
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


“The press discovers ‘unconscious racism'”

— And it’s in you, the white guy or gal who is not planning to vote for Obama.

Okay, well maybe not you in this case: here, the target seems to be Democrats who may either cross over and vote for McCain or who will stay home rather than vote for a black man. Conservatives of all races are de facto racists, of course, and so can be comfortably excluded from such an electoral calculus. Unlike, say, the 96% of blacks who will vote for Obama (hi, Lisa!).

No, the villains here, we’re to understand (as are they, hopefully to the point where their guilt and their sense of wanting to stay in the good graces of the group will convince them to pull the “proper” lever) are white Democrats who should be ashamed of the RACISM that keeps them from voting for a candidate on the basis of his race. Which is why they have a choice: vote for Obama because he’s black and avoid being labeled a racist, or else be labeled a racist — defined, here, in good progressive style, as a person who won’t vote for a man because of the color of his skin.

Up is down. Black is — ah, fuck it. RACIST!

(h/t Dan; Terry H)

48 Replies to ““The press discovers ‘unconscious racism'””

  1. Pablo says:

    Quite the Gordian Knot, ain’t it? Anybody got a sword?

  2. Mikey NTH says:

    I guess this falls under another failure of appeasement. They fed the alligator hoping to be last. Unfortunately, alligators don’t roll that way…

  3. happyfeet says:

    Cause what motivates Americans is teh shaming. It’s very powerful. When marketers want to sell you stuff like deodorant they always show you images of stinky losers so you’ll think hey I needs me some of that what you are selling. That’s why in toothpaste commercials they never show people with really white pretty teeth, just people with icky hillbilly teeth. The media is being very very savvy here. We’re lucky they’re on our side.

  4. SRS says:

    I thought I was not a Marxist… damn, I am just a racist.

  5. Mr. Pink says:

    Nobody mention the 96% of AA’s voting for Obama. Saddam Hussien didn’t those kinda numbers and he held guns to peoples heads.

  6. Log Cabin says:

    You think it’s bad being labeled a racist? Try being a “self-hating”, conservative gay!

    Why, it’s all I can do to keep from slapping myself.

  7. Clint says:

    Totally for real, I heard once on tv that the real racists in this country were the old, black men.

    Chris Rock told me that, and he should know a thing or two about racism.

  8. dre says:

    I have an Occam’s razor.

  9. SRS says:

    Everyone needs to look into their inner soul and realize that everyone who is not AA should vote for O just like the all the AA’s. Then the powerful and influential countries all over the world (i.e. France and Russia) will no longer view us as inferior because we overcame our inner racists thoughts and NEXT election we need to focus on electing a Muslim…. then….

    It really takes a Special Kind Of Stupid to actually believe this!!!! Good marketing trick, though…

  10. cranky-d says:


    My best friend, who also happens to be gay, never tells anyone in “the community” about his conservative-leaning politics because he knows what would happen.

  11. Squid says:

    He’s half-white, you know. If he was all the way black, everyone would vote for him in a heartbeat.

  12. mellow-drama says:

    Good point, Squid.

    It is neat how the answer is always, Do what we say or you’re a RACIST!

  13. Mr. Pink says:

    Syrian dictators do not pull down 96% of the popular vote.

  14. SRS says:

    so does that mean I am only half a racist???? I am starting to feel better about myself now.

  15. Jeffersonian says:

    While one can quibble with the particulars of the Progressive’s litany of woe, it’s not terribly far off. Where they come off the rails of logic is that it automatically means one must vote for O! as a palliative. Just because Lon Nol was an unstable nutcase didn’t mean his replacement was a step in the right direction, after all.

    Frying pan, fire and all that.

  16. B Moe says:

    If he was all the way black, everyone would vote for him in a heartbeat.

    Why should I commit if he won’t?

  17. Mikey NTH says:

    OT, but Senator Biden has spoken about how President Roosevelt got on television in 1929 to explain the financial mess to us.

    He is going Grandpa Simpson: “Big deal! When I was a pup, we got spanked by presidents ’til the cows came home! Grover Cleveland spanked me on two non-consecutive occasions!”

    from politico

  18. TerryH says:

    The new plantation system for the mind wherein anyone daring to stray from the hive mind is swiftly denounced as being racist. Which reminds me.


    Care to step up and take ownership of this?

    Comment by cynn on 9/22 @ 8:21 pm #

    No, the answer is obvious; why don’t you come out and declare it, asshole. Darkies destroyed this country. If we can’t deport ‘em, we should just incarcerate ‘em, like the natural order. Creep.

    C’mon cynn. Own it.

  19. JD says:

    You all are just bigots against Halfricans.

  20. JD says:

    Mikey – Was FDR President in ’29? Were televisions the norm?

  21. Salt Lick says:

    Obama has only two hopes. One is that the economic conditions will be so dire that white Americans who harbor racism will throw it overboard.

    Now I understand the Dems’ stalling the financial bailout package.

    And the other is that these white Americans might want to show themselves—or more likely their children and grandchildren—that they are not as hidebound as they sometimes seem.

    Me: I don’t know. He really seems inexperienced, untested, and frankly, a bit corrupt.

    Myself: RACIST!

    Me: That’s it! I’ll show you.

  22. Mikey NTH says:

    FDR was president 1933-1945. Hoover was president in 1929.
    Television didn’t become the norm until after WWII.

    Old Joe is slipping a bit, me thinks.

  23. Abe Froman says:

    I’m not voting against him because he’s black.

    I’m voting FOR the ticket that comes with two hot broads, an old coot who can’t raise his arms, an East Asian adoptee with a birth defect, a retard baby and a batch of part Eskimoes.

  24. McGehee says:

    Where are you guys getting this business about Obama being black? He’s never mentioned it. None of his supporters ever talks about it. The media aren’t fixated on it in the least.

    I’m sure they would have told us he’s black, if he were.

    Unless they’re racist.

  25. Clint says:


    I’ve his portrait (on a stamp, no less) on t-shirts some of his supporters wear around the city. Although, to be fair, the shirts are black, so maybe it’s just a poor printing job?

  26. McGehee says:

    Right, Clint. Next you’ll tell me Kerry served in Vietnam.

  27. BJTexs says:

    When progressives wonder out loud why more of the electorate won’t take them seriously, we should point to this quote from Jeff’s linked article (RACISTS!):

    On other issues, Obama is wanting.

    I especially dislike his vote on the FISA bill, his stance on gun control, his embracing the death penalty, his endorsement of nuclear power, and his studied naiveté about the U.S. empire.

    Trotsky and Sanger could not be reached for comment. Pot, meet kettle…

  28. JD says:

    Could you guys be more racist?! The only way would be to walk around with Bobby Byrd’s Grand Kleage hood, screaming the n-bomb at everyone you see.

  29. Matt, Esq. says:

    The nice thing about thw word “racist” is its been bandied about so much that its lost its shock value. At this point, I could care less who calls me a racist- I typically try to explain to them that I am prejudiced against stupid people, not just stupid black people.

  30. McGehee says:

    …screaming the n-bomb at everyone you see.


  31. BJTexs says:


  32. MC says:

    That last link made me need eye-wash, what with the McCain/Obama kiss. Was that the pitch being made to be non-racist: we need interracial, gay kissing?

    I still think we need a jailhouse lesbian post, like from the old days. Come on Jeffie!

  33. buzz says:

    There are no stupid black people. Only stupid republicans. RACIST!

  34. Mikey NTH says:

    Another false conciousness! Will these never end!?!
    A press commissar’s work is never done, and I am almost out of my monthly quota of denunciations! Somedays it is like peeling an infinite onion.

  35. Oh, bother says:

    Abe Froman said: “I’m voting FOR the ticket that comes with two hot broads, an old coot who can’t raise his arms, an East Asian adoptee with a birth defect, a retard baby and a batch of part Eskimoes.”

    LOL, good one! But didn’t anyone tell you that black trumps all, just like the ace of … you can hardly even talk in this country!

  36. Mikey NTH says:

    You forgot ‘cudlips’, buzz. Also ‘running dogs’, ‘lackeys’, and ‘CIA-Wall Street-Mafia Cabal’.
    Never can have enough cabals, I always say.

  37. Rusty says:

    “The press discovers ‘unconscious racism’”

    It’s nice to know there are some things I can do in my sleep

  38. Percy Dovetonsils says:

    Because of the term’s overuse, being called “racist” is like being screamed at by the crazy guy on the street corner; disconcerting, annoying, but ultimately you just ignore it as one of the many pains in the ass you deal with on a daily basis.

  39. mojo says:

    I’m not racist, I’m prejudiced. I hate all Democrats, regardless of color.

  40. dicentra says:

    Now I understand the Dems’ stalling the financial bailout package.

    I’m not crazy about the bailout package, either. Anytime congress decides to hurry up and slap something together to fix summat they broke themselves…

    Well, you know.

    And besides, how do people know I’m not prejudiced against Obama’s white side?

  41. destroynewgrenada says:

    Barack Obama is the Whitest Black guy I know! If he gets elected Bill Clinton is still the first black prez in my opion!

  42. Salt Lick says:

    I’m not crazy about the bailout package, either.

    Me neither dicentra, because it reinforces socializing risk and privatizing profit. But every conservative and libertarian I’ve heard address the issue says we’ve got to suck it up quick or face worse. The Dems, they just want the worse.

  43. Clint says:


    Not to fear, I will not try to tell you that John Kerry *served* in Vietnam. I might try to tell you that he visited there for a little while, but that’s as far as I’ll go.

  44. Brooks says:

    Actually I’m not gonna vote for Obama because he’s half white and all whites are racists.

  45. Bob Reed says:

    You’re right Jeff, AP is trying to shame those Democrats who don’t support O! into voting for him; or else suffer the stigma of being a RAAAAAAAAAACIS!

    It’s funny though how the champions of identity politics are the ones who can most easily pass judgement on the legitimacy of a persons membership to a particular identity group…

    Hillary Clinton = Comitted feminist and champion of the blue collar little man everywhere.

    Sarah Palin = Hick, Rube, Breeder, Trailer Trash, Religious Zealot, intellectually incurious BITCH !

    Al Sharpton = Good

    Colin Powell = Uncle Tom warmonger (subject to revision should he endorse O!)

    O! = eminantly good, a lightworker !

    Clarence Thomas = Bible thumping fascist, a turncoat to his race.

  46. Andrew the Noisy says:

    It sure took a while for the press to discover unconcious racism. Academia found it a long time ago.

  47. MarkD says:

    Why are we wasting time and money on this election anyway, since the press has already told us how it has to turn out? Are you ashamed of this country? Do you want to embarrass us in front of the UN, Iran, North Korea, and Somalia? Do you want to prove we’re racists?

    Back to work, you shiftless lot.

  48. […] to be that everyone who’s not enamored of Obama for whatever reason must be (at best) an unconscious racist, and that they therefore need to be deprived of any information that such geniuses as Ambinder deem […]

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