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November 2024


Jesse Jackson Rips His Own Nuts Off [Dan Collins] – [UPDATED WITH VIDEO – JEFF]

Unpack this jive at leisure, baby:

Apparently unaware of a hot microphone, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr., founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, made a crude and disparaging remark along the lines of wanting to rip Obama’s genitals off in reference to how Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., might be alienating African-Americans with various moral instructions.

Jackson has issued this apology, saying: “For any harm or hurt that this hot mic private conversation may have caused, I apologize. My support for Senator Obama’s campaign is wide, deep and unequivocal. I cherish this redemptive and historical moment. My appeal was for the moral content of his message to not only deal with the personal and moral responsibility of black males, but to deal with the collective moral responsibility of government and the public policy which would be a corrective action for the lack of good choices that often led to their irresponsibility.”

Concluded Jackson: “That was the context of my private conversation and it does not reflect any disparagement on my part for the historic event in which we are involved or my pride in Senator Barack Obama, who is leading it, whom I have supported by crisscrossing this nation in every level of media and audience from the beginning in absolute terms.”

So, when I tell you to “go f*ck yourself,” what I really mean is that I don’t feel you’ve adequately addressed my concerns. Please don’t take it personally.

UPDATE: I’m sure that Ben at Think Progress will see the humor in this.

Update 2: STACLU has the video.

50 Replies to “Jesse Jackson Rips His Own Nuts Off [Dan Collins] – [UPDATED WITH VIDEO – JEFF]”

  1. Karl says:

    I will say that one of the benefits of the O! campaign has been watching JJ stew in his own bile.

    BTW, Dan — I think you meant that last sentence as a punchline, when it is actually JJ’s longtime credo. It just happened to be directed at a person of color this time, instead of a Fortune 500 corporation.

  2. ccoffer says:

    Give the guy a break. You wouldn’t expect him to be frank, and tell the truth(I’m the real thing, but this half-white mother fucker has the nomination instead of me. I was robbed!)…do you?


  3. sarahw says:

    Ok, O!, don’ t get in the way of Jesse’s shakedown living’, or he will privately have your salted parts for a hearty breakfast.

  4. ccoffer says:


  5. dre says:

    Barack the Magic Negro, lives in DC

  6. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Love the quote from J.J. Jr.

    He’s clearly been taking pointers from Obama: “This is not the father I knew.”

  7. Rick Ballard says:

    Thank Gaia this didn’t happen in Hymietown.

  8. dre says:

    He ain’t down with the struggle

  9. RDub says:

    Jackson has issued this apology, saying: “For any harm or hurt that this hot mic private conversation may have caused, I apologize.

    Emphasis mine. I do like the appeal for us to note that it was a private conversation Reverend Shakedown was having….so shame on us for paying attention.

    One positive outcome of Obama winning would be to see the reactions of Mfume, Jackson, Sharpton, etc. as they realize they’ve been forced further out of the spotlight. Of course, Obama and his cronies may not be that different from Jackson when you get down to it (largely a difference of tactics, IMO) but hey – silver lining.

  10. Ouroboros says:

    Those chickens ARE coming home to roost.. The Manchurian Candidate doesn’t need to suck up for the minority victim vote anymore… Hillary is history, and besides, who else are they going to vote for? Old Whitey McCain? Thanks for playing, Reverend Jesse.. now get under the bus.

  11. MC says:

    What will Jesse Jackson do for a living if he can’t claim that people of color have no chance to advance themselves? An African-American president means that the race-baiters lose their case. Next step: can they still say that African-Americans can’t possibly be racist if they hold, gee, the office of the leader of the free world?

    This’ll destroy their whole scam!

  12. sarahw says:

    I’m phoning it in here; this I pho ne is slow going with the keying in of things. jJ must haz mixed feelings about the
    “race” ipsa loquitor of O! Killing business.

  13. ConservativeHero says:

    Who cares I rather vote for Jackson than this freakin muslim Manchurian Candidate.

  14. sarahw says:

    hey kids, yeah,you! anyone with gumption, a bus ,
    crooked friends to run over with it, has a shot .

  15. That just sounds painful!!

  16. happyfeet says:

    He wants to cut his nuts off? Whoa. That’s so far beyond anything I’ve ever thought about Baracky, much less said. It just seems wrong. Hey wait. Where does Jesse go to church?

  17. TmjUtah says:

    I guess if you are a co-chair on Senator Obama’s national campaign, you get issued your own bus.

    In case of emergencies. And stuff like that.

  18. Sdferr says:

    Dude, Jesse is the church, he don’t need to go to one.

  19. N. O'Brain says:

    “Dude, Jesse is the church, he don’t need to go to one.”

    AKA The Church Of What’s Happening Now.

  20. geoffb says:

    “AKA The Church Of What’s Happening Now.”

    Understanding that makes me feel my age and I’m not being flip.

  21. Steve Krauss says:

    Is anyone surprised about Jackson’s remarks? I do not have a black friend under 40 who this man represents. He is a self serving hypocrite whose anger at Obama is based on Jackson’s inability to get all of the pie. Obama is not an “articulate balck man”. He is THE MAN and Jackson is afraid he’ll get shut out because he should. Too bad Sharpton wasn’t there so both of those clowns could be seen for what they are. If anyone is inhibiting the black community it is those 2 “Amos N Andys” of trash. C’man manb – I am a white man but the color barriers are gone thanks to Obama and Jackson and Sharpton did NOTHING in all these years except grab the gold.

  22. sashal says:

    all I am wondering is if I’ll watch that video from update 2, will I see the actual nuts of Jackson ripped off?

  23. Rick Jordan says:

    Want to know what purported civil rights leaders like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakan, and the like are REALLY about? Try reading Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book: ‘Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America’. NOTE: Rev. Peterson is black, and has the guts to call it like it is. He stated, way before Obama’s recent church speech, the truth that black men must own up to their parental responsibilities. Many of the problems in the black community are a direct cause of fathers that are absent the lives of the children they fathered. Statistics say at least 70% of all black children are born to single mothers. Is there something wrong with this picture? It’s hard enough to raise good kids with two good parents around. And then you get clowns like Jesse Jackson, who has the guts to call himself a reverend, takes advantage of poor blacks, by convincing them of their helplessness, and continued need for government handouts. After all, if blacks can get educated and do well for themselves, they won’t need Jesse or handouts. Hence, success for blacks equals Jesse’s livelihood gets cut off (and Democrats losing a HUGE part of their base. Democrats play Jesse’s game too, you see). Lastly, has anyone noticed how little the ‘reverend’ Jackson acts like a man of God? He has a child out of wedlock, and now says Obama should have his “nu*s cut off”. Reverend Peterson indicated Jesses Jackson and his “thugs” actually threatened him for speaking out against Jackson. What a moron… Obama does NOT need clowns like Jesse Jackson trying to help him in his bid for the Presidency. In my opinion, black leaders like Jesse Jackson fear Obama becoming President. You know why? It would show blacks can achieve anything – even the Presidency of the United States! And that would be devastating to the civil rights scammers!

  24. I guess even Obama’s not allowed to criticize black people.
    Must be cause of his half-whiteyness

  25. Topsecretk9 says:

    My favorite part was Jackson’s quote that he was in “deep distress” over his own comment. I had a flashback of Clinton’s Monica atonement prayer breakfast in which JJ was the chief counselor. This shit is too good.

  26. SteveG says:

    Michelle is way ahead of Jesse here..

  27. Melissa Obi says:

    Jesse is NOT an example of what and how a man is to behave. Long gone are the days of Jesse Jackson’s rhetoric. He is done and is trying to hold on to his past glory days. He is a clear and concise deservice to all of human kind. These are no longer the days of a divisive people in a Jim Crow culture . Jesse grow up and stop allowing your violent hatred for a young man who conducts himeself with the upmost respect and dignity , who also upholds family values unlike yourself, presuade you to show your true conscious and wicked spirit. It is obvious Jesse is a envious, jealous hater and a looser . Stop having babies out of wedlock by an adultrious affair, disgracing the black community and your family. Maybe your wife should have cut off your nuts and she would not have had to watch half the family fortune go to your out of wedlock bastard.

  28. Topsecretk9 says:

    there are a whole lotta no carriage return diatribes in favor of O! disparaging JJ on this thread saying things in a manner not normal in a PW thread:

    Jesse grow up and stop allowing your violent hatred for a young man who conducts himeself with the upmost respect and dignity , who also upholds family values unlike yourself, presuade you to show your true conscious and wicked spirit

    Who much are the Steve Krauss, Rick Jordan, Melissa Obi people paid?

  29. Topsecretk9 says:

    HOW, not “Who” much are you paid.


  30. Topsecretk9 says:

    Well maybe not Krauss, but boy they seem funky.

  31. Mars vs Hollywood says:

    Jesse Jackson clearly feels that Sen. Obama is a threat to his status as He Who Speaks For Black People Whether They Like It Or Not, but that’s as far as it goes.

    Anyone who thinks Obama winning the Presidency would put an end to Jackson and the grievance industry he represents is only fooling themselves.

  32. jane says:

    So what is the big surprise here? That a public figure such as Rev. Jackson might actually have some private thoughts and opinions? And that these thoughts and opinions might actually arise from his vast experience as a civil rights activist and spiritual leader? I am an avid Obama supporter, and so I guess I should be jumping in here to denounce Jackson. Frankly, though, I don’t see how Jackson’s remarks about what he sees as Obama’s “talking down” to black people (whether or not Jackson is right about this) negates his support of Obama. The problem here, as I see it, is that we, “the people” (voters and commentators), all too readily give in to popular media notions that questioning and dissenting are signs of weakness or duplicity, rather than opportunities for debate about complicated issues. Rev. Jackson may be justified in apologizing for the “crudeness” of his remarks (like none of us has ever said something comparable about anyone anywhere at anytime? Yeah! Right!). However, I implore Jackson not to retract his core remarks about Obama’s stance on particular issues, and I would ask him–as well as Senator Obama–to publicly discuss their differences about these issues. I am dismayed that Jackson’s comments have been increasingly edited, so that–for the most part–we no longer hear the words “faith-based” as recorded in his original remarks. I would love to hear Jackson expand upon and debate this issue with Sen. Obama, and I believe Sen. Obama would welcome such a debate as well. I appreciate Jackson’s son defending Obama, but instead of so readily dismissing his father’s ideas, perhaps he could better serve as a mediator who respects diverse ideas and nurtures healthy debate.

  33. Rusty says:

    So what is the big surprise here? That a public figure such as Rev. Jackson might actually have some private thoughts and opinions? And that these thoughts and opinions might actually arise from his vast experience as a civil rights activist and spiritual leader?

    Oh! Shit! No. Really. I literally fell on the floor laughing my ass off. Now I have to go to emergency room and have my ample ass reattached.

    Dare I say it?

    Jane. You ignorant slut.

  34. Slartibartfast says:

    And that these thoughts and opinions might actually arise from his vast experience as a civil rights activist and spiritual leader?

    Someone has only been reading the sunny side of Reverend Jackson’s political history.

  35. fremmy says:

    Thank God for “open” or “hot” mics. He didn’t know the mic was live!! Yeah, right! Too bad; if thats what he thinks about Obama and got caught saying it, then he deserves all the criticism he gets. He is nothing but an ignorant hipocrit. My one hope is that Obama (if he wins) won’t feel obligated to appoint one of these idiots (J.J., Sharpton, etc.) to some gov’t post as a means to smooth over tensions among the black community in regards to entitlements. You know what I mean – Obama’s black so help your “brotha and sista” out by giving them a gov’ment job. If that happens then maybe he should have his nuts cut off.

  36. Cindy says:

    Jessis Jackson is a father that has made a baby with another women and was married at the time; he is anger for several reasons…1-he is a father that has not taken responsibility for his actions and is pissed at the wrong people (he had Unprotected sex with another women and was married (Adultry)…2- he ran for the president and was not successful…he feels that Obama is NOT Black enough (whatever that means)…Obama not only has to fight people like Jessie but he has to fight racism from all others. It is so sad that the black community has such leaders as Jessie that are not even true leaders but pretenders (for their own personal gain). What about McCain..he has not said one thing about a church he attends…he divorced his wife for a young aid (whatever she was), he was in the scandal for ethics history, dating all the way back to his role as an original member of the Keating Five.
    This is not the first time Jessis has said nasty things about his people..this is the first time it has aired for others to hear (if the secret service men/women could talk)

  37. Carin- says:

    There’s a lot of “Wall-O- Text”, as Pablo called it a few days ago, in this thread. A sure sign that there are plenty of panties in a bunch.

    Of course, who will flap help? O!™, of course. What better way to alienate yourself from the “old school” race baiters?

  38. SevenEleventy says:

    Cindy, I like the way you tied Senator McCain in on your comment. Nice touch!

  39. Carin- says:

    You know what really makes me nervous … the Obamabots. Honestly, they scare the shit out of me.

  40. TmjUtah says:

    “And that these thoughts and opinions might actually arise from his vast experience as a civil rights activist race pimp and spiritual leader an Elmer Gantry with a tan?

    There. Fixed that for ya.

    I agree that this flap is nothing but a benefit for the hopey changey one. And also that a lot of comments seem canned. Meh. It’s the intertubes.

  41. Percy Dovetonsils says:

    “You know what really makes me nervous … the Obamabots. Honestly, they scare the shit out of me.”

    Their spelling and punctuation alone makes me weep for the U.S. educational system. And I thought Obama the Lightworker was attracting the “educated” people.

    This flap is an utterly calculated “Sister Souljah” moment. You don’t think there’s a quid pro quo involved in this, one that has Jackson demonstrating that Obama is “distanced” from Jackson and his tradition of grievance mongering? Which in return involves a garbage truck full of cash (err, “government grants”) that’ll be flowing into the coffers of Operation PUSH once the Lightworker gets into office?

    I call major league shenanigans on this one.

  42. SarahW says:

    Hey cool, the paul-bots are back in the guise of Obamabots. How exciting.

  43. SGT Ted says:

    It is obvious Jesse is a envious, jealous hater and a looser . Stop having babies out of wedlock by an adultrious affair, disgracing the black community and your family. Maybe your wife should have cut off your nuts and she would not have had to watch half the family fortune go to your out of wedlock bastard.

    She doesn’t deserve the money anyway, seeing as how it was extorted from American businesses by The Racialhuckster Jackson to begin with.

    And that these thoughts and opinions might actually arise from his vast experience as a civil rights activist and spiritual leader? I am an avid Obama supporter, and so I guess I should be jumping in here to denounce Jackson. Frankly, though, I don’t see how Jackson’s remarks about what he sees as Obama’s “talking down” to black people (whether or not Jackson is right about this) negates his support of Obama. The problem here, as I see it, is that we, “the people” (voters and commentators), all too readily give in to popular media notions that questioning and dissenting are signs of weakness or duplicity, rather than opportunities for debate about complicated issues.

    I’m trying to see where a “reverend” would even begin talking like Jackson. Jacksons an asshole con-artist who has been “riding dirty” on the corpse of MLK, a real reverend, for far too long and should have been put in jail a long time ago. Talking about cutting someones nuts off is not “dissent”; it’s the jealous hatred of a clown who seeing his gravy train coming to an end. “Debating Complicated issues” my ass. “Showing his ass” is more like it.

  44. adk46er says:

    “I cherish this redemptive and historical moment. My appeal was for the moral content of his message to not only deal with the personal and moral responsibility of black males, but to deal with the collective moral responsibility of government and the public policy which would be a corrective action for the lack of good choices that often led to their irresponsibility.”

    Translation: 1. You’re not ready for prime time if you believe I don’t want to cut your nuts out 2. You are as dumb as a box of rocks if you believe this is an apology

  45. Slartibartfast says:

    Jackson was ordained without a degree. Which is cool, if you can swing it. I’d just love to be able to paste “Reverend” in front of my name, particularly in those attendee lists they pass around at design reviews.

  46. Ophelia Quackinbush says:

    Have any of you checked your hamburgers for spit lately?

    The Reverend Jesse was asked to say grace this afternoon by another preacher who said “Let us bow our heads, cover our plates, and hold our nut sacks.”

  47. jane says:

    oh dear me. I see that panties ARE getting in a bunch here. And, of course, since I expressed my opinion above, I am now a “slut.” Now there is some very logical thinking…

  48. JD says:

    jane, you ignorant slut.

  49. B Moe says:

    Looks like the three week program didn’t quite take. Too bad, she seems like a nice girl at heart.

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