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November 2024


Is it too late…

…to cancel the big red carpet dinner for China’s President, and just order in some take-out?

Otherwise, bitch slap

19 Replies to “Is it too late…”

  1. Joe says:

    Link not working.

    Bitchslap would be getting Hu some Japanese food and then saying, oh our bad, but you all look alike. We thought this would do ya.

  2. Jeff G. says:


  3. Joe says:

    The trouble with NoKo is that it is completely bat shit crazy. The ChiComs love using it as a wedge state just to fuck with us, but they might also consider “becareful what you wish for.”

  4. dicentra says:

    Hu is the president of China?


    See, this doesn’t work so well in print, but Beck and his crew are all over the pun this morning, and as with all bad puns, it gets funnier the more you say it.

  5. Ernst Schreiber says:

    The President of China is who?

  6. Bob Reed says:

    The reason Hu and Obama had their “intimate supper” last night was so that Obama could check with the premiere to make sure he was executing our part of the Chi-coms 5 year program correctly.

    And somewhere, Mao and Tom Friedman smiled…

  7. Squid says:

    Perhaps if we start randomly bombing shit on the Chinese border, they’ll cook up some delicious business deals for us, too.

    It’s worth a try!

  8. happyfeet says:

    the chicken won tons from city wok are v tasty

  9. sdferr says:

    Wu Hu!

  10. Joe says:

    Serve him some General Tso’s chicken. Very popular with Nationalist Chinese forces. For unity and such.

  11. sdferr says:

    When was the last time two ChiComs met for private talks in the White House? Historic!

  12. Stephanie says:

    I got in a quick snigger when Drudge titled the meeting the “House Special” then the Rock came into my head: “if you can smelll what the Rock is cooking,” and I’m now completely off Asian cuisine.

  13. cranky-d says:

    I got in a quick snigger […]


  14. mojo says:

    Saw a sub-hed in the local AP reprint service: “Obama to press Hu on trade issues”

    Oh, please. This mook couldn’t press a pair of pants.

  15. Dave in SoCal says:

    Hu is the president of China?

    Costello: Well then who’s visiting the White House?

    Abbott: Yes.

    Costello: I mean the fellow’s name.

    Abbott: Hu.

    Costello: The guy at the White House.

    Abbott: Hu.

    Costello: The guy visiting Obama.

    Abbott: Hu.

    Costello: The guy visiting…

    Abbott: Hu is visiting the White House!

    Costello: I’m asking YOU who’s visiting the White House.

    Abbott: That’s the man’s name.

    Costello: That’s who’s name?

    Abbott: Yes.

    Costello: Well go ahead and tell me.

    Abbott: That’s it.

    Costello: That’s who?

    Abbott: Yes.

    I also heard Beck & Crew for a bit this morning and was laughing right along with them… every time the word “who” came up in a sentence someone would ask “President Hu?”

  16. SteveG says:

    The Chinese military gets a lot of funding via ownership of various industries. The USA funds its military through tax dollars, but picture a USA where the military would be a self funding diversified holding company owning light and heavy manufacturing companies, heavy construction firms, ship builders, toy makers, and tourism interests.

    I also don’t think Hu really has much of a say in what the Chinese military does with their export businesses.. or any of their businesses for that matter.

    So maybe this is a case of a Chi com military firm ignoring the affable dupe they’ve appointed as front man. Whom is Hu; affable dupe. It’s just Hu he is

  17. Big Bang Hunter says:

    – Bummblefuck kissing another foreign leaders ass?

    – Hu knew?

  18. SteveG says:

    I think his first words to the apologizer in chief were: Hu is your daddy.
    Whereupon Obama bowed and referred him to the Governor of Hawai’i’iii’

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