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October 2024


This Just In [Dan Collins]

Via Hot Air, hot chicks screw around more, more likely to dump one:

Dr Kristina Durante, a psychologist and author of the report, said: “Physically attractive women receive more male attention and, when in relationships, are more likely to be the targets of mate poaching. “Attractive women also have especially high mating standards.

“Because it’s difficult to obtain a partner who is a good provider and also has good genes, women often have to trade off between having a long-term mate who provides continual material resources and more physically attractive, short-term sexual partners with good genetic resources.

“However, highly attractive women demand greater amounts of both types of resources in a male partner, in addition to good parenting and partner skills. Thus, physically attractive women may not only have more alternatives but also high standards that are difficult to satisfy.

“Accordingly, they may have fewer reasons to be committed to any particular partner if higher quality potential mates are available.”

Many a man has found to his cost that no woman likes to be told she is ruled by her hormones but oestradiol is linked to female fertility and reproductive health.

Previous research has shown oestradiol, which is similar to testosterone in men, fuels a lust for power with single women and those who are not on the Pill particularly vulnerable to the vagaries of the sex hormone.


55 Replies to “This Just In [Dan Collins]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    People what are exceptions to this sort of template are really hot I think.

  2. Sdferr says:

    Huh. I had heard a redheaded woman made the choo-choo jump its track. Now this. What to do?

  3. happyfeet says:

    Meaning guys what can befriend a woman that’s attractive without “poaching” and women what are attractive but what provide for their own self. Those people are what are hot I think.

  4. Sdferr says:

    Isn’t poaching that thing where you heat the eggs up slowly before they know what’s happening to them and thus fail to jump out of the water? They’d get very hot.

  5. happyfeet says:

    oh. NG, who is hot, expressed concern that cause next week we would be in NY we would miss the inauguration. I can’t explain why exactly but I don’t know what to do with that sentiment. Is it the historicalness or the popculturalness or is that just something one says these days? The closest analog maybe I have for that is I remember watching the wall come down in Germany on the tv and everyone about me was a lot indifferent and I was all having a moment. Maybe that’s what next week will be like for NG.

  6. Bob Reed says:

    The researchers at the University of Texas suggest these women engage in “opportunistic serial monogamy” – being open to flings and moving on to a new relationship if a higher-quality mate becomes available.”

    The heretofore elusive, “Looking for Mr. Goodbar” gene…

    At least in the 52 women who participated…

  7. Mr. Pink says:

    Welcome back Hap. Does this article help you figure out why you are surrounded by hot chicks?

  8. Jeffersonian says:

    Whew…and here I thought she was just a slut.

  9. Bob Reed says:

    There are folks that are dear to me that were enamored with, or otherwise came to support, the one; for whatever reason thay are people whose feelings I don’t wish to hurt, or to engage in contentious political argument with…

    When they gush over the historical hopey-changiness of it, I smile and tell them I’m happy for their joyful experience…

  10. thor says:

    Look Maggie, buggies!!11!!

    And they’re praying!!

  11. happyfeet says:

    Hi Pink! I mostly agree Bob but I keep enthusiastically telling them and we can spend our way out of recession!. I got that from my friend T and it hits just the right note I think. It will never again I think feel so good not to be them I think than now and I’m gonna make the most of it. That might be one of those it makes sense in my head things.

  12. happyfeet says:

    What I mean I think is there will be no joyfulness in I told you so later, but for now it’s kind of fun to be not on board.

  13. happyfeet says:

    I won’t even look it up but the meme what floats about (Mr. Reynolds seems to flag it a lot) that says Baracky’s centrism will delight the right and dismay the left is I think willfully retarded as the days to the passing of an unprecedentedly wasteful trillion dollar abrogation of sensibility dwindle.

  14. Bob Reed says:

    You’re right happy,
    Later it’ll be no fun to rub it in, especially if times are reaaaalllly bad…

    But to not be on board with it all; it’s like being part of a secret society or something…

    Must be a real secret society in Kaal-eel-for-nee-yah; I don’t even think Gov. Aaah-nuld is part of it!

  15. dicentra says:

    “opportunistic serial monogamy”

    One of those words cannot abide the other two. Guess which?

    Previous research has shown oestradiol, which is similar to testosterone in men, fuels a lust for power with single women and those who are not on the Pill particularly vulnerable to the vagaries of the sex hormone.

    Methinks there’s a verb missing from that sentence. But I don’t care enough to figure out what it might be.

    As for the topic of the article, like Taranto says, what would we do without research? Hot chicks have their pick of the lot and can trade in the old one for a new model whenever she wants? Whereas the plainer chicks tend to be grateful that they got anyone at all?

    Isn’t that pretty old wisdom?

    And doesn’t it also apply to wealthy/hot men? I mean, when I see a hot guy, I automatically assume he’s a narcissistic jackass, and I figure I’m usually right.

  16. happyfeet says:

    Yes! That’s how I feel exactly. It’s a different inflection on it than outlaw, though I like that one too. It’s an idea more of really embracing the idea that these people just won’t listen. I’ve been sort of in catchup mode so I haven’t seen a lot lately but has anyone remarked on how really beautiful it was for President Bush to make Baracky beg for the 350 billion? McCain would never have thought to do that. This is why he’s an ineffectual impotent loser.

  17. Bob Reed says:

    Dicentra you make a very good point; this is not a new story…

    If it were, I’d be tempted to correlate it with the Hegelian, “God is dead…”, and the rise of secular humanism and the existentialists…

    But, it was around before all of that; some folks are simply always going to be looking to trade up!

    But, if it’s any consolation, as time goes on, if they are even one iota introspective, you have to believe they begin to be worried about being traded in themselves; especially if they dumped a contemporary for a younger partner…

    That or descend into the depths of lake me. Destined to narsissistically mirror gaze, or live out a Nora Desmond kind of twisted perception of reality…

    There is always justice in the end, one way or another…

    Best Wishes

  18. happyfeet says:

    I watched this guy at Coffee Bean the other day. He was outside at the next table from us. So this blazingly hot girl with an ass-hugging minidress thinger on walks in gets coffee comes out and makes a call. This averagey guy is trying to make eye contact and smile and all that, and then you see the lightbulb go off. He walks over to his really nice BMW and pretends to get something from it. Minidress looks at him, shuts her phone, and walks off. BMW guy turns to watch her leave, glances over at our table and sees me watching the whole thing, gets in his BMW and drives off, leaving about 3/4 of his iced coffee in the cup on his table. He was embarrassed even though it was sorta admirable brave what he was about I thought, even if not particularly realistic.

  19. Bob Reed says:

    Although many may never have the intellectual honesty to admit it, they’re gonna come to repect Boooooosh! for what he has done to keep us safe as well as the dignity he showed in never publicly bickering with his critics…

    As the lemmings run to go over the cliff, just smile, wave , and tell them “after you!”…

  20. dicentra says:


    It’s like being a Time Lord, watching history go by when you already know how it will turn out because you visited the future and it’s funny to watch people pitch themselves headlong into a vortex of “we should have known better.”

    Or maybe it’s like being a Time Lord and knowing what’s coming and it’s not entertaining at all.

  21. Bob Reed says:

    Depending on the hot-ness scale, he might have needed muuuuuuch more than a BMW…

    Maybe a Bentley or something, or a new rap album coming out…

  22. Sdferr says:

    Seems to me I read a story very much like this one a few years back, though it was about female sparrows in Britain rather than humans. And their pair-bonds were said to be particularly nervous about turning their backs on their mates, jumpy and suspicious they were.

  23. Patrick Carroll says:

    I despise women – as mates.

    Twice-married, and well on the way to divorce number two, I see American women as bonbon-popping ne’er-do-wells looking for someone to support them forever.

    Renting pussy by the hour is cheaper than marrying it.

  24. Patrick Carroll says:

    Oh, and a lot more satisfying.

  25. Bob Reed says:

    Patrick, you sound a bit jaded, friend; but, to each his own…

    Best of Luck…

  26. Lt. York says:

    Patrick, the trick, I believe, is choosing correctly in the first place…

  27. lee says:

    when I see a hot guy, I automatically assume he’s a narcissistic jackass

    There’s a safe statement, a hot guy that isn’t a narcissistic jackass is too modest to acknowledge you are speaking about him, and one that is doesn’t care what you think.

    Not finding an argument doesn’t make your assumption a wise one, I’m sorry to say. Judging people by their looks seldom is.

    Oh, and in that vein, Clint Eastwoods Grand Torino is awesome. I highly recommend it.

  28. dicentra says:

    when I see a hot guy, I automatically assume he’s a narcissistic jackass

    Look, it’s worked for me so far: I’ve never dated a hot guy. Pretty cool, huh?


  29. Salt Lick says:

    It’s like being a Time Lord, watching history go by when you already know how it will turn out because you visited the future and it’s funny to watch people pitch themselves headlong into a vortex of “we should have known better.”

    For me, it brings to mind that scene in “Independence Day” where the city folk go to the roof of the skyscraper to worship the wonderful glowing space ship bringing enlightenment from outer space.

  30. Carin says:

    I’ve dated hot guys. In college, I dated a guy so hot, chicks would hit on him RIGHT in front of me.

    Life it too short to live with that kind of never-ending drama/stress.

    Funny, though, we never see studies regarding how well the marriages are for these types of people.

  31. Carin says:

    And, as a side note — the best looking was the most disappointing in the sex department.

  32. Pablo says:

    This is pretty simple. Super hot girls can always find someone (else) to utterly spoil them (at least at the outset, best behavior and all) and the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. This doesn’t mean that a hot girl is predestined to cheat on you, but it certainly raises the probability.

    On the other side of the coin, hotness, like any other novelty, wears off. There’s only so many times she’s gonna drop your jaw, so if you’re looking for a happy, satisfying LTR, there had better be something more than her stunningness motivating you.

    On the other other side of the coin, ugly lasts forever.

  33. Dan Collins says:

    Ugly Lasts Forever sounds like a James Bond movie.

  34. Pablo says:

    It would also be a great name for a rock band.

  35. Dan Collins says:

    Long-term relationship, Carin. Geez, don’t you ever read the Harper’s personals for yuks?

  36. Darleen says:

    Renting pussy by the hour is cheaper than marrying it.

    Well, there’s your problem. You thought you were marrying a pussy rather than a woman.

  37. Darleen says:

    if you’re looking for a happy, satisfying LTR, there had better be something more than her stunningness motivating you.

    Everyone gets old … if you can’t see yourself and your partner holding hands while giggling together over each others grey hairs and wrinkles, you’ve picked poorly.

  38. Dan Collins says:

    Dar, would you do the heavy lifting today? I’ve got to prep to teach my wife’s class.

  39. MAJ (P) John says:

    hf – #18 warmed up my sub-zero little Chicago self… oh, and check your yahoo e-mail please.

  40. MarkD says:

    I think this is true, but at least slightly damaging to my ego. Being dumped several times by the same flake implies that I am not the ne plus ultra of manhood. How can that be? Now I can just blame it on her hormones. Back in the day, I figured it must have been drugs, booze, brain damage, or insanity. She did have nice hooters, which fits the description of the oestradiol rich women. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted but not worth the drama.

  41. MarkD says:

    #38 Darleen. Yes. Except for Mrs D, who is older now but still cute. She’ll still be cute when she draws Social Security, which isn’t all that far off actually – let’s say O could still be in office.

    I am a lucky guy. I married cute, got wonderful and cute. I think she’s got bad vision too, because she thinks I’m good looking.

    Well, somebody wins the lottery.

  42. Bob Reed says:

    Looks don’t guarantee happiness; look at the awful divorces of many Hollywood starlets and sooooooper! models…

    Just like an accent that you find cute in the beginning eventually may wear thin…

    Trust me when I say that right now, some fellow is fed up with the duper model he’s dating and planning to dump her…

    So you single guys, well, you’ve got that going for you!

  43. geoffb says:

    “Or maybe it’s like being a Time Lord and knowing what’s coming and it’s not entertaining at all.”

    Though satisfying when you are younger, the saddest words you ever hear, from those you care for, are “you were right”.

  44. happyfeet says:

    That’s genuinely poignant and well expressed I think.

  45. Sticky B says:

    I read it on a tshirt or a bumper sticker or somewhere. And I’m paraphrasing somewhat.

    No matter how drop-dead gorgeous a woman is, there’s some guy, somewhere, who’s sick of putting up with her shit.

    I assume the inverse is true.

    Like my old offensive line coach in college used to say: “A good wife is like a good fullback trap play. The good one’s ain’t always pretty and the pretty one’s are often not very good.” At the age we were at that time, we couldn’t have disagreed more. And his wife was a serious butterface. But the older I get, the more wisdom I see in his words.

    And you can always do it in the dark.

  46. geoffb says:

    Thank you and welcome back happyfeet.

  47. Silver Whistle says:

    I’m average in bed, but I do cook a good breakfast.

  48. Alec Leamas says:

    Eh, the best counter-strategy is to take a woman over your knee early in the relationship. Women don’t stray from men who are men, ’cause there ain’t that many of them.

  49. kelly says:

    Over your knee, huh? Is that in the Kama Sutra?

  50. Bob Reed says:

    Over your knee, huh? Is that in the Kama Sutra?


  51. Alec Leamas says:

    “Is that in the Kama Sutra?”

    No, the Smacka Butta.

  52. Bob Reed says:

    No, the Smacka Butta.”


    Alec! Don’t you realize that corporal punishment is so…so…so…RethugliKKKan!

    And if you’re not talking in the context of punishment then it is sooooooooo Hollywood!

  53. Alec Leamas says:

    Spanking is so … so … so hot! So says the wimmins what are hot.

  54. Tommy says:

    Like Nash said, “None of us go for the Blonde”. Of course, this was just before Feynman left with both the blonde AND all of her friends.

    Poached by Physicists

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