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November 2024


My reaction to the President’s Tucson memorial speech

…was noted here last night in the comments:

[…] you’d think Lowry would’ve known exactly how this was going to play out. Obama and his handlers essentially orchestrated a minor Sister Soldjah moment.

It was planned this way. We know this because yesterday Obama was on the phone with Sheriff Dufus commending him for his fine (dirty) work, which in castigating the Tea Party (YAY!) and right-wing radio (YAY!) set Obama up for tonight, allowing him to appear above the fray even as he was quite grateful for all the political smearing going on against the bitter clingers and their talk radio Svengalis.

And now we’re supposed to swoon [because] The Won managed to get through a memorial service without calling Rush Limbaugh a big fat dickhead, and millions of Tea Party activists “enemies”?


They gave the performance a title and handed out t-shirts.


They did.


Tammy Bruce — also not fooled by this orchestrated gambit, nor willing (and rightly so) to join in with the establishment GOP fawning over Obama’s supposed statesmenship after the President remained silent for 5 days, allowing his attack dogs to go after his political “enemies” — puts it quite bluntly:

I can hear it now! “Oh Tammy, why so political!? How awful of you!!” of course, with a death threat thrown in and some crass misogynistic swear words from the Gestapo of Love and Unity for Everyone Except Some. For people shocked, just shocked at how I’m not being more ‘compassionate’ and genteel about this “event. Well, let me explain–Upon hearing the awful news Saturday morning, within an hour–even before we knew the number of dead–Barack Obama’s gestapos moved in for the kill–the Kill of Palin and the Kill of Conservatives in this country. For 5 days Tea Party, conservative and Sarah Palin were blamed for murder. I spent the weekend, as did so many others, not being allowed to grieve but having to listen to crass political smears and libel, while defending those falsely accused of horrific complicity.

Democrat and Republican leadership sat silent, including Barack Obama, as this nation was stomped on by grotesque beasts using the dead and maimed in an attempt to add a 20th victim–Sarah Palin–to the body count. Obama may have been silent and he could be–his gestapos were doing all the work. His machine knew what to do and they moved quickly. Their Massacre Cult chose their targets and went hunting, accusing innocents of the horror of being an accessory to murder to score political points.

So don’t wonder why I’m calling the charade tonight a charade. Despite all of us being faced with the ugliness of the liberal response, we also spent the last 5 days praying for the victims and being concerned for our nation. You will also see my concern in refusing to silently acquiesce or in faux praise for one of the most bizarre displays of manipulation of a tragedy I’ve ever seen. Was the speech good? I suppose considering what we’ve been put through this weekend by the very same people, reading the phone book would have moved some people to tears. If you lurved the speech, then let’s make the speechwriter president!

Watching many on the right rush to congratulate the President for his supposedly compassionate speech, which included an ironic and hypocritical call for “civility” (NO LABELS, haters!) — after allowing his party and the media to spend five days suggesting that millions of Americans who happen to disagree with the Presidents policies were somehow co-conspirators to multiple murders, including that of a 9-year-old girl — it is clear to me why the GOP establishment and its supporters have consistently ceded ground to the progressives and to their agenda: they strive, above all else, to avoid being cast in a negative light by their political opponents. That is, they’re cowardly and cowed.

The rest of us don’t need to be.

To borrow from the execrable Kos (who, let’s remember, was one of the first of the progressive stampede to tie the shootings to Sarah Palin and the right), screw ’em. Sideways. With a halibut.

(thanks to serr8d)

102 Replies to “My reaction to the President’s Tucson memorial speech”

  1. JoanOfArgghh says:

    Now we know why the Westboro Baptist gang feels it would be redundant to attend the little girl’s funeral.

  2. donald says:

    I don’t know how to ask this, but please pray for my wife. Please.

  3. Jeff G. says:

    Will do, donald.

  4. JD says:

    He made her see again !!!!!

  5. […] My reaction to the President's Tucson memorial speech – protein wisdom […]

  6. donald says:

    Im sorry and I wont be back for a while her name is Becky.

  7. JD says:

    Donald – you have our prayers.

  8. MathMom says:

    Heavenly Father,

    Please hold Donald’s wife, Becky, in your loving care, and work in a miraculous way in her life to give her exactly what she needs right now. Hold Donald and make him strong for the days ahead. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

  9. Roddy Boyd says:

    Good luck. I am praying as I type.

  10. Roddy Boyd says:

    The minute I heard the flapping about “Blood Libel” I thought of you Jeff.
    Not on account of the Judaism but because of the forcible appropriation of the language.
    Only elite-educated Jews can use it, directed at the most intransigent Hizbollah TV stooges, and only in the context of blood…matzoh…baby parts….

  11. […] this. Watching many on the right rush to congratulate the President for his supposedly compassionate […]

  12. Carin says:

    Done, Donald.

  13. MathMom says:

    We don’t need to worry about Barky. He is unable to actually maintain civility in himself. In two days he’ll be back to bringing guns to knife fights, gettin’ in their faces, etc. You can dress him up and tell him to behave, but at his core he’s a rabble rouser, and won’t be able to stop himself.

    He wasn’t even able to stop himself last night, when he reported that Rep. Giffords opened her eyes “for the first time”.

    Gateway Pundit found the article in The Sonoran Chronicle, but they have pulled it. So, again, someone is mopping up the toxic waste left by Obama, rather than make him own his falsehoods.

    I don’t want to be cynical. I want the woman to survive and return to a full life. I don’t want the tragedy in her family to be used by Our Lord Obama for his personal aggrandizement. I wanted to simply watch a respectful memorial service, but that was not to be. The ghouls who currently inhabit the White House have no class and no shame.

  14. LTC John says:

    Waste of a good halibut. Maybe use a rotten halibut? I could get behind that.

    I’m not forgetting these past few days, just as you say.

  15. […] Jeff Goldstein: Obama and his handlers essentially orchestrated a minor Sister Soldjah moment…They gave the performance a title and handed out t-shirts. […]

  16. Carin says:

    MathMom – it was truthy.

  17. Slartibartfast says:


    Giffords is in a drug-induced coma in intensive care. Doctors frequently awaken her to check her responsiveness, and she could open her eyes and respond to simple commands Sunday – an encouraging sign, said Rhee said.

  18. Slartibartfast says:

    That kind of thing would have the bushliedpeopledied brigade up in arms, were it done by a Republican. I can’t summon much more than a mild disappointment, though.

  19. On the radio this am the audience at that speech sounded like the audience from “Married, With Children.” WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  20. Nolanimrod says:

    Don’t waste the halibut. Fugu!

  21. happyfeet says:

    hey autotune guys we need a gabby opened her eyes remix

  22. Bob Reed says:


    A Charade…

    These are charitable characterizations. This is a collosal game of good cop-bad cop with the entire nation ( ). As Tammy notes, Obama gets to float above the fray hands unsullied while his MFM and nutroot brownshirts do savage his oppostition. Then last night he swoopes in and essentiall delivers a tear-jerking anecdote about the wounded congresswoman, says we have to be more civil to fullfill a dead child’s dream, and says essentially Can’t we all get along?

    Well I’m sorry, no, no we cant. Especially after the events of the last week. Especially when you could have made this same address from the Oval office on Monday and put a stop to this. But then he wouldn’t have had such a dramatic backdrop, with the hand of Gabby’s spouse for Michelle to demonstrably grip while emoting as trained, or the parents of a dead girl to cheer for him.

    The President cynically chose to wait for this venue, to fullfill his need for an “Oklahoma City moment” as Mark Penn put it; they tried to manufature it. Complete with slogan bearing t-shirts. Who wants to bet that “Together we thrive!” is 2012’s version of “Yes we can!”…

    The whole thing made me sick.

  23. happyfeet says:

    Obama’s climbing in her window he’s waking gabby up

  24. Bob Reed says:

    May God bless and keep you and Becky, may He cure whatever affliction she’s suffering and grace you with the strength to persevere.

  25. Maybe ol’ Barry can rub some mud on her eyes.

  26. Squid says:

    …it is clear to me why the GOP establishment and its supporters have consistently ceded ground to the progressives and to their agenda: they strive, above all else, to avoid being cast in a negative light by their political opponents. That is, they’re cowardly and cowed.

    I’ve long considered it in terms of the GOP being the freaks and geeks, and the Dems are the Heathers. Which, come to think of it, would make Palin Veronica, and would go a long way toward explaining why the Heathers are so terrified that an insane J.D. will blow up their school.

    Here’s the thing, guys: J.D. was going to blow up the school no matter what. ‘Cuz he’s crazy. Veronica didn’t make him do it.

    Waitaminnit — J.D., school bleachers, antisocial behavior… Excuse me; I have a quick call to make to DHS.

  27. Joe says:

    When is Jeff going to start selling t-shirts?

  28. PCachu says:

    He’s climbin in yo window, he’s wakin yo victim up
    He gonna scapegoat so you hide the kids, hide the wife
    Hide the kids, hide the wife
    Hide the kids, hide the wife
    And hide yo money cuz he taxin errybody out there
    You don’t have to come and confess, he’ll blame it on you
    He go’n slime you, he go’n slime you
    So you can run an tell that, run an tell that
    Run an tell that Palin, Pay Pay Palin

    Yeah, I’d better stop now.

  29. JD says:

    Why do you hate me, Squid?

  30. geoffb says:

    In Oakland at their own “non-partisan memorial service” the speeches go as the left base desires them.

  31. geoffb says:

    At the bottom of that link is one to some posters which appeared in San Francisco overnight.

  32. Joe says:

    T-shirt anyone?

    And Donald, I pray and wish the best for you and your wife Becky.

  33. Jeff G. says:

    I have to have an alarm removed from my truck because I lost the dongle that activates and deactivates it. Must drive with the horn blaring like I stole the fucking thing. Good times!

    Talk at you all later.

  34. Jim in KC says:

    Hoo boy. The t-shirts were a classy move. Very classy.

    About the only positive thing I can say is that President Dipstick did a good job–for him, anyway–of making it all about him.

  35. sdferr says:

    So the republican’s take away t-shirt reads:

    We went to the Memorial and all we got was the baseless charge that our rhetoric drove a mass murder plus a command to be nice and shut up now.

  36. Jim in KC says:

    “…of *not* making it all about him,” that should say. Sheesh.

  37. happyfeet says:

    America America god shed his grace on thee
    for you have none
    your glory’s done
    a gay-assed whore are thee

  38. Mr B says:

    “I have to have an alarm removed from my truck because I lost the dongle that activates and deactivates it. Must drive with the horn blaring like I stole the fucking thing. Good times! ”

    Disconnect the battery for a few minutes? Not sure if that will reset it. But, that is the first thing I would try.

  39. bh says:

    You and your wife are in my thoughts, Donald.

  40. bh says:

    The bed intruder idea and then lyrics cracked me up.

  41. Pablo says:

    Disconnect the battery for a few minutes? Not sure if that will reset it. But, that is the first thing I would try.

    The second would be to disconnect the horn.

  42. MathMom says:

    Stuff a towel in the horn while you’re trying to disconnect it. I know this from personal experience.

  43. alppuccino says:

    I hate it when alppuccino talks about himself. But here goes.

    I’m as wound up as I’ve ever been. Didn’t hear the speech but I got the gist. I was driving somewhere Saturday when the interview of the little girl’s Mom on the radio and my sunglasses immediately filled up with tears. I then drove back and the interview with the Dad came on. Full sunglasses again. If that makes me a woman – it’s a 6′ 5″ 230 lb. Cowboy woman so that’s Mr. Mrs. alppuccino to you guys.

    The big sale is that Obama prepared a speech for an intimate mourning session and then when he walked to the podium, took out he earplugs and took off the blindfold, he masterfully pivoted in that instant, to a free form jazz odyssey in front of a festival crowd.

    Give me a fucking break. Those idiot students were cheering for Obama and his golden opportunity. He is the lost brother of Edward Cullen (h/t daughter) you know, the evil one who has no feelings whatsoever.

    Get to work Boehner. Bait this idiot-savant into more of his childish tantrums.

    And Krauthammer is off his nut about a mile and a half. Fuck him too.

  44. alppuccino says:

    Stuff a towel in the horn

    Check out Math Mom coming strong with the sexual vernacular! I dig it!

  45. My car will immobilize itself if I try and drive with the alarm on. And that sucks, because some engineering genius put the alarm siren down next to the wheel well so it corroded to uselessness right around year five. So for the past six years I have had to 1) watch and make sure that the little red light isn’t flashing faster than normal when the car is locked or my battery will be dead in no time, and 2) deal with an electronic “Hey, yo alarm’s done been busted” message on my dash for the first three minutes of every drive. The part is $300 bucks new, I’ve bought two used from a pick and pull over the years and both were as useless as mine. I’ve even once tried to set jumpers to disable the damn thing, but nothing’s worked. I miss my old car, where I could fix the damn thing by sticking electrical tape over the warning light.

  46. serr8d says:

    They gave the performance a title and handed out t-shirts.

    All’s was missing were the balloons.

  47. cranky-d says:

    I turned the rally on, but quickly blanked the audio because I could already figure out what was happening. I had intended to wait for the FauxNewz post-game analysis, but from what I’ve heard elsewhere I’m glad I missed that too.

    The left continues to lower the bar for civility for themselves, while attempting to raise it for us. They will not miss an opportunity to attempt to shut us up, because they know what passes for their ideas have long since been proven ineffective at the least and incredibly damaging at the most, and as such cannot survive in any arena in which an opposing idea appears to challenge their ideas.

    They disgust me. They have gone beyond “point and laugh” status. I’m not sure where they are now, but I consider them a serious danger to the Republic.

  48. Patrick S says:

    I’m with John on the rotten halibut. But semi-frozen, so I don’t have to work too hard. Got a bad ticker…

  49. George Orwell says:

    This was the official beginning of the 2012 campaign for Unicorn God. Judging by the reaction of most legitimate, notable conservatives, we might as well run John McCain again. Or a footstool. At any rate, the White House is his for the taking. Because it would be so…. tasteless… to seriously oppose such a historical figure.

  50. dicentra says:

    From Zombie:

    Most of you probably don’t even know that U.C. Berkeley hosts the “Center for the Comparative Study of Right-Wing Movements,” an oh-so-very serious academic department and university think tank founded in 2009 for the specific purpose of slandering the Tea Party on a permanent ongoing basis. (You think I’m joking but alas, no.) Students can now get a Bachelor’s degree in TEAPARTY=NAZI with a minor in OMGREDNECKS!

    h/t Bookworm

  51. motionview says:

    A quick note from the foremost political thinker of our time

    Although I do not believe this shooter’s motives had anything to do with the current political climate, it’s good that the media is questioning the dangerous levels that the rhetoric has reached nonetheless.

    Translation: Activity B had absolutely nothing to do with bad event A, but B is dangerous anyway. ….. Hey, look at my boobs.

  52. happyfeet says:

    Meghan’s coward daddy’s big-tittied daughter knows damn well how to pimp a tragedy – that’s how her coward daddy got so far in life

  53. alppuccino says:

    Where are we now that huge jugs don’t count for intellectual heft anymore?

  54. happyfeet says:

    whether it’s a poor brain-damaged congresshoochie opening her eyes for the first time or oil drilling permits, our dirty socialist obamawhore ruling class lies with an extraordinary facility

    The overhaul of U.S. oil-drilling regulations, while “far from complete,” won’t slow the review of applications from producers seeking to resume exploration in the Gulf of Mexico, the industry’s regulator said.*

    this is what happens when you’re supremely confident of the unwavering support of a dirty socialist media typified by propaganda whore Viv Schiller’s National Soros Radio

  55. Squid says:

    …because when you shoot a zombie, it stays down.

    What? Still too soon?

  56. McGehee says:

    Where are we now that huge jugs don’t count for intellectual heft anymore?

    Out of college?

  57. Squid says:

    ^ in the head

    Joke FAIL.

  58. McGehee says:

    …or just home from spring break? I guess it depends on the almost mater.

  59. McGehee says:

    Squid, I’ll confess (ready that denunciation, everybody) one of my favorite lines from the 2008 campaign was

    Sarah Palin for Vice President: when she shoots a lawyer, he’ll STAY down.

    Yes, I’m a bad person. What of it?

  60. cranky-d says:

    Political rhetoric is the same as it has always been. Politics has always involved martial imagery, because politics is a replacement for warfare. Anyone who believes otherwise is a damn fool.

    The left has lost much of their control of the narrative, and it’s making them scared. They will continue to throw their hissy fits whenever they are hungry, tired, or need their diapers changed.

  61. LBascom says:

    Donald, you have my prayers, stay strong brother.

    I don’t have much to say about this whole mess except: a) all the politics involved is performance art on the current use of tactics. The left projects, and the right plays defense. b) said use of politics has overshadowed the true nature of this tragedy. Intellectual acknowledgment is given to mourning the victims, passionate emotion is directed at the political.

    I think the right would be better off dismissing what the left says about them, and define themselves separate from external opinion. Like, “It’s too early to join our critics in finger pointing; let us offer our support and prayers to the victims of this evil act, and turn our sense of justice to the individual responsible, Mr. Loughner. Timothy McVeigh was dispatched in record time, but I’m sure if we all work together, we can beat that record. Begin building the gallows now!”

  62. motionview says:

    I saw this the other day but didn’t have time to do it justice. The Stranger, January 15, 2011 cover image, created by Dan Savage and Aaron Huffman, riffs on the Target map to show actual assassination attempts in the US. Epic fail, as it is clear that assassination attempts in this country come from nuts or radical leftists:

    RFK – radical Palestinian
    JFK – radical Marxist
    Ronald Reagan – nut
    George Tiller – nut
    Abraham Lincoln – opposite side of civil war
    James Garfield – nut (wannabe public employee)
    Teddy Roosevelt – nut
    William McKinley – anarchist
    Malcolm X – radical Islamist
    MLK – racist
    George Wallace – nut
    FDR – anarchist
    Harvey Milk – nut
    George Moscone – nut
    Gerald Ford – nut
    Gabriel Giffords – nut

  63. sdferr says:

    Dissenters from Obama’s sincerity are going to find themselves (once again?) in Luke’s position, taking a sap to the back of the head:

    What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.

  64. […] dicentra, UC Berkeley’s Center for the Comparative Study of Right-Wing Movements presented: Fractures, […]

  65. LBascom says:

    To expand on my comment about tactics, seriously, we gotta quit letting the left decide what we talk about. You can’t advance if you’re always fighting defense.

    Republicans need to communicate with each other, decide on a strategy, and refuse to be baited into a conversation the left wants. The right should never have participated in the political blame game, other than to denounce it. We need to play our own game, talk about what we want.

    I suggest justice for individuals in general, and capitol punishment in particular as alternative talking points against suggestions the 1st Amendment needs tweaking. Those ideas should be scoffed at and summarily dismissed.

    Others may have a better idea for which direction to take the conversation, but the point is we need to advance our own agenda, be more self contained, much less reactive.

    Anyway, that’s my two cents.

  66. Silver Whistle says:

    Motionview, you have left out the Puerto Rican revolutionary nationalists Collazo and Torresola’s attempted assassination of Harry Truman.

  67. happyfeet says:

    Mike Pence is eager to talk about abortion Mr. Lee that’s gonna help a lot with the healing and the rhetoric plus stop the genocide at the same time

  68. LBascom says:

    “Mike Pence is eager to talk about abortion “

    As are you, it seems.

  69. Bob Reed says:

    I’ve always preferred that the heft of huge jugs be manual rather than intellectual; at least since i was older than 15… But that’s just one of my own personal limitations. :)

  70. Squid says:

    I’ve always preferred that the heft of huge jugs be manual rather than intellectual…

    I’m a big fan of gas pumps, hip flasks and indoor plumbing, but to each his own.

  71. Evan3457 says:

    The only words that mattered to me in that whole stinking pile of Obama was when he called for a “civil and honest” dialogue.

    Since he believes that he and his side are “honest”, by implication, he’s calling all who oppose him dishonest….and the uncivility continues on, unabated.

    The rest is hogwash, where it isn’t boilerplate.

  72. geoffb says:

    There were also two separate attempts on President Ford. Both could be labeled “nuts” but they were both also Lefty nuts.

  73. Mueller says:

    disconnect the battery for an hour. Sometimes that will reset the defaults.

  74. […] the Bobatollah, Protein Wisdom’s Jeff G has a message for conservatives who liked – or, rather say they liked – President Obama’s speech in Tuscon: Watching many […]

  75. Danger says:

    “…pray for my wife. Please.”

    Priority CASREQ enroute to UCOM big D

  76. Danger says:

    “that’s Mr. Mrs. alppuccino to you guys.”

    As long as you keep sendin em down range I’ll keep applyin the don’t ask don’t tell policy;-)

  77. Danger says:

    “As are you, it seems.”

    Ok I’ll have to give ya that one Lee but now get back on the line with the pointy end down range! ;-)

  78. guinsPen says:

    Amens and continuings.

  79. Jeff G. says:

    Troglopundit had some questions for me. I answered them there, but let me do so here, as well. Asks Troglopundit:

    Here’s my question for Jeff: what if you really did like Obama’s speech? Should you still be critical of it, to avoid looking “cowardly and cowed?”

    No. You likely either already are cowardly and cowed, or else you haven’t been paying attention to what’s gone on the last 5 days.

    And if you are critical of it in order to avoid looking “cowardly and cowed,” then aren’t you actually being “cowardly and cowed?”

    Yes. So be critical of it because it was cynical and opportunistic, and because the hypocrisy larded in the thing would choke a hippo.

    Anything else?

  80. […] My reaction to the President's Tucson memorial speech – protein wisdom […]

  81. Blake says:

    Jeff, I posted the following at Troglopundit:


    Context matters.

    If our President did not have a track record of being cynical and opportunistic, then yes, give him a pass.

    Also, the speech, as was rightly pointed out, happened after 5 days of some of the worst over the top rhetoric I’ve seen since President Bush was in office.

    Again, in isolation, the speech looks great.

    In context, the speech looks bad.

  82. happyfeet says:

    the speech left me with the impression that bumblefuck would cheerily violate his slut mother’s corpse if he thought it would get him some good press


  83. McGehee says:

    OT: Just got an email from donald; he asked me to thank everyone for their support. His wife is still in ICU and he says it could be a couple of weeks before we see him back here. So if we can keep bending Bos’n Higgs’ ear and offering cheese to the FSM, etc., it won’t go unappreciated.

  84. happyfeet says:

    what’s wrong I hope she gets better quickly

    the ICU is a scary place and they usually limit your time there visiting

  85. Jeff G. says:

    I think you’re spot on, Blake.

  86. sdferr says:

    As one of the three slobbers on the set, let me say I find it interesting that only the ruling class wants a president who is smart, articulate or oratorical in delivering funeral oration,” Krauthammer said. “It’s an odd and condescending view of what rest of America is looking for in their president.”

    Dr. K has opened himself up to a pretty sharp rebuke tomorrow, which is relatively uncharacteristic of him. It’ll be fun to hear it come down though.

  87. bh says:

    It’s sad actually.

    To state that Obama isn’t what others pretend is to disavow those same imaginary qualities? This isn’t the sort of rhetoric that people hang around the forum to marvel over.

  88. Merovign says:

    Late as usual, but for Donald and Becky – inbound!

    I was in the ICU 9 months ago and I’m still recovering.

  89. Silver Whistle says:

    McGehee, if you’re in contact again with Donald, let him know I’m pulling for him.

  90. Mueller says:

    Very scarey.Becky and Donald are in our prayers.

  91. McGehee says:

    what’s wrong I hope she gets better quickly

    He didn’t say what happened. The “maybe in a couple of weeks” part worries me greatly.

  92. happyfeet says:

    that’s a long time in the icu

  93. happyfeet says:

    stupid avatar

  94. McGehee says:

    I’m hoping “two weeks” is only a worst-case, and that most of that time she’d be recovering and not in ICU. But not knowing what happened makes it hard to know what to expect.

  95. donald says:

    Good morning, things have settled a little bit.

    My wife fell a couple of days ago, she hit her head, there is a problem around her eye socket and there was some bleeding in her brain. The hospital has been in a stripped down mode for the last several days due to the winter weather (Still no dish at the house) and aside from monitoring the bleeding (There is none), really weren’t doing much about it. The surgeon was due in today. When Becky’s mom got down I was ok to get home and sleep, which is almost impossible for me on a normal day. He ended up coming when I came home last night. The bleeding is fine, no damage, but they’ve got to operate on her eye socket when the swelling goes down which they hope is tomorrow. If they operate, then actually she’ll be home on Sunday assuming all will be well, but it’s going to take a while to recuperate. That’s what I meant when I mentioned a cople of weeks last night. She is being transfered to whatever kinda room they put you in when they’re waiting to operate.

    I’ve done a piss poor job of being by her side for many years. I’m gonna be with her for a while now and over do it the other way.

    When I wrote that post yesterday, as I mentioned to Mr. McGeehee, I’ve never felt that bad in my whole life. It was super early, I really couldn’t call anybody and I’d been up for a few days (I mean it when I say I can’t sleep) and I really knew nothing about what was happening. When I did feel I had to do something, this is where I did it. I knew my typical idiocy would be over looked and kindness would come. I needed it, still do and I thank yall.

  96. Pablo says:

    Aw shit. Big prayers for Ms. Becky.

    Again, in isolation, the speech looks great.

    In context, the speech looks bad.

    That. As a stand alone thing, and considering what it was intended to be, it was a very good speech. In context, that tells us that Obama is getting better at what it is he’s doing, and that is worrying.

    It won’t fix a goddamn thing, but it will give the illusion of having done so. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen “X didn’t get the President’s message” or some such, as if well crafted, well delivered, yet utterly empty paens should suddenly reset American political discourse.

    Is there a soul in this country that thinks it would be wise to consider what a 9 year old girl wants America to be and then strive to be that? Call me crazy, but that sounds like it would be really, really pink. And probably fuzzy with kitties and puppies everywhere. And yet, Baracky sold that shit.

  97. Pablo says:

    That sounds less than terrible, donald. Good luck, good health and good times. Polish that apple, brother.

  98. McGehee says:

    I’m gonna be with her for a while now and over do it the other way.

    Good man.

  99. Blake says:


    Heres wishing a speedy recovery to your wife.

  100. Blake says:

    Jeff, once in a while, I have my moments.

    Sometimes I feel like that Winston Churchill quote: “A modest man with much to be modest about.”

    I’m now denouncing myself for bringing up that warmonger, Winston Churchill.

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