exactly how racist (conscience and un-conscience) that utterance was.

    Or, dare I say it?


  19. Jeff G. says:

    Somebody please alert me when this business about a cease and desist letter is amplified. I don’t know what he’s talking about, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. Just that I don’t know about it.

  20. Pablo says:

    It’s a tangled web, though, cause everyone knows I’m Pablo’s stalker.

    But that’s not creepy.

    A little harder. Yeah. Right there. That’s it.

  21. Kevin says:

    “Is there going to be a Godzilla vs Mothra battle?”

    I think it would be foolish to rule this out. Radiation is what makes those things so big in the first place. And I read once that history shows, again and again, how nature points up the folly of men.

  22. LTC John says:

    “Fuck it. I’m gonna have another breakfast burrito.”


    Actually, that sounds kind of good right now.

  23. SarahW says:

    Information I guess should be *was* confusing &c.

    Did a reader of Patterico’s feel, unecessarily, embarrassed for Patterico because there was some alarm about the situation he felt was minimized here? It could be argued that the updates there weren’t terribly helpful but then whose were? If it weren’t for my husband who has a better idea of the nature of the problems than I, I would have been resigned to back and forth alarm without purpose or any real understanding of the situation.

    -would also praise this thread on Something Awful, for some useful information and updates and sources.

  24. Pablo says:

    What’s funny is that I seem to recall him receiving such a demand a while back. Granted, it was from a whackjob lawyer without an actual grasp of the law, but that says a bit about cease and desist letters as the mark of something or other.

  25. Stephanie says:

    Speaking of stalkers. This should lighten your day.

  26. Pablo says:

    Fuck it. I’m gonna have another breakfast burrito.

    Why do you hate the Japanese and want them to die, Jeff?

  27. McGehee says:

    I could understand Fried being drunk on the weekend, but it’s Tuesday.

    Maybe this is the “coming down” paranoia like what Charlie Sheen has been going through.

    It would explain why Fried thinks he’s WINNING!

  28. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I don’t get this, I really don’t.

    He insists on playing Féraud to Jeff’s D’Hubert, and every time he comes off looking like something out of Yu-Gi-Oh!.

  29. Goddammit. Does anyone have a stamp? I got all these letters to mail.

  30. “Everytime I try to get out, they pull me back in” ;-)

  31. McGehee says:

    Maybe the order in question was to a surgeon who was required to track down, capture, and perform surgery on, someone with a benign growth. But that was Seize and Decyst.

  32. Jeff G. says:


    But really, does anybody know what he’s alluding to?

  33. BumperStickerist says:

    You had an English Professor ask you to take his name off your “About” page. A topic about which you posted (about).

    In the “World of Patterico” that would constitute a “Cease and Desist” letter.

    But, then a simple emailed request – more a favor, really – is easily misconstruable as a legally enforceable document in the World of Patterico.


  34. BumperStickerist says:

    and, as I am not Patterico Himself,that is just a guess.

    Made by me.

    About him.

    Whether or not Patrick Frey’s use of potentially anti-Semitic syntax when directing a comment involving money at a known Jew indicates that Patric Frey is himself anti-Semitic – I don’t know.

    0 cough o

    see what I did there, Pat?

  35. Crawford says:

    And you’re letting Joe stir the shit. Why? You know that’s all he ever does.

  36. Jeff G. says:

    And you’re letting Joe stir the shit. Why? You know that’s all he ever does.

    Well, I’ve got a DDA suggesting in public that I’m under some sort of cease and desist order, and that he’s been “told” such. By whom? And what am I to cease and desist?

    It’s important, I think, to put a stop to such rumors if they are false, or to find out if I’m violating some order if it isn’t.

    So far though I haven’t heard anything.

  37. JoanOfArgghh says:

    You know, Jeff, if you keep defending yourself, they’ll be calling Sarah Palin the Alaskan Jeff Goldstein.

    Or something.

  38. BumperStickerist says:



    The what-his-name professor who asked you to remove all references to him from this befouled place, lest you soil him.

    That guy.


    add in the ‘whisper down the lane’ aspect of Pat hearing from somebody who read that … and you get to “Cease and Desist”


  39. LBascom says:

    I think that’s a good guess BumperStickerist.

    Sounds like something the drama queen would come up with.

  40. John Bradley says:

    The fact that Brian Kitely doesn’t wish to be associated with this nasty, nasty place? Surely another sign of “how bad things have gotten over here.”

  41. Silver Whistle says:

    I’d rather not be, dicentra. It’s dark and twisted in there.

    But at least it’s very roomy. If a trifle echoey.

  42. cranky-d says:

    Are things bad here? I did not know that.

  43. Squid says:

    Everything’s falling to pieces in Washington, the Japanese are trying to find homes for half a million people while a handful of technicians bravely try to keep their reactor under control, the French sit idly by while the Crazy Colonel uses the weapons they traded him for his oil to bomb his people in the streets, and the biggest thing on DDA Frey’s mind is whether Goldstein is mistaken in his criticism of overblown and underinformed commentary.

    Dude’s seriously gotta get his OCD under control. I worry that he’s going to hurt himself, or somebody else, even more than he’s already hurt the dignity of his office. The only thing I have to console myself over the poor plight of DDA Frey is that he’s probably not anti-Semitic. He’s certainly never admitted to such, and his use of language that may or may not be indicative of anti-Semitic beliefs wasn’t so egregious that I’m unwilling to grant him the benefit of the doubt.

    In the interest of fairness and balance, I will acknowledge that Jeff made his assertion about people spouting off in advance of the facts at a point when he obviously did not have all the facts regarding the facts that others may or may not have known at the time. GUILTY AS CHARGED!

  44. Jeff G. says:

    Except, Squid, that it wasn’t me who made the assertion. It was John in the comments.

    I didn’t have much at all to say, because meltdowns, as we know from TMI, aren’t inherently dangerous to the populace. Again, that’s what the containment chambers are for.

    It wasn’t until today that an explosion created a crack in one of the ancillary containment structures. That creates more worry, but even so, from what I understand engineers should be able to keep water going to the reactor to cool it sufficiently and avoid any serious radiation release.

    Again, I’m not a nuclear physicist, so I don’t know, and I’m a little uncomfortable trying to sound as though I do in situations where wild speculation and the dissemination of misinformation can be harmful. Plus, I’m not a reporter — nor am I an eyewitness — so I don’t know why my (lack of) reaction has been so unnerving to some. Since when did it become imprudent to wait for the facts to come in one way or another before “reporting” on something? Remember, the only reason I posted anything was because someone had posted the image of a fallout map in the comments. In fact, I think I first linked to the Guardian story in the comments in response to that, because that was the most recent story at that time. Then, because I hadn’t yet WRITTEN A WORD about the nuclear situation in Japan, I thought I’d add elevate the citation to a post in order to express my continued support for nuclear power. A quick check of time stamps and the like would bear all this out. But fuck if I’ma do it. Because that would mean I’m as insane as Frey.

    Those were the factors that led me to post. Frey and the rest of the shrieking citizen journalists were nowhere in my thinking at the time.

    I said nothing about anyone else’s “coverage.” I said something generally about certain coverage of Katrina in response to John’s comment.

    That’s it.

    Frankly, I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation.

  45. Squid says:

    Are you saying that I spouted off without having all my facts in order?


  46. Speaking of meltdowns, I just had one. I spent all day freeeeeeeaaaakkkking out on a whole list of poor schlubs, from India to LA, up to San Franciso, to Toronto, then somewhere in New Hampshire and even woke up some poor bastard in St Petersburg Russia.

    Because I forgot to type the letter “e” in the middle of a command line search. Like a typo. You know, like I typed “elphant” instead of “elephant”. I just noticed not three seconds ago.

    To be fair, if any of the slobs I was working with spoke English they might have noticed it before me, but they didn’t. I found it.

    I now have to get on a conference call with about forty people, mostly VIPs and external counsel for some very large public companies, and pull an Emily Littella.

    You all might never hear from me again.

  47. Joe says:

    Predictable Patterico:

    Sarah, his headline was “Japan relieved after nuclear meltdown in Fukushima avoided.” The link went to a story that said there was a partial meltdown. I did not trump up those facts.

    If he’s not criticizing me then who is this other “Frey” who he is criticizing for helping the left by spreading misinformation?

    As for his now doing an entire post about my comment above, I will say only that this is what I was told, by the recipient of his e-mails. Whether they choose to reveal themselves and face the fury of the hive mind over there is up to them. I have e-mailed them a link to Jeff’s post.

    Comment by Patterico — 3/15/2011 @ 12:25 pm

    Although I must admit I enjoyed this video posting there. Glad he is keeping it all serious and stuff. I am sure there is a metaphor in there. Especially since the snake dies of silicone poisoning.

  48. Squid says:

    “Look, it’s not like I’m making up unsubstantiated rumors about Jeff; I’m just passing along the unsubstantiated rumors I hear from my sycophants. Why is everyone treating me like I’m the bad guy?”

  49. Jeff G. says:

    Predictable Patterico:

    Sarah, his headline was “Japan relieved after nuclear meltdown in Fukushima avoided.” The link went to a story that said there was a partial meltdown. I did not trump up those facts.

    If he’s not criticizing me then who is this other “Frey” who he is criticizing for helping the left by spreading misinformation?

    As for his now doing an entire post about my comment above, I will say only that this is what I was told, by the recipient of his e-mails. Whether they choose to reveal themselves and face the fury of the hive mind over there is up to them. I have e-mailed them a link to Jeff’s post.

    Comment by Patterico — 3/15/2011 @ 12:25 pm

    Although I must admit I enjoyed this video posting there. Glad he is keeping it all serious and stuff. I am sure there is a metaphor in there. Especially since the snake dies of silicone poisoning.

    1) The headline was the headline from the Guardian. Which is why it was in quotes. My link took you to their story. My contribution was that their wouldn’t be a Godzilla vs Mothra battle after all. Meltdowns and partial meltdowns, like, for instance, those at TMI, happen in containment facilities. There was no mention of any breach. So no giant monsters.

    2) The only reason Frey is mentioned anywhere on my site over the last few days is because he spent his time trolling here in order to suggest that I had RUSHED, IN ADVANCE OF THE FACTS, to declare something that I did not declare. He became the object of discussion in the comments because it was he who brought me in to the mix. I hadn’t mentioned him, any “coverage” of the Japan story, or indeed anything beside the Godzilla comment and few lines supporting nuclear energy until he did so — and even then, it was only to clear up a bunch of bullshit someone had posted in Ace’s comment section.

    3) I don’t send many unsolicited emails and I have not received any cease and desist orders. Hell, I haven’t received any return emails asking me please not to send emails. Unless and until Frey reveals the name of the person he intimated had sent me one I will have to conclude he’s once again simply making shit up, and that he believes the accusation left floating unanswered serves some purpose.

  50. Joe says:

    Squid, it is good when you are a “journalist” to hide behind undisclosed sources. If only Patterico could do that with his criminal trials, he would be cookin with gas!

  51. John Bradley says:

    From the Unsubstantiated Rumors file: I heard that Goldstein can write the Lord’s Prayer on the head of a pin!

    No, wait, that was Studebaker Hawk, fantastic new superhero of the current economic slump.

  52. Joe says:

    Chill. You do not have to freak if potassium-iodide pills are sold out.

  53. Joe says:

    Of course, as TaiChiWawa posted yesterday, some still have to fear the power of Japanese mutant ninja coochie.

  54. John Bradley says:

    Oh, and to clarify for those of you who don’t (unlike Pat, apparently) diligently pore through every comment on this site, here’s what I said that triggered this little slice of heaven:

    Jeff, just want to thank you for taking a decidedly relaxed view on the whole Godzilla Syndrome Disaster. Those other, decidedly more pragmatic blogs I monitor (BigHotAcearico) have been pissing me off with the whole “omg! nuclear meltdown! weesa gonna die!” rumor-mongering and misinformation ‘thing’. “Update #7: The World Ends Tomorrow and You May Die!”, indeed.

    I was, I think obviously, engaging in some hyperbole for humorous effect. But you’ll note that I didn’t reference Pat’s coverage in any specific detail, other than lumping him (or the string “arico”, a trademark of FreyCo Enterprises) in with the other big mainstream conservo-blogs that were, in my opinion, engaged in frenetic rumor-mongering. With the best intentions, no doubt — but not the sort of carefully reasoned, wait-’til-the-facts-are-in blogging I prefer.

    But I’m just a nearly-anonymous asshole on the internet. Why Pat took that and used as a Jeff-beating stick is anyone’s guess. Well, I suppose we don’t have to guess, given the history, but still…

  55. Jeff G. says:

    Well, I agreed with you, John. In the abstract, because I hadn’t been following anybody else’s “coverage” of this particular event. Which is why I referred more specifically to Katrina. Back then I did criticize a few conservatives. None of whom to my knowledge subsequently set out to cast me as a dangerous sociopath who likes to play the “race card” and am looking to destroy an innocent person because…why? I forget what my real motivation is supposed to have been for going after Frey.

    Just like I sometimes forget how allowing Dan and Karl and SEK and nishi and others to guest post here — or have their run of things uninterrupted for so long in the comments (eg., thor, happyfeet, RD) before I finally banned them — shows that I promote a crazed hive mind that won’t allow dissent, and that I’m somehow out to make sure no other voices on my own side or the other side are heard.

    It really is quite amazing to me what people are capable of thinking. And how it stands so in contrast to reality. I have been open to debate from all comers here. I have been more than generous with my platform — built by me — to people who previously had no audience of which to speak. I am candid: I tell you to your face (well, or the internet version thereof) precisely what I think rather than send private emails to people talking you down if I desire to talk you down. I stand up for those being unfairly bullied (in my view).

    I have been doing this for years. I understand that there are now a group of high profile / high traffic bloggers who despise me, and who show such by very purposely ignoring me. That’s fine. But everything I’ve ever said about them is out in the open. And these same people never seemed to have a problem when my disagreements were with the left rather than with some of the things they write about.

    I didn’t know the rules. I thought we were engaging in public intellectualism and discussion; turns out, it’s just life’s next round of high school cliquishness and butthurt payback — all because of disagreements over tactics and strategies and other such things redounding to how best to promote liberty.


  56. Pablo says:

    But you’ll note that I didn’t reference Pat’s coverage in any specific detail, other than lumping him (or the string “arico”, a trademark of FreyCo Enterprises)

    You’ve got major spelling trouble in there. There is no perceptible connection between the two. Despite your protestations, I can’t see how you could have meant to be referring to Mr. erico. Far be it from me to decide what you meant, though, so…READER POLL!

  57. Pablo says:

    I didn’t know the rules. I thought we were engaging in public intellectualism and discussion; turns out, it’s just life’s next round of high school cliquishness and butthurt payback — all because of disagreements over tactics and strategies and other such things redounding to how best to promote liberty.


    Madonna still makes millions of dollars, Jeff. There’s no accounting for the audience.

  58. Jeff G. says:

    I’m still wondering why he’d email his “source” — the supposed object of my stalker-like behavior — my post. I have received no cease and desist letters, nor would I expect to, because I barely ever initiate contact with anyone I don’t already know. No one was mentioned in the post besides him. I don’t send out links to my posts. So what would I have to cease and desist doing, exactly?

  59. newrouter says:

    in retrospect what gets me about patterico’s and rsm’s initial coverage is that the basic info is so easy to retrieve about these nukes and show to your readers. you know the who,what,why,when, where stuff. yet their 1st instinct is to go shemp smith.

  60. Pablo says:

    I’m still wondering why he’d email his “source” — the supposed object of my stalker-like behavior — my post.

    Did he actually say that? Mysteriously?

  61. Loren Ibsen says:

    “I thought we were engaging in public intellectualism and discussion; turns out, it’s just life’s next round of high school cliquishness and butthurt payback”

    I question the credentials of any “public intellectual” who DOESN’T know the two are synonymous.

    Insert smiley emoticon here. (no, here.)

  62. Jeff G. says:

    I’ve exhausted my knowledge on the subject: meltdowns in containment rooms are how meltdowns are dealt with. What we needed to know (in my opinion) — and all we needed to know — is if the containment facilities suffered any breaches. Short of that, I didn’t think it a big story. Which why I didn’t write much about it.

    What I didn’t do is 1) “rush” to say all is well “in advance of the facts”; and 2) write up posts criticizing the way others were “covering” the story. From nowhere near the story.

  63. newrouter says:

    the problem is at Fukushima Daiichi (No. 1)

  64. newrouter says:

    there are 2 different plants @ Fukushima: daiichi & daini

  65. geoffb says:

    ichi = one

    ni = two

    Dai can mean large, great, or IIRC generation.

    So Fukushima Generation-1 and Generation-2

  66. Joe says:

    geoffb–I feel like I am in Karate dojo.

  67. Joe says:

    270.“SarahW’s considered opinion is usually pretty solid on the money you can take it to the bank sort of stuff”

    I agree with that too. However, this particular opinion of hers:

    Parick, this whole business about “misinformation” is all trumped up.

    Is wrong to the extent that she is suggesting I “trumped up” an accusation that Jeff had passed along misinformation. To be quite specific, he wrote a post with a headline was “Japan relieved after nuclear meltdown in Fukushima avoided.” Yet the only link in his post offered to support the headline was to a Guardian story that said quite the opposite:

    The discovery indicates that meltdown, caused by a nuclear reaction running out of control, had indeed affected the reactor’s fuel rods – although possibly only to a limited extent.

    Darleen then came over here and alleged that the original Guardian story bore the same inaccurate headline as Jeff’s post, meaning he took his headline from theirs. I believe that is true. Then she speculated that the original story might not have had the information about the meltdown. I provided evidence that this was not so, namely, a link to another publication that had reprinted the original Guardian story — complete with the misleading headline AND the passage that belied the headline.

    As I have said, this is no big deal; bloggers make mistakes all the time, and are also sometimes guilty (as Jeff was here) of not fully reading the stories they link. A blog committed to accuracy would simply issue a quick and cheerful correction. That did not happen here.

    My allegation of misinformation by Goldstein was not only not trumped up, but fully supported by the facts. I don’t know if Sarah will return to defend her comment. But while this particular opinion for hers was not only wildly off the mark but unnecessarily accusatory, that is an aberration, in my opinion — and I agree with happy that her opinions are usually on the mark.

    Comment by Patterico — 3/15/2011 @ 4:37 pm

    Funny he left out the made up C&D Letter.

  68. Jeff G. says:

    I read the story. I didn’t comment on the (at the time, what were believed to be partial) meltdowns of some rods. I commented that there was going to be no Godzilla vs Mothra. Because there wasn’t a breach, and we were talking about rods.

    That’s it. I didn’t “rush” to advance the idea that all is peachy “in advance of the facts.” I took a look at the facts — partial meltdowns in containment chambers — and concluded that nuclear Armageddon wasn’t the likely outcome.

    I linked to the Guardian story. The link is there for a reason: I expect people will follow it and read it themselves.

    Now, did Frey link here and say I had not noted the meltdowns, and ask for a clarification (though why he’d do so I have no idea; I’m not a reporter, and I’m not the Guardian’s headline writer)? No. Still, had he done so, I would have responded that yes, he is correct about the partial meltdowns, but that what I was commenting on was a massive radiation release of the kind that gave Tokyo Godzilla and Mothra, which hadn’t happened here. The clue that I was talking about massive radiation releases of the kind that gave Tokyo Godzilla and Mothra? My having referred to Godzilla and Mothra.

    But instead, he linked to say that I had “rushed”, “in advance of the facts”, to say everything was just super in Japan. And he did so because of John’s comment. That’s a fact. That’s Frey. He felt his honor was attacked. Because everything is about him. He’s constantly going through my comment threads looking for things to extract and pounce on because he needs to see me discredited. It’s the only way to save himself.

    It’s a sickness, I suspect.

    No breach. No massive release of radiation. No monsters.

    Guardian headline. My commentary on that article. Simple as that.

  69. Joe says:

    No source for the C&D allegation either. But being Patterico is never having to say you are sorry.

  70. Pablo says:

    World’s. Greatest. Prosecutor.

    It’s a bloody shame that nobody ever made a “Super Prosecutor” comic book. America, you’ve let me down.

  71. NukemHill says:

    Carin posted on 3/15 @ 11:14 am
    Tool not tool.

    Will you marry me? I promise not to tell my wife! ;-)

    I’m partial to Prison Sex, too. It must last for at least 10,000 Days, though….

  72. Jeff G. says:

    This is precious, too:

    To be quite specific, he wrote a post with a headline was “Japan relieved after nuclear meltdown in Fukushima avoided.” Yet the only link in his post offered to support the headline was to a Guardian story that said quite the opposite:

    The discovery indicates that meltdown, caused by a nuclear reaction running out of control, had indeed affected the reactor’s fuel rods – although possibly only to a limited extent.

    You follow that? The only link in my post offered in support of its own headline was a link to the Guardian story containing that headline.

    That is, the complaint is that I ONLY gave a link to the actual story I was linking.

    How dastardly. How misleading.

    Had the core melted down? Had the containment chambers been breached?


    Frey is going through all this to take your attention away from the fact that he was posting ominously on “meltdowns” that weren’t the problem a lot of people were making them out to be. It’s Frey. That’s what he does. The end.

  73. serr8d says:

    Pat must be in league with familial and/or collegial forces aligned with She Who Once Could Not Be Named But Now It Doesn’t Matter Because She Is In Jail. Figures; he’d dig deep into Michael Moore’s AND James Wolcott’s expansive exhaust ports to score a point against you, Jeff.

  74. NukemHill says:


    It seems pretty clear that once again, Frey is doubling down on a mis-read of you. Anyone who reads you regularly knows that when you’ve got quotation marks in the headline (or in the body of your post, for that matter), it’s pretty much guaranteed that you are … directly quoting the article/post/video to which you are linking. Bizarre concept, that. But what’re you gonna do?

    The fact that he’s screwed the pooch again by accusing you of saying something that you’re clearly not saying has got to be deeply humiliating to him. But rather than man-up and admit he misread you again, and actually take the mature route, he’s throwing more fuel on the fire (fuelrods?) by insisting that he’s absolutely correct in his reading of you and your intent.

    And of course, he’s backed himself into a corner at this point. The accusation of a C&D against you is really nothing more than a “Look! Shiny!” attempt on his part. Get the masses distracted by a non sequitur (and a trumped up one, at that), in hopes that they’ll miss his delightful sleight-of-hand.

    I’d love it if someone could hack his accounts and track down his recent emails. I’d just about bet my house that he’s sent no such email to his “source.”

    Well, except maybe in his fevered dreams.

  75. Joe says:

    Like I said, their have been meltdowns. Many. Over Patterico’s Pontifications. And perhaps Patterico should create a new name to go by: Mr. Chernobyl.

  76. NukemHill says:

    By the way. Where is sweet Elizabeth? And Leif? And the armadillo? And can I have the keys to your liquor cabinet?

  77. NukemHill says:

    Did we both just use “sleight of hand” independently of each other? Hmm….

  78. Joe says:

    Anyway, the above rant about me was completely and utterly 100% unprovoked. So the bit about how he doesn’t care about me is him pathetically trying to reassure himself that he doesn’t care. Why else has he spent most of the day obsessing about the fact that someone revealed to me his stalkerish e-mails and his cease and desist letter?

    Anyway, it appears that the recipient of those e-mails will not go public. His lawyer advised him that the best way to de-escalate the situation and stop Jeff’s flood of unhinged e-mails was to simply ignore him. He says the e-mails have stopped lately and he does not want to re-escalate the situation.

    But Jeff’s claim that I might be making this up is a load of horseshit. I wouldn’t have even brought it up, but for the rich irony of the fact that he accused me of being a stalker for a three-word link, while he is issuing unprovoked self-pitying rants like the one quoted above, and sending barrages of e-mails to someone who felt the need to have a lawyer send a cease and desist letter (not an “order” as he dishonestly claims I said; stop lying, Jeff!) but a letter.

    Time for cut-and-paste Joe to get to work! Me, I have better things to do.

    Comment by Patterico — 3/15/2011 @ 5:30 pm

    Pat is getting into the wine now.

  79. Joe says:

    Forget about Japan. There could be a core meltdown somewhere in LA county any minute now.

  80. John Bradley says:

    “flood of unhinged emails”?

    Jeff, you been holding out on us, man? Post them bad boys — sounds like they’d make some fine readin’.


  81. Stephanie says:

    BTW, does dessert come after the magician’s act or before? I’m hungry and those bananas for my Foster are turning black. OH noes!

  82. Stephanie says:

    What dessert whine would Pat recommend? I’m betting a nice straw wine, but I could be wrong.

  83. Joe says:

    Joe didn’t cut and paste the whole comment– I guess he figured it would hurt Jeff’s feelings to be reminded of all the times he threatened to quit to get some praise, or to have quoted back to him that pitiful comment he made on February 14. Everyone over here saw the comment though.

    Comment by Patterico — 3/15/2011 @ 6:09 pm

    I am pretty sure he finshied the first bottle of $2 Chuck and is working on his second. I did not cut and paste the whole post because it was long and boring, but feel free to check it out for youself. Eric is ranting.

  84. Jeff G. says:

    Frey is lying. I don’t send out many emails. And I certainly don’t send out many unsolicited emails.


    Pass it on.

    Also, and again, in all caps, to signal my emphatic denial, THERE WAS NO CEASE AND DESIST LETTER. (I’m not a lawyer, so if I called it an “order” rather than a letter, and the two are different, there’s your explanation)

    Pass it on.

    Here’s a question. Wouldn’t a cease and desist letter need to be sent by registered mail? Or at least contain an email receipt? I honestly don’t know. I’ve never gotten one. But I’m curious how the one I’m supposed to have gotten was delivered. Any lawyers out there know?

    Frey is either being lied to or he is lying.



    Incidentally, “unhinged”? Curious choice of word there. Almost too cute by half.

    Let’s see, where have I heard that word before…?

  85. Swen says:

    7. Carin posted on 3/15 @ 11:06 am
    … I’ll admit it. It’s me. I told Pat that Jeff was stalking me. Apparently Jeff has a thing for older women with 5 kids, chickens, and Tool obsession.

    Chickens? That’s kinky. I like it.

  86. Jeff G. says:

    Another thing: does anyone who’s spent any significant amount of time here really believe if I had received a cease and desist letter over some supposed emails I’d sent, I wouldn’t immediately post that fucking thing? Turn it into a schtick?

    It didn’t happen. Or if it did, I never received anything.


    I just checked. I have all the emails I’ve sent dating back to Jan 14 2009. So.

  87. Pablo says:

    “flood of unhinged emails”?

    Jeff, you been holding out on us, man? Post them bad boys — sounds like they’d make some fine readin’.


    I trust that you won’t find it presumptuous of me to direct you here for a taste of what you seek.

  88. NukemHill says:


    “Cease and desist letters”? Wha…?


    I don’t send many unsolicited emails and I have not received any cease and desist orders. Hell, I haven’t received any return emails asking me please not to send emails. Even so, one wonders why such a recipient wouldn’t simply block my emails rather than have a lawyer draft some letter. Unless and until Frey reveals the name of the person he intimated had sent me such a letter I will have to conclude he’s once again simply making shit up

    Somebody please alert me when this business about a cease and desist letter is amplified.

    Well, I’ve got a DDA suggesting in public that I’m under some sort of cease and desist order

    I have received no cease and desist letters, nor would I expect to


    But Jeff’s claim that I might be making this up is a load of horseshit. I wouldn’t have even brought it up, but for the rich irony of the fact that he accused me of being a stalker for a three-word link, while he is issuing unprovoked self-pitying rants like the one quoted above, and sending barrages of e-mails to someone who felt the need to have a lawyer send a cease and desist letter (not an “order” as he dishonestly claims I said; stop lying, Jeff!) but a letter.

    Out of eight references that I find, you have six to “letter” and two to “order”. And in both cases of the later, I think it is quite easy (not to put thoughts in your head, Jeff) to assume that you are using the term in the context of being accused of having received some sort of letter containing a threat of an order. Yes? But no, you’re lying.

    He’s playing his little masturbatory lawyer word games. Again– “Look! Shiny!”

  89. Pablo says:

    It didn’t happen. Or if it did, I never received anything.

    There is no “or”. If you weren’t recognizably and confirmably in receipt of such a letter, it doesn’t exist.

  90. NukemHill says:

    I’m not a lawyer, so if I called it an “order” rather than a letter, and the two are different, there’s your explanation

    Heh. We’re vibing, Jeff.

  91. Swen says:

    Or perhaps it was “crease and desist”? I mean! Friends don’t let friends wear girly pants….

  92. Jeff G. says:

    I have quit and come back. Longest time away was about 18 months. I get burned out, what can I say?

    You can quote anything I’ve written back at me. I can take it.

  93. NukemHill says:

    Or perhaps it was “crease and desist”? I mean! Friends don’t let friends wear girly pants….

    Just ask David Brooks.

  94. Pablo says:

    Friends don’t let friends wear girly pants….

    We are so fucked.

  95. Stephanie says:

    We are so fucked.

    True, but in those jeans, he’s not. EvAR. Well except Reggie Love. He probably picked em out.

  96. Swen says:

    Fortunately, while present company might be called many things, “frumpy” ain’t one of ’em.

  97. Jeff G. says:

    I want to see these unhinged emails I supposedly sent.

    But, to recap:

    Frey claims he heard I was sent a cease and desist letter.

    I have replied without reservation that I never received one, and that I never sent a series of “unhinged emails” to anyone.

    I have given my permission to whomever received said emails to release them in all their serial unhinged-ness. I have asked for some proof that a letter was sent (and then received by me).

    Frey’s response: my anonymous source says it’s so, but my anonymous source wished to remain anonymous so as not to re-escalate the situation.

    To which I now respond, should I not already know the source were it true that I’d sent this person a series of unhinged emails and received a cease and desist letter on his/her behalf? If so, how does this person expect to remain anonymous? What motivation do I have for not releasing the name of the person whom I supposedly sent unhinged emails to, and who supposedly sent me a cease and desist letter?

    Or didn’t that ever cross Frey’s mind?

    He’s either lying or he’s being lied to.


  98. John Bradley says:

    I trust that you won’t find it presumptuous of me to direct you here for a taste of what you seek.

    But Pablo, these (theoretical) “unhinged emails” would have been written by Jeff, and thus funny ‘n’ shit. Possibly with guest appearances by his breakfast cereal and/or the ghost of Corey Haim.

  99. serr8d says:

    He’s inventing the stuff, Jeff. He’s a persecutorial prosecutor by nature; he can’t lie under oath, but he’s not under oath right now. Like a cop, he can, and will, lie to obtain any leverage at all over a ‘suspect’, and that’s how he’s treating you, as a suspect. He’s using the tools of his profession, methods that come as naturally as putting on his frumpy pants in the morning.

  100. Pablo says:

    But Pablo, these (theoretical) “unhinged emails” would have been written by Jeff, and thus funny ‘n’ shit.

    Oh, so you wanna be all specific about your unhinged emails, do ya? Fine. See if I care.

    In (distant) hindsight, that shit is pretty funny.

  101. serr8d says:

    If the little bitch doesn’t care for people who go after his job, then he should leave the tools of his trade at his office.

  102. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Blockquoting the bit previously quoted by Jeff above:

    To be quite specific, he wrote a post with a headline was “Japan relieved after nuclear meltdown in Fukushima avoided.” Yet the only link in his post offered to support the headline was to a Guardian story that said quite the opposite:

    The discovery indicates that meltdown, caused by a nuclear reaction running out of control [emph. added –E.S.], had indeed affected the reactor’s fuel rods – although possibly only to a limited extent.

    I don’t know where Pat’s italics are from. The Guardian article in question, I presume. But unless I miss my guess (and hell, I might, I’m a historian, not a nuclear engineer or physicist) the bit bolded by me is incorrect. An out of control nuclear reaction results in an atomic explosion, does it not? The meltdown, partial or whathavyou, is the result of excessive heat buildup, caused by the failure of water to circulate inside the “core” (whatever the hell it is that the water is circulating in around the fuel rods) which in turn was a consequence of the earthquake and/or
    tsunami damage.

    The point here being, “[a] blog committed to accuracy would simply issue a quick and cheerful correction” [my emphasis]. Mr. Hall Monitor may need to report himself to the Vice-Principle Petard for passing along incorrect information.

  103. Jeff G. says:

    I’ve never been more happy that I don’t empty my email mailboxes.

    Again I ask: if I received a cease and desist letter — or had really sent unhinged emails serially to someone — wouldn’t I know who it is? Why would I not release the name of this person myself? Is Frey suggesting that I don’t know who it is I’m supposed to have serially harassed? Or from whom I received this phantom letter?

    How do these things work, exactly. Would I have to sign for such a letter? To show that I’ve received notice to cease and desist?

    I’m on record as denying it all. All that has to be done to prove me nefarious is to RELEASE THE LETTER (AND PROOF I RECEIVED IT) AND THE EMAILS I SUPPOSEDLY SENT!

  104. Jeff G. says:

    See, Ernst, that’s why I didn’t comment much.

    I just don’t have a full handle on all the terminology.

  105. NukemHill says:

    Ernst. No, a run-away nuclear reaction does not necessarily (or even “normally”) result in an atomic explosion. That requires very special circumstances where nuclear materials are forced together very violently. I won’t get into all of the details (mostly because I’ve forgotten almost all my nuke physics from college), but what we’re potentially seeing now is a bunch of fissile material in a different environment. The chain reaction is not controlled, causing it to run away, and generate massive amounts of heat and radioactive particles.

    It’s bad, regardless, if the latest news from Japan is to be regarded as anywhere near the truth. Reactor #4 is on fire again, and it appears the inner containment dome is cracked. If the fire is in the reactor, in the core, then the smoke issuing from there is quite radioactive, and extremely deadly. And if it contains Plutonium, then we’re double-plus fucked.

  106. NukemHill says:

    It’s extremely hard to tell what reality is. This article at NRO would have you believe that what we’re seeing in Japan right now wrt the reactors is pretty much a non-event:

    Let us be clear. Compared to the real disaster at hand, the hypothetical threat from the nuclear stations is zero. The reactors in question were all shut down four days ago. The control rods have been inserted, and the cores have been salted with boron. It is physically impossible for them to sustain a fission reaction of any kind at this point, let alone cause another Chernobyl. Only the fission-byproduct decay heat remains, and it is fading fast as the short half-life material (which accounts for most of the radioactivity) performs its decay reactions and ceases to exist. At this point, the total heating power in the reactors is only about 0.3 percent of what it was when the reactors were operating. That means that a system previously capable of generating 1,300 megawatts of heat would now yield 4 megawatts thermal — about the same as that emitted by a dozen 100-horsepower automobile engines. The Japanese engineers can certainly deal with that with water cooling. And even if they were to stop, there just isn’t enough heating power in the system anymore to generate a dangerous plume of radioactive materials, which is doubly impossible at this point since all the more active short half-life stuff is already gone.

    I’m hesitantly inclined to think this is accurate. If the units hadn’t been SCRAM’d immediately, then they’d’ve all basically melted down by now, and we wouldn’t be talking about recovering 10,000 bodies. It would be more like 10,000,000. But the biggest problem with the current situation is that we really don’t now shit about what is happening! And it may very well be that the units weren’t completely SCRAM’d, and the last four days have been a running battle by the nuke plant workers to keep a lid (literally) on a boiling inferno.

    I dunno. I don’t think anyone knows, even the techs working the glow-in-the-dark shift. It’s not like there are cameras inside the inner chambers sending live feeds out to Facebook and Twitter….

  107. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Okee Doke then. Thanks for clearing up my misunderstanding.

  108. Jeff G. says:

    I’m off to have a scotch and work my wrists a bit. Maybe watch some teevee.

    Will check in from time to time just to make sure the world hasn’t melted entirely.

  109. Joe says:

    There is melting going on, but it is not in Japan…

    To be clear: I have not seen the e-mails in question. I was merely told there were many of them, written at odd hours of the morning, they were rants, a letter was sent threatening action if they didn’t stop, they continued, but (i hear today for the first time) stopped soon after.

    Not making it up. That’s what I was told. Some on the phone and some in e-mails.

    One of Jeff’s commenters is now wishing my e-mails could be hacked, to prove his theories about what he believes they would contain. This crowd, as always, has no morals — plus he is flat wrong. I am trying to persuade the person to release the e-mails and the cease and desist letter. The lawyer who sent it is apparently not thrilled about being dragged into this and is upset at me for having said anything. No decision will be made until after consultation with the lawyer tomorrow.

    That’s about all I can say. Didn’t make it up and I think Jeff knows it.

    Comment by Patterico — 3/15/2011 @ 7:51 pm

    He’s going for a third bottle of Charles Shaw!

  110. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I’m off to have a scotch

    Yes thank God the fallout isn’t affecting Scotland (yet). For the water of life to become the water of death, that would be truly tragic.

  111. Jeff G. says:

    To be clear: I have not seen the e-mails in question. I was merely told there were many of them, written at odd hours of the morning, they were rants, a letter was sent threatening action if they didn’t stop, they continued, but (i hear today for the first time) stopped soon after.

    Not making it up. That’s what I was told. Some on the phone and some in e-mails.

    One of Jeff’s commenters is now wishing my e-mails could be hacked, to prove his theories about what he believes they would contain. This crowd, as always, has no morals — plus he is flat wrong. I am trying to persuade the person to release the e-mails and the cease and desist letter. The lawyer who sent it is apparently not thrilled about being dragged into this and is upset at me for having said anything. No decision will be made until after consultation with the lawyer tomorrow.

    That’s about all I can say. Didn’t make it up and I think Jeff knows it.

    Not a single bit of truth to any of this. Frey either made it up or he got punked by one of his own.

    A list of questions that have not been answered:

    First, why would a lawyer who has already supposedly sent me a cease and desist letter not want his name mentioned? Would it not be on the cease and desist letter itself? How was this letter sent? To what address? Was it emailed? Was it faxed? From what address was it sent? Is there proof I received it? And isn’t the very fact of his having supposedly sent me this letter indicative of his having already involved himself?

    When did this take place? Over how long a period? How many emails were supposedly sent? Where are these emails? What constitutes “odd hours of the morning”? What were the rants about? Why is there no specificity to any of these accusations? Is Frey now saying he talked to this person on the phone? If so, shouldn’t he have some idea of what was said in these “rants” that were so “unhinged” and serially stalkerish? What was the context? Why was my impetus for supposedly sending these emails?

    Frey says now that all parties he’s citing are reluctant to go public, though he is trying hard to get them to do so. I have ASKED SPECIFICALLY for them to release these things. What’s the hold-up?

    The longer these go unreleased, the more suspicious I get that someone is working on fabricating something with my name attached to it.


    These are lies this prosecutor is peddling. And those suggesting it happened are lying.

  112. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Total guess on my part, but I think BumperStickerist is right that this is what’s being talked about.

  113. serr8d says:

    What constitutes “odd hours of the morning”?

    Isn’t that when large swaths of Tolstoy become relevant?

  114. didn’t you and one “lawyer”, mr. timmyb, have a bit of an email exchange at one point? He’d be just kooky enough to misconstrue what happened and he was at pat’s for a while irrc. anyhoo, just feelin’ nostalgic. How’d that “surge” thing in Iraq turn out TIMMEH!? BWAH HA HA HA H haaaaa

  115. took my BECAUSE OF THE HYPOCRISY mug to w*rk today. cause it’s a large mug and I can feel all smug about it.

  116. NukemHill says:

    One of Jeff’s commenters is now wishing my e-mails could be hacked, to prove his theories about what he believes they would contain.

    Weeee!!! I’m famous!!!!


  117. well, I would definitely take someone named nukemhill very seriously.

  118. Jeff G. says:

    Maggie —

    Nothing substantial. He said some nice things about me after I banned his ass. I don’t know that I bothered writing back.

    If you look at the email exchanges I had with Pablo over Pat’s unhinged emails to him, you’ll notice my replies are short and informal. And if you ask anyone who regularly talks with me through email — bh, geoff b, jho, RSM (recently), darleen, — they’ll tell you the same thing: my emails are generally very brief.

    Unhinged rants they are not. Unsolicited they are not. That’s just the way I do email.

  119. Darleen says:

    NukemHill posted on 3/15 @ 7:48 pm [Edit]


    It seems pretty clear that once again, Frey is doubling down on a mis-read of you. Anyone who reads you regularly knows that when you’ve got quotation marks in the headline (or in the body of your post, for that matter), it’s pretty much guaranteed that you are … directly quoting the article/post/video to which you are linking. Bizarre concept, that. But what’re you gonna do?

    Jaysus ‘effing Keerist. I told Pat that in the comments early on and Pat didn’t care. His rejoinder was that Jeff’s “comfort level” with accuracy wasn’t as acute as his own since the Guardian headline didn’t “match” the body. Even as I then pointed out that the headline had changed, even the article itself had changed, he just regurgitated the same lame point.

    I then found a twitter of his the night before reflecting a “fact” that then had changed with time and HE didn’t do an “update” … so much for his comfort level.

    I haven’t been back to read anything there since because I find my 8 year old grandsons a great deal more mature and reasonable.

  120. Darleen says:

    That’s just the way I do email.

    Yep, Jeff is very economical with his email wordage. I guess he uses up his quota on posts.


  121. Ernst Schreiber says:

    This missive of Rénaud’s:

    One of Jeff’s commenters is now wishing my e-mails could be hacked, to prove his theories [sic, my emphasis] about what he believes they would contain. This crowd [sic, my emphasis], as always, has no morals

    quoted by Joe and again by Jeff was prompted by this comment of NukemHill:

    I’d love it if someone could hack his accounts and track down his recent emails. I’d just about bet my house that he’s sent no such email to his “source.” [my emphasis]

    which was a reaction to Rénaud’s earlier remarks:

    As for his now doing an entire post about my comment above [i.e. the “cease and desist” “letter” and the alleged emails from Jeff which prompted it], I will say only that this is what I was told, by the recipient of his e-mails. Whether they choose to reveal themselves and face the fury of the hive mind over there is up to them. I have e-mailed them [my emphasis] a link to Jeff’s post.

    quoted by Jeff

    Couple of things:

    I don’t think NukemHill is a “crowd” unless he’s got a Sybill thing going on. And the only thing immoral about wishing that someone were able to establish definitively that Rénaud is lying about the email he claims to have sent, something that NukemHill believes so strongly that he’d bet the house, is the implied degenerate gambling. (Bet the contents of the house man, but not the house itself!) Well, not the only thing I suppose. But who really took NukemHill at his literal word? Besides the prickly and easily moved to outrage, I mean.

    Quite the tendentious rhetoric coming out of Rénaud. But I suppose one has to expect that from someone whose sense of SACRED HONOR compels him to neither forgive nor forget a percieved slight of any kind .

  122. Darleen says:

    One of Jeff’s commenters is now wishing my e-mails could be hacked, to prove his theories about what he believes they would contain. This crowd, as always, has no morals

    oh fer the love of … I’m going to repeat myself but JAYSUS EFFIN KEERIST on a Pony!! Nukem runs out with the contemporary equivalent of “oh I wish I could be a fly on the wall” and Pattycake hikes up his skirts and screams “thief! thief!”

    … sh*t, I gotta be into work at 6 am. I need to go do some breathing exercises so I can get to sleep …

  123. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Another thing about the lawyer who sent the letter (allegedly):

    Who gives a shit whether he’s happy or not, if the client he drafted it for wants to make it public, he can do so, whether his (or her) attorney thinks it’s a good idea or not.

    Sounds to me like somebody is trying to backpedal on an oversold claim.

    But what do I know? I think “a nuclear reaction running out of control” means that an earth-shattering KABOOM is about to happen.

  124. Jeff G. says:

    Frey seems also to forget that I actually took someone to court over email harassment. Literally. For real.

    Not something I’d do to someone else.

    More questions: did this person claiming I stalked and harassed him/her ever respond to my emails? Had I had prior email exchanges with this person? How did I get the person’s email address? Did I know the person in real life? Did I ever work with or for the person?

    Questions questions.

  125. geoffb says:

    Re: #127,


  126. Patrick Chester says:

    This little quote made me go “hmm…”

    Anyway, the above rant about me was completely and utterly 100% unprovoked. So the bit about how he doesn’t care about me is him pathetically trying to reassure himself that he doesn’t care. Why else has he spent most of the day obsessing about the fact that someone revealed to me his stalkerish e-mails and his cease and desist letter?

    Is anyone reminded of when Palin is blamed for something and then when she posts something objecting to that blame she’s accused of “making it all about her” or similar?

    Oh and Jeff G does make “unsolicited” e-mails, if you count the “thank you” note he sends when you send a donation to him. Oh wait, that’s just being polite and not “stalkerish” or anything. Neeeeeevermind /emily litella

  127. Darleen says:

    was completely and utterly 100% unprovoked.

    I call projection. When it was pointed out to Pat that his link with the assertion that Jeff was “rushing to claim everything is ‘ok'” was both a huge stretch (based on actual link) and why would he do such a thing in the first place, he started down the path of “well, look what has been said ABOUT me by a commenter and he AGREED with it, so he attacked ME first!!” And of course, he brought up other comments in other threads he has obsessively lurked to find offense to.

    And each time anyone here uses the phrase “good man” ironically, Pat thinks that a direct attack on him…

    … like he’s trademarked the phrase or something …

  128. Jeff G. says:

    Why else has he spent most of the day obsessing about the fact that someone revealed to me his stalkerish e-mails and his cease and desist letter?

    Actually, I did a number of posts before and after he made this joke of a claim.

    The dude obsessively trolls my comments here looking for oblique references to himself. Me, I don’t even go to his site. I don’t follow his “coverage” of anything. He has no credibility with me. And it is clear to anyone and everyone that my post on the Japan nuclear situation is nothing like the way he tried to characterize it — and that he only reacted the way he did because he was butthurt by a comment I didn’t make.

    He is now posting publicly a new bunch of lies about me. So I called him out on them. I received no letter. And I sent no emails.

    Somebody is punking him.

    Let me be clear: I don’t think about Frey, I don’t read his site, I don’t go to his site. But this is now the second time a DDA has made public false accusations against me. Such actions should have consequences.

  129. serr8d says:

    You know, Patrick Frey the wayward Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney has really put all his chestnuts in the fire this time. IF a real, live ‘lawyer’ doesn’t come forward, producing actual ‘evidence’ that his ‘client’ sought and obtained this legal device Frey claims he did, THEN Frey is proven a liar and a fraud.

    So, Frey, put up or STFU forever. This is a BFD, your chance to shine. Cards on the table, NOW.

  130. Pablo says:

    He is now posting publicly a new bunch of lies about me. So I called him out on them. I received no letter. And I sent no emails.

    Somebody is punking him.

    Or, he’s flat out lying. It wouldn’t be the first time. If I were you, I’d consider sending a cease and desist.

  131. McGehee says:

    Somebody is punking him.

    It would be funny if we could make him think it was one of us — but who?


  132. Jeff G. says:

    Recall, RD/namedejour was commenting here as me and telling people my son has cancer.

    Frey’s response was to pluck out my reaction (“If I find you I’ll fucking kill you” or some such), label it a legitimate death threat, ignore completely what had triggered the response (aside from some vague feint to RD acting asshole-ish), and start posting about it on unrelated threads at other sites.

    The point being, people have tried to pass themselves off as me before, and we’ve all seen it. Did it not occur to Frey — or to his “source” — that perhaps they were being put on? I mean, the guy has such a hard-on to DESTROY ME that he’s really susceptible to being played.

  133. Joe says:


    Do you think its okay to change someone’s comments?

    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 3/16/2011 @ 7:43 am

    370.It is the sign of a coward Eric.

    Comment by DohBiden — 3/16/2011 @ 7:44 am


    I was curious, we have someone who admitted to changing comments, who had the power to ban or delete them, but changed them, then tried to justify doing that, but only when called out.

    Then you are defending him, over here, based upon an error in a headline, he wrote he was ordered by one of his college professors to remove his name from his blog, and Jeff tried to embarass him publically, he published emails of Pats about Frisch – turning her towards him, and there’s much much more, and you come over here and demand – what?

    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 3/16/2011 @ 7:47 am

    372.Jeff enjoys the gadfly role, he stokes you guys up but really all he’s doing is using you. He should perhaps find gainful employment where his unique personality can be shared with the general public.

    Comment by EricPWJohnson — 3/16/2011 @ 7:50 am

    Maybe Patterico’s “source” of this alleged C&D letter is EricPWJohnson.

  134. Pablo says:

    Maybe EricPW ought to drag his silly ass over here and behold. Then again, he’s about as sharp as a bowl of Jello, so…

  135. Jeff G. says:

    Eric PWJohnson is one of the dumbest people I’ve ever encountered on the internet. Which makes him useful for Pat. The dude eats Frey’s bullshit up and regurgitates it back out in tiny belches of watered-down stink

    Tell me: has Eric PWJohnson gotten on Ace and his crew yet for changing the comments from trolls? Or does the standard of cowardice only exist if you get on the wrong side of the pragmatic internet hall monitor?

    Can Eric PWJohnson show me where I published any emails from Frisch that identified Frey? Does the genius not understand that the Frisch emails to Pat (and others, some of whom sent them to me) had first to exist before I could publish them — with his name and the names of others redacted and his email address removed — so that it makes no sense to suggest I turned Frisch toward Frey?

    Does this jaggoff understand that no former professor has the right to “order” me to remove his name from a factual sentence about me? He’s a professor. Gee, I wonder if I can find a post on Frey’s site where he called out a liberal professor for trying to chill speech… But I guess that would be different, because Frey would be PUBLICLY TRYING TO EMBARRASS — FOR NO GOOD REASON — a total stranger. Right?

    Listen: he’s a moron. And I mean that in the most serious way. He couldn’t get out of his own way while trying to comment here. “Gainful employment”? Why does he care what I do for a living? Does his employer know that this “gainfully employed” moron is spending his days in the comments at Patterico’s Pontifications?

    Don’t hate me because I’m free.

  136. LBascom says:

    Jeff enjoys the gadfly role, he stokes you guys up but really all he’s doing is using you.

    I KNEW IT!! Jeff is using Jedi mind tricks on me!

    You better cease and desist that shit buddy…

  137. LBascom says:

    Humm, that first line was supposed to be blockquoted.

  138. Ernst Schreiber says:

    “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.”

    ––Eleanor Roosevelt as quoted by Rush Limbaugh just now.

    Seems to fit, somehow.

  139. John Bradley says:

    he stokes you guys up but really all he’s doing is using you

    And yet, most of the regulars pay for the privilege of being ‘used’ by Jeff — so he must be darned good at it.

    My guess? It’s the Kung-Fu Grip Action that keeps ’em coming back for more.

  140. Jeff G. says:

    Jeff enjoys the gadfly role, he stokes you guys up but really all he’s doing is using you.


  141. Pablo says:

    I’m only here for the pie.

  142. Ernst Schreiber says:



  143. Jeff G. says:


  144. Carin says:


    oops. did I say that out loud?

  145. Jeff G. says:

    Anyone know what, say, the fellas at Hot Air do for a living, and if what they do is considered “gainful”? I’m trying to figure out who needs be singled out for scorn by “conservatives” like Eric PWJohnson and the folks at the hall monitor’s site, you see.

  146. Stephanie says:

    Use me use me, don’t say that you love me…

    Don’t let the evil gadflyswatter win!

    Oh, that proboscis! AIIIII sweet mysteries of life…

  147. serr8d says:

    Has a real ‘lawyer’ come forward with this elusive C&D legal device yet? If not, then Patrick Frey’s nose is lengthening by the minute. Pretty soon, even Eric the Felcher will have to admit Frey is damaged goods.

  148. John Bradley says:

    Pretty sure that the unethical comment-changing Mr. Of Spaces is gainfully employed in the same field as you: providing commentary for which his readers and advertisers pay him.

    The fiend!

  149. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Jeff enjoys the gadfly role, he stokes you guys up but really all he’s doing is using you.



    oops. did I say that out loud?

    Use me use me, don’t say that you love me…

    Don’t let the evil gadflyswatter win!

    Oh, that proboscis! AIIIII sweet mysteries of life…

    I guess some of us are going to take that after all.

  150. Ernst Schreiber says:

    Once you go gadfly no other guy need apply?

    Once you go armadillo all other guys are swill-O?

  151. McGehee says:


    Not me. I wasn’t home, so all I got was a yellow slip taped to my door.

  152. cranky-d says:

    I think a lot of problems are caused by others not understanding the blog language around here.

  153. Ernst Schreiber says:

    I think a lot of problems are caused by others not understanding the blog language around here.

    As I understand it, that is a logical impossibility, and you meant exactly what I think you meant, regardless of whether or not you meant what I think. So…



  154. John Bradley says:



  155. Joe says:

    So far no word on Patterico’s alleged C&D letter. The folks at Patterico are even starting to doubt, so they are making excuses and raising red herrings.

  156. Jeff G. says:

    Because I never got one, and I never sent serial harassing Unhinged emails that continued after I was asked to stop, etc.

    Didn’t happen.

    If he produces anything, it won’t have come from me.

  157. serr8d says:

    Patrick Frey is a liar and a fraud. He’s failed to meet deadline; to produce even a microgram of evidence to support that what he’s created in his own fantasy world.

    Stick a fork in his credibility from here on. Um ihn herum brach alles zusammen.

  158. Joe says:

    I think Dustin has a good point that, not having cleared the release of this information with the recipient, I should have said nothing. It was prompted by anger over the incredible situation of being called a stalker by someone who (I was told) had engaged in his own pattern of e-mail harassment. But 1) actions taken out of anger are never a good idea, and 2) I messed up by mentioning something I had not been given the green light to mention.

    Frankly, I never expected Jeff to deny it, and consequently had no idea he would make such a federal case out of it, which puts my friend in an awkward position, since he wasn’t looking to re-escalate the situation, and my comment did that.

    The bottom line is that my correspondent and his lawyer are both irritated with me, with some justification, and say they will release everything if Jeff writes him again, in violation of the cease and desist. Otherwise, all they care about is that the harassment not resume, which means not releasing anything as long as he doesn’t contact the person again.

    It’s quite frustrating to me, but then again, it’s my fault for saying something without having obtained permission to release the proof.

    All I can say is I believe the person who told me this, an I suspect Jeff knows exactly what I’m talking about when I reference his late night rants. At least some of named me, I’m told. Since Jeff doesn’t care about me and doesn’t e-mail anyone about me (does anyone believe that? What did you e-mail RSM about recently? OK then), that should narrow it right down.

    All he has to do is e-mail anyone he e-mailed about me this year and everything gets published. Or, since he has the e-mails, he can publish them himself.

    That’s all I can do.

    Comment by Patterico — 3/16/2011 @ 5:04 pm

  159. Joe says:

    How friggin pathetic is that?

  160. serr8d says:

    Wow, that’s spinning better’n a Whirlpool! Circular logic and grabbing at strawmen, but guess what? He still flushes right out the bottom. Right along with the rest of the crap.

    Tell me, Patrick, would a sitting judge allow that sort of febrile testimony to stand?

    Your move, you bet the farm, you lost. Tip your king and STFU.

  161. Darleen says:

    Wow, that is some world class lying. Pat may think it gives him an out to claim he is honoring a request not to reveal a cease and desist letter, but any shred of credibility is forever gone.

    I know you’re reading this, Pat, and I gotta say I didn’t think you could ever surprise me again.

    I was wrong. I didn’t think even you would stoop so low.

    How shameful. How pitiful. How immoral.

  162. Slartibartfast says:

    I have not actually seen Patterico bugger his neighbor’s dog, but I am told by someone I trust (and his lawyer) who were both firsthand witness to said buggery, and I believe them.

  163. […] long-smoldering blog war against Jeff Goldstein of Protein Wisdom. It flared up again when, as chronicled by PW commenters, Patterico made these assertions:[N]obody has sent *me* any cease and desist letters lately. I’m told Jeff can’t say the same. . […]

  164. […] going on two weeks since I was (in my view) recklessly, and without evidence, accused in public by a deputy DA of serial harassment, cyberstalking, and then lying to cover up both the original […]

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