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March 2025


“Why McCain Goes Easy on Fannie and the CRA” [updated]

From James Pethokoukis, US News and World Report:

Here is what Team McCain is telling me: Expect McCain to make the case on television, but don’t look for him to turn to Obama in the next debate, point his finger, and say something like this (courtesy of the Ace of Spades HQ blog):

I stayed away from making these partisan attacks, even though you lied ridiculously about me and your own attempts at 'reform.' I held back, because partisan attacks—even truthful ones—would harm our country and reduce the chances of getting a vital bill passed. Well, the bill is now passed. I put country first. You didn't, and you lied on top of that. And now—only now that this crisis has been dealt with, to the extent we can—I'm going to give you a bit of straight-talk about Fannie, Freddie, my attempts to reform it, and your attempts to block reform on behalf of your big donors and friends in ACORN.

Nope, that is not going to happen Why not? 1) It is a complicated argument, and McCain is not good at making complicated arguments, not even about earmarks. […]


[…] bottom line: The McCain campaign is underestimating how absolutely furious conservatives are that free markets, and by extension Reaganomics and the last 25 years of American economic policy, are getting the blame for the housing and credit crisis. A real morale killer, they tell me. Over and over. Every day.

If, as I noted earlier, the McCain camp continues to misplay the crisis, they will almost certainly lose this election.

Recall that my early arguments for why I wouldn’t vote for John McCain — which I went on record with at NPR — boiled down to his willingness to do the job of Democrats when it came to demonizing conservatism and playing Godhead of the nannystate.

This entire “predatory lending” hobbyhorse his campaign is now whipping has a proximate cause — not to mention a number of prior jockeys who were in charge of keeping the horses properly (and legislatively) blinkered.

McCain cannot be willing to sell out the market for votes — even if he’s concerned that mention of Democratic ties to certain legislation that precipitated the current crisis could be construed (incorrectly) by the American people as somehow racist.

After all, it is his job as candidate for President to make the case firmly and cogently, and to use any attempts by Democrats to race bait to segue into that candid “dialogue on race” Obama was supposed to be leading us through in the first place.

Time to step up, McCain. Using big business as a convenient arch criminal for every crisis is why most conservatives mistrust you. Earn your support. Otherwise know that even if you do manage to become President, you will have done so on the strength of the Anybody But Obama vote.

(h/t Dan)

see also, “What Leadership Looks Like” (h/t Terry H)

update: Just a reminder:

110 Replies to ““Why McCain Goes Easy on Fannie and the CRA” [updated]”

  1. TmjUtah says:

    […] bottom line: The McCain campaign is underestimating how absolutely furious conservatives are that free markets, and by extension Reaganomics and the last 25 years of American economic policy, are getting the blame for the housing and credit crisis. A real morale killer, they tell me. Over and over. Every day.

    In last nights debate thread, I believe one of my first groans came from Palin toeing the McCain line on this.

    I’ll vote McCain. But that’s just me, and it,s PURELY a vote against Obama.

  2. Jeffersonian says:

    In last nights debate thread, I believe one of my first groans came from Palin toeing the McCain line on this.

    It was that moment that I walked out of the room.

  3. Sdferr says:

    “…Otherwise know that even if you do manage to become President…”

    Even worse in the “otherwise” category (as you clearly hint with “why most conservatives mistrust you”), we will know that if McCain becomes President the general economic welfare of the United States will be in the hands of a man who disdains nearly everything about it.

  4. psycho... says:

    You don’t get $26,000,000+ from Big Money by not saying it’s a bad boy who needs a gubmint whipping. That’s the talk — and the vote — they’re paying for.

  5. Silver Whistle says:

    Every day, in every way, McCain makes me realize I am voting against the socialist, not for the maverick. What a plonker.

  6. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Well the bill is passed, and Palin more than lived up to her part, so now we’ll all get to see if McCain is serious about winning this election or not. If he keeps playing this hands across the world nice guy game, hes done, and it wouldn’t really matter who he was running against.

    – We should see what hes going to do soon enough in the next week or two.

  7. rjvtx says:

    Not sure if we walked out at the exact same moment — for me it was when Palin said, “You know what I had to do in the state of Alaska? I had to take on those oil companies and tell them, “No,” you know, any of the greed there that has been kind of instrumental, I guess, in their mode of operation, that wasn’t going to happen in my state.”

  8. kelly says:

    So let me get this straight. Giving mortgages to people with no money down with low interest rates is “predatory”? What’s it called when you plunk down 20% and finance the rest at 6% for 30 years?

  9. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:


  10. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    He’s Bush part 2. Not in policy, but in marketability and PR. Yes, I know Bush won twice, but his administration was absolutely terrible in making a case. Any case. Again, I know the MSM was his foil, and a large one at that. But the presidency is a bully pulpit. One that President Bush failed to use time and time again.

  11. Sticky B says:

    I can’t imagine much straighter talk than to sit in front of a camera and tell America exactlly what Franklin and some of the rest of the boys have been up to over the past couple of years, and what bho’s relationship has been with them. And how much money he’s recieved out of the deal. I’m thinking that straight talk express thing is a bit of a misnomer. He’s only willing to “talk straight” if he’s attacking to the right.

  12. alppuccino says:

    ACORN has a new program designed to get persons who’ve been in a coma all their life a mortgage.

    The application process takes 30 seconds and approval is a snap of the fingers.

    ooh, that was insensitive. DON’T TROLL HAMMER ME!

  13. panther girl says:

    Any chance McCain doesn’t actually want to win? Perhaps he got in this just to keep the Repubs honest and was as surprised as anyone when he was the last one standing. Now he keeps saying, “oh shit! oh shit!” That, or he’s gullible enough to think that “nice guys” can win.

  14. kelly says:


  15. kelly says:

    I’ll take the “gullible” line.

  16. urthshu says:

    Any chance that Obama just wanted to do a practice run for 2012?

  17. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Oh, and the NY exchange is sitting around -150 so far, post bailout bill, , so apparently the early money doesn’t think Congress got it right – again. If they have a plan “B” they better start thinking about it seriously.

  18. Bob Reed says:

    I’ve gotta think that he hasn’t hit the nail squarely up until now for a couple of reasons:

    1) Just like Jimmy P says, McMav was in the middle of tryin’ to look all bi-partisany, and steal O!s reach across the aisle, post-partisan thunder, so that he would be free to beat him over the head with it once the bill had actually passed.

    2) The left was already tryin’ to portray him as the deal breaker with their whole silly meme at the end of last week. He didn’t want to reinforce their arguments about him having injecting partisan presidential politics into the construction of the bailout bill.

    3) The debate last week was supposed to be about foriegn policy. Jim Lehrer already used the pretext of the proposed Paulson plan to steer the debate onto the economy and the economic crisis, just as I predicted perspicaciously, for the first half of that debate. Realizing that would occur, I have to believe that he calculated that the less controversial his statements, the shorter shrift the subject would get, and the more the debate could focus on foriegn policy.

    I have to hope that Mav was keepin’ his powder dry and waiting for just the right moment. Now that the bill has been passed by both houses, and he has endured enough of O! and Joe distorting the facts about his record and trying to brand him as a typical eeeeeeevil RethugliKKKan de-regulator, he will take the opportunity of the next debate, where the topic is the economy, to unload on O! and the Democrats about their role in the GSEs failure. Perhaps as a bonus he’ll use the chance to work in ACORN and Ayers…

    I don’t think he’ll say it like Ace envisioned, but with a more matter-of-fact tone. After all, he has to also avoid reinforcing their crotchety old man meme…

    That said, I can almost fantasize about the way ‘Cuda could have dropped that bomb on Joey B. last night. She did set the stage for Mav to pick up the ball and run with it Tuesday though; when she rebutted Joey on the de-regulation talking point. Let’s hope Mav takes that ball and runs straight up the gut!

  19. kelly says:

    Anybody but me pissed off that the $700B price tag was essentially pulled out of their asses?

  20. Eric says:

    I’m also voting against BHO because I fear what he’d do to the Supreme Court. Just as the teachers unions got more education funding to be a constitutionally guaranteed right in NY, I suspect BHO will appoint judges who will try to do the same.

    But man! How I wish McCain wasn’t so Bush-esque in his willingness to help Democrats pass their legislation. I do hope he wins because it has been my lifetime since their was an attractive politican for heterosexual men anf I’m ready to enjoy watching a politican.

  21. Ric Locke says:

    Let’s hope Mav takes that ball and runs straight up the gut!

    Will. Not. Happen.

    McCain will go to his grave — figurative or literal — extolling cooperation, collegiality, congeniality, and Going Along to Get Along, and will congratulate his opponent on a “great contest”. And he really believes that.

    Lucy will always jerk the football away, and Charlie Brown will always trust her the next time. Hello, President van Pelt.


  22. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Here comes Arrrrnold, asking for a 7 billion dollar bailout of California. Maybe Congress should just give the money directly to the unions and skip the middle man. That way they can skim off the vigorish, and then buy some more Barney Franks to keep the circus going.

    *(The banks can’t lend Ca; the money it needs to operate, they don’t have it with this credit freeze. Cal has enough futures revenue to cover the bills. Liquidity is killing everyone.)

  23. B Moe says:

    If McCain gives Obama and Frank and those sonsabitches a pass on this I am voting for Obama. Let him fuck shit up royally and then cut Palin lose from that old fool and run her for President in ’12. If we are going to have Democrat policies coming out of the White House let the Democrats own them, putting McCain in there and letting the Dems blame their own foolishness on the Republicans is just madness.

  24. alppuccino says:

    How many superpower economies were brought to their knees due to Richard Armitage’s outing of Joe Wilson’s wife? Because it rated 10 Nostrils on a the Henry Waxman scale.

    Yet the Fannie Mae scandle barely registers a nose hair.

  25. alppuccino says:

    Scandle being a Sketchers new line of footwear.

  26. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – Does it come in Rockefeller green?

  27. alppuccino says:

    Damn you “a” key!!


  28. alppuccino says:

    Does it come in Rockefeller green?

    They come in many colors:

    Obama Not White

    McCain Really White

    Biden Distressed Leather

  29. kelly says:

    C’mon, al. Biden’s leather was looking pretty refurbished last night, don’t you think?

  30. Bob Reed says:

    San-Fran-Nan gave Joey the name of her Botox guy…

  31. alppuccino says:

    I must admit, Biden’s head did look like a crew of Mexicans had taped and spackled it the night before.

  32. happyfeet says:

    McCain?? What does he have to do with this election? What are you people talking about?

  33. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    – We must be delirious feets. Either that, or we’re all suffering from Blintses denial.

  34. N. O'Brain says:

    “San-Fran-Nan gave Joey the name of her Botox guy…”

    So if Biden was given an overdose of botox, would his hair plugs start popping out?

    I’m visualizing tiny champaign bottles here…..

  35. Puck says:

    I have to say, I am utterly baffled by McCain’s lack of aggressiveness on this issue. And — former liberal talking here — I’ve never been too fussed about paying taxes. But the notion that I’ve not only got to pay my mortgage, and my regular share of taxes, but also:

    1) the mortgage of some f*ckup who bought more house than he could afford (which I didn’t do),
    2) the salary of the jerk who lent that f*ckup the money to “buy” more house than he could afford,
    3) the salaries of the assholes in Congress who presided over this and shouted down and cried “Racist!” at anybody who said, “Hey, lending this giving money to f*ckups who can’t afford to pay it back is a bad idea,” and
    4) God knows what-all earmarks managed to make it into the Dickensian-sized frigging “rescue” package that got passed today…

    …makes me want to stand on my doorstep with a loaded shotgun just waiting, WAITING, for the taxman to appear.

    I’m serious. I have never been so angry about politics in my life, as I am over this fiasco. That McCain refuses to invoke this episode as evidence of Barack Obama’s utter incompetence and complete disinterest in seeing hard-working and fiscally responsible Americans rewarded for their good behavior (indeed, it would seem that he and his ACORN buddies want to see us punished for playing by the rules, honkey cracker Bible-clinging, gun-toting red-state suckers that we are)…. ugh.

    Let’s just say that if it weren’t for Sarah, I’d be staying home November 4. McCain has completely lost my support.

  36. alppuccino says:

    So if Biden was given an overdose of botox, would his hair plugs start popping out?

    Not if he used those screw-in anchors from Home Depot.

  37. alppuccino says:

    and caulk

  38. Big Bang Hunter (pumping you up) says:

    “I’m visualizing tiny champagne bottles here….”

    – On the other hand, I could just skip lunch and go for a nice walk.

  39. alppuccino says:

    Speaking of which, how does a Boston contruction worker ask for another guys caulk without it being ahhkwud?

  40. SevenEleventy says:

    al, shouldn’t it be Obama Off White?

  41. alppuccino says:

    In some markets, maybe.

  42. ducktrapper says:

    I’m beginning to fantasize about Sarah Palin/Dennis Miller ticket in 2012.

  43. m kasper says:

    Sad. McCain really IS that stupid. The GOP remained frozen, throwing multiple opportunities to reiterate conservative principles. And Bush just threw the Constitution out the window. Something has been seriously wrong with him this last year — much more than before. Oh, I forget, he is NOT a conservative anyway. What was I thinking.

    Bailout bill full of utter crap passes the House. The market dives. I’m screaming.

    But hey. Time to fix supper and have a glass of wine. They’ll take my glass of wine out of my “cold dead hands.”

    I’ll be voting a straight Republican ticket. Not that it will matter. What will be, will be.

  44. Mikey NTH says:

    This could be done very easily in a slide-show presentation of what happened and who did what.
    Like the old “Why We Fight” cartoons from WWII.

  45. pdbuttons says:

    thank u 4 ur site[will-e-kers!]
    i am not gonna pay my mortgage
    running up my credit cards! [oh my!]
    come and get me coppers!-Iff’n ur sure-The thought police- what’s my next move?
    backwards-it takes a village

  46. pdbuttons says:

    I mean.-teh-.. really…-join the Borg
    7 of 9 was the first victim
    we can 4-give- but Never for…
    Jeff/ do u have any Jeri-Ryan/ Tina FEY pix?

  47. dicentra says:

    even if he’s concerned that mention of Democratic ties to certain legislation that precipitated the current crisis could be construed (incorrectly) by the American people as somehow racist.

    He doesn’t have to finger the morons who took mortgages they couldn’t afford: he only has to finger the misguided, bull-headed, self-interested “do-gooder” impulse that motivated his fellow congresscritters.

    But Ric @21 is right (as usual): McCain, like Bush, doesn’t seem to recognize a political enemy when he sees one. He thinks that because they pat his back while he’s looking that they won’t plant the knife while he isn’t.

    This, BTW, is one of the reasons that the initial stages of the Iraq war got effed up: he failed to recognize that there were factions inside the CIA and the State Department who had no intention of supporting his goals, and were even willing to directly subvert the war because Bush “wasn’t their president” (cf. Shadow Warriors).

    McCain still hasn’t clued in to the fact that the MSM isn’t his constituency anymore.

    Cripes, we need term limits on Congress. The only “experience” they seem to get is How To Get Too Comfortable In The Beltway Bubble.

  48. bigbooner says:

    My twenty one month old grandson is trying to nap and that damn alppuccino keeps making me laugh out loud.

  49. A Stoner says:

    I will not vote McCain, in fact I have just decided that I will support at least one democrat that is running against one republican somewhere in this country that changed his vote from no to yes on the $700,000,000,000.00 bailout. Fortunately, My Republican Representative said no both times. Unfortunately, my Republican Senator voted yes for the bailout, but is protected by the fact that he is not up for re-election this year and is already 77 years old and is likely to retire. I am going back to every single family member that I convinced to support McCain and I am going to change their mind back to Obama, who the all originally supported. I would rather have a Democrat screw this country over than allow a supposed Republican screw up the country and forever ruin the Republican brand.

  50. happyfeet says:

    That doesn’t sound at all neurotic.

  51. urthshu says:

    Man, that A. Stoner must be a really good hypnotist. Maybe he can get you to quit smoking, hf

  52. urthshu says:


  53. happyfeet says:

    Keith is suddenly jolted out of his political apathy when Laurie takes him to a rally where Richard Lawrence, a candidate for Congressman is speaking. Keith is so enthusiastic about the man that he decides to help Lawrence run his campaign. That night, Lawrence, who is handsome and charming besides being an excellent candidate, visits the Partridges to see if they will perform at a rally he is giving. All the kids notice there is an immediate attraction between the politician and Shirley and, in fact, Richard invites their mother out to dinner that very night.

    Within a few days there is obviously a budding romance going on between Shirley and Richard, now known as “Dick.” But Keith feels insecure about this, afraid he is going to lose his mother. Shirley dispels her son’s jealousy by explaining to him that there are some times when she feels very lonely and wants a man’s companionship.

    Although Dick later loses the election, he flatters Shirley by saying that losing has its advantages, for this way he will not have to go off to Washington and be separated from her.<a href=””*

  54. happyfeet says:

    * I meant

  55. Sean M. says:

    I’m visualizing tiny champaign bottles here…..

    What about the tiny Urbana bottles?

  56. Mikey NTH says:

    #49 A. Stoner:

    Right. Because badgering your relatives is the real way to change their beliefs and behaviors.

    And is the color of the sky in your world paisley? Oh wait – it may be.

  57. alppuccino says:

    Bert Convey had a hair-helmet you could eat cereal out of.

  58. pdbuttons says:

    Oh please/bitches/Can[ I retain that “can” and all it”s nickel propr-tease/
    I bought “ROLLO’s”
    they leaked
    I got Brown shit on my forgiveneass/
    Dolly Parton!@” A coat of [change?]-many colours{oui!]

  59. Dan Collins says:

    I’ve met Ryan. My brothers and I did a fundraiser for the guy when he was running against Russ Feingold. Good listener, smart, nice guy.

  60. happyfeet says:

    I met that guy that played the boyfriend on Gilmore Girls. He had a new puppy I remember so I was playing with it and someone told me later who he was.

  61. happyfeet says:

    And it wasn’t gay at all.

  62. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    m kaspar kind of hit the nail on the head. Bush isn’t a conservative and neither is McCain. But what ya gonna do. Republicans, at least both McCain and Bush are pussies when it comes to politicking. A couple astute people mentioned it before in regards to McCain. He’s a fool for getting along. He wants to be one of the gang. Even if that gang is comprised of socialist fucks that have his interests no where in mind. It’s ironic that the republican leadership is a bubch of pussies and the democratic constituency is too. I loathe Obama and his fucking creepy followers, so that vote just ain’t happening, but maybe Bob Barr. For a tough cantankerous old man, McCain is really a wimp.

  63. urthshu says:

    Once McCain is out of the Senate ‘collegial’ atmosphere and enters the adversarial Executive, he could, maybe, might just, change a bit. At least that’s what I’m hoping for.

  64. Ric Locke says:






  65. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    I’ve had just a few ales and my mind is not that keen to start with, so please help me with that one, Ric.

  66. cranky-d says:

    Was that really Ric? It didn’t have the “Regards” signoff.

  67. JD says:

    Anyone care to bet whether or not Semenstain got a 100% loan with an ARM?

  68. Victor. says:

    “Predatory Lenders”, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it- ,i>John McCain.

    McCain isn’t going to confront Obama directly because he knows that the NY Times has armed Obama and every progressive from Marin County, California to Londonistan, UK with campaign contribution statistics that show McCain receiving $169,000 from Freddie and Fannie in 2008.

    McCain can’t go anywhere with that, attempts to explain that Directors on the Board are less influential than hair weave receptionist and beer drinking paper pushers will just look hypocritical to voters.

    We Are All Investment Bankers in Need of Regulation Now!!1!!

  69. Ric Locke says:







    Ric [for cranky-d]

  70. happyfeet says:

    I will give the NRCC monies if they will make YouTubes like that more.

  71. happyfeet says:

    Maybe not like right away but eventually.

  72. Ric Locke says:

    Ah. It allows <code>, but only one line at a time, and not <pre> at all.

    Useful, if frustrating.


  73. MikeD says:

    I’m with almost everyone else here and the following comment, I think, says lots and lots…..

    “It is a complicated argument, and McCain is not good at making complicated arguments, not even about earmarks. […]”

    Have you ever supposed that rather than just being an unserious fuck-up while at Annapolis that maybe there is another reason that John McCain was at the bottom of his class? I’ll vote for the clown because he isn’t Barack Obama but he sure seems intent on convincing me he is as dumb as a rock. If he continues to play nice guy and insists on remaining above the fray he is toast. By refusing to attack Obama and point out that the dems are the ones who caused this debacle he just looks stupid–and maybe a bit senile. If he were to win however, something that is more dubious every day, he would have four years of making George Bush look really intelligent in retrospect.

    We are governed by real midgets who think of themselves as giants. That the electorate continues this state of affairs doesn’t say much for their collective intellect either.

  74. B Moe says:

    By refusing to attack Obama and point out that the dems are the ones who caused and profited from this debacle he just looks stupid and complicit

    Fixed that for you.

  75. MikeD says:

    Yes you did fix it. Thanks.

  76. ThomasD says:

    Why not? 1) It is a complicated argument, and McCain is not good at making complicated arguments

    Especially when the media will just tune you out if you go long or quickly attempt to rebut anything too specific or complicated.

    But there is a way around that. At the next debate McCain needs to say something to the effect of

    They’re trying to tell you this crisis was a failure of the markets, or a lack of proper regulation. Well, I’m here to tell you they’re wrong.

    This wasn’t a failure of the market economy, nor a lack of proper oversight. Oversight was offered repeatedly by many people, including myself, but many others, who stood to directly gain by their acts, blocked that needed oversight.

    In my acceptance speech I told you, the American people, I’d make them famous and you would know their names. Well there are alot of them, almost too many to name here. But here’s a few of the bigger ones – Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, Jameie Gorelick, Barney Frank, Charles Schumer, (etc.) Joe Biden and Barack Obama. If you want to know why, or hear them all, I invite you to go to my website and read up on all of the sordid details about hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions, shady back room lobbyists, and special deals for family and close friends.

    Their self interest, and lack of concern for the American citizen led down down a reckless path of greed and irresponsibility, leaving you to bear the costs. Sarah Palin and I are here to change that…

    Don’t even try to offer a detailed explanation. In this case less is actually better, the more the MSM has to supply background the less inclined they will be to get into it – to many variables to account for and too much exposure of the true size of the worm can.

  77. B Moe says:

    Yes you did fix it. Thanks.

    You are quite welcome, I am just glad to see other folks as pissed about all this as I am.

  78. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Semen, you’re pretty fucking stupid. If you think that “reagonomics” is dead, well alrighty then. I know a loser like you needs the state, but I think you’re out of luck. The ridiculous republicans in congress will sure as hell find their center if O! is elected.

  79. B Moe says:

    Comment by ThomasD on 10/3 @ 7:27 pm

    If anybody in the McCain campaign reads these comments you need to hire this man immediately.

  80. B Moe says:

    Semen, you’re pretty fucking stupid. If you think that “reagonomics” is dead, well alrighty then.

    Cleo and his progressive buddies see economics and political systems as fashion. Reagonomics is just out of fashion now, it has nothing to do with the science of the matter, which is what makes nishfong so fucking hilarious to me. She is willing to throw in with a bunch of idiots who don’t know science from shinola because teh ebil xtianists are standing in the way of her imortality.

  81. happyfeet says:

    Expect McCain to make the case on television

    That would be nice. I would be happy with that. What’s wrong with that?

  82. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    Nishi’s death will come as a complete surprise to her, I’m sure. Hope she reaches that whole soul thing, that she’s striving for.

  83. Victor. says:

    I guess it just flew over you guys head that McCain actually received more from his contacts at Freddie and Fannie than Obama.

    Perhaps I am missing something- so let me ask, explain to me why McCain can receive $169,000 in contributions from FM2 and still claim that everyone receiving contributions from FM2 is partly responsible for the sub-prime mess.

    Obama’s response is already posted on his website.

    Let me get this right, your advice to McCain is to give Obama the opportunity to call him a hypocrite on national tv?

  84. happyfeet says:

    That looks bogus, Victor. Directors mean they’re on the board is all. That doesn’t mean they give two shits about mortgage regulation and they have no direct profit participation. That chart doesn’t mean what you think it means. Lobbyists give as much to people they fear as they do to people they like.

  85. happyfeet says:

    What that chart shows is that the New York Times is very nervous that Baracky is eyeballs-deep in this mortgage shit.

  86. B Moe says:

    Let me get this right, your advice to McCain is to give Obama the opportunity to call him a hypocrite on national tv?

    Or he can have a whole mess of us call him a hypocrite all over the place. I am pretty sure Obama ain’t gonna vote for him. I might.

  87. thor says:

    Comment by Obstreperous Infidel on 10/3 @ 7:36 pm #

    Semen, you’re pretty fucking stupid. If you think that “reagonomics” is dead, well alrighty then. I know a loser like you needs the state, but I think you’re out of luck. The ridiculous republicans in congress will sure as hell find their center if O! is elected.

    Not only is Reaganomics dead it’s getting its skull polished, its flesh stripped and its bones prepped for the pyre. $2.50 for Reagan’s eyeballs and a $1.50 for his ears, Sister Palin sold ’em on Ebay to a writer who was looking for a line to describe the fermenting tears from those years.

    Eat you slop, boy, and watch out for them little bones. “Right, Condi?” With a Sarah-winky and a sudden smile, “but thor, we called it ‘slaw’ down on the other side of the tracks in Alabama. Always gots to watch for them little bones, and them bones is shy I named my cat Little Bones. Little Bones never lets me forget the days when I’d keep one eye out the window sitting at my dinner table. The church bombers killed my childhood friend ’cause she was black. Stole her life because they was afraid of little black girls, like me, back then. Afraid we’d grow up head strong, educated and dedicated, and end up running the country.”

    Line ’em up and wait for your trickle down! The pipes will start leakin’, don’t worry, just takes time for the tricklin’ to drip on down! Hold your belly up! Rub it all over your bellies! That cool trickle flow feels so nice, like rivers of disillusioned pride!

    Now you’re on your knees in order to survive. Your babies have a look of hunger. But you borrowed the money, you mean you didn’t know? Didn’t know about them little bones?

  88. B Moe says:

    Cleo and his progressive buddies see economics and political systems as fashion. Reagonomics is just out of fashion now, it has nothing to do with the science of the matter…

    And right on cue thor shows up to prove my point. Who says the hammerhead is useless?

  89. thor says:

    Love! Lust! Greed!

    Killer whales!

  90. Bob Reed says:

    ThomasD @77

    You are right on Sir. Can you do me a favor and send that suggestion by e-mail to ? Because that would be the right way to say it. Get a lot out on TV, and generate interest in the website as well. The only drawback would be that 25% of the population doesn’t use the internets

  91. Pablo says:

    What that chart shows is that the New York Times is very nervous that Baracky is eyeballs-deep in this mortgage shit.

    The prudent thing would be to STFU about it, like they’ve mostly done with Iraq. But they’re emboldened this time, so they’re gonna get right out front with blaming it on a couple of guys who tried to stop them. The BDS is strong, and the balls are fairly brassy. Can Baracky’s media pull off The Big Lie? Can Johnny Mac escape the tied-up-on-a-conveyer-belt-headed-for-a-buzz-saw situation? Can Catwoman reach him in time? Will Joey’s forehead come unbolted and slide right down over his face?

    Tune in next time…

  92. Bob Reed says:

    Victor @84

    169K in donations is chump change compared to the value of the patronage one can give from positions of power; and besides, O! ha recieved long dollaz from wall street types…

    But more to the point, the Democrats caused this essentially by legislating their affirmative action real estate subsidizing. Their action arm was Fannie/Freddie. All attempts at oversight, regulation, and reform over the years have been blocked by Democrats, in large part to both allow them to crow about helping the little man as well as empower their ideological allies, socialist community organizer, like the ones at ACORN, PUSH, PRIDE inc, the Urban league, etc.

    So the guilt is not so much in taking contributions, although over the years the Democrats have recieved waaaaaaay more than Republicans from the GSEs, but in the recognized malpractice and malfeasance of their practices, and the Democrats intransigence in blocking that reform! Not to mention the hypocrisy of now accusing the other side of being the ones have stymied regulatory reforms…

    But the hypocrisy is not surprising; that’s considered a character attribute among the pharisaic liberals…

  93. kasper says:

    How odd Thor is.

  94. SDN says:

    There is, of course, another factor McCain has to be aware of: if he even frowns hard, let alone raises his voice, the story will be “McCain: too angry to be President!”

    We are in the 10% who actually pay attention to anything besides what the media tells us.

  95. Pablo says:

    As for the NYT thing, that’s pretty shoddy reporting, and intentionally so. I’d like to see the breakdowns of the “Directors, officers and lobbyists” category as well as the “candidates and their related committees” Who exactly did Al D’Amato give $30K to? And who else is he lobbying for?

  96. Victor. says:

    weird, I’m getting posting errors.

  97. Victor. says:


    I’ve been trying to post the Times companion piece for that chart but I’ve been getting double posting errors (but they are not displaying for me).

    I’ll try this one last time, if this is some spam error I apologize in advance.


    Among the companies’ past advocates are Mr. McCain’s campaign manager, Rick Davis, a longtime lobbyist; Mr. McCain’s confidant and adviser Charlie Black, whose firm worked for Freddie Mac for several years ending in 2005, and the deputy campaign finance chairman, Wayne L. Berman, a vice president for Ogilvy Worldwide and a former Fannie Mae lobbyist.

    Mr. Davis previously was head of the Homeownership Alliance, a coalition of banks and housing industry interests led by Fannie and Freddie to stave off regulations.

    Six members of the Republican lobbying firm Fierce Isakowitz & Blalock, all Fannie Mae lobbyists, have given Mr. McCain $13,250, records show.

    The New York investor Geoffrey T. Boisi, a member of Freddie Mac’s board, contributed more than $70,000 to Mr. McCain and Republican Party committees working for his election. Both he and Richard F. Hohlt, a Fannie Mae lobbyist, are among the McCain “bundlers” who have raised $100,000 to $250,000 from others, according to the campaign Web site.

  98. happyfeet says:

    Mr. McCain wants to see the companies carved up and privatized, as commercial lenders have long sought. Phil Gramm, Mr. McCain’s friend and longtime adviser, also took that position when he was the Senate Banking Committee chairman in the late 1990s to 2003.

    Mr. Obama’s comments signal a preference for the sort of public-private hybrid that Fannie and Freddie were, but with tighter controls.

    It’s not exactly a riddle which guy is owned by Fannie Mae, even in that New York Times article. It’s Baracky what carries their water.

  99. Victor. says:

    Happyfeet, I hope you know that I’m not disagreeing with you- I’m only pointing out that this will be Obama’s counter. It’s even on his website.

    And on that point I was wondering how McCain might handle that- if it comes-up like many of us are hoping.

    You know when Obama calls him a hypocrite and cites the NY Times, pointing out all these connections, what should McCain say.

    Any thoughts?

  100. thor says:

    You bet’cha, them little bones.

  101. alppuccino says:

    If Obama’s counter is “you did it too McCain”, then McCain can follow his current line of “I’d rather get to the bottom of this, than get elected. And now that Obama has admitted to this wrongdoing, I think we should recuse ourselves from this campaign, turn ourselves in to the authorities, and face the consequences. Only then will the American people know that we have their best interests at heart. Won’t you join me Senator Obama?”

    “No fuckin’ way McCain. I wants to be President.”

  102. alppuccino says:

    That’s Maverick style, right there.

  103. ThomasD says:

    The only drawback would be that 25% of the population doesn’t use the internets…

    So? What percentage doesn’t read a newspaper? Or watch the broadcast news? Or vote?

    None of that means you can’t have a combined arms strategy, and something needs to be done to break the MSM, leveraging your primetime TV appearances to promote alternative sources of information should be a no brainer.

  104. Salt Lick says:

    You know when Obama calls him a hypocrite and cites the NY Times, pointing out all these connections, what should McCain say.

    Any thoughts?

    “Senator Obama, will you join me now in a promise to work to kill what are called subprime mortgages if elected president?”

  105. thor says:

    Why the hell would anyone want to “kill” sub-prime mortgages. Rates are adjusted to match risk, always have been, duuuuuuuuuuuuh.

    You haven’t clue.

  106. happyfeet says:

    At least they should be securitized more better. But really people who bought houses they couldn’t afford with no money down should have their credit ruined and they should be mocked and their children should be designated poor breeding stock.

  107. […] lay the blame at the feet of “big monied interests,” refusing to recognize (or rather, refusing to acknowledge) that in this case, it was a government related entity who provided the proximate cause for the […]

  108. […] I noted the other day, if the McCain campaign runs from this story out of fear that they’ll be labeled […]

  109. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    LOL…thor just needs a hug. Preferably, from a man. He’s confused. That may help him out.

  110. […] USNews and World Reports noted that McCain was avoiding the Fannie Freddie mess because he feared being labeled an enemy of the […]

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