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November 2024


John Bolton and his straighttalking mustache, Regis, finally become one

“The most significant aspect of the president’s approach to foreign and national security policy is that he basically doesn’t care about it.”*

In my quiet moments, I like to imagine that as having been uttered in full-bodied, manly stereo.

12 Replies to “John Bolton and his straighttalking mustache, Regis, finally become one”

  1. cranky-d says:

    Regis for President!

  2. The Monster says:

    Fact: Chuck Norris won’t ever try to roundhouse-kick Bolton in the face because the resulting collision could tear a hole in the spacetime continuum, out of which the very Hounds of Hell would emerge. (Chuck and Regis would then kick them back through the hole, but just to be safe…)

  3. DarthLevin says:

    When Regis delivers TRVTH, it doesn’t just hurt, it maims.

  4. alppuccino says:

    Michael Scheuer as his VP!

  5. Bob Reed says:

    John Bolton is just full of awesomeness.

    I hope he does enter the GOP field of candidates; not so much because I think he could win, but because of the direction he would take the debate in.

    Directions of really restoring our “place in the world” and of some gloves-off candor.

    That’s change I could believe in…

  6. Joe says:

    I do not want to defend President Obama and Hillary Clinton. I do not like how they do things. Even if Hillary out does Obama on mustache growth, she will never has a mustache like Bolton. Even if she completely gives up the bi weekly waxings.

    But I think saying nothing right now is about all the Adminstration can do (publically). The negotiations here have to take place quietly with the U.S. not taking any overt position publically when things are so fluid. So what is going on in terms of Obama realpolitik? Beats the shit out of me. We can get a hint of it from Joe “Allah Love’s Em” Biden’s initial response about Mumbarak, but from there on…I doubt Obama, Biden and Hillary even know.

    Mumbarak is proably no longer legitimate. I would hope the Administration is working with the Egyptian Army to figure out a Plan B. Given the Military’s opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood, they have a good reason to oppose Shariaphiles rising to power in any vaacum.

    El Baradie is a useful idiot and stooge of the Muslim Brotherhood. If the Obama Administration is going with that plan then Egypt is a good as lost. Unless you think a Hamas style government in Egypt is democracy.

  7. Bob Reed says:

    Mumbarak? That’s an interesting spelling of Mubarak’s name that I hadn’t yet seen.

  8. Joe says:

    Freudian spelling slip?

    And here is the Debka* take on things:

    The Brotherhood is not a radical bogeyman on a par with Iran’s ayatollahs as depicted by Netanyahu. Egypt’s society is diverse enough to withstand a despotic theocracy as the first six days of the popular protests demonstrated.

    If anyone can keep the Muslim Brotherhood in its place, albeit with a role in government alongside other opposition factions, it is the army. According to our sources, a military takeover of government is in the making, planned for an interim stage until a new political order can legitimately take charge.

    * Debka has to be taken with a grain of salt and can be off base on many things, but they tend to get things close to home right. But if the Muslim Brotherhood ever did gain controling power in Egypt they would be as bad as Hamas taking over.

  9. geoffb says:

    Diplomacy by clusterfuck.

  10. geoffb says:

    Meet the MB.

  11. geoffb says:

    Makes you go Hmmmmm.

  12. Evan3457 says:

    Obama’s foreign policy is not a bug, nor is it an unfortunate lapse of attention. What is happening in Egypt is what he wants.

    He gave Israel the chance to surrender peacefully to him, and the evil Joooooooos spurned him, making him look bad. So now, he gives the Muslim Brotherhood the green light to help take down Mubarak, stands by as Hezbollah takes over Lebanon, does nothing as Turkey goes increasingly Islamic fundamentalist, does nothing as Hamas drives Gaza into the sewer, snickers as King Abdullah II waits his turn as the heat rises, pulls the troops out of Iraq, with Afghanistan to follow, and continues to prevent anything effective from happening to Iran (he was almost certainly out of the loop on Stuxnet). The gameplan: to put a ring of enemies around Israel, some armed to the teeth, and threaten them until they cave…or if they don’t cave, launch an all-out war that either destroys Israel or forces them to go Samson.

    Either way, Israel’s gone.

    It’s not what one would expect of a moderate Democrat Christian American president.

    But it IS exactly what one would expect of a radical leftist Islamic Indonesian Commmunist street agitator.

    Now, am I being paranoid enough, not enough, or too much?

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