
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


You say you want a revolution, well, you know…

A couple years back I talked about a kind of bloodless civil war happening in the US, the idea being that a logistical reshuffling could bring back into the national discussion federalist principles and arguments.

It was an offhanded comment made in the course of a longer post, but it was nevertheless carefully extracted and excerpted by, among others, Hilzoy and Mona, to argue that I had called for a bloody civil war in the US — rather than what was quite clearly something more along the lines of a libertarian reshuffling of the electoral map by way of likeminded people situating themselves in close proximity, thereby creating self-selected majorities.

On the micro level, of course, this happens all the time; on a much larger level, it is not likely to happen — but as I say, it was a throwaway line in a much longer piece, one for which I was hectored by OUTRAGED leftists pretending to be libertarians.

— All of which I bring up as a prelude to what an actual call for insurrection looks like. From Larisa Alexandrova, writing at the HuffPo:

As I see it now, we have but two options and I have long alluded to hoping against hope that one of these options would not be the only one left to a peaceful people. The first and frankly most preferable option is for Congress to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against the members of this latest Business Plot.

No time needs to be wasted on hearings as we already now have in writing, formally as presented to Congress, the intentions of this administration to nullify Congressional powers permanently, to alter Judicial powers permanently, and to openly steal public funds using as blackmail the total collapse of the US economy if these powers are not handed over. You do see how this is blackmail, do you not? You do see how this is a manufactured crisis precisely designed to be used as blackmail, do you not?

The other option, the one I have long prayed we would never need to even consider, is a total revolution. But, If Congress won’t act in its own self-defense, in the defense of democracy, in defense of us – the people who have elected them to protect us from this very danger – then what is left for us to do? I don’t want to see it come down to this, but I fear that it will.

[my emphasis]

Beyond the surreal prospect of having Harry Shearer charging into a Wal-Mart with a rifle and bayonet, stabbing overweight, shabbily dressed housewives right through their economy sized bags of barbecue pork rinds, what I take away from such proclamations is a reinforcement of the idea that, to the progressive mind, those in their herd really are the only ones fit to govern — and that one more electoral loss means it’s time to rid ourselves of this pesky democratic republic and just smash the whole system so we can replace it with a system where those fit to rule have been bred that way, that we as a country be forced to recognize that the useful fictions we’ve been telling ourselves about citizen leaders will only suffice so long as it remains theoretical. For people to actually begin believing such nonsense — for them to vote in the wrong types of people and presume that progressives will simply accept that outcome — is simply too much to bear.

What the progressives want is a type of non-filial aristocracy — an aristocracy of region and school and manner and argot. Once established, this ruling class will act in the interests of all — at least, in the interests of all as those interests are defined by that ruling elite.

Voting, democracy… messy encumberances that keep those fit to lead from leading, all because too many US citizens are too stupid to vote in their own best interests. As decided upon by those who would rather the rubes not vote at all if they aren’t going to vote the “right” way. Hence the outrage when certain “types” wander off the liberal plantation.

This is the face of progressive fascism. Which for all its high-sounding political importance is, at heart, nothing more than temper tantrums being thrown by those who aren’t quite as clever as they’ve always been taught to believe.

Sad, really. But then, such is the burden of being an elite in this country. STOP HATING US BECAUSE WE’RE BETTER THAN YOU!

(h/t Confederate Yankee, who has more)

update: Slopeheads?

And yes, the “it was just a lament” argument. Evidently, somebody forgot to tell Larisa that despite the academy’s best efforts, “conservatives” are still able to study language, argument, interpretation theory, etc. — and that, without much effort, I’m able see through the hamfisted rhetorical maneuverings of gossamer poseurs like her just as sure as if she were Kate Moss during an astral projection.

Lucky for her, today is Sunday, when the slopeheads turn to football and friends and family, and leave the “lamenting” to others over the inevitability of a revolution they really hope to God they we’ll never see but alas it is looking ever more likely and oh Christ how awful but but but sometimes that’s just how things go and in the long run for all the devastation and sadness perhaps we’ll look back upon these horrific days of carnage from the comfort of our socialist Utopia and recognize that for as awful a period as that was in our glorious country of purple mountain’s majesty when brother shot brother and sister stabbed sister in the neck with knitting needles at least something worthwhile came out of it an America that has lived up to its promises of freedom and equality…but at what cost? At what cost…?

Supply your own dashes in between words and you get the idea.

If Larisa and her fellow travelers were half as clever and talented as they imagined themselves to be, we’d all be wearing big fur hats and standing in line for potatoes and toilet paper.

The fact that she has a readership and can make a living posting her deranged and disjointed “laments” suggests to her there’s still hope that the paradigm might yet shift, and that she will be among the elect. Can’t blame her for that, really.

Public school curricula on the other hand, well…

289 Replies to “You say you want a revolution, well, you know…”

  1. RTO Trainer says:

    Made an offhand comment to Maggie last night about wishing the election were tomorrow so I’d be able to plan, for example, knowing that I’d need to start stocking up on ammunition in the event Obama wins.

    Sounds like I need to start stocking up now, becasue it isn’t going to matter who wins.

  2. Topsecretk9 says:

    Jeff. I sent you an email. It’s not important, but culturally Oprah like interesting.

  3. cranky-d says:

    I certainly wouldn’t mind the people responsible for the economic crisis being censured and perhaps removed from office permanently. What this progressive writer doesn’t realize is that those responsible are on her side, as it were. Of course, since they are on her side, they aren’t truly responsible since “they had the best intentions” or whatever excuse they are giving, if indeed they are bothering to give any excuses. Indeed, someone like Chuck Schumer, who is currently blaming the Bush administration for this crisis, also blocked earlier attempts to reform Fannie and Freddie before the shit hit the fan. What is also fascinating is the writer’s complete lack of understanding what is going on with the financial markets and what will happen if the credit market remains frozen. One wonders what she would say if nothing was done and instead the credit failure bled over into general failure and a depression. She would, in that case, blame Bush because nothing was done to prevent it Then again, progressives have never let a lack of knowledge and judgement stop them from trying and condemning their perceived enemies.

    Even without the analysis of this current piece, Jeff’s theory of the progressive desire for a non-filial aristocracy has already been supported time and time again by progressive behavior towards those who are not in that aristocracy. Sarah Palin is one of the most recent and obvious examples, but the insanity that has surrounded Bush II, and that surrounded Reagan, is motivated by the same beliefs. Their insane hatred is a sight to behold, and it might be getting worse.

    My view of them is that they act like spoiled children, and the temper tantrums they throw (as J.G. noted) seem to support that view. The big unknown is, will they actually do anything like they threaten? Right now I doubt it, but as more of them become unhinged, who knows?

  4. Pablo says:

    Allow me a silly question. Is Larisa Alexandrova an American citizen? Or is she just a Russian expat with the balls Andrew Sullivan doesn’t have? She should go fornicate herself, either way, but I’m just asking.

    Has anyone seen sashal?

  5. cranky-d says:


    Pay off the credit cards, or buy a new rifle and stock up on ammo? It’s a tough choice.

  6. Pay off the credit cards, or buy a new rifle and stock up on ammo?

    well, if everything goes to heck, we won’t have to pay it back, right?

  7. Topsecretk9 says:

    i hate to be silly, but when I see “Larisa Alexandrova” mentioned at all? I see tin foil.

    She unleashed her “John Dean” goon to investigate blog handles and they found I worked for the Defense Intell Agency and word for Diebold.

    It was never clear if I worked at DIA and infiltrated Diebold OR I worked at Diebold and was recruited by DIA.

    Nevertheless, I was a man they said, even though I’m a girl.

    Oh, believe me. I look over my shoulder for Larisa’s “Mystery Machine”, all. the. time.

  8. yeah, TSK9, as Pablo already linked, I always associate her with the Crazy Larry Johnson harassment of Seixon thing.

  9. quellcrist falconer says:

    I think its an excellent idea Jeff.
    Richard Morgan flawlessly executes Jesusland in his novel “Thirteen”, (aka “Black Man” in the UK, cuz the brit publishing house had to change the name for ‘merica or racist hillbillies woudln’t buy the book.)
    You’d be right at home there….theres a Fence, but its to keep the jesuslanders in.
    Homosexuals are lynched, all the schools are private and creationism is mandatory.
    Birthcontrol is illegal in Jesusland.
    Giving money to someone for an [illegal] abortion is punishable by imprisonment.
    All your dreams come true.

  10. cranky-d says:

    well, if everything goes to heck, we won’t have to pay it back, right?

    I like your thinking.

  11. but thinking about it further, TSK9, she may be just crazy enough to attempt this. hmmmmm.

  12. Topsecretk9 says:


    She is beyond nuts. What she’s really pissed off about, is she’s not getting the attention of emptywheel – who is dense and dumb, but given more attention than “Larisa” — and that just pisses her off.

  13. Matt, Esq. says:

    Really interesting post Jeff. I think one of the major flaws in liberals is their “it must happen now” mentality. Gradual change is bad to them, change must be radical Drilling is a prime example- the “we can’t drill our way out of this” was based on a philosophy of “government should be able to do ‘something’ to fix this problem”.

    On the upside, if there is ever another civil war, I know my side will have the vast majority of the guns.

  14. MAJ (P) John says:


    While I am convinced that this is naught but just more of the same overwrought jaw-jaw (weren’t these all the people that were moving to Canada or France if President Bush won a second term? Wait….those countries moved to the Right in their last elections…nevermind) I am glad you have drawn attention to this. I’d really hate to have fought the JAM and AQI only to come home and have some HuffPo/Kossack People’s Front pop up and join the ELF on the domestic terrorism list.


  15. Topsecretk9 says:

    Alexandrova will be in this comment section in 5…4…3..2… DEMANDING the commenters prover her wrong!!!, no matter what the question is.

  16. Pablo says:

    Tsk9, are you saying that Larissa is nishi?

  17. quellcrist falconer says:

    Also….all the young people in Jesusland are constantly tryin to escape.
    some get to be fence-hoppers, and seek employment as illegals in the fabulously prosperous high-tech Rim States.

  18. Topsecretk9 says:

    Alexandrova is an interesting one. She is the blog and female inequivalent of Jason Leopold, but she keeps digging.

  19. quellcrist falconer says:

    wow……GW is surprised by the crash.
    lol, is he serious????
    he knew it was coming, just not when.
    Bush hoped the ravaged economy would be a housewarming gift for the next incumbent. ;)

    i betchu…..there will be a nasty tell-all book about exactly when Bush knew the economy was tanking.
    cant wait.

  20. Topsecretk9 says:

    Tsk9, are you saying that Larissa is nishi?

    Pretty much Pablo. She has worker bee’s like “quellcrist falconer ” who make no real sense but they may derail.

    I know that Larissa was recruiting smear merchants because she’s so blind rage democrat and sought to supplant her rage.

  21. I know my side will have the vast majority of the guns.

    but they’ve got Joe Biden!!!

    whose brilliant idea was that? hopefully he fires that thing better than he shoots his mouth off.

  22. Patrick Chester says:

    cranky-d wrote:

    I certainly wouldn’t mind the people responsible for the economic crisis being censured and perhaps removed from office permanently. What this progressive writer doesn’t realize is that those responsible are on her side, as it were.

    Oh, I have a feeling she does know. Hence the demand for an IMMEDIATE purge–oh sorry, proceedings. Would certainly be distracting and they could scream even more about the evil, EVIL “rethuglicans” and make nishi look sane.

  23. Topsecretk9 says:

    quellcrist falconer DEMOCRAT Charles Rangel said we have to be kind to you…what do you say quellcrist falconer?

  24. happyfeet says:

    You do see how lunatics are nurtured by the abdication of a free press, do you not?

  25. Topsecretk9 says:

    The problem with Alexandrova is she thrives on being wrong. She ALWAYS takes the pussy view while she portrays her self as some under ground truther finding out a republican parked a car!!!!!!NO EFFING WAY!!!!!!!

  26. cranky-d says:

    … and make nishi look sane.

    Whoa there, man. That’s crazy talk.

  27. MAJ (P) John says:

    Having now made your call to action, Ms. Alexandrova, will you take up arms? Perhaps make giant paper mache puppets? Type strongly worded blog posts? Complain bitterly to your friends over a chai latte?

    I guess pledging your life, fortune and sacred honor is asking a bit much – if you really even believe what you wrote. Then again, I wouldn’t want to have to fight against the United States Armed Forces to make your HuffPo Republic a reality either. That is the worst case scenario as you would see it, right Ms. Alexandrova?

  28. quellcrist falconer says:

    i dont want u to be nice to me.
    i want u to have Jesusland and all that entails.
    I want u to live there far away from me.
    apartheid for the intellectually challenged.

  29. happyfeet says:

    oh. Larisa was listening to NPR. This makes more sense now.

  30. happyfeet says:

    this latest Business Plot

    If I knew how to say that with capital letters that would be my new catchphrase I think.

  31. happyfeet says:

    Hey! Wal-Mart has iPod touch on clearance!

  32. dicentra says:

    The first and frankly most preferable option is for Congress to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against the members of this latest Business Plot.

    Amen! So that would be:

    Chris Dodd (D-Public Trough)
    Barack Obama (D-Alinsky Agitation)
    Barney Frank (D-Unspeakable)

    for beginners. We should also investigate all those who took hefty payoffs from Countrywide, Fannie and Fred, and any other similar culpables.

    Then we should prosecute all those who cannot be impeached because they are not holding elected office:

    Franklin Raines
    Jim Johnson
    Alan Greenspan

    et al.

  33. dicentra says:


    Who knew?

    Looks like cudlips are more rational than the triple-digits.

  34. Jeff G. says:

    You’d be right at home there….theres a Fence, but its to keep the jesuslanders in.
    Homosexuals are lynched, all the schools are private and creationism is mandatory.
    Birthcontrol is illegal in Jesusland.
    Giving money to someone for an [illegal] abortion is punishable by imprisonment.
    All your dreams come true.

    You know what, Kate? You really are fucked in the head. You’ve been reading here for how long? — and yet you ascribe to me a list of beliefs, not a single one of which I share.

    Don’t address me anymore. I’ve been nothing but kind and gracious to you — and you return the favor by splashing me with the vomit from your fevered psyche.

    Nice. Kate. Kate. Kate. Fucking own it already. Coward.

  35. poul says:

    and this post is why i keep this blog in my rss feed.
    btw, as russian, let me assure you that this “Larisa Alexandrova” is a fake. no russian is that stupid, natural selection would weed her away in 1920s.

  36. cranky-d says:

    After the 2000 election, someone who _was_ my friend up until then sent me the nastiest email, claiming that because I had voted for Bush I was the same as those people who picketed the funeral of a gay man who had been beaten to death. This is the same guy who had accompanied me for years to a gay club where I would hang out and blend, a participant-observer of a different culture.

    Progressives can snap at any time, and when they do, they will tar you with the same brush as they do the strawmen in their heads.

  37. thor says:

    Welcome to PeeDubya, Jeff. Projection Central! I, of course, according certain of the swarm, suck dicks and torture kittens, that is, on my days off! What I do for actual work is too horrific to mention, according to the Mengele Projection Squadron.

    You know what, I’ve been forward thinking. All things breakable beware! Remember that Republican debate held at my very own institution of higher education here in Florida? Mitt Romney almost blew out the hydraulics in McCain’s ears, mopped the floor with him. And do you know why? Because Mitt’s good. He’s a Wall St. deal maker-type. Notice his Gecko-perfect-hair, posture, alert and ready answers for everything with a dash of sparkle and charm? All that is rehearsed and honed. But when he walks into the conference room those sitting opposite him are very likely to walk out with a coffee mug bearing Mitt’s firm’s name and a smile, because, of course, they got dealt, and Mitt makes it feel so damn good to be dealt and stroked and pick-pocketed.

    That’s what’s going to happen to the tax-payers in this bank bailout. On the tax-payers side of the table will sit its hourly paid representatives. In will walk a Mitt. Mitt’s on full-commission, and has been all his life. Mitt is the best money can buy, a Johnnie Cochran, a Johnnie Edwards. I think you know the rest of the story. Wall Street will win. Our backroom Fed Bank lugs will have no chance against the smoothness of the golden deal makers from the Street.

    It was never the Negros who had no right to buy a house but were given the opportunity through a subprime, nor was it FNMA and FHLMC nor all the political faces of antone’s politicized Hollywood Squares dumb-down fantasy. It was Wall Street’s smoothies. The first CMO was invented by Salomon Bro.s back in the early eighties. Only $1-trillion in derivative securities traded in 2000. $500-trillion traded in 2007. It took awhile but Wall Street hoodwinked every bank and insurance co. on the street and they did it the exact same way they sent Orange County, CA. tits up a few years back, namely, they found the right sucker(s). It’s what they’re paid to do, slick Mitt and his boys, and they’re fucking good. That’s all there is to it.

    We should try and stop this bailout. If we don’t, I’ll stay short the dollar. if for nothing more to hedge, but yes, if the Treasury does a full bend and opens wide, I’ll be long Gold, Yen, Swiss Francs, and Euros, shit, anything but the our dollar. Our Treasury minions have no chance against Wall Street’s best goons. Maybe with Mitt you can relate to what I’m thinking.

  38. Salt Lick says:

    It was never the Negros who had no right to buy a house…

    And there it is, right on time. You weren’t quick enough, Carin.

  39. syn says:

    You’d be right at home there….theres a Fence, but its to keep the jesuslanders in.
    “Homosexuals are lynched, all the schools are private and creationism is mandatory.
    Birthcontrol is illegal in Jesusland.
    Giving money to someone for an [illegal] abortion is punishable by imprisonment.
    All your dreams come true.”

    So says the Stazi-intellectual reduced to Darwinian ape.

  40. MAJ (P) John says:


    If you had only made up a large amount of T-Shirts and stickers with “STOP HATING US BECAUSE WE’RE BETTER THAN YOU!” (maybe with a “RETHUGLICANS” thrown in) you could have made a mint during the DNC… later you could have simply changed “RETHUGLICAN” to “Colorado State” and set up shop outside the CU vs. CSU football game…

  41. Salt Lick says:

    In the red-stated South this is just considered an enjoyable weekend gathering. So while the Left dropping back to Weatherman and Symbionese Liberation Army days would be a terrible tragedy, the outcome is preordained. (Notice the 7 year old firing short, aimed bursts).

  42. […] where everything is like facism this and Nazi that. She also has a problem with Stop The ACLU and protein wisdom for having a problem with this story. She’s a bit thin skinned, eh? Sphere: Related Content […]

  43. […] where everything is like facism this and Nazi that. She also has a problem with Stop The ACLU and protein wisdom for having a problem with this story. She’s a bit thin skinned, […]

  44. Mikey NTH says:

    Oh, so matoko/nishi/quell-whatever’s name is Kate?
    How pedestrian, and bourgeois. No wonder she takes up fantasy names.

  45. N. O'Brain says:

    “…no russian is that stupid, natural selection would weed her away in 1920s.”

    Not to nitpick or anything,but, the Rodina in the 1920s?

    Wouldn’t that be considered unnatural selection?

  46. Jeffersonian says:

    They’re irate because they have been told their ideology is “inevitable” in its ascension to power, yet every election is showing that it is anything but. Clearly a populace so bovine in its stupidity as to not realize who their natural rulers are must be forcibly shown their betters. By any means necessary: e-mail hacking, bombs, blog comment deleting, window-smashing, whatever.

  47. Tony LaVanway says:

    Liberal Science Fiction sucks.

    South Haven,MI

  48. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by Salt Lick on 9/21 @ 4:49 am #

    Holy crap wa that an MG-42 in that vid?

  49. SGT Ted says:

    Theyre gonna bring a revolution?

    Oh please.

    We have a generation of National Guardsmen who are multiple tour combat vets. It’ll be like one of those range days where you have to shoot up all the extra ammo, because it’s too much of a PITA to turn it in.

    “Ok, when those mags are empty, ground your weapon pointed downrange and come get more.”

    “Awe sarge, my thumbs gettin sore from loadin mags.”

    “Shut up ya pussy, and get back on line.”

    Hi Major John.

  50. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    Ah, romantics.

    While there are some on the left with an anarchic streak who may well riot if Obama loses, and celebrate in a riot if he wins. Any excuse for a good riot. Larisa Alexandrova will not be among them except in spirit.

    She, as the others on the left calling out for rebellion, will remain in their bathtubs, laptops open, fingers arched.

    “My call!”
    “My fourteenth of July call to the people of France!”

    Desperately seeking their WiFi connection.

  51. Tony LaVanway says:

    Have we decided on uniforms yet?
    The last civil war,there were too many different
    outfits,Red and white stripped baggy pants.What were they thinking!

    South Haven,MI

  52. MAJ (P) John says:

    SGT Ted, I have no idea what you mean. I have NEVER had 100 extra LAW subcaliber devices, nor 10 extra belts of 100 7.62mm or small hills of 9mm…nope.

    The best was the 40 extra HE M203 rounds. Man, did my shoulder hurt the next day.

  53. Salt Lick says:

    Holy crap wa that an MG-42 in that vid?

    Not sure, N. O’Brain. There was something that looked like a WWII FG-42 if that’s what you mean, though I’m no weapons expert.

  54. brian says:

    How the hell does this country continue to function when so many people are so blinkered?

    I mean, nowhere in the HuffPuff article or the comments is there any acknowledgement at all that Congress is where the problem started, yet they are calling the “bailout” a coup because Congressional oversight is being short-circuited.


    But I don’t think Larissa is calling for armed insurrection. No, this is more like the hemp-stained, patchouli-soaked “protest march” of the 60s that she’s calling for.

    In which case, go long on soap.

  55. […] (H/T Protein Wisdom).  This is laughable. The writer asks us to forget partisanship as she wallows in a partisan fantasy world. And due to her over active imagination she calls threatens this country to impeach her political enemies or else there will be a taking up of arms. Maybe she should have threatened to hold her breathe until she got what she wanted, at least that way she would have avoided the huge mistake of becoming treasonous. […]

  56. Dan Collins says:

    Larisa’s been gradually melting down for a while, now.

    She figures it’s time for a Waffle Revolution.

  57. Dan Collins says:

    I blame global warming (as proximate cause).

  58. TerryH says:

    With Katrina Bush was hammered for failing to observe niceties like Posse Comitatus, the Stafford Act, etc. He clearly should have done whatever it took to fix the problem, rules be damned.

    With the financial meltdown (which dwarfs Katrina) Bush is expected to observe niceties (as determined by the Prog Left) rather than expeditiously fixing the problem.

    Calvinball at the national level.

  59. Daniel Dare says:

    ” and yet you ascribe to me a list of beliefs, not a single one of which I share.”

    I’m reading her last line (All your dreams come true.) as deliberate irony Jeff.G or maybe “dreams” as in nightmares.
    And her “your” is referring to herself.
    I’d have put the line in quotes

    She needs an editor. Badly.

  60. Ric Locke says:

    thor, thank you for the demonstration that you can, in fact, be cogent and reasoned. It makes it easier to discard the bigoted spew you usually emit.

    Yesterday at the riding club there was a girl wearing a T-shirt. It said, “I didn’t say it was your fault. I said I was gonna blame you.” That’s about how it’s gonna go.

    Because the ultimate “cause” is that a nice big lump of fresh food got left on the kitchen counter, and the roaches have been feasting. Now that the light’s come on the ones on top are scattering (the ones underneath are holding out, expecting the light to go out again), Momma is shrieking for the Raid, and Papa is shaking his head, realizing that what the bugs ate isn’t a tenth of a percent of what they spoiled.

    Yeah, thor, the slicksters and con men have won another round. I’d like to think people would figure it out, but the continued existence of email spam means there are still people who respond to it. We now proceed to Phase Four (“Punishment of the Innocent”) of the project, and nobody but a very few will ever learn that the only way is to not leave things out in the first place. The ants find the sugar.


  61. Salt Lick: In the red-stated South this is just considered an enjoyable weekend gathering.

    This little girl in Oklahoma is so cute.

    geoffb: She, as the others on the left calling out for rebellion, will remain in their bathtubs

    Yes. Marat as seen by Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and complete with the latest “aromatherapy” “products”.

  62. urthshu says:

    I just bought an m44 yesterday, with a scope. I’m looking up the operations for it, and supposedly it has a safety, but I’m just not finding it.
    Anybody know if the mosin nagant carbines came with different bolt/safety combos? B/c that twisty knob thing just isn’t there.

  63. daveinboca says:

    this is the face of progressive fascism. Which for all its high-sounding political importance is, at heart, nothing more than temper tantrums being thrown by those who aren’t quite as clever as they’ve always been taught to believe.

    Remember when Castro told Ortega that “the people are not always right?” Chavez is now kicking Human Rights activists out of Venezuela right now—-you can tell from her name that Larisa Alexandrovna is probably not descended from a long democratic tradition.

    My basic take on the “progressives” is that they suffer from mass psychosis in which their autistic sociopathic mindset projects them as a Politburo/Presidium of themselves. Tyranny of the tiny minority!

    It’s been tried before. Read Anne Applebaum’s Gulag for an extended critique of the consequences. Arianna probably shares the same p.o.v., and only a decade ago she was a “conservative.” Ha ha ha.

    Let’s all look to Eu-nuchland for examples.

  64. urthshu says:

    Also just saw this movie b/c alot of my friends were in it. Not bad, really.

  65. MAJ (P) John says:

    “Yes. Marat as seen by Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and complete with the latest “aromatherapy” “products”.”

    That made me smile, SPB.

  66. ThomasD says:

    I guess pledging your life, fortune and sacred honor is asking a bit much – if you really even believe what you wrote. Then again, I wouldn’t want to have to fight against the United States Armed Forces to make your HuffPo Republic a reality either. That is the worst case scenario as you would see it, right Ms. Alexandrova?

    Oh no, these people know what type of revolution they want to run, in fact we’ve already seen it in action, weathermen anyone? They’ll stick to the shadows, bomb a few proles, all the while claiming every protection civil society offers. We never were willing to take the likes of Ayers and Dohrn at their words, and recognize treason for what it is, why would we ever do it to anyone else?

    That aside, here’s another fine day spent in flyover country.

  67. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    “Yes. Marat as seen by Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and complete with the latest “aromatherapy” “products”.”

    Hopefully to smell better than the 60’s bunch. The ideas however, though now older, are still just as rotten.

  68. ThomasD says:

    Here’s a much better one

  69. N. O'Brain says:


    “The MG42 has one of the highest average rates of fire of any single-barreled light machine gun, between 1,200 and 1,500 rpm…”

  70. Daniel Dare says:

    Nope I changed my mind.
    The whole comment is bitter irony.
    Sheesh its like deciphering sanskrit.

    Falconer. Jack Daniels…. Don’t.

  71. Rusty says:

    If it’s like the M39, same basic rifle, it cocks on cycling the bolt. A closed bolt on an empty chamber is the best safety. The firing pin can be lowered on a full chamber, but I don’t reccomend it.

    I’ve never been worried by a revolution by the rank and file left. Like someone said above,matt, I think, the cool people have all the guns. And know how to use them. I’d be more worried of a left government suborning the constitution to a degree that they use the military to impliment strict gun control/ confiscation. Even as heavily armed as we are in this country it would be folly to go up against trained soldiers. In the end the left will only resort to giant paper mache’ heads and breaking a few window.
    Paper Mache Heads. Sounds like a cover band.

  72. Rob Crawford says:

    Daniel — nishi (aka falconer) is a seriously disturbed child who has issues distinguishing fiction from reality. Her political theories are informed primarily by her readings of science fiction novels, which she usually misunderstands. She apparently believes she’s some sort of super-genius, despite her constant demonstrations of sub-literacy.

    The only reason to respond to her is to bat her around like a cat with a mouse.

  73. Daniel Dare says:

    She’s a challenge Rob Crawford. I’ll grant you that.

  74. Techie says:

    I want a hand check: How many conservatives promised they’d “move to Australia” or something if John Kerry/Barack Obama wins?

    So, immature childish remarks are de rigure for some types.

  75. SarahW says:

    too many US citizens are too stupid to vote in their own best interests. As decided upon by those who would rather the rubes not vote at all if they aren’t going to vote the “right” way.

    But that’s what electors are for.

  76. Daniel Dare says:

    Waste of time Techie, we’ve got a Labor Government here. John Howard lost the last election.

  77. brian says:

    I didn’t “promise” to move anywhere, but I did say that if Obama wins and starts to get his way, I’ll be forced to go expat because I won’t be able to afford to live in this country.

  78. TmjUtah says:

    #63 – Check out this authoritative enthusiast site for Mosin questions. Please send me a pic if you are able – tmjutah (at) hotmail. I have eight of the puppies, across three variants, on the wall downstairs.

    I have heard of Mosins that have had the cocking piece knob milled off by their owners, but I’ve never seen it. I have seen examples where the owner milled away most of the knob and soldered a ring pull (think of the safety on the Swiss K-31 family of straight pull bolties) on in order to manipulate the safety beneath an oversize telescopic sight.

    Best safety on a Mosin is an empty chamber, anyway. You can screw up the tissue and nerves in your finger tips pretty quick. Guitar players – pay attention!

    And that is indeed an MG42, or Hitler’s Buzz Saw. I believe its highest cyclic rate is closer to 2000 rounds. The U.S. M60 is a direct descendant, marking one of the few instances where a German weapon design was copied and made more complex and expensive than the original.

    Antietam was marked by the smell of powder and creeks running red with the blood of the dead. The Ardennes had its sad little bumps in the snow and knots of frozen, hungry, leaderless men manning roadblocks just because they were where the Germans wanted to go.

    I just can’t see the Second Civil War the way this lady does; the stink of patchouli and tattered paper machete blowing in the streets just doesn’t sing, know what I mean?

    MAJ (P) –

    Try being in a … special … artillery outfit sometime. They get issued PALLETS of demolitions, ‘cos if you shoot the silver bullet, you have to destroy in place everything connected with the shot. And no, the supply point isn’t interested AT ALL in checking anything back in.

  79. psycho... says:

    The update @ Huffpo is cute and dumb.

    “Listen, slopeheads. ‘Nice President you got there. Shame if anything happened to him, and hope-against-hopefully you, collateral damagewise,’ is a lament at the inevitability of the ‘total revolution’ I’m totally lamenting, and not at all in vague and confused hope to get it looking all inevitable in the minds of the easily led types who read things here.”

    And if you read the comments section of this blog [We’re famous!], you will find yet more examples of rabid xenophobia and bigotry.

    Or you might find this:

    [S]ocialism, by abolishing economic competition and free enterprise, […] retains the race for the consumption of power as the only authorized form of freedom.

    That’s some commie, from back when they were smart, noting how events like this week’s tend to get people lamenting in a certain predictable way.


  80. Techie says:

    I must conclude with: Bring it on, ‘Lexi.

  81. steveaz says:

    So a “progressive” is threatening a “revolution?”

    They’ll need another decade of Brady Gun Bills and ghetto, I mean urban, weapons bans before they’ll even stand a chance.

    “If all goes to heck, we won’t have to pay it back”

    Dudes, this is the exact mechanism by which Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Bill Ayers hoped to achieve Reparations Paynent v1.0.

    Just watch! When the focus turns to individual borrowers’ fraud or delinquency, an entire industry will jump to life to excuse these borrowers’ irresponsibility. Their line will be that the market was so “out of whack” – what with the oppressive predatory-ness of lenders, Bush’s “failed economy,” and all – that the borrowers are not responsible for fulfilling their side of the lending contract.

    ‘Cuz everything gone to hell in a hand-basket, all bets are off! Let’s please not go there.

  82. urthshu says:

    Thanks Rusty and TMJ. Don’t know if I can send pics just yet, but I’ll keep it in mind.

  83. urthshu says:

    Oh, hey – only other thing I’m questioning right now is:
    I keep seeing .223 listed in conjunction with 7.62x54r when I’m looking up ammo deals on the net, but that seems ‘off’ somehow. Surely they don’t mean you can use both ammos??

  84. Rebecca says:

    Tony’s question about uniforms is the real point. I haven’t been issued one. It isn’t as though we have geographical borders to defend. Even if the Huffpo army decided to arm themselves and start shooting, how exactly will they know who to shoot?

    Blue State vs. Red State won’t work – I live in the same Blue state Tony does, and I’m not putting *that* uniform on.

    The wasp nests of progressives that tend to form around urban centers, also send the non-wasps into hiding, or force them to disguise themselves through mimicry, allowing them to enter the hive without fear of attack.

    Would the Huffpo Army make the mistake of assuming that all of its wasps are loyal drones, or would they cleanse their own ranks first, to avoid sabotage from within? If the latter, does that mean that our first warning to defend ourselves will be progressive firing squads in Tacoma?

  85. urthshu says:

    No uniforms, it’ll all go by smell.

    Patchouli = the enemy

    Cigars = friends

  86. Jeff G. says:


    And yes, the “lament” argument. Evidently, somebody forgot to tell Larisa that despite the academy’s best efforts, “conservatives” are still able to study rhetoric, argument, interpretation theory, etc. — and that, without too much effort, I’m able see through gossamer poseurs like her just as sure as she were Kate Moss during an astral projection.

    Lucky for her, today is Sunday, when the slopeheads turn to football and friends and family, and leave the “lamenting” over the inevitability of a revolution they really hope to god they will never see but alas it is looking ever more likely and oh christ how awful but but but sometimes that’s just how things go and in the long run for all the devastation and sadness perhaps we’ll look back upon this horrific days of carnage from the comfort of our socialist Utopia and recognize that for as awful a period as that was in our glorious country of purple mountain’s majesty when brother shot brother and sister stabbed sister in the neck with knitting needles at least something worthwhile came out of it an America that has lived up to its promises of freedom and equality…but at what cost? At what cost…?

    Supply your own dashes in between words and you get the idea.

  87. Purple Fury says:

    Whoa. Comments over there. That crowd has drunk DEEPLY from the well of crazy.

  88. J. Peden says:

    The other option, the one I have long prayed we would never need to even consider, is a total revolution.

    So, if the oppressed “Workers” won’t revolt, “we” will? I think not, Larisa, though a repetitive group chant of something like, “We are still revolting, ugh”, would certainly be well received.

    h/t Iowahawk

  89. J. Peden says:

    My view of them is that they act like spoiled children [and even average Infants] , and the temper tantrums they throw (as J.G. noted) seem to support that view.

    And excellent model, indeed. Plus, they suck.

  90. thor says:


    Comment by Ric Locke on 9/21 @ 7:29 am #

    thor, thank you for the demonstration that you can, in fact, be cogent and reasoned. It makes it easier to discard the bigoted spew you usually emit.

    Yesterday at the riding club there was a girl wearing a T-shirt. It said, “I didn’t say it was your fault. I said I was gonna blame you.” That’s about how it’s gonna go.

    Because the ultimate “cause” is that a nice big lump of fresh food got left on the kitchen counter, and the roaches have been feasting. Now that the light’s come on the ones on top are scattering (the ones underneath are holding out, expecting the light to go out again), Momma is shrieking for the Raid, and Papa is shaking his head, realizing that what the bugs ate isn’t a tenth of a percent of what they spoiled.

    Yeah, thor, the slicksters and con men have won another round. I’d like to think people would figure it out, but the continued existence of email spam means there are still people who respond to it. We now proceed to Phase Four (”Punishment of the Innocent”) of the project, and nobody but a very few will ever learn that the only way is to not leave things out in the first place. The ants find the sugar.


    Well thank you Ric. Have you noticed in the posts before and after yours that the blame-swarm is still caught up in their political self-identities? It’s a testament to how little they understand the situation they’re in. Let me see if I can make it a little more clear to them.

    Hey, white people, your government has off-handily admitted that the banks ain’t got no money. If the U.S. government doesn’t do something soon you’ll be walking up to your ATM’s asking for your money and the crt’s answer will be “no can do, Sir.”

    I think their machinations of Franklin Raines as boogeyman might become even more severe if WalMart begins only taking cash and they ain’t got none. Poor things were born for TV, but revolutions, not so much.

  91. happyfeet says:

    I don’t understand blame-swarm really. Fannie and Freddie probably should be investigated like Enron was, but that’s just incompetence a lot more than anything else. The FannieFreddies are dirty liberals with way bad entitlement issues but they never wanted to jack up their gravy train like they did. But everything else was a confluence of stuff. It’s very micro really, until you add it all up. The tragicality mostly comes from the government going into this whole deal already in debt and deficit. Baracky says he has no plans to address the deficit. McCain is a fiscal conservative. I trust him more better then cause of that and also he’s not a priapic socialist like Baracky. So that settles that.

    Also it wasn’t my fault none of it. I feel bad for peoples who were part of the problem. Jeez. Look at what you did. Losers.

  92. happyfeet says:

    oh hey thor did you see Wal-Mart had iPod touch on clearance? Those are so cool. These ones are just 8 gigs but still if i hadn’t already done his Christmas I would have gotten one for my nephew and loaded it with cartoons for him. You know who’s a great uncle? Me.

  93. Darleen says:

    I got as far a “this is a manufactured crisis precisely designed to be used as blackmail” and realized that this female probably can’t balance her own checkbook and just is looking for Left cult accolades flavored with the heady hope of having enough connections to score herself as People’s Commissar title with appropriate absolute power and a nice dacha, say on Lake Tahoe or in Malibu, for all her coming stress of making decisions for her peasants.

  94. Darleen says:


    Barry has declared himself “present” when it comes to dealing with this crisis, while exibiting faux outrage that the McCain people are pointing out that is NOT support of the bailout.

    I get a vision of Barry in the White House, huddled under the Oval Office desk screaming “present!” while the red phone is ringing.

    He wants power, he’s willing to do almost anything and use anyone to get it, but he doesn’t want to be held personally responsible for actually using it.

  95. ThomasD says:

    The FannieFreddies are dirty liberals with way bad entitlement issues but they never wanted to jack up their gravy train like they did.

    The establishment left? No. They didn’t want to drive the wheels off the train, they were just ignorant to the consequences of their actions. An ignorance that blinded them to the possibility that the worlds greatest economic machine might not tolerate all forms of abuse.

    The ACORN types? Oh no, some of those new damn well what they were doing.

    Doesn’t really matter though, they all need to be strung up by their heels until they sing all the dirty details.

  96. happyfeet says:

    Baracky’s teleprompter isn’t ready for the crisis yet I don’t think. Baracky spends an inordinate lot of time in the green room of politics, doesn’t he?

  97. J. Peden says:

    Can’t blame her for that, really.

    Hey, the concept of “blame” does not even apply to a parasite, does it? Or, just ask them.

    [But I advocate thinking “infant/spoiled child” first – of course, working in “controllist/fascist” as needed. Why? Because it seems to work so well.

  98. thor says:

    McCain is a fiscal conservative. I trust him more better then cause of that and also he’s not a priapic socialist like Baracky. So that settles that.

    McCain’s not the problem. It’s as Jeff says, “it’s those around him.”

    In less than two-months Maj. (P) John will salute Barack Obama or enjoy some re-education time in the brig. That’s the beauty of America, eh.

  99. TmjUtah says:

    I agree that there’s a lot more partisan clingy-ness than I thought would happen.

    My wife is … not as rightward on the political continuum as I am. She doesn’t follow politics online, beyond knowing who and where to avoid offense.

    Reading the MSM accounts across the days has made it pretty clear to me that the crisis is the logical outcome of turning the fractional interest banking and credit industry into a game of musical chairs, with you, me, and all our neighbors who pay taxes and have saved toward our retirement for the last decades the ones looking for the chair that isn’t there.

    Whose fault? Ours. I believe that the roots of the problem are indeed Democratic, but it’s been literally decades of process, and process that did in fact extend across the private credit/banking industry, the entire federal regulatory beauracracy, and the legislative and executive branches of government.

    But if we are truly a constitituional republic, then the fault lies with the electorate that has allowed this disaster to happen.

    You say you want a revolution? Shit, we have spent the last two and change centuries exercising the option of having little ones every two years and a chance at sea changes every four.

    What? Nothing changes with elections? You know nothing of Roosevelt, then; either one. Or Lincoln, before him. Or Andy Jackson;”They have made their decision, now let them enforce it”.

    Our congress is broken. By arriving at Pelosi and Reid there can be nobody who doubts that the bottom of the barrel is upon us – and it is hard and dry.

    Clinton exploited race to influence credit across the nation. The congress used the trust extended to it to rob and cheat the nation they are sworn to protect. You can slice it up by party – you can name names of those who took the lobby money, those who sounded warning. Congress or the Executive, it doesn’t really matter.

    They have failed in their duties. How many of them committed criminal acts? Is it cost effective to put each and every corrupt pol in a Club Fed?

    And do you think they would go quietly into that good night? I’m thinking that the partisan card would come out again. What to do… what to do?

    Well, we can start by voting out every incumbent facing election in November. Every fucking one. The Democrats may well still hold a majority afterward, but by November the economic situaiton is going to be such that they will either GOVERN for a change OR maybe talk of revolution won’t be just a tissue wasting exercise on the Left.

    thor has it right on the one thing: there’s no money there. And “there” is a huge fucking place. We aren’t near out of the woods, and I would prefer that we use the opportunity coming this November to TRY to begin anew, with a body of elected office holders who understand that they aren’t there to participate in some fucking game where success is measured by lobby dollars and elections won, but by how they serve and protect their countrymen and the Constitution that has kept us free.

    I’ll shut up now.

  100. happyfeet says:

    oh. Actually the new president doesn’t get any power like that until January I don’t think.

  101. happyfeet says:

    that was at #99, my #101

  102. Mikey NTH says:

    The revolutionaries ought to be on the lookout for any Charlotte Corday’s.

  103. Mikey NTH says:

    Darn apostrophe.

  104. Actually the new president doesn’t get any power like that until January I don’t think.

    Also, I’m pretty sure the Army doesn’t use “brigs”.

    Sad, lonely little boy, that thor.

  105. MAJ (P) John says:

    “I get a vision of Barry in the White House, huddled under the Oval Office desk screaming “present!” while the red phone is ringing.”

    Funny stuff. Also scary. Strange mix of the two, but it is pretty good…

  106. J. Peden says:

    Baracky’s teleprompter isn’t ready for the crisis yet I don’t think.

    Those big ears could serve as receivers – not only of otherwise inaudible sound but maybe even satellite transmissions!

  107. […] (h/t dicentra) Posted by Jeff G. @ 11:02 am | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: ““Look Who’s Irrational Now””, url: “” });   […]

  108. Mikey NTH says:

    And the US military is apolitical; the last time it got political was 1861-1865.
    Been a long time since that.

    IIRC, when Ninitz was attending the USNA he was asked by his grandmother what side he would fight on if there was another Civil War. His response was the United States.

  109. Darleen says:


    Yes, we can vote out the incumbents up for election, but that is not ALL the incumbents. California will still be sending Dumb-as-a-[Barbara] Box[er]-of-rocks and Dianne “Get me the Fairness Doctrine” Feinstein back to the Senate as neither one is up for reelection this year.

    In essense, “follow the money” … WHO benefits from a bad economy this Nov? Who benefits from framing this as a failure of “capitalism” when it is anything but?

    Make one’s vote exactly opposing those people straight down the ticket.

  110. […] gal from the Huffinton Post is getting battered for some comments she made, about “a total revolution”. In the actual context of the quote, she says she […]

  111. Rusty says:

    It’s probably because .223 is a very popular caliber as well and is in short supply because of our war in the middle east.
    Surplus 7.62 x 54r9(the ‘r’ means rimmed)should be plentiful.

  112. B Moe says:

    WHO benefits from a bad economy this Nov? Who benefits from framing this as a failure of “capitalism” when it is anything but?

    That is what I have been thinking, Darleen. It isn’t enough to sacrifice the country of Iraq for personal political gain, now they are trying to destroy our own economy as an October Surprise.

  113. happyfeet says:

    now they are trying to destroy our own economy as an October Surprise.

    I think this is what nishi is worried about so she likes that meme where this is a “surprise” for Bush who thought he could kick it into next year or whatever. But Baracky’s media’s power in focusing a serial spotlight on institutions now until November is not an insignificant player in recent events I don’t think.

  114. Dave E. says:

    A financial meltdown and a depression are a socialists wet dream, that’s why they would prefer that nothing be done and will fight this with any rhetoric they can muster. I’m not happy about the situation and in principle a bailout is wrong, but there’s also something called “six-foot under pushing up daisies dead right”.

  115. MAJ (P) John says:

    SBP, Right. “Brigs” are Navy.

  116. happyfeet says:

    A lot of people have done a nice job with explaining stuff but I haven’t seen anyone look at this mess in terms of how regionally skewed this is. It won’t be long at all before housing market troubles are really a lot obviously here and here and here but not there and there or there. That will be interesting I think.

  117. happyfeet says:

    California has a really hyper-regulated housing market. Regulations out the wing-wang, and a beautifully intricately structured tax code on top of it to help you pay and pay and pay.

  118. […] Goldstein has more: (What) I take away from such proclamations is a reinforcement of the idea that, to the progressive […]

  119. SarahW says:

    I have my own views. Loose money for home-ownership was saleable a good hook for hucksters, because homeownership has bottom-up “goods” for local communities that build a stronger society.

    Nothing to make good citizens like property, and homes with owners mean better cared for domiciles, interest in maintaining the value of the property, investment in local issues, blah blah,blah. It’s a good idea to subsidize loans for simple small affordable homes, I think.

    Unless, that is, more than half the money for the financing ends being squeezed out and given in large lumps to the undeserving ,e.g., Jamie Gorelick. And if you are going to artificially expand the market for little homes, the only way to avoid a price bubble is to limit the sale price of the homes in some way as a condition of accepting the loose money. It also discourages overly optimistic borrowing based on the expectation that the home will soon be worth so much that free money for the owner will be created, making an unaffordable loan affordable by MAGIC. It discourages the flip mentality which undermines the original purposes of making home-ownership more widely possible.

    Humans are the ants looking for the sugar, ants WANT sugar and they will certainly SEEK sugar, but some are stupid ants that come in on the honey trail and end up in ant hotels on the windowsill. They eat the tasty, and go back home maybe, and the poison brings the whole anthill to ruin. I see the problem as too much fat allowed to be cut out of the subsidy for something good. I see the problem as not anticipating magical thinking with regard to values of property always rising. Sugar ants were getting theirs, craftily or stupidly, and now the decent workaday ants who were eating leaves and mouseparts and tending their aphids all this time are getting killed thanks to sugar-ants.

    All I know is I could have had an infiniti with bourbon leather and the advanced technology package if I had been selfish and reckless and spent the monies that has now disappeared from my “don’t touch it” pile. I’m angry I was a good girl.

  120. SarahW says:

    I should understand that better, Happyfeet.

  121. J. Peden says:

    But if we are truly a constitituional republic, then the fault lies with the electorate that has allowed this disaster to happen.

    Government can’t regulate itself, that’s for sure. It’s only as good as the individuals there: Obama/Biden vs McCain/Palin is at least one choice we can make concerning this issue.

  122. Dan Collins says:

    Who? Ronpaulites?

  123. RTO Trainer says:

    IF the bailout is simply a way to stabilize things AND
    IF the next step is criminal investigations of those who caused the problem,
    THEN I think I can live with it, as much as it creeps me out.

    Unless anyone thinks they see an alternative to letting the whole thing burn, trapping innocent and guilty alike.

  124. TmjUtah says:

    Darleen –

    I have no crystal ball, but in my opinion between now and November, and absolutely after the election, “seniority” may not count for very much at all in the hallowed halls of the senate and house.

    If we are lucky.

    urthshu –

    The demands of the war have had an impact on ammo prices, but the real hit has come from rises in commodity prices across the board. Factor in transport safety and security requirements post 9/11 and finished ammo or just propellants have combined to make the cost sting, too.

    I reload for several calibers. The only way I can be cost effective any more is to buy in bulk and during infrequent sales.

    7.62X54R is Mosin food, but is also used in the current crop of Russ squad automatic weapons and marksman/sniper platforms. The vast majority of the 54R on the open market is ComBloc surplus and is reliable to go bang and not much else. .223 Rem is not the same as 5.56 NATO in that the geometry of the NATO case is subtly different but can still chamber in the civilian .223 rifles. More importantly NATO is loaded to much higher pressures than the Remington round and can damage non-NATO actions. The old reliable AK-47 loading – 7.62X39 – is still available world wide in staggering amounts, and is being cranked out in Russia and former ComBloc satellites as we speak. It’s more costy than it was a decade a go, but it’s more to do with more people buying it than people buying more of it… The Russ experimented with their own poodle shooter platform in 5.45 mm, but realized that IT’S TOO DAMNED WEAK FOR AN INFANTRY MAIN BATTLE RIFLE, which our DoD and JCS still won’t admit about the 5.56 NATO. As a result, you are seeing a lot of Russ surplus rifles in 5.45mm appearing cheap with case lot ammo prices even cheaper. Think of an M16 with a piston, except that they aren’t accurate.

    The Left says they want a revolution; all the evidence that I see indicates that they mistake causing a disturbance and committing vandalism as “political activism”.

    Keep it up. Especially after all the Starbucks are shuttered and dark. And the banks. And the WalMarts. And the strip malls.

  125. Mikey NTH says:

    I wonder where Sen. Dodd and others put all of that nice money they got? I doubt they buried it in coffee cans in the backyard. Be a shame if it was in Lehman Brothers.

  126. TmjUtah says:

    Oh, and calling this a “bad” economy underestimates the severity of the situation by several orders of magnitude.

    Anybody thinking to exploit it for political reasons is insane. There might be some people who turn a profit – there always are, and that is how a free market works – but the political class of this country is about to be a text book, real time, practical app exercise in “somebody always pays”.

    They’ve pretendedm since the 1930’s, that public debt is somehow not the same as any other kind of debt. Through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they’ve made BAD DEBT – an ABSENCE of ANY worth or value – the basis for the U.S. economy. Debt can be an asset, if it is reasonable to believe that it will be paid back over time, under a contractural system. By at least the mid nineties nobody writing laws or lobbying or bundling off shit loans to Uncle Sugar believed that the debt in the GSE entities was worth a wet far in church.

    And we all get to pay now.

    I can see a time coming when the art deco lamp posts on Pennsylvania Avenue might be… accessorized.

    And I won’t be sorry.

  127. SarahW says:

    Effigy’s are ok by me.

    Just so long as nobody’s getting “lynched by the blogosphere”.

  128. SarahW says:

    It’s “use unecessary aphostprophes” day in Richmond. Sorry for any confusion.

  129. Paulson Rescue Plan Elicits Cries of Bush Fascist…

    The left can’t stand it: Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has worked as a “masterstroke” that has sparked a rally in the stock market, easing larger fears on the health of the American economy……

  130. happyfeet says:

    The guy with the tambourine just looks really glad to be there.

  131. Sdferr says:

    More help at trying to understand the details, the meaning of “illiquid assets” and their relationship to regulation. From Mindles Dreck by way of Tyler Cowan at MarginalRevolution.

  132. Sissy Willis says:

    Did you catch Woody Allen’s totalitarianesque take on what we had thought was supposed to be a democratic election?:

    “It would be a disgrace and a humiliation if Barack Obama does not win.”

    Forget about the electorate. These folks want an acclamation.

  133. Mikey NTH says:

    Woody Allen would know about disgrace and humiliation – he lives it.

  134. J. Peden says:

    “It would be a disgrace and a humiliation if Barack Obama does not win.”

    That, of course, would be your problem, Woody, not mine. But thanks for sharing.

  135. takeshi kovacs says:

    What the Quelcrist/nishi/matoko fail to realize is that Marighela’s tactics work in the short to medium run. Marighela went
    by by and his band of merry men, probably gave the Brasilian junta another decade of
    sustainability. The MIR in Chile, served as one of the pretext for the Coup, and their splinter group’s attempted assasinations probably rallied support for Pinochet in the end. The Tupamaros paved the way for Bordaberry and Alvarez’s
    coup in Uruguay. Need we speak of the Montoneros and their facilitating the actions of El Proceso in Argentina. The rules apply differently here, in the Nixon example, but that was mostly because of the Weather Underground’s general ineptness. Would they or their political wing in the Democratic Party had any ‘political viability’ if the Ft. Dix and maybe a few other bombs had gone off. Ayers, Doehrn and company would have been eliminated from the political scene, post haste. Watergate would probably have never come up, the Huston plan would have superseded the Plumbers, much more efficiently. The line from the Untouchables, that applies here is “You open the ball up on them, Mr. Ness, and you have to be prepared to go all the way.”The longer term lesson, is that affiliated movements of ‘community organizers’ can regroup a generation later; under Lula, Bachelet, The Broad Front and the Kirschner candidacy. The lesson taken in the future by any challengers to these forces, is don’t leave any survivors (no Gelman, Verbitsky,
    Dorfman, Galeano, Benedetti, Sabato,
    under no means, never give up power.

    Richard Morgan, himself, inadvertently raises this argument; albeit reluctantly
    in his dystopian noir series. The
    Quellists did not prevail on Harlan’s World; the UN superstructure (his vision of a new galactic order does. Much like AQ in Iraq, they wore out their welcome, with their nihilism. Even if you do nothing, rest assured those who took sustenance and encouragement from your statements will be seen in the same as

  136. David Warner says:

    “If Larisa and her fellow travelers were half as clever and talented as they imagined themselves to be”

    See this

  137. N. O'Brain says:

    “In less than two-months Maj. (P) John will salute Barack Obama or enjoy some re-education time in the brig. That’s the beauty of America, eh.”

    No the Major would salute President Obama becasue he’s an honorable man.

    Unlike you, you tiny fascist wannabe.


  138. Jeff G. says:

    So one Paul supporter misreads and projects out of self-interest, and that’s “the right” agreeing with Larisa the nutjob?

    And they said critical thinking was moribund…

  139. ZEITGEIST says:

    […] SAY YOU WANT A revolution? More […]

  140. Government attracts people who want to change things, and most don’t mind using a little coercion or half-truth to have their way. This is particularly apparent on the left, where a failure to be elected is considered a sign of ignorance among the people and a conspiracy of those “in power”.

    Leading The People
    If You Don’t Agree Now, You Will Later

    Around 1967 at the University of Chicago, I was talking to one of the radical guys in my dormitory, call him Brad. He argued that only a radical change in government would bring about a better society. I disagreed.

    He said that his movement would become stronger, and eventually I would agree with him. I asked, what if I didn’t agree with him, even later? He flashed anger and told me that if I didn’t agree on my own, he would make me agree. I saw that as the end of the discussion.

    — Continued at EasyOpinions – Leading the People

  141. Bill Dalasio says:

    The thing that I can’t help but wonder is: do these buffoons recognize just how easily replicable their entire speil is? Seriously, if I were given a couple of weeks, I could probably train anyone to know the right cultural cues to reasonably pass for one of the cosmopolitan elitists. This isn’t like Victorian England where you at least had to know a dead language or two to pass yourself off as an aristocratic thinker. All you really need to master is the cultural cues, the correct level of presumption, and a good enough sense of entitlement.

  142. Bill Dalasio says:

    Gah!! I forgot to add the entire speil of the cosmopolitan elites reminds me of a line from a (mediocre) Michael Caine movie, Educating Rita: “Found a culture, have you, Rita? Found a better song to sing, have you? No–you have found a different song, that’s all. And on your lips it’s shrill and hollow and tuneless.”

  143. Ben says:

    I think it’s hilarious that “Takeshi Kovacs” is taking “Quellcrist Falconer” to task here – Mr. Morgan would be, uh, proud or something. I’m guessing QF thought that Market Forces was a great and prophetic book (it’s a laughably-stupid, anti-capitalist old screenplay that Morgan rushed to novel form after his excellent Altered Carbon did so well).

  144. B Moe says:

    The Rovian ReThugs are obviously expecting the limo libs go rogue and revolt after they lose yet another election and that is why McCain/Palin: smaller targets.

    Outsmarted again, nishfong!

  145. Without All That Stuff, Jonas Sedlar (What The --?) says:

    I clicked the link. Hmm. Larisa Alexandrova wasn’t nearly as pretty as her name led me to believe she’d be.

  146. PorkBomb says:

    I’ve been saying for a couple of years that, eventually, the libs are going to start killing people. I don’t believe their frothing, hate-filled rhetoric is specifically calculated to induce killing but it’s having the cumulative effect of working them up to a tipping point where they will actually begin killing people who oppose them in any way. And the media carry a large part of the blame for this. They have been fanning extremely partisan flames for a long time.

  147. Mark M. says:

    I knew Larisa, we went to school together at Cleveland State University. (It’s not Idaho State, but clearly you can see that the Ivy league does not have a monopoly on graduating pretentious pseudo-intellectuals with a penchant for fascism.) Her life experience, which she prefers to hide behind a pretentious pseudonym, consists of pretending to write the next great American novel/poem collection for the past 15 years, editing her own wikipedia articles to make up intellectual “movements” she purports to lead, (“neo-modernism”?!) and gaining some renown by scribbling outrageous stories propped up by certifiable cranks and loonies for the code-pink, 9-11 truthers, BusHitlerBurton conspiracy crowd that pour over sites like Raw Sewage & the Huffing Compost for nuggets of “truth” that manage to confound them at every turn.

    I suppose she should be congratulated for attaining some modicum of ‘elite’ status, in the sense that she has achieved an infamy of sorts, completely ungrounded from reality, hasn’t held a real job for nearly a decade, and thinks she is somehow destined (and capable) of leading us to a brighter tomorrow despite having no responsibilities to speak of.

    Well, congratulations Larisa. 15 years ago we graduated as over-indoctrinated leftist morons with worthless liberal arts degrees. I’ve acquired no fame, but I learned the way of the world, grew up and acquired the responsibilities of fatherhood, a house, and the solemn mission that my 3yr old daughter prosper in what are undeniably “interesting times”. It is obvious that you have learned nothing in the intervening years, and speak pretty much the same pseudo-intellectual drivel you did the day we rolled out of that institution in the early 90’s.

    As responsible people work to avoid a global, 2nd Great Depression, you second guess them from a position of utter ignorance. Let me assure you that our ‘kitchen fiction’ writing curriculum at the hands of the perpetually obscure did not equip us to speak authoritatively on this issue. You need to stop living off of your parents, collect a regular paycheck, negotiate a mortgage, contribute to a retirement plan, and actively seek to educate yourself on these issues in order to understand them. In other words, you need to become a real person that has actual responsibilities for someone other than yourself to realize that working for something larger than yourself is the most important and significant thing you will ever do. You’re nearly 40. Grow up before it’s too late.

  148. Without All That Stuff, Jonas Sedlar (What The --?) says:

    This certainly isn’t a novel observation — in fact, it’s something of a cliche — but it never ceases to astound me how the left so blithely blathers on about current Republicans’ “trampling” of the Constitution, Bush’s “terrifying” expansion of executive power, etc., as if he’s charged in and wrecked some previously pristine constitutional government.

    The reason it never ceases to astound me, of course, is that it’s the left that spent a century doing just that. Nearly everything the left adores — from Social Security on down — represents egregious expansion of power and disregard for constitutional principles.

    If they want to argue that “well, those things were worthy departures from the founders’ ideals, we just don’t like the particular departures made by Bush,” that would be one thing. But they don’t. They simply bluster onward, acting as if history started in January 2001 and — most frustratingly — ignoring the fact that the precedents set by their own ideology are what have empowered Bush to do most of the stuff they don’t like.

  149. Harry Nads says:

    This is why a strong government is necessary. Citizens simply can’t defend themselves against organized terrorism, which is exactly what this woman is suggesting. A revolution is just another word for terrorism. An attack against the government is an attack against the government, no matter how these left wing lunatics try to sugar coat it.

    They must be stopped.

  150. […] Sorry, I left out the link to Jeff G. […]

  151. The Monster says:

    “Homosexuals are lynched” in the fantasy viciously ascribed to Jeff G.

    But in the real world, who is it that executes homosexuals?

    Oh, yeah, that would be the Shari’a courts of fundamentalist Islam. And the party that claims to be the defender of gay rights is in steadfast opposition to our efforts to fight the people who actually kill gays for being gay.

  152. Tony LaVanway says:

    No Purple Camo,its just ghey.
    Anyone show up in Purple,gets KP!

    South Haven,MI

  153. Chuck Pelto says:

    TO: All
    RE: If….

    …this woman’s wish/nightmare comes to pass, the first thing to do is going to be what’s left of the Democratic Party. And that might not be all that bad a think. As it will allow for a less vociferous and more rational party structure to stand up in its place.


    [To defend the Constitution of the United States, against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic. — oath of office of a commissioned officer of the United States Armed Forces]

    P.S. Babe, this includes YOU…..

  154. Chuck Pelto says:

    TO: All

    That should read….

    “….the first thing to GO….”

    My apologies….



  155. […] kook joins the distortion train and swift-boat party. This one is actually now claiming that I am calling for an insurrection (wow, in a few hours they […]

  156. RTO Trainer says:

    Uniforms aren’t required. Having a uniform, I’d prefer that anyone rallying to the flag that is not formally entitled, not wear a uniform.

    A “distinctive emblem recognizable at a distance,” is the only requirement. If it were solely up to me, I’d recommend either the Gadsden or Morales Flag as patches worn on the left arm.

    But if there are to be uniforms, I want to be in the Oklahoma Regiment of Zouaves.

  157. Slartibartfast says:

    “Homosexuals are lynched” in the fantasy viciously ascribed to Jeff G.

    Please: do not feed the fucking troll.

  158. B Dubya says:

    Perhaps Comrade Larisa expects that the leftards will fight the next civil war via proxy.
    Personally, I wouldn’t sit it out. I don’t have that kind of self discipline. And I am a better marksman and better armed that the Lear Jet Liberal crowd.
    The 2nd Ammendment means you never have to ask permission to defend liberty, though you may have to ask for forgiveness after the fire dies down.

  159. Haha says:

    Whoever said “his side has the majority of the guns”…you’re really willing to fight for Bush & Co. to keep up with their golfing and yachting schedules? Kudos to you, my friend.

    I really don’t think this breaks down along Republican and Democrat lines. The people in control could give a shit about you asshats.

    But I will give you one thing, I am really glad you preserved my right to go out and buy a gun. I was going to do it if we were dumb enough to elect McCain/RovePart3…but I think I’ll push up the schedule.

    You’re not the one I’m intending to defend myself from, and I’m not the one you should be looking out for either. We all seem to be responsible citizens trying to build a life for ourselves and a better country.

    But there are looters at the top and bottom that we should all be afraid of. Bush & Co are among them. And when they’ve achieved their robbery of us all, the ones at the bottom left with no pacifier will have to come out of their ghettoes in order to survive.

    Wise up. Last chance…

    Obama/Biden ’08

  160. Dan Collins says:

    I’m shaking in my boots.

  161. Tony LaVanway says:


    I know its a foreign design and that it would’nt be practical in real life.

    But i always thought the German Flectar camo, looked cool.Just always liked the pattern.

    South Havin,MI

  162. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    You should be. Haha sings too. Painful I bet.

  163. B ristlecone says:

    The problem for th eleftists is that the very people they find unfit to govern are probably more familiar with weapons and more willing to use them than they are. The result of such a civil war would be a lot of dead leftists and even more of a red-state dominance.

  164. Darleen says:


    the person who can say that with a straight face cannot be trusted to actually remove their shoes before their Saturday night shower.

    that’s a person who has no idea of how the porterhouse steak ever appeared on his plate.

  165. Tony LaVanway says:

    And you just know,the left will call for U.N.Peacekeeping Smurfs.when they start losing.

    South Haven,MI

  166. Tony LaVanway says:

    Smurfs in the wire!
    We got motherfooking smurfs in the wire!!

    South Haven,MI

  167. dre says:

    “We all seem to be responsible citizens trying to build a life for ourselves and a better country.”

    No you are communist trying to eat off the carcass of perceived dying capitalistic system and demanding guacamole and greasey union workers on the side.

  168. TmjUtah says:

    …you’re really willing to fight for Bush & Co. to keep…”

    Well, if your are going to be spectacularly mistaken, might as well start big, I always say.

  169. TmjUtah says:

    Oh, and Haha, anybody who claims that there are political persons who bear some kind of prime culpability in this current mess and doesn’t open the ball with Bill Clinton, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank is just committing hackery.

    I see this as a systemic failure of the electorate to govern itself, before anything else.

    And if the Democrats have a brain cell left to call their own (ohhhhhhhh shit) they’d best pretend it’s 9/12 again and do what they did back then: get the fuck out of the way while the adults deal with the initial disaster.

    Unfortunately for them, I think the McCain administration will not let sleeping dogs lie, as did the Bush administration regarding the failures of government and government individuals in the road to 9/11. Why would, or should, he? Fat lot of good such forbearance did for Bush, right? As soon as the Democrats realized that the failures (IN HINDSIGHT) of the previous administration’s nineties policies were “off the table” as far as the Bush administration was concerned, they set about exploiting the complexity, cost, and confusion inherent in the war effort for the own ends.

    I regard what is left of the Democratic party brain trust as having an intellectual heft somewhere south of that found in a used condom and the ethos of a pay day loan operator. Which leads me to ask… what do you think YOU have to fight for, Haha?

  170. Tony LaVanway says:

    Nobodys called us Imperialistic Fascist
    Kill-Bots in this thread yet.
    Did i miss it?

    South Haven,MI

  171. Grant Illes says:

    This situation sounds like a set-up to me. First, reactionaries hi-jack the Democratic Party and nominate a candidate that is certain to loose. Then when that candidate looses, they riot, instigate civil war, and call for revolution!

  172. RTO Trainer says:

    Interesting proposition, Grant. It was the model used in LA re: the OJ trial.

  173. Pablo says:

    But there are looters at the top and bottom that we should all be afraid of. Bush & Co are among them. And when they’ve achieved their robbery of us all, the ones at the bottom left with no pacifier will have to come out of their ghettoes in order to survive.

    Wise up. Last chance…

    Obama/Biden ‘08

    Mission Control, we have achieved maximum density. And it turns out that it’s chock full of irony.

  174. Roger Godby says:

    To thor:
    I’d be careful going with yen, at least long-term. Japanese national debt is huge, there are lots of businesses “in business” only because the interest rate has been 0.02% (if even that) for so long that they’ve been able to persists (“zombie businesses”), the consumption tax has gone from 3% to 5% and is likely going to 7%; 20% of the population is 70+, soon to be 25% at 65+, yet the reproduction rate is extremely low. There are schools (and even public universities) with more teachers and staff than students). The other night NHK reported some large public hospitals will begin to close, although national health is mainly provided through small privately-owned clinics (which is why you don’t want to need a doc or dentist after 6pm or on a weekend). Increasing numbers of dwindling numbers of young people are not paying taxes, and the national pension system is a nightmare, with a recent national scandal where multiple years’ worth of national pension records were lost. If you didn’t have your monthly pension payment record book (from, say, 15 years ago), you might forfeit those years, although the politicians have “assured” us that won’t happen. Japan’s a wonderful place, but its future is grim, although mass immigration (especially of hostile minorities) has remained off the table, thankfully.

  175. Republican on Acid says:

    Am I late to this party? What a good number of “educated” left wing tramps don’t understand is that the rumbling they hear isn’t their own echo chamber but people they have never met and have never associated with – nor would ever associate with that are quite literally dangerous mother fuckers that are waiting and watching for the moment to make it “stop”.

    They should be a little more nervous than they are for calling for this kind of thing. Kind of like that movie Joe except maybe in reality “Susan” really does die and instead of it being a horrible sad thing it will be the “norm”. No artistic value whatsoever.

    Be careful what you wish for city kids.

  176. wendelicious says:

    Look here you ignorant effin twits and stop your whiny GOP RATIONALE!! There is one beautiful thing about this country…the first amendement…freedom of press (to inform us of all possibilities) and Freedom of speech for all of our opinions!! What IS UNAMERICAN IS TO ATTACK A PERSON SO CRUDELY, WHEN IN FACT YOU PROBABLY WATCH 30MINS OF NEWS A DAY AND WASTE THE REST OF YOUR TIME ON REALITY TV, DRAMAS OR AMERICAN IDOL!!!

    When an Administration passes laws to grant themselves immunity and ones to block investigations, only a fuckin moron would not see the warning signs!! Good Lord, you people are so dellusional in your propoganda fed political belief system you would probably elect Charles Manson into office if he was on the GOP ticket!!

    Here’s some other very worthwhile reads about your ideal conservative politicians…

    http://www. slate. com/id/2199810/

    http://www. mcclatchydc. com/244/story/52804. html

    http://www. huffingtonpost. com/2008/09/15/reid-pelosi-slam-bush-mcc_n_126591. html

    http://www. truthout. org/article/pentagon-oversight-takes-a-step-forward

    http://www. truthout. org/article/twenty-questions-social-justice-quiz-2008

    The GOP is nothing but the Dire Wolf…600 pounds of sin! and the “conservatives” that scream Christian Values yet do not follow the Bible daily, or even True American Beliefs, when in reality…Both the Bible, and The Constitution are written to create peaceful and prosperous life amongst ALL human beings!! And the war in Iraq (ie. war on terror that wasn’t there) caused thousands of murders, poverty on our own soil, and raised the threat of more terrorist attacks because our “leaders” (and I use that term loosely)has pissed off just about every nation except Amsterdam and thats because they’re all smokin weed and don’t give a rats ass! And why are we there?? OIL!! And why are we forcing russia out of georgia?? So we can get that oil!! And Now what are we doing?? Drilling for oil!! With an Economy and a Military that is almost depleted…Who do you think the next target will be?!?! It’s US!! Let’s face it people, China, Russia, the middle east and maybe even Amsterdam are waiting for us to go broke…so they can invade us. Frankly…I’d give Bush a blow job if it would get that greedy mofo impeached…hell, I’d swallow if it guaranteed anything BUT a republican in office again!!

  177. I find your ideas intriguing wendy and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

  178. B Moe says:

    Let’s face it people, China, Russia, the middle east and maybe even Amsterdam are waiting for us to go broke…so they can invade us.


  179. Amsterdam?

    quiet. he’s rolling.

  180. Amsterdam?

    You don’t remember when they bombed Pearl Harbor?

  181. Ted Nugent's Soul Patch says:

    “This situation sounds like a set-up to me. First, reactionaries hi-jack the Democratic Party and nominate a candidate that is certain to loose. Then when that candidate looses, they riot, instigate civil war, and call for revolution!”

    I doubt it. Up until Palin came into the picture, Obama was set to turn McCain into Dole 2008, a well-meaning but out-of-touch war hero who was merely there to play the role of patsy while Obama waltzed into the White House on gossamar clouds. Palin’s nomination changed the entire equation–Obama found out that McCain wasn’t going to roll over completely and hence you have a desperate man using his pro-bono media propogandists to try and throw ANY line out there and see what hooks.

    The Republican brand, thanks to Bush’s and Congressional Republicans’ coziness with big spending and disagreements over the nature of torture and how the war has been conducted, is in the toilet right now. The Democrats pasted most of the candidates in 2008 and will likely gain seats again this fall. By all rights, Obama should be taking this in a walk, yet McCain is running neck and neck with him.

    The more desperate Obama becomes, the more missteps he has made, and only the most die-hard leftists would pressed to see how the media, his campaign, and his supporters have acted in the last couple of weeks and not be bothered by how this supposedly post-racial, post-partisan candidate is turning out to be nothing more than a typical politician, and a particularly slimy one at that. The man lies so easily and with so little hesitation that he makes Clinton look like St. Francis of Assisi. He’s the classic example of someone who believes his own press clippings, and it’s thrown him for a loop that people aren’t lining up like lemmings to genuflect to his own percieved magnificence.

  182. Ted Nugent's Soul Patch says:

    Oops, I should have put 2006, not 2008.

  183. Tony LaVanway says:


    that is One Serious Idiot.

    South Haven,MI

  184. Ted Nugent's Soul Patch says:

    “Look here you ignorant effin twits and stop your whiny GOP RATIONALE!! There is one beautiful thing about this country…the first amendement…freedom of press (to inform us of all possibilities) and Freedom of speech for all of our opinions!! What IS UNAMERICAN IS TO ATTACK A PERSON SO CRUDELY, WHEN IN FACT YOU PROBABLY WATCH 30MINS OF NEWS A DAY AND WASTE THE REST OF YOUR TIME ON REALITY TV, DRAMAS OR AMERICAN IDOL!!!”

    Yeah, THAT attitude will make me consider your opinions in a serious manner.

    How much is Rove paying you?

  185. But I note, none of you us have actually countered any of it’s points. lame.

  186. it’s still extra apos’trophe day, right?

  187. Tony LaVanway says:


    I think i actually lost brain cells,after reading that.

  188. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    It’s just the opening bars of that old time favorite, “In Your Face!”.

    This and many many replays are brought to you courtesy of “Obama’s Loney Hearts Club Band and Community Organizer Summer Camp Ensemble.

  189. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    Arrgh, Lonely not Loney, shoot.


  191. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    Thanks, but my freezer is already full from the last sale.

  192. wendelicious says:

    Be careful Tony 188/192…it doesn’t seem you have many left to spare. All of you who are already denouncing anything I said has not taken any time to read those links. Ignorance is choosing not to know any better. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

    Tony, you’re nailing Jell-o to a wall you twit. Have a Super Day!
    The Serious Idiot

  193. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. “

    The irony it burns.

  194. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

    Take it from the expert, folks!

  195. um, yeah, because Truthout is a reliable source. THAT ROVE INDICTMENT IS COMING ANY DAY NOW!!!!

  196. Ted Nugent's Soul Patch says:

    “All of you who are already denouncing anything I said has not taken any time to read those links.”

    Read this…

    Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich, trick.

  197. wendelicious says:

    Yep…just what I thought…not one of you would take the time to read them. Look, you all want to go on about your political beliefs, that’s fine with me…you carry no value as a bunch of names on one of thousands opinion web sites. You’re just a bunch of nobody’s…ignorant neo-con’s that will insult and even stoop to threaten a nationally respected journalist because she was did exactly what you are doing here…stating her opinion. hypocrite’s! The only reason why your panties are in a bunch is because she gets paid for her opinion…and that in itself sums it all up.

  198. even stoop to threaten

    eh? I must have missed that bit.

    you carry no value as a bunch of names on one of thousands opinion web sites

    um, okay, but you seem to care enough to continue wasting time with us.


    it IS still extra apo’stophe day! w007!

  199. Tony LaVanway says:

    “Educate yourself”
    Is a lefty code for Go away,until you agree with me.

    Listen jaggoff,i’ve seen all this before,the insults,the slander,it was called “THE 80’S”

    You lost then,as you will lose now.

    If you feel froggy..jump

    South Haven,MI

  200. nationally respected journalist

    says who? oh and you forgot to add “that likes to threaten bloggers in her free time” yes, how dare we “state our opinion”

  201. Ted Nugent's Soul Patch says:

    Where’s my sandwich?

  202. not one of you would take the time to read them

    No offense, but it’s a case of “so many illiterate psychotics, so little time.”

    Have a productive evening!

  203. Where’s my sandwich?

    And my juice box?

  204. Well when the lefties attack, they’ll be getting a slightly exotic nickel-jacketed .30 caliber bullet in their skulls, compliments of the Swiss 7.5×55 Ruag surplus cartridge and one of my trusty K-31s. It’s expensive as hell for surplus, but hey Lefty Liberation Nation, you’re worth it.


  205. geoffb (JARAIP) says:


    It was the same in the 60’s, the 70’s, the 80’s, the 90’s and now in the new millennium. Different actors, same play. And they all think it’s brand new, every time, the perpetual virgins of thought.

  206. wendelicious says:

    You’re gonna tell me to make you a sandwich with that name?!?! Ted Nugents soul patch?!?! Are you kidding me? Are You Fucking kidding me? At least be the soul patch to someone who is hot!

  207. Tony LaVanway says:

    Yeah, i know don’t feed the trolls.
    But,the stupid was so strong,in this one.

    Btw,criticism is not OPPRESSION.

    South Haven,MI

  208. you’re oppressing her, um, right not to be criticized. I think it’s the 30th amendment. let me check with Obama.

  209. wendelicious says:

    Well at least I made it interesting on here…and Peter…I may be a lefty, but do I really deserve a …”slightly exotic nickel-jacketed .30 caliber bullet in (our) skulls, compliments of the Swiss 7.5×55 Ruag surplus cartridge and one of (your) trusty K-31s.”

    Talk about needing vitaminH.

    And hey, as far as the election goes…I’m voting for

    G’nite folks…tip your servers!


    Not at all.

    It makes me happy when mentally ill hippies waste their votes.

    In fact, why don’t you write her in for every office on the ballot? That’ll really get our panties in a bunch.


  211. Tony LaVanway says:

    It’s the same damn rerun.over and over again.

    South Haven,MI

  212. I’m voting for
    Cynthia McKinney


  213. Ted Nugent's Soul Patch says:

    Belive me, wen, I wasn’t joking in the slightest. You sincerely are a trick, so hotness shouldn’t really matter to you in the slightest as long as you get paid.

    Who says a dollar doesn’t go far enough these days? If you’re good, wen, I might even let you have that crust of bread I promised you. But that sandwich better be perfect.

  214. Darleen says:

    I’m voting for
    Cynthia McKinney

    There IS a God!

  215. You know, I have thought about this sort of thing for a very long time. The pleasure principle I have always had is that for all the “anger” those of my more vocal lefty friends have had and are having there has always been a more insidious ANGER in my perception of these people I know on the margins that actually have beaten other human beings to a pulp and actually do own “illegal” weaponry. If anyone was ever to sit back and look at this sort of future scenario in a logical manner they would see with obvious clarity what sort of people would win this kind of thing and it would clearly be those of the “right” which “they” have been telling to eat cake for nearly 60 years now. The anger under the surface has only been held back by civility and decent economic reality. I will declare this again, YOU REALLY DON’T WANT TO MESS WITH THIS REALITY.

  216. Tony LaVanway says:

    They’re scared.You can almost,sense it.

    Like a slight taste of electricity,right before a thunder storm.


  217. Almost sense it?
    Hell, even some of my most level headed pals think of Palin as Satan striding the earth. They have about 5 paragraphs where they delete any authority the person should possibly have while at the same time willingly ignore the virtual library of damning evidences that live and encrust the ass crack of the Obama nation.
    We are living in weird times, and I am weirder than they are so I felt the goose pimples on my skin about 7 years ago. They are just now catching up.
    But Roosevelt is not dead and they are planning their battle of the bulge with Obama.
    It is sad in a way because I almost have to admire that the last 100 years of Union brainwashing has finally come to this head. I wish I could say that the boil could be lanced with communication but it doesnt seem to be.
    I see violence in our future because some people want to deny their nature. The same people who get pissed about creationism don’t understand the first thing about human nature.
    Don’t get me wrong, I think creationism is a crock of steamy dummy, but the fact that there are people who believe that life can be “FAIR” – well they don’t really believe in evolution after all. What they believe in is fairey tales.

    Sort of brought to you by that new great Belgian beer called Budweiser.

  218. BTW wendelicious, my cd and book collection would make your simple little head swim. More importantly my comprehension of said collection would make your little simple mind shake with hatred and confusion.

    I still laugh that these dullards believe on some constant basis that only THEY have a handle on culture. Especially when philosophically speaking that handle does little more than hold a fart.

    It almost makes me WANT to watch American idol and other similar nonsense to justify their insanity. After all, there is nothing better in the world than irritating a left wing loon. It’s nearly as enjoyable as annoying a parent who is L7 when you are in highschool.

  219. Saladman says:

    IF there’s a bright side to this, its that the left will never get a coordinated revolution off the ground. How will they each know which is the real one when they’ve had a hundred false starts?

    Something I do take seriously is the risk of one lone nut taking a piece like this to heart. We’ve already had Sudden Jihad Syndrome in the US, from the DC snipers to the Seattle synagogue shooting to the guy with a van mowing down pedestrians. Many school shooters have been on or recently off anti-depressants – not inherently surprising, but suggestive given side effect warnings of suicidal ideation. Now we’re getting another grievance/provocation, and I think its appropriate that the authors get called on it.

    Fortunately, red-state country knows how to deal with an active shooter. Which leads me to second everyone who’s pointed out that its generally conservatives who own guns and know how to use them.

  220. Mark M. says:

    I knew Larisa, and I think she’s devolved into a full fledged fabulist. (think shades of Stephen Glass) Her personal story is peppered with embellishments and omissions. I strongly suspect this tendency bleeds into her “professional” work.

    Larisa readily admits to working under a pseudonym. When I last talked with her, the pseudonym was necessary to protect her from right wing fanatics. (Like Ross Perot, She had friends who had been threatened!) But now the story’s evolving to include a timely fear of Putin:

    “Because of my overt criticism of President Putin, as well as my investigative work, I use my patronymic as my pen name instead of my given surname.”

    Yeah, because he could never figure out where you live, and he’s really upset about the crowd that’s doing it’s best to undermine the War on Terror by exposing the BusHitlerBurton Imperialist Agenda that threatens even Mother Russia.

    (If you’re so afraid of Putin, may I suggest you vote for the guy & gal who he’s afraid of? – you know, that whole “if there is a bear” thing)

    Read Larisa’s profile. No mention of her growing up in South Euclid. (too normal). Larisa always liked to tell stories, like the one about how her parents had promised their first born to a gypsy to escape some such problem, and how that gypsy cursed them for reneging on the deal! Purposely flunked “Existentialism”? (A 300 level class) Oh, ok, that doesn’t set off my B.S. detector. Published Poet? The Cleveland Review was some mimeographed pamphlet back in the early nineties that you’d find discarded in the Arabica coffee shop under a stack old Free Times, so when she says “small readership” she means like 5 people including herself and the editor who liked to hang around her (some 40-something loser mercifully smothered in obscurity). Plays chess like a good Ruskie”? “interested in chess theory?” -Whatever. I beat her like a mule every time we played. Moved to NYC and regretted “selling out” for NASDAQ? Guess she forgot to mention the two years she spent polishing the cudgels of fascism while still in Cleveland at Ernst & Young. (Because NASDAQ would jump at the chance to hire some wannabe poet from Cleveland for a ‘Knowledge Management’ position (ok, it’s a glorified editor, but come on). Just paying the bills to keep on writing? At the time she was living in the REALLY expensive apt. literally in the shadow of the House of Morgan; literally, across from the NY Stock Exchange. (No, I’m not making this up). Oh the tribulations the Arteest must endure in the pursue of her muse!

    Then there’s the sickness thing. When I first emailed her to congratulate her initial success at Raw Story, (we had not communicated in years) she claimed she had a “dire” (as in numbered days) condition in order to ply a phone number out of me. I declined, and it quickly morphed into “chronic pain”. I hope she’s in perfect health, but let’s just say that I would take such claims with a legion’s payroll, because the only chronic condition I ever saw when I knew her well was a hypochondriac’s touch for the dramatic.

    Now to her work: Her first big story was the supposed “stealing” of the election in Ohio with the help of specially rigged voting machines. Working for a large software company, she asked me about a “source” who claimed he was part of a secret conspiracy at Diebold, (just him and the CEO and a VP or two were in on the plot). I told her the guy’s story made no sense. There is NO WAY you could keep a secret like that as part of a huge development team, that the guy didn’t appear to have the background to be such a ‘productive’ developer, and his story of discussing technical details with a C level officer didn’t sound plausible.

    Then we have the Plame story, which Larisa claims to have “blown open”. Putting aside the demonstrable fabrications of Plames book hustling husband, Larisa’s “sources” (again anonymous people claiming to be “officials” who work in the CIA) openly admit that they, like Plame, were something called “non-official undercover”. (Well, at least that would explain why Fitzgerald never actually charged ANYONE for outing an undercover agent.) Is it cynical for me to think there is no such designation?

    (BTW, if we’re so concerned that we set back our efforts to stop Iran by a decade, why don’t we just drop those time shifting “do-over” devices on their asses and put them back 20 years? Oh, that’s right, because the left would try to impeach the president for doing his job. Personally I hope he waits until after the last polls have closed on Nov 4 to send one last F-U to the ankle biters. We can watch the vote tallies and the fireworks on a split screen.

    Then we have the story about the “Soviet Era Compound” used by the Nazi’s (must have been built after the Soviet invasion of Poland but before the Nazi’s came pouring across the border during Operation Barbarossa.) The sources: more anonymous types who 1) claim to be polish spooks, and 2) claim to be the very same sources the Washington Post used for its story on secret prisons, who are angry, you see, because the Evil ChimpBusHitlerBurton forced the Post not to give out the location.) Yes, the people who would never ever compromise national security were taking a hit for the good ole USA.

    Excuse me while I guffaw till my lung pops out.

    But now that the 22nd Amendment is bringing an end to the fun, Larisa’s branching out into 9/11 truthiness. I can’t wait for the next, anonymously sourced, breathless expose. (See “Current Projects” at to find out how steel buildings can’t collapse when exposed to fire. (Have any of these people ever heard of an acetylene torch?)

  221. Salt Lick says:

    I want to be in the Oklahoma Regiment of Zouaves.

    No, no. Matthew Conauhey’s “Kentucky Irregulars.” Didn’t you see “Reign of Fire?”

  222. Pablo says:

    Mark M., would you happen to know if Larissa has ever been naturalized? Is she an American citizen?

  223. […] Jeff Goldstein identifies the young lady’s political perspective, accurately, as antidemocratic progressivism. […]

  224. B Moe says:

    From what I understood of a previous Mark M post, Pablo, she is whitebread All-American girl from Ohio. The Russian thing is a complete affectation.

  225. Percy Dovetonsils says:

    When anyone else reads the serious crazy laid down by these people, do you make the classic “cuckoo-cuckoo-cuckoo” noise, like when Foghorn Leghorn gets whacked in the face by a shovel?

    I have this increasingly sick feeling that whether the O!messiah wins or not, we’re equally fucked.

  226. Pablo says:

    B Moe, she grew up here so that part holds. but unless I’m mistaken, she was born in the Ukraine.

  227. Eugene V. says:

    This entire thread is just hysterical. First off liberals have no “POWER” to change anything, you conservatives (and so-called ‘libertarian’ hangers-on) have provided all the justifications for everything done during the past eight years, and if you want to get technical, for the past thirty years at least.

    Talk about ‘getting your panties in a bunch’ as one of you put it to Wendilicious up at post #214/215 above ! Larisa Alexandrovna, normally maligned by your ilk is now a goddamned “SUPERWOMAN”…her opinions now seem to carry super powers…EVERYONE must be reading her stuff. Nope.

    Just either JeffG or Confederate Yankee forgot that most American schools don’t teach the stuff about the Ludlow Massacre or the Matewan Shootout or about Keynes’ “marginal propensity to consume” anymore so they’ve got to terroize those easily terrorized fellow-travellers of their’s somehow. What better way to energize the base and get them to ‘Vote McCain/Palin’ than to create a little controversy where normally, at least while they don’t see their power falling away, they’d blow off the rantings of little Larisa from Podunk, Ukraine, in a nanosecond.

    I’m sorry you’re so afraid boys and girls in the far right or near right wing. It’s just that YOU and the Army have all the tools of suppression available to you. Unfortunately, your argument falls short when you realize you’re just Projecting. If the leftists DO come to power in Washington they will really “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic”. This means simply repealing the Bush assaults on the Constitution and making domestic surveillance of Repuplicans no longer the policy of the police and national security apparatus.

    We on the left and progressive side do have principles whereas the rightwing has shown itself incapable of protecting that Constitution. Since Larisa’s mentioning of “total revolution” makes you think of an armed Harry Shearer coming down on you along with similarly armed Michael Moore types, you’ve missed Larisa’s point and this has been a jolly good Ooopie Moment for you that you can learn a useful life lesson from. No need to stalk Larisa or threaten her in any way since she hasn’t threatened you.

    The Founding Fathers took up arms as a last resort. They were also Freemasons who were the descendents ideologically of the persecuted Knights Templar, killed off — at least the powerful authoritarian forces of the day (King Phillip IV of France and Pope Clement V) thought they’d killed them off. The KT re-emerged as the world’s most pre-eminent “secret society”. George Washington, Simon Bolivar of So. America, Jose Marti of Cuba, Porfirio Diaz of Mexico, Giuseppe Garibaldi of Italy, Alexander Kerensky of Russia (the Oct. Revolution), and even nowadays with Salvador Allende of Chile…Freemasons all.

    I don’t need to list the US Presidents who were Freemasons, but the ones who stand out lately are FDR and Harry Truman. Up to 1948 the predominant ‘end times’ view was called Historicism. This was Martin Luther’s take on the antichrist and the end times. The papacy was the driving force that Luther was fighting against. In order to counter that view the Catholic church and its authoritarianists already in power needed a countervailing argument; they created Futurism, the biblical interpretation that a future antichrist person would come and sit in the Temple in Jerusalem and then Jesus would return after that. The church also infiltrated Masonic lodges and injected a lot of strange stuff (if you’re a Mason you can see this since up until the late 1800s there were only the original first three degrees; it’s only later when the Chavalier Ramsay ‘higher degree’ system gets going that the Jesuit’s plans come to full fruition and Masonry becomes ‘compromised’ with potential satanic symbols and way too much astrology and antidiluvian b.s. for most people to comprehend).

    This Futurism world view is the Left Behind novels end times interpretation. Sarah Palin and presumably John McCain, and most certainly George W. Bush subscribe to it.

    It is the guiding force behind the fear of the future that Confederate Yankee and JeffG and you so-called libertarians all have in common. You’re afraid of a leftist government but you cling to right wing authoritarianism.

    You prey on the ignorance of the people, as Thomas Jefferson warned against. “Our liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press, nor that be limited without danger of losing it.” –Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, 1786. Freemasons are admonished to seek “Light, More Light”, meaning acquire wisdom, more wisdom. This information you’ve just received isn’t meant as ridicule, dear conservative friends. It’s meant to show you the error of your ways lest you persist in those ways.

    Liberal views now are a pragmatic force. The economic ideas the left has now are NECESSARY to prevent further damage to the PEOPLE. It would be wise to simply let those views take power in Washington DC for awhile. Creating a Chilean style ‘disaparacidos’ rightwing police state is what I’m more afraid of happening here in the US.

    Salvador Allende was a Freemason too, but the forces against him were just too powerful at the time. Allende was democratically elected too, lest we forget that. Your side has all the guns. The left can only create a viable ‘secret society’ that you will have to try to root out. That secret society is committed to Liberty, Equality, Fraternity…not to mention truth, justice, and the pursuit of happiness. We’re Christians too.

  228. mojo says:

    Ah, the Freemason rant. A classic.

  229. This entire thread is just hysterical.

    Followed by about 4 pages of cut-and-paste communist drivel.


    Come up with some new material, Mr. Debs.

  230. Your side has all the guns.

    no, no, Joe Biden has a couple.

  231. Republican on Acid says:

    Wait, I am confused – wasn’t Jefferson also a freemason?

    What a maroon.

    Actually Eugene we are actively trying to mislead the human race – we just need a little more time to build our spacecraft so we can leave the earth behind as it is destroyed by the anti-christ.

    BTW, is this:

    how your kind is “preventing further damage”? Or were the freemasons keeping your leaders at bay by some mystical freemason sexual voodoo attack?

  232. B Moe says:

    So are the Masons the good guys here, or the bad guys?

  233. Pablo says:

    I’m sorry you’re so afraid boys and girls in the far right or near right wing. It’s just that YOU and the Army have all the tools of suppression available to you.

    That’s precisely why they’re not afraid, Eugene.

  234. geoffb (JARAIP) says:

    Re: #232

    They use Howard Zinn now as primary source material in history classes would be my take.

  235. Rob Crawford says:

    We on the left and progressive side do have principles…

    Really? Hard to tell from your behavior.

  236. Percy Dovetonsils says:

    I mention something about the “cuckoo” noise, and here comes Eugene, right on time. Though the Freemasons is a nice touch – a little retro, but the classics always work.

    Can I get a shout-out to the Illuminati?

  237. Rob Crawford says:

    Can I get a shout-out to the Illuminati?

    Only if I get to play the Mob.

  238. TmjUtah says:

    “We on the left and progressive side do have principles whereas the rightwing has shown itself incapable of protecting that Constitution.

    Please to explain how affirmative action realized as racial, gender, or economic quotas conforms to “equal under the law”.

    Take your time. I’ve got a lunch. And dinner. I always carry a seventy two hour kit in my truck, which will come in pretty handy because when you are done failing to philosophically justify AA, we are going to talk about tiered (progressive is a fraudulent term) income tax rates.

    I am listening and reading various reports on the ongoing effort to craft a bail out.

    I am inclined to call Cannon and Hatch and tell them to vote “no”. Better to have the wheels off now than allow the Old Boys to paper over the abyss for a few more days, weeks, months…

  239. Swen Swenson says:

    Not to worry. Until our intellectual betters learn to change their own oil their revolution is destined to last about 3 months or 3000 miles..

  240. […] led to the current financial crisis, and the attendant spin that is causing pedestrian poets to “lament” the need for a potential government overthrow. By way of, say, Larry Gelbart and Mike Farrell […]

  241. thor says:

    Oil is going upitty-up and the U.S. dollar going poo-poo.

    Who’d a thunk it!

  242. Mark M. says:

    Pablo @ #227 Yes she is naturalized, but let’s keep crap like this out of it. I just want people to know how someone who has been so shielded from the real world can become such an unhinged class-war hypocrite. She was a friend, but today she is an irrational, serial fabricator who has taken it upon herself to become a useful idiot/unwitting propagandist for islamo-fascism, and that cannot be ignored.

    Unfortunately her story is not unique. The last eight years I have seen several friends drift the same way under the constant bombardment of mainstream lefty propaganda. As someone who watched the second tower fall from my balcony I can no longer associate with people who aid & abet a virulent islamo-fascism (even unwittingly), and I told her as much the last time we corresponded. As someone with a Jewish wife (Larisa introduced us) and a Jewish daughter, I cannot remain disinterested by the rise of apologists that refuse to distinguish between the “fire and the fire fighter”.

    If you ever wondered how brother could turn against brother in the Civil War, than look no farther than this sad phenomenon where formerly rational people only see what they believe rather than the other way around. If you ever wondered if you would have recognized Hitler for what he was had you been German in the 1930’s, then consider these sad people that would rather live in a romanticized fantasy of Orwellian persecution than see the very real and obviously fascist threat in front of their nose.

    Such people are dangerous and must be discredited, even if they are all talk, (as she is) because they might inspire others who are *not* all talk. (Ask the family of Sharon Tate if mere talk of race/class war doesn’t have consequences).

    Even if nothing came of it, these people are actively undermining a workable strategy for defeating a dangerous, expansionist fascist ideology which only grows more dangerous with the democratization of technology. And they have been amazingly effective: Did they not nearly succeed in convincing Americans to give up on Iraq? People who don’t understand that Nations, not Presidents, lose wars must not win this argument or we will lose everything that western civilization stands for.

  243. Swen Swenson says:

    Smurfs in the wire!
    We got motherfooking smurfs in the wire!!

    Damn! I knew I should have mixed up a fresh batch of foogas..

  244. Rusty says:

    I think our new buddy Eugene is just one hyperbole away from a full bore, mouth foaming, seizure.

  245. Rusty says:

    Either that or it’s a street theater thing extension of Bluto’s “when the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor. Hard to tell with the spittle flecking.

    Spittle Flecking would be a good cover band name. Yes.

  246. Rusty says:

    Close quotes, dummy.

  247. Eugene V says:

    The Freemasons who made up our Founding Fathers, Washington’s officer corps was mostly Masons, were the Good Guys, this for the benefit of one of the responders to my post #232. The rest of you bedwetters, calling my post ‘communist drivel’ and saying ‘OMG, the Masons’ apparently don’t know that if you’re going to have a successful revolution you do it with a successful secret society. In the case of the USofA currently…there is no war armed revolt can arise from below. I stress from below. The Praetorian Guard, whenever conditions become SOOOOOOOOO bad in a country, like in ancient Rome for example, or presumably so bad — as with the Borgia’s in pre-Garibaldi Italy–simply offs the leader(s).

    It’s a good thing that you rightwingnuts have only yourselves to blame for the current mess the country is in. By not letting others play the power game you make that violent revolution more difficult from below…but if you’re in power and don’t produce results for the people, it gets SO OBVIOUS that something must be done.

    You’d have thought by now the ‘Publicans would have had George W. Bush impeached.

    How bad, exactly, does it have to get for you ?

  248. McGehee says:

    How bad, exactly, does it have to get for you ?

    You didn’t say anything about zombie spacemen from the ninth dimension.

  249. McGehee says:

    Oops, my bad. That’s zombie pirates from the ninth dimension. The zombie spacemen are from the 82nd century, and they’re the good guys.

  250. The rest of you bedwetters, calling my post ‘communist drivel’

    Because that’s what it is, Mr. Debs.

  251. So, does the name “Larisa Alexandrovna” give anyone else the creeps? Is she a fairly recent transplant demanding some sort of “Bolshevik” revolution?

  252. Pablo says:

    How bad, exactly, does it have to get for you?

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

    Wait right there. I’ll go get my gun.

  253. guinsPen says:

    We on the left and progressive side do have principles

    Link, please.

  254. Rusty says:

    OK.Eugene I’ll bite.
    Which of your constitutional rights have been violated by the current administration. Be specific please. Cite verifiable examples.

  255. Eugene still hasn’t explained himself. He basically states in his freemason tripe that freemasons were GOOD until Roosevelt and Truman took over and that since then everything has gone to shit. I am not sure what his point is. I suppose he is saying that all Republicans are secretly groomed by the ghost of FDR and that people like Obama have something new up their sleeve not influenced by the likes of that EVIL FDR?
    Eugene, not only do right wingers have the guns but they also seem to be able to make a storyline that is actually cohesive and sensible. Go back to the George Noory petting zoo where you belong – they will actually believe your special kind of nonsense. You might even become a bulletin board hero. Just claim the world is going to end every few days and you’ll do just fine.

  256. ginsocal says:

    Who knew that poking the roach nest that is HuffPo would be so much fun? Can we do it again tomorrow?

  257. Scorpio69er says:

    REAL Americans believe this:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, IT IS THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO ALTER OR ABOLISH IT, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

  258. RTO Trainer says:

    No. Jefferson was not a Freemason.

  259. though I have been told that George W Bush is a Mason. an eeeevil Mason. Best. Intermission. Conversation. EVAR!

  260. jk says:

    Dude, Timothy McVeigh was an effing librul.

  261. Rusty says:

    And as you know, Maggie, that’s just one step from being part of the InJewCo.Yes. it’s all coming together now. But, for it to work, we need McCain in office.

  262. Justin says:

    I think you guys are missing her point. She first brings up the Wall Street Bailout bill. Which you read here:

    If you look at number three (3) it says: “(3) designating financial institutions as financial agents of the Government, and they shall perform all such reasonable duties related to this Act as financial agents of the Government as may be required of them;

    So you really want financial agents running our government? Even though it’s already happening, with this Corporate Government. Our government should not be involved in the Markets, and/or bailing out institutions. Now the treasury is putting it in writing, that (5) issuing such regulations and other guidance as may be necessary or appropriate to define terms or carry out the authorities of this Act.

    She is pointing out that our Government is being hijacked, at the behest of us honest americans.

  263. […] kook joins the distortion train and swift-boat party. This one is actually now claiming that I am calling for an insurrection (wow, in a few hours they […]

  264. […] kook joins the distortion train and swift-boat party. This one is actually now claiming that I am calling for an insurrection (wow, in a few hours they […]

  265. […] kook joins the distortion train and swift-boat party. This one is actually now claiming that I am calling for an insurrection (wow, in a few hours they […]

  266. Eugene V says:

    Examples of #261’s request: warrantless wiretaps; GOP spying on Dems using Congressional computer system; true extent of domestic spying, always a favorite of GOP since Nixon’s days, isn’t fully known.

    Poster #262 requests main point of Freemason’s post #232 and 254: Since Chevalier Ramsay’s introduction of the ‘advanced degrees’ to Freemasonry, which really got going around the late 1800s, and since the Founding Father’s really only had the first three degrees (Entered Apprentice 1st degree (color=white), Fellowcraft 2nd degree (color=blue), and Master 3rd degree (color=red)), you didn’t have the ability to claim they were ‘satanic’, as some current day evangelists claim, like John Ankerberg for example. George Washington’s Prayer Journal, google it up, shows his committment to the Christian faith, however, his Freemasonic priciples committed him to tolerance of Jews (note his famous letter to the Rhode Island synagogue).

    Freemasons always stressed that YOU were the Third Temple. Not some future Third Temple to be built in Jerusalem and a centerpiece of the GOP’s reliance on End Times delusions, a misinterpretation of the Bible meant to steer the Lutheran insinuation that the papacy is an antichrist, see link at

    The Catholic Origins of Futurism and Preterism

    Futurism is the view held by the Left Behind novels, Rev John Hagee and nowadays taught in most Protestant seminaries. It was created by Jesuits during the Counter-Reformation in order to enhance the authoritarianism of the Catholic church and monarchists.

  267. Rusty says:

    Justin, Eugene. Eugene, Justin. Now if you two will just step through this door over here……………………………………

  268. Eugene V says:

    Post 275,

    or what, you’ll shoot some unarmed liberals like Adkisson did ?

    “Owen said Adkisson wrote that he was angered by “his lack of being able to obtain a job,” a reduction in his food stamp allotment, and “the liberal movement.” Owen explained the liberal movement, as defined by Adkisson, included liberal philosophies and issues pertaining to gays”

    You make fun of a journalist speaking about revolution, but you know such a revolution (armed) is impossible because of the army and police power, and surveillance probably makes it more likely that any armed or violent acts during a protest are ‘agent provacateur’ police (as happened in Quebac’s protest not too long ago) and during the many cointelpro actions. So you joke about it when liberals get wasted. Seems like the liberals do have principles; the conservatives just talk about principles.

  269. Rusty says:

    Oh, grow the fuck up, Eugene. The little dialog that plays in your head all day doesn’t interest anyone but you.

  270. RIch Rostrom says:

    WIth all respect: I think I understand Ms. Alexandrova better than you. What I see happening (as she does; but from the opposite side) is that democracy has been short-circuited. Power has been shifted from the elected representatives of the people to unaccountable bureaucrats and judges; and the elected representatives a) won’t fight back and b) have gimmicked the electoral system to ensure that most of them are untouchable. Look at the refusal of authorities to do anything serious to stop illegal immigration, despite overwhelming popular sentiment for such measures. Look at the imposition of same-sex marriage; at KELO-type abuse of eminent domain, and the fraudulent reforms enacted in most states; at Europe, where the Eurocratic elite is determined to enact the dreadful EU Constitution in spite of repeated overwhelming popular rejection. Ms. Alexandrova probably feels the same way about the continued U.S. presence in Iraq (though I don’t).

    It does seem like democracy is breaking down – that on some issues, it is impossible to challenge the status quo, regardless of the popular will. “Government derives it just powers from the consent of the governed.” If the government executes policies which the people have not consented to, and even object to, then the governemnt is unjust, and denies the people’s will. The proper answer to this is – as the Declaration of Independence said – revolution.

    I don’t think we’re there yet. Yet.

  271. whore says:


    Comment by Rusty on 9/23 @ 8:35 pm #

    Oh, grow the fuck up, Eugene. The little dialog that plays in your head all day doesn’t interest anyone but you.

    I found his thoughts fascinating, so shut the fuck up, Rusty.

  272. Eugene V says:

    They still haven’t answered MY question, from post #254: Exactly HOW BAD does it have to get for you guys to ADMIT the GOP have farkelled things up SOOOO badly that you’ll have to vote Democratic this year and get things fixed.

    Ron Paul and former Reagan Treasury man Paul Craig Roberts have known a long time ago, but they too subscribe to the unregulated ‘free market’ kool-aid. Worshipping at free market a false idol brings about the same Old Testament results. Looks like a Leviticus 25 kind of ‘Year of Jubilee’ might be needed.

    BTW, thank you, ‘whore’, post #279 !

  273. maggie katzen says:

    um, you’ll perhaps notice it’s not Dems that are questioning this bailout?

  274. happyfeet says:

    The Democrats want to pay losers’ mortgages for them. That’s so definitional.

  275. maggie katzen says:

    yes, perhaps I should clarify. They’re question is “Where’s my cut?” not “Should we be throwing out lot o’ cash?”

  276. McGehee says:

    Hmph. Still no zombie pirates. Eugene, what the hell kind of half-assed conspiracy theorist are you?

    Oh, and is Eugene a name, or a hometown? MORE COWBELL!

  277. […] kook joins the distortion train and swift-boat party. This one is actually now claiming that I am calling for an insurrection (wow, in a few hours they […]

  278. […] of what I wrote such a horrific idea as the encouragement of mass murder. But Dr. Donald and his two buddies are rather alone in this opinion, as even Malkin and Gingrich don’t agree with them, […]

  279. […] the plus side of all this, it looks like our pal Larisa will be able to put away her Glock and call the subcontractors to cancel her order for the […]

  280. Rusty says:

    “I found his thoughts fascinating”

    Why,……………am I not suprised.

  281. lailarohan says:

    Ilike everybody ideas specially Mcgehee one but one thing which everybody know that sometimes you don’t have any optionsin your life and you have to try your best so you won’t get yourself or anybody upset.

    Thank you!

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