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September 2024


Under the bus

Why, it’s almost as if one could find a theme emerging with this President…

109 Replies to “Under the bus”

  1. router says:

    I think even i could photoshop something like that. by the way did the fighter jets take the picture?

  2. Makewi says:

    Can we get the One a new sign for his desk? I’m thinking something along the lines of “The buck stops down the hall, 2nd door on the left.”

  3. Jim in KC says:

    by the way did the fighter jets take the picture?

    No, silly, they lack the opposable thumbs necessary to operate the cameras…

    Being O’s friend is not much better than being his enemy, it appears.

  4. happyfeet says:

    McCain has called the incident an “Air Farce One photo op.” (Intentional misspelling)

    It’s this impactful substantive no holds barred initiative what could have made a difference if people had seen this side of media whore Meghan’s coward daddy during the campaign I think.

  5. baldilocks says:

    Recorded by AFOne’s blackbox: “Drop a bomb on that bitch!”

    “Sorry, Mr. President, but a 747 is a transport aircraft and, therefore, does not have such capabilities.”


  6. The Monster says:

    ‘Zo will have to update Under My Bus

  7. bh says:

    That produced an actual laugh out loud, Baldilocks.

    Someone should photoshop the picture with those lines in speech bubbles.

  8. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Makewi on 5/8 @ 5:06 pm #

    Can we get the One a new sign for his desk? I’m thinking something along the lines of “The buck stops down the hall, 2nd door on the left.””

    Buck? What buck?

  9. pdbuttons says:

    i do[nut] want to[he do]
    start[he did! he did!]
    butt/ as the only two time losere to
    the turrtle/ a mr. bugs bunny.,..
    what have you say to the last shred of
    kinda love my skin
    your kind?….

    ” Eh… what’s up, doc?”

  10. router says:

    where’s the flight manifest?

  11. pdbuttons says:


    no f8cKin” sshee-ite…
    manifest ….

  12. pdbuttons says:

    u must muster your
    eyebrows and sideshows/mon’ amie?

    haikus be my Fort

  13. Darleen says:

    It is duly noted that one person gets fired over this on a Friday afternoon and the poodle MSM can pretend to lick its neutered nether regions over the weekend as the story dies.

    Yeah, fer shure, the White House knew nothing of this escapade.

  14. pdbuttons says:

    in the park…
    i wish it was the cinco de moo moo

  15. Molon Labe says:

    That sure is some stunning photography. Had to get it just right to get that reflection from the F-16 canopy in the frame. And love the hint of F-16 fuselage in the lower right. Artistry like that doesn’t come cheap.

  16. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    “where’s the flight manifest?”

    With his transcripts and birth certificate. I really couldn’t give a shit about the birth certificate thing, but you know.

  17. Pablo says:

    You know what? That nitwit needed firing. Too bad Baracky wasn’t ready to do it on Day One.

  18. Pablo says:

    where’s the flight manifest?

    Malkin has an FOIA request in. Stand by.

  19. router says:

    come on o! man make the trains run on time:

    As any DC-bound commuter can attest, MARC has a rather casual relationship with its schedule. Surely, the only thing more frustrating than some unexplained one-hour delay is the prospect of standing the entire way because MARC had to cancel an earlier train. This happens with all the rarity of an Orioles pitcher getting hammered by the competition, which is to say pretty often.


  20. router says:

    did the trees in nyc have that much green two weeks ago?

  21. router says:

    me i’d like the air plane radio communications for this outing

  22. pdbuttons says:


  23. Chairman Hussein says:

    It’s a crappy photo, to boot. I could do better with a $200 point-and-shoot. Just think what you could do if you had $400k.

  24. pdbuttons says:

    DO U KN

  25. pdbuttons says:

    the wheels on the bus
    go ’round and rund

  26. Y-not says:

    Don’t worry. Caldera has tenure. I’m sure he’s glad to get out of that sinking WH ship.

  27. serr8d says:


    The wrong one, though. Shame, that.

  28. The Monster says:

    Buck? What buck?

    Ahem. Any use of the word “buck” in conjunction with a black man (other than the late John “Buck” O’Neil) is raaacist. I denounce yourself.

  29. bh says:

    The “buck” has become somewhat quaint, anachronistic. “The wheelbarrow of worthless, hyper-inflated Obama bucks stops here”, sounds more timely.

  30. router says:

    please it is “trillion buck” obama

  31. bh says:

    Last time I lived through the late 70’s my mother dressed me like a tiny plaid pimp.

  32. gus says:

    You psuedo Conservative dimwits STILL don’t get it. The AIRCRAFT was not JOY RIDING without PEEPS inside who needed a FREE JOYRIDE.
    That info is PRICELESS. What the fuck is wrong with you people. Opie just left his tiny tiny balls open to be kicked and you aren’t kicking.
    WHO THE FUCK WAS ON THAT PLANE. That is the issue here. It’s GOLD.

  33. bh says:

    You know what else is GOLD? Gold. Right after the IMF sells their inventory, I’m in.

    Nishi, take note, you know what’s cool? When the Chinese adopt bi-metallism and the US dollar comes in as silver.

  34. cranky-d says:

    Is gus our new crank? I didn’t get the memo.

    Take a few weeks off and… nothing changes, really.

  35. serr8d says:

    Of course Air Force One leaves the ground without passengers, at times. For service test flights, that sort of thing. On this flight, probably just the aircrew, some off and on-duty Secret Service types, but not any one of political significance. Or so I’d guess.

  36. Rusty says:

    Calm down, gus. Otherwise it’s going to be a very long 4 years.

  37. SBP says:

    People will do amazing things to cover the boss’s ass if they know he’s got their backs in turn, but if they know he has no problem throwing them to the wolves, Things Change.

    Thus far Obama has avoided the consequences of that management philosophy by always failing upward. He’s abandoned every job he’s ever had after at most one or two years, leaving the disgruntled underlings behind.

    There’s no “upward” to fail to from here, and I don’t think President Greenhorn has the slightest idea of just how miserable career Washington bureaucrats can make the President’s life, if they so choose.

  38. “Hey, it’s just an airliner being pursued around lower Manhattan by a couple of fighter jets. What could go wrong?” Teh stupid, its lowering massiveness oppresses my spirit…

  39. urthshu says:

    Got some people here I’d like under a bus.

    Fools were out blowing off a buttload of very large fireworks, which sounded like they were shooting out of a mortar. My dogs were going nuts. Anyway, now the police and fire departments have just arrived….

    Maybe the civil war started. Hang on, I’ll look out the window….

  40. serr8d says:

    id the trees in nyc have that much green two weeks ago?

    That particular copy of the photo has had post-production work (the saturation is turned way up, a few tricks with the lighting as well.) See this (lefty) photojournalism site for a comparison of two recently published versions.

  41. urthshu says:

    Nope, nope, just idiots. Good thing, too, ‘cuz I’m doing my laundry. God, how embarrassing that would be, hunh?

    “What did you do during Civil War 2, daddy?”

    “hrm. laundry.”

  42. Pablo says:

    Is gus our new crank? I didn’t get the memo.

    Could BE. I don’t reaLLY KNOW. I’ll LOOK into IT and GET BACK to you.

  43. router says:

    did the fighter pilots take the picture?

  44. serr8d says:

    methinks Gus is moby, just recently arrived from ginning up BIRTH CERTIFICATE! agitprop, somewhere where ever that’s still done.

  45. serr8d says:

    yep, router, unless the Russians have even better spy satellites than we ever imagined. )

  46. SBP says:

    Gus, you didn’t by any chance used to post to Usenet as Robert E. McElwaine, did you?

  47. McGehee says:

    Buck? What buck?

    Reminds me of a “Tale of the Tape” comparison I saw years ago (how many, will become clear), comparing the then-current president with various predecessors.

    Harry S. Truman: “The buck stops here.”

    Bill Clinton: “Buck? What buck? I didn’t see a buck. Leon, you know anything about a buck?”

    Apparently one need only change “Bill Clinton” to “Barack Obama,” and “Leon” to “Rahm,” for it to still be true.

  48. McGehee says:

    It’s GOLD.

    I didn’t know Kramer had a brother named Gus.

  49. router says:

    it is a 747 and 2 fighters. who took the picture?

  50. urthshu says:

    49 – Photoshop.

  51. B Moe says:

    Harry S. Truman: “The buck stops here.”

    Barrack Obama: “Buck? Who you calling a buck you molded, mildewed, decrumpeded old motherfucker?”

  52. router says:

    49 – Photoshop.

    no who took the picture? the fighter pilots no.

  53. urthshu says:

    Oh. I thought fighters had those nifty automagic cameras on ’em.

  54. cranky-d says:

    Could BE. I don’t reaLLY KNOW. I’ll LOOK into IT and GET BACK to you.

    I’d appreciate that. I am SO out of the loop these days. No one tells me anything.

  55. cranky-d says:

    Well, so much for my html skilz.

  56. geoffb says:

    gus, #18, it’s being looked into. Om, calm.

  57. Larry says:

    I’m betting this is one of the fighter pilots’ personal snapshots of the event.

  58. psycho... says:

    Is gus our new crank? I didn’t get the memo.

    Hey now. I’m proteinwisdom’s eternal crank — its Ur-crank, only crank, and all-crank — but the new kid has a point.

    That picture is not the picture. It’s the one Larry bets it is. There’s a reflection in it. And Jersey. Photographers don’t make those mistakes. Tourists do.

  59. Rusty says:

    It will be interesting to see what M. Malkin digs up on this. My money is on obfuscation all the way.

  60. […] to Protein Wisdom homepage « Under the bus  |  Home  |   May 9, 2009 Organizational & Structural […]

  61. LTC John says:

    #37 – I think the CIA lifers have already sent their not-so-veiled warning (via Pelosi getting shown to be a less than truthful memory recaller).

  62. SarahW says:

    Poor Lady Liberty under the one’s airbus.

    It made her poor heart tremble
    To think she loved a ONE
    And be proved deceitful.

  63. geoffb says:

    In a link at the American Power site to WCBS-TV the caption under the photo, the same one linked here to the LA times, is

    “This is the official photo taken from the flyover of a presidential aircraft over New York City that caused a panic on April 27.
    White House/AP “

    Which leads to the question(s) posed by Larry #57, psycho #58, gus #18, and artfully stated by Molon Labe #15. Restated.

    $357,012 and all I got was this one lousy photo of ‘Jersey?

  64. meya says:

    Is this really an ‘under the bus’ moment? The guy fucked up and he’s let go. What shall we prefer happen?

  65. N. O'Brain says:

    ““What did you do during Civil War 2, daddy?”

    “hrm. laundry.””

    Better than shoveling shit in Louisiana.

  66. Sdferr says:

    The guy fucked up

    Yeah, that’s it. Perfectly summed there. The one guy. That’s all you need. [dusts hands] Finito.

  67. SBP says:

    The guy fucked up and he’s let go

    “The guy” who was let go wasn’t the one who fucked up, SFAG.

    Notice that we still don’t know who was actually on the plane or who approved the flight.

    Notice that the stated mission of the plane (“publicity photos”) does not jibe with the evidence we’ve seen (one crappy photo).

    But do continue to spin.

  68. geoffb says:

    In any collective there is always “that guy”.

    The Emmanuel Goldstein can’t be done without.

  69. SBP says:

    Put a sock in it, SFAG.

    Don’t you realize by now that I’m not going to play your dishonest game?

  70. geoffb says:

    Rule Number One.

    Our Great Exalted Leader is always, and in all things, perfect.

    Rule Number Two.

    When shit happens that might lead to there being questions about the leader’s perfection, someone else must fall on their sword, and everyone must chant Rule Number One, aloud, for all to hear, until the abnormality in the force passes.

  71. B Moe says:

    Caldera was Director of the White House Military Office, meya. Somebody in Public Relations gave the order for the photo shoot, not the White House Military Office. Even you can’t be this thick.

  72. JD says:

    Meya is only a douchebag on days that end in “y”.

  73. N. O'Brain says:

    A caldera is a collapsed volcano.

    There’s a lesson there, somewhere.

  74. B Moe says:

    And a maya is a collapsed civilization.

  75. Ric Locke says:

    meya —

    He won, remember?

    Well, the prize in that competition is to be in charge. Even those of us who don’t think every stuffed animal and faux-crystal goblet in every garage sale in the United States needs to be vetted by the President will cheerfully concede that he’s supposed to be in charge of the White House and its denizens.

    “In charge” means something. Actually, it means a lot, but at minimum it means either knowing what’s going on or making sure that there is a subordinate who knows what’s going on. One of the primary skills required of a manager is the selection and training of subordinates — the manager isn’t expected to make low-level decisions, but he is supposed to select and train subordinates who would make the same decisions he would if the matter were presented to him.

    So we have two possibilites here:

    1) Obama knew about (or suggested!) the so-called “photo op” and approved it. In that case, he is capricious and thoughtless, displaying a reckless disregard of the welfare of people below him;

    2) Obama knew nothing of the “photo op” until after it had occurred, in which case he has the management skills of a Chihuahua on crack and no effective control over what is putatively his staff.

    Pick one. You and the rest of the Leftoids and Obamadroids seem to have selected door no. 2. It is not complimentary to The Won™.


  76. B Moe says:

    Modern bureaucracy seems almost like a Peter Principle v.2, Ric. You can rise far above your level of incompetence if you master the art of avoiding any and all responsibility.

  77. Matt says:

    Ric’s got it. One thing I learned early on is it is NEVER(tm gus) your staff’s fault.

    Obama’s response “I didn’t know about it”. He can organize your communities but air force one schedules is above his paygrade. A real boss, manager, whatever would take the heat for it. At this rate, Obama is running out of people to throw under the bus in the first year.

  78. Ric Locke says:

    It occurs to me that there’s one other possibility, though it isn’t really distinct. Call it 1B: Obama is a good manager who selects subordinates who are just as reckless, thoughtless, etc. as he is.


  79. B Moe says:

    It’s never your staff’s fault in the real world. I am talking about government bureaucracies, not the real world.

  80. Ric Locke says:

    In the Benignity of the Compassionate Hand (sf writer Elizabeth Moon’s Familias series, highly recommended) the Chairman of the Board is an absolute dictator. He is empowered to direct the assassination of a foreign Head of State, but doing so is a confession of incompetence — he should have managed diplomacy, spies, saboteurs and the like well enough that it doesn’t come to that. Incompetent Chairmen are beheaded, whereupon the headsman stands in the room where the Board of Directors meets until they elect a new one.

    Ms. Moon is ex-military, Marines I think, and my age or a bit older. In the group where we were discussing this, dominated by unapologetic Leftists of various stripes, my suggestion that the author may have observed LBJ demonstrating why that principle exists was not well received.


  81. Rusty says:

    It is the presidents plane. The presidents plane does not go anywhere unless the president knows about it. It is a matter of national security. Really, maya, you find nothing wrong with the way this country is going?

  82. meya says:

    “Pick one.”

    I really don’t think presidents ought to have to keep track of where their airplanes are and whether they are being flown right. I think they should have staff competent enough to keep those planes doing the right thing. And when they fuck up, they should face the consequences. Even if they do a heckuva job otherwise.

  83. SBP says:

    Meya, you don’t even believe your own bullshit.

    Don’t expect the rest of us to believe it, m’kay?

    This guy didn’t authorize this mission on his own.

    Didn’t happen. You know it. We know it.

    Why don’t you just give it a rest?

  84. router says:

    I really don’t think presidents ought to have to keep track of where their airplanes are and whether they are being flown right.

    otard is a lazy bastard.
    jimmy carter could keep track of the tennis court times:

    He would leave for a weekend at Camp David laden with thick briefing books, would pore over budget tables to check the arithmetic, and, during his first six months in office, would personally review all requests to use the White House tennis court.


  85. B Moe says:

    I think they should have staff competent enough to keep those planes doing the right thing.

    Yes, that is a large part of the President’s job, hiring a competent staff. Would you say his staff acted competently in this case? If they didn’t, wouldn’t you say Obama didn’t do a very good job hiring them? That he fucked up, even? In which case:

    And when they fuck up, they should face the consequences.

    Starting to get the picture yet?

  86. Molon Labe says:

    Here’s the official White House photo.

    I note that the file has been photoshopped because it contains distinctive tags “JFIF”, “Ducky”, and “Adobe” in the file header. (Google those tags to see why that is a signature of Photoshop).

    Any EXIF data that might have identified the model of camera has been removed from the file.

  87. geoffb says:

    Ah yes, and it is a beautiful view of the “Liberty National Golf Club” and Interchange 14b of I-78. Jersey City, West Bergen, and Greenville too I believe. Marvy.

  88. serr8d says:

    Here’s my post-production version. Post air pollution, mostly.

  89. serr8d says:

    Molon Labe, I didn’t see that in this online exif viewer. And it’s a good one.

  90. serr8d says:

    Oh, the ‘Ducky’. I see that now. Photoshop uses the JPEG APP12 “Ducky” segment to store some information in “Save for Web” images. I’ll bet the original image wasn’t a .jpg file. If it was, we was robbed.

    Well, that goes without sayin’…)

  91. […] here at the official White house site (h/t Molon Labe in comments). Well, of course it’s bad; New Jersey is visible, and we’re ready to cough […]

  92. Molon Labe says:

    @serr8d #90: I used a hex editor to examine the file.

  93. Molon Labe says:

    It’d be neat if someone with Pshop skills could try to enhance the canopy reflection. I’d like to see the pilot revealed holding up his cell phone.

  94. Rusty says:

    Obama isn’t reponsible for anything his staff does? Got it. OK. Then. You’re fired.

  95. Rusty says:

    A little lesson in leadership, maya. When your staff fucks up, your responsible. When your staff does good, they’re responsible. There is no leadership at the Whitehouse. Just a petulent little marxist who is having fun at the taxpayers expense. Now fuck off.

  96. Gates said the cost of a jumbo jet that is used as the president’s plane was estimated between $300,658 and $328,835. The cost of two accompanying F-16 jets was $28,177 for a maximum….

    …total of $357,012. The idea was to use the April 27 flight for publicity pictures that included the Statue of Liberty and the New York skyline.

    What’s with the ellipses?

  97. Rusty says:

    Here, maya, let me help you find your carkeys.

  98. Rob Crawford says:

    The way I heard it — and have tried to apply it — is that you may delegate authority, but can never delegate responsibility. Thus, Obama may have given an underling the authority to arrange for the fly-over, but he cannot pass the responsibility to anyone else.

    We’re not talking about people dozens of steps down a chain of command; we’re talking about people nominally in the same building, working for him and even chosen by him.

  99. B Moe says:

    People who had the keys to Air Force One.

  100. Pablo says:

    We’re not talking about people dozens of steps down a chain of command; we’re talking about people nominally in the same building, working for him and even chosen by him.

    Had He left the White House Military Office headed by a military officer, there’d be a reasonable argument that absolved Him of responsibility. But instead, He decided to toss the military out and install a political appointee. Which leaves this square in His idiot lap.

  101. geoffb says:

    “Had He left the White House Military Office headed by a military officer, there’d be a reasonable argument that absolved Him of responsibility.”the whole mess would never have happened in the first place, or the Officer would have resigned when ordered to do such a stupid thing.


  102. geoffb says:

    I should say that is precisely why he did put a political civilian appointee in, is that he wanted complete unquestioning obedience. That rather than competence is the first, second, and third requirement for all appointments in this White House.

    Management by suck-ups generally sucks for everyone. Except the boss, for awhile. Obama has always been gone before “awhile” happened.

  103. Mark A. Flacy says:

    The WHMO person was a West Point grad. Class of 1978, I believe.

  104. geoffb says:

    I thought some one said he was Harvard grad, and a tenured professor. Former military, long ago.

    Years of service 1978-1983
    Rank Captain

    Under Bush the guy was career Military Raymond Spicer.

  105. Pablo says:

    He’s all of the above, and he’s been lawyering for the last 20+ years. But above all else, he’s Baracky’s guy. Or he was until he wound up under the bus.

  106. Slartibartfast says:

    Wait…didn’t Bush waste a whole lot of taxpayer dollars flying himself out to an aircraft carrier? Wonder where the folks who screeched about that are, just now? Silent, it seems.

    He only wasted about a quarter as much as this little fiasco.

  107. Slartibartfast says:


    Need more coffee.

  108. […] UNDER THE BUS FOR YOU! — Why, it’s almost as if one could find a theme emerging with this President …. […]

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