Patterico’s wondering what people think Obama’s going to do that’s so bad, in the first month, year, and term. I don’t want to send you all over there all day, though. So be sure to dump your predictions in the comments here.
I’m concerned about what he’s already accomplished, making the press a propaganda instrument, lying and hiding essential information, and pretty much ensuring that we are not going to see any reasonable campaign finance reform in my lifetime. Have at it.
Oh, the title? I heard on NPR that Stevie Wonder’s going to perform “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” at the inauguration. I was thinking, wait, “I’ve done a lot of foolish things/That I really didn’t mean” is going to be performed?
NOTE: Outlaws don’t want their communities organized for them.
To repost what I said at HotAir:
I predict that Patterico will predict that, since Obama is such a Good Manâ„¢ he won’t do any of the things he said he’ll do even though he’s got a free ride from the media, a big thumbs up from the controlling party in congress, and the opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court justice or two. Lots of power concentrated on one side of the aisle supported by a substantial portion of public opinion – what could go wrong?
TheUnrepentantGeek on November 14, 2008 at 12:39 PM
Here’s a general prediction: an Obama administration is going to make us look back in yearning and nostalgia for Jimmy Carter.
He will signal the end of nuclear weapons by destroying all of America’s arsenal. Then after that show of good faith, China will ask for us to make good on the loans before Russia blows us up.
MUG’S GAME. so don’t play.
I wouldn’t let this guy organize my sock drawer.
“What Can Brown Do To You?”
I don’t think he’ll do much at all. In fact, I expect him to be the least effectual President evah, Warren Harding most pointedly not excluded.
What he will be is the affirmative-action “front” for Pelosi, Reid, et. al. If anything they do works, they will crow and appropriate the credit. Anything that doesn’t work will be attributed to Barack (Hail the Messiah, all ye with Voice) Obama, on the ground (as I said on the other thread) that he can’t be expected to be competent.
What the Hell is up with this headline?
who dresses stevie wonder? not that’s trust
about cartier- he won’t go away- won’t go away!
plus the press covers any thing he does like the second coming
“look! jimmy carter put a tool belt on!
look!- he’s at coretta scott kings funeral speaking truth to power!
while the ‘MAN’ is sitting there!”
look- he just took a
[ research department-is that a hammer or a nail?]
he just won’t go away
prepare for obama … he’s a fixture
he ain’t never going awa
What the hell is up with the headline, Christoph?
We don’t want government to do things for us. We just don’t want them to do things to us.
See, Obama is… oh, nevermind. I’ll just go ahead an denounce Dan for you.
I don’t predict the future worth a shit, brown or not. What I’m skeered he’s gonna do is create an economic environment that encourages money to haul ass outside the jurisdiction of the US govt as fast as it possibly can. Creating a sucking noise on my retirement plan that will make Ross Perot’s warning sound like a soda straw trying to compete with a scramjet. And I’ll end up working 70 hours a week until age 70. Instead of traveling the country in the RV of my imagination.
What can Brown do to you? Sorry, this triggered an old movie association.
I’m on your side on that, obviously, but if you didn’t mean it in a racially tinged way, it could sure as heck be interpreted that way.
Christoph it is a play on words. Have you ever seen the UPS commercial “What can brown do for you”? Obviously if it is not about partial birth abortion or slamming on Patterico you appear lost.
Within two years, Obama will sign legislation requiring that contributions to 401(k) funds come from after-tax income. Further, this legislation will state that any gains made within a 401(k) account must be reported annually as income to the IRS. Unless you can document 100 hours of
corveécommunity service each year. And genuflect weekly in the local Temple of Obama.No matter what Dan says, since he’s white (and a Republican) it’s automatically
racist“colorist.”Is shit, now I have to denounce myself.
“#Comment by Christoph on 11/14 @ 1:28 pm #
I’m on your side on that, obviously, but if you didn’t mean it in a racially tinged way, it could sure as heck be interpreted that way.”
You’re. An. Idiot.
Yes, of course I’ve seen it. I got that. The question is, why call Barack Obama “brown”? unless there’s some other reason other than his skin color that I’m missing.
Ok, nevermind. Here’s the gun. Now just chamber a round — don’t worry, nothing will happen — ok, good, now you have it…….fine, release that button there, no, don’t worry, everything’s ok……good, well done
Considering how Whitey created AIDS to kill of blacks, I just thought I’d go post-racial, too.
Do you speak english?
Just in case you live in a part of the world that isn’t served by UPS, the headline is a play on their ad campaign of the past couple of years which asks, “What can Brown do for you?”. My Mexican-American friends all think UPS is racist for assuming that a brown man has to do all the damned work.
I can change “Brown” in the headline to “Sunshine,” if you prefer.
In addition to FOCA, card check, Fairness doctrine, National ban on handguns-or de facto ban by taxing ammo out the wazoo, Repeal of the defense of marriage act, no tax cuts-at all-save for higher rebates to those that don’t pay already, and countless other flawed policy measures he has promised the nutroots during the campaign, I predict the following…
1) Within 18 months he will have thrown Israel under the bus, with respect to Iran and her proxies in Syria and Lebanon; because thay are an apartheid! state with repect to the Palestinians, and favor outsized responses to attacks from the proxy states. He’ll cast it in the same light as he did the whole Russia-Georgia thing, calling for both parties to stand down…
When the Isrealis refuse, he’ll have his pretext, and under the bus they’ll go…
As a result, before 2012, there will be a nuclear exchange in the middle east…
2) By 2012 He will also de-rail missle defense much like Clinton did with the Superconducting Supercollider. He’ll lie, and say that the system is simply too far from perfection, and state that we need the money to rebuild our armed forces ( a white lie-I denounce myself in advance). Faced with budgetary pressure, he’ll follow Barney Frank’s suggestion and cut the defense budget by at least 25% in order to fund more important entitlements-because of the fairness…
As a result, the Russians will resume their intimidation tactics on the EU-after rolling tanks into the Ukraine and former Baltic states. Of course, Obama’s response will again be to mutter vapid platitudes that will sound like the geopolitical version of Rodney King’s, “Can’t we all just get along?â€Â. As an added bonus to the military and economic intimidation by the Russians, the EU will also face threats from Iranian missles; because without our assistance and bunker busting nuclear warheads the Israelis won’t be able to completely destroy the Iranians dug in nuclear program…
Voila, cold war II with an Iranian twist, brought to you by O!…
Unfortunately, that’s change you can believe in!
And the mere presemce of Rahm Emanual will not change O!s response in either case…
Finally, I believe that before 2012 there will be another major terrorist attack here at home. And this scares the bejeebers out of me because I live in NYC! It will be some kind of NBC weapon and will occur as a result of some Clinton retreads taking charge at DOJ Homeland security…
God help us all, I hope that my tinfoil hat has been too tight while writing these. But you asked, and I provided…
Good luck to all…
Rahm Emanuel’s dad’s glad he’s not an Arab, though.
Of course I speak English, Mr. Pink, and Dan Collins just confirmed the headline is indeed a play on race: UPS uses brown because of their uniform color and Dan Collins uses Brown because of Obama’s skin color and an admittedly clever play on words from the UPS ads.
It’s in poor taste and brings discredit on what are serious reasons to oppose Obama, to with the potential loss of liberty (as seen by his commenters) Patterico’s post refers to. If Patterico had been writing about the “Whitey” quotes at Obama’s church then it might fit.
As it is, no, it doesn’t.
Homiette don’t play that game.
It doesn’t matter what you change it to, Dan. We all know what you really mean. Despite what you actually write.
*to wit
Jeebus Christoph, you need a meter installed or something.
Yeah it has been making me laugh out loud for the past 9 months of this stupid campaign to hear anyone opposed to O! get called racist by others that are excusing this dbag sitting in a racist church for 20 years.
Example Bill Clinton “Jesse Jackson won South Carolina too”
Rev Wright “God damn the USofKKKA whitey invented AIDS”
O! supporter “Rev. Wright is a good man whose statements were taken out of context of 1000’s of hours of sermons. O! only knows him thru his church which he doesn’t attend reguarly and when he does he also wears earmuffs. Also Rev. Wright used to be a marine blah blah blah”
Dan, sorry for calling you a Republican. Just wanted to get that out there.
I’m sorry, but as a typical white person, I don’t really understand the outrage, Christoph.
Outrage is pushing it, but I think it brings discredit and even derision on what may have otherwise been a valid point you were making.
So we have to ignore Obama’s skin color now?
Is it going to be skin color egg shells from here on out? Does Obama ignore his skin color? Does any black man feel awkward about his skin color? Obama’s skin is brown. There’s no escaping that. I think the headline is in good taste. No more whispering. “Don’t look now but a black man just walked in the door.
Why? Is he not brown?
Sarah Palin has a tanning bed, you know.
………no, really, what could go wrong?…….oh, wait, you have to be careful which way you point that thing — no no no stop, don’t be looking down the barrel to see if there’s anything in it — no, what do you mean do I think you’re stupid?, no, wait a minute, keep cool there…… and please don’t wave that thing around like that. Pheeew, that’s better.
“So we have to ignore Obama’s skin color now?”
Yes, basically. I don’t see why you need to make that sort of headline out of it. It can’t possibly help.
I thought the headline referred to Brownshirts.
“It’s in poor taste and brings discredit on what are serious reasons to oppose Obama,”
I am not sure about this whole “OUTLAW” thing I keep seeing pop up on here but I am pretty sure that most outlaws are not into political correctness. IMHO
Were you aware that New Orleans is a milk chocolate city?
‘Tis why I sought to clarify rather than accuse. Dan Collins’ comment #21 clarified.
I think i agree with many commenters… poor headline. But i don’t Obama is going to do anything in his first month or year of office and maybe that’s the worst possible thing. The liberal illuminati have set him up as a hero but i don’t think he will do much if anything early on. We shall see.
Here’s a band called Hot Chocolate.
I don’t really use Ray Nagin as a role model. Besides — Patterico’s post has nothing to do with race, it’s about potential loss of liberty. Anyway, you can write what you want, obviously.
I hereby nominate Christoph for hall monitor. He gets to wear a pink sash emblazoned with gold letters reading “Ummmm!!! I’m Telling!!!”
And yes, “pink” is a RAGING CODEWORD OF DEATH!!!!!!!
Is “brown” a race? News to me.
I like the headline. WTF I do not see anyone getting mad when PDiddy throws a “white” party.
Christoph you remind me of a “typical white person” who is scared he will be labled as a racist.
Mr. Pink, the truth is I rarely if ever see the need to bring up people’s color.
I don’t know about brown, but his civil service army can get its ass over here and install a storm door.
once upon a time they had a race
‘tween the great good post office and those nasty racist ups-fedex
white male oppressive dudes
and though exit polling did seem to favor those nasty nasty fuckheads from ups
who- by the way-dressed like brownshirts-
were winning
all was made right by the one!
and kids-it’s a lie that there was ever a nap-time or a recess
back to work!
all was
The rhetorical jars, or, why they fret: 20/02/2008
Where everyone wonders, does she know something that we don’t know? But why would they wonder that?
So Dan Collins is a racist and Patterico is an unprincipled liar. Christoph by any chance did you write the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”?
Yay. Did you get your haircut yet? Will we get to see?
Mr. Pink, I went out of my way over and over again to say I didn’t think Patterico lied. It was Jeff G. who said he thinks Patterico knows Obama is not a decent man, but told his readers the opposite of what he believes.
But you still mischaracterized what I said.
And no, I didn’t say Dan Collins is a racist. I said the headline undermines the point he’s making and distracts from it. It is distasteful and irrelevant.
Proof of haircut life, so to speak.
Carnegie Course fail. Take that, Lileks.
I am going to post a shorter version of what I posted over there.
1)Change the election rules, to add more democrats and more voter fraud.
2)Restrict free speech, either by “independent” mob action, or hate laws.
Foreign and economic policy decisions maybe disastrous, but they won’t fall within the category of being an example of the evilness of Obama. Though they may help in his efforts.
Yes. Baracky’s skin color is irrelevant. I’ve been saying that for months, but people keep on reminding me that he’s “black” and that he’s tried hard not to seem like a sellout, by gravitating to Marxists.
delete “all was”
sorry for my tardness
not tardiness like my delicate fair leader who told
me my checks in the mail/ be patient/ the post office is on it we will track down you and you will recieve your rightful chits and we may deduct a small fee for our diligence in tracking down said check
but with accrued penalties and interest on said check your bill comes to – %*#$&@#$% –
failure to pay said amount by yesterday will amount in a burlap tax
cuz i like the word burlap and i said it in a sentence
and said penalties
and fines
Hell, when I look at Baracky, I don’t see our first “black” president (aside from Clinton, who’s prolly screwed more “black” pussy), I see our first Marxist president.
1. Freedom of Choice Act: In Saddleback Church, Obama told Pastor Warren he would pursue policies that would lessen the number of abortions. Now he plans to take tax dollars from working Americans and use them to pay for the abortions of foreigners.
2. Fairness Doctrine: If the Feds could do fairness, then NPR and PBS would be the fairest of them all. Let them practice on them first. Hush Linda Wertheimer before you Hush Rush.
3. Disarmament: Reagan saw SDI as a way to possibly eliminate nuclear weapons. But Obama has pledged to eliminate both weapons and SDI.
4. Gun Control: Despite the blackout by the Anti-Information Media, conservatives know about Obama’s gun-banning ways. They have been buying guns in record numbers. Liberals however don’t need a gun, having hired Obama to rob people through the tax code.
Dreams from My Narcissistic Marxist Alcoholic Kenyan Metal-Legged Polygamist Father.
Here’s a top contender cover shot for a new OUTLAW’s Rules of Civility” pocket book. *
I can’t help but think of happyfeet
Is it racist to loathe red instead of brown?
Yes, I totally agree with you, that’s why I, like EW, don’t like the headline.
Prickly little bastard he is………..
This is a crazy world we live in when someone that has these two reactions in one election cycle can be elected president.
Don Imus “Nappy headed ho’s”
Obama “He should be fired”
Rev. Wright “White people invented AIDS to kill black South Africans.”
Obama “Hey Rev. pass the collection plate.”
It’s pretty clear that he was chosen for the content of his character. And if you disagree, you’re a RACIST!!!
Because, personally, I don’t notice skin color.
“Because, personally, I don’t notice skin color.” Which is also RACIST!
I predict Obama will replace Antonin Scalia with someone particularly lefty.
Causing dozens of right wing pundits to comment, “Elections Matter.”
How he/they will do it I don’t think they are even sure of yet. The left tends to act then see if the results are what they desire, then push onward with what has shown gains. Old Soviet Union Army tactic.
What they will do is insure that there will never be any chance of a repeat of 1994. All opposition is to be neutered, permanently.
“Comment by Christoph on 11/14 @ 1:39 pm #
*to wit”
Too witless.
It’s as bad as calling someone British.
“Comment by Christoph on 11/14 @ 1:45 pm #
“So we have to ignore Obama’s skin color now?â€Â
Yes, basically. I don’t see why you need to make that sort of headline out of it. It can’t possibly help.”
Help WHAT, exactly?
Christoph – What other words should we remove from our vocabulary?
Why doesn’t anyone ever call Baracky half white?
Is it racist if I order a black and white milkshake?
Admittedly I need to hang out over here more often…….but can y’all help me out with deciphering this pdbuttons cat? What am I missing?
I enjoy an eclectic sumbitch as much as the next Jeffile, but I can’t help but think that there’s more here than meets the eye with this one. Or maybe not. Anyone? Buehler?
I should add that what I said was domestically meant. It is the international scene and actors that will prove to be the biggest monkey wrench in the left’s machine. Lots of other sociopathic narcissists out there.
Yeah, denounced as a tool for the monkey wrench reference.
Speaking of racist, I just saw this ad on Nick Jr. for a Mega Rigs in Space toy. It’s this space shuttle looking thing, but it also comes with a flying saucer and a green space alien. The ad tells you to “shoot down the alien, pack him up, and ship him back where he belongs!”
Sending aliens back where they belong?!?!? What are they trying to tell our kids!??!??!?!?
I don’t know that answer N.O’Brain, but I do know I’ve gotten some funny looks back from ice cream store attendants when I’ve done that very thing. Heavy on the chocolate, please……….
Sticky B I agree with you but some of the shit PD says is just freakin hilarious. It is like playing some wierd ass game of Sudoku though trying to figure out the point half the time.
In Saddleback Church, Obama told Pastor Warren he would pursue policies that would lessen the number of abortions. Now he plans to take tax dollars from working Americans and use them to pay for the abortions of foreigners.
Yeah, but those foreign babies who don’t get born won’t be getting knocked up/knocking anyone up and needing abortions, see… He didn’t lie, he was just speaking above our comprehension.
OTOH, if you think those foreign babies should be born (and thus need an abortion later), you’re a racist and a hypocrite.
Why doesn’t anyone ever call Baracky half white?
That’s reserved for posturing Harvard professors.
hi ho hi ho it’s of to oreo
hi-[does tap dance] i’m tappy!
hi-i’m weezie- i need health care!
drum roll please…
hi- i’m nappy! and i’ll be working for you!
hi-i got big ears-the better to rifle thru ur files[tappety tap!]
hi-i’m grumpy- the republican
hi-i’m towelly-anybody want to get high?
and there was another dude in the mix
but he had a big gun and he didn’t want to be photo-
or quoted
i’ll just call him….
Me = pd buttons fan
But . . . “nappy”?
Ward Churchill thought he was Native American, so he should be entitled to casino revenue.
Baracky’s only Halfrican, but he took Fullfrican affirmative action benes.
oh, I thought nappy was just a euphemism for sleepy, so what’s to denounce?
I suddenly want an Oreo Blizzard.
I like to ask for chocolate soft-serve. Can I still do that?
Nappy is certainly out.
You live in Milwaukee, Heather. Why are you talking about ice cream when you could have custard? Live it up, girl.
we are all denver!
mile high
i think we could make a bitchin’ joke involving
three or four peeps
the lack of parachutes
hey- i’m a ‘concept’ guy
you fuzzy wuzz the details
Ward Churchill thought he was Native American, so he should be entitled to casino revenue.
And maybe restoration of his ancient plagiarism rights, too.
I’m going to host a Nappy-Headed Hoe Down.
Of the many pdbuttons comments this was priceless.
It was okay to call Michael Steele and Condoleeza Rice an Oreo, but it is racist to call a Halfrican an Oreo? I just want to be clear on this.
Why were there only 49 contestants in the “Miss Black USA” contest?
Nobody wanted to be Miss Idaho.
Here’s what I think Obama will do:
“I think he will damage this country with bad policies. He’ll raise taxes and appoint rotten judges. He will weaken our fight against terror. At times, he will use shady political tactics to achieve all sorts of wrongheaded, far-left goals. Pretty much what any Democrat would do as President.”
Patterico pretty much summed it up for me.
Just so long as it’s the cookie part talking, JD.
Water’s boiling!!!
Dan, they don’t have cookies-n-cream until next week…
sleepy is our commander in chiefy
don’t go niggardly in ur comeback
cuz comeback was a famous injun[ native]
and he deserves ur respect for the tough director who played poker with him while they were on a photo shoot to make that commercial about polluted riverways [epa-thanks nixon]
and he made him cry
so just bet red
Every time I meet a brown person, I involuntarily pee my pants. This is troubling mainly b/c my family has so many mixed marriages.
it’s funny sad -acide
that when i write nappy
meaning-i thought -quite correctly
lazy-i’ll be working for you-joke- lazy peeps don’t work!
and then to have someone come out of the fog…
i am now picking out my show trial outfit
any ideas
[besides the gag]
@ #27 and other points
This snip from our host’s “Outlaw Speak” on 11/6 ought to sum it up.
“When Bill Bennett was attacked as a racist, many conservatives were quick to get out in front of the issue and suggest that, while they didn’t believe Bennett to be a racist, he was reckless nevertheless in allowing himself to be depicted that way by opportunistic progressives. And it was at that point that they ceded greater control of language to those who seek to use it dishonestly and cynically as a bludgeon, and in doing so, sent the signal that such was an effective way to control conservative speech. Bennett, you’ll recall, went out of his way to make clear his intent. But we were told that others might misinterpret that intent, and so Bennett was to blame for putting himself in that position.”
Essentially what just happened at #27.
Palmetto – Good catch.
Because, personally, I don’t notice skin color.
Good luck retaining your position as Camp Counselor next summer Dan.
pale – anemic, in shock
red – feverish
blotchy rash – poison ivy
Green – seasick
yellow – jaundiced
brown – most awesome camper ever! Has a way about him. Transcends ordinary camp activities
Hmmmmm, patterico won’t reload fer shit right now. anybody else having trouble with the page load?
Palmetto @113 —
Um. Yes. I’ve seen it before. It does that. Often.
Offended? Tough shit.
Here’s a quarter. Call somebody who cares.
It was okay to call Michael Steele and Condoleeza Rice an Oreo, but it is racist to call a Halfrican an Oreo? I just want to be clear on this.
It probably is racist, but more importantly I think it’s incorrect. I believe the word you are looking for is zebra.
Jeez, didn’t you watch the Jeffersons?
That does it. I’m not going with brown anymore. From here on out it’s gonna be shitstain.
febuary be black history year!
oh snap
leap of faith year
Is mook a shortened version of mameluke? Cause that’s what Patterico is doing today, the job of a mook.
“What Can Brown Do To You? [Dan Collins]”
Its like you’re the teen that gets the keys to the car and first chance you get you stick the pedal to the metal.
by Christoph The question is, why call Barack Obama “brown� unless there’s some other reason other than his skin color that I’m missing.
That’s not racist.
This is racist.
This is PIE!!11!!1!1!!
The main thing I worry about is BHO’s threat to the 2nd Amendment. The squirrelly little bastich wants to shut down every state’s concealed carry laws, just as a warmup.
And, because gun sales are through the roof, we’re all RACISTS!
This country is in mortal danger from within and without–from a brown persons, from person who wallow in brown substances and from person who wear brown torso garments.
As a very brown person myself, I really couldn’t give a shit about Dan’s headline.
brown just the color of my underalls
turned inside out
browns just a clown]
who raps palia-arch-chee [sorry sp?]
brown just the flavor
of ur hate
whitey cracker
And from brown people who are too upset to make sense.
“This country is in mortal danger from within and without–from brown persons, from persons who wallow in brown substances and from persons who wear brown torso garments.”
will he take my gun that i have to put in
rolls that have these little gunpowder buttons [HI BUTTONS ]
and they go pop- and make me excited?
that’s ok
but don’t take away my male dolls
don’t even think about it!
browns just a college
a college makes degrees
i’d like to please /get a degree
cuz it’s made of paper-right?
and i really gotta wipe my ass!
greys is the new brown
someone sometime said something somewhere
hey- buttons
u want to go out on my boat this weekend
and i flippily
dippily replied
do u need someone to help u row?
#4=robert oar!
I just noticed that the comment #103 I posted as I was leaving for work for some reason doesn’t go to the right comment. It goes to #121 and I was linking to #140. Strange.
The only other thing “brown” references to me is from the novel “The Mote in Gods Eye” where Browns were the engineer class of Moties.
it’s gonna take an ocean
of calamine lotion
he’ll really do you in..
once you talk about the color of his skin!
well we’re moving on up!
to the east side!
to a deee-luxe something in the ground floor [i’m a
stair a phobe!- but thats my serengeti bing bong roots
ROOTS i say]
yeah all my half uncles/third uncles/people who bagged my shopperies[i’m lookin at you ben affleck!]the guys and dolls asked me 4 money and kinda did a half break dance thang
[oh snap- i hope they didn’t pass out? is alchoholly a bus a prob in the inner[ahem] city?
i mean cuz the guy might have tripped/and
i have empathy!
go obama!
i am going all four for
[they gotta kinda be funny]
once upon hitlers lap
a german sheperd named blondie did nap
so warm was the fuzz of his muzz
dear adolph said bite goeebell[sp] other foot!
hi ann coulter
would u walk my dog?
woof woof!
[ssssh- i gots the plastic thing garbage bag]
Dan, just give the man what he wants. He just too shy to ask you to re-title it, “What can a misshapen Canadian tease with a penchant for freestyle soap opera do for you?”
and as the fine
brown ash
comes tinkle tinkle down
from the heavenly be-bop sky…
i turn and sigh..
with a twinkle in my eye
and sly sly sly
wave a buh bye
whitey fuck!
crosses be made of wood
wood be brown
they’re our crosses now!
a fine hockey stick bears the name”christian brothers”
and they is a dude from boston
who played hockey like no other…
don’t leave me hangwang!
finally eated the last of the cocoa cat peeps 2nite.
mmmm, chocolate kittehs.