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January 2025


More hot air from James Hansen, with just a taste of totalitarianism [Karl]

James Hansen, who heads NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, tells the Guardian that heads must roll:

James Hansen, one of the world’s leading climate scientists, will today call for the chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature, accusing them of actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer.

And while you’re at it, round up some kulaks.  Hansen, incidentally, has frequently been wrong in his hysterical global warming predictions.  To take one example, he once flogged computer models showing that global warming would cause frequent and severe droughts in the Midwest, but this year’s hype is that global warming creates the conditions for frequent and severe flooding in the Midwest.  If scientific disagreement is a capital offense, Hansen should be looking over his own shoulder.

Nevertheless, the Democratic Congress is throwing him a lovefest today to commemorate 20 years of alarmism.  But reality intrudes, even in the green pages of the New York Times:

As was the case in 1988, Dr. Hansen’s peers in climatology, while concerned about the risks posed by unabated emissions, have mixed views on the probity of a scientist’s advocating a menu of policy choices outside his field.

Some also do not see such high risks of imminent climatic calamity, particularly disagreeing with Dr. Hansen’s projection that sea levels could rise a couple of yards or more in this century if emissions continue unabated.

Perhaps Hansen would have these people strung up as well.  Nothing less is to be expected from Hansen, who (when not busy claiming in the New York Times and on 60 Minutes that he is being muzzled by BushCo) has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by George Soros under the heading “politicization of science.”

51 Replies to “More hot air from James Hansen, with just a taste of totalitarianism [Karl]”

  1. B Moe says:

    Limbaugh was hilarious today, begging Hansen to charge him because he has done more harm to the global warming cause than any big oil executive. While I would love to see it, I kind of doubt than anybody will fuck with Rush after the Reid letter.

  2. ProggressiveHero says:

    It is a good goal to one day ween ourselves from the tit of Oil Barons, but this is not the way to go about it. This will alienate more people than anything else.

  3. daleyrocks says:

    ProggressiveHero – Who be these Oil Barons of whom you speak? What do you have against tits anyway?

  4. twolaneflash says:

    Fire his liberal ass before he farts on the entire taxpayer-funded space program. Just another damned scrambled-brained scientist, lost-in-space, seeking to be the center of the universe. I hope gravity grabs his brass balls with both hands. If climate is weather over a long period of time, how can climatic disaster be imminent? Shouldn’t it be imminent weather disaster? Obviously, the world’s preiminent climatologist knows squat about predicting the weather.

  5. N. O'Brain says:

    “#Comment by ProggressiveHero on 6/23 @ 12:55 pm #

    It is a good goal to one day ween ourselves from the tit of Oil Barons, but this is not the way to go about it. This will alienate more people than anything else.”

    When did any so called “progressive” ever worry about a few executions?

    Egg, meet omelet.

  6. daleyrocks says:

    If you want accurate data on climate, I mean sure you could rely on GISS, but how many times have they been forced to restate their data when outsiders have discovered flaws in their calculations?

    I bet Hansen hates it when that happens. I also wonder how he feels that GISS is the only remaining outfit to show any global warming over the past ten years. I’m guessing another data revision is on the way.

  7. JD says:

    Didn’t Baracky stop the oceans from rising?

    I thought the preferred narrative was global climate change, or what is most commonly referred to as “weather”.

  8. Roboc says:

    Sorry about the list upthread. I just get a kick out of it. Especially, the “NFL threatened” link about the Green Bay Packers losing their homefield advantage due to global warming. Cheeseheads unite! Hahahahaha!1!eleventy!!1!1!

  9. Spiny Norman says:

    I also wonder how he feels that GISS is the only remaining outfit to show any global warming over the past ten years. I’m guessing another data revision is on the way.

    Oh, very likely, and soon. It will, of course, hammer home the notion that the last decade of apparent cooling is “a mere pause in the inexorable, calamitous man-made increase in global temperatures”, or something very much like it. George “Goldfinger” Soros won’t have it any other way.

  10. BJTex says:

    Hanson wishes to be addressed as “Comrade Doktor.”


    Did I say useful?  I meant dangerous.  He’s touted as a leading “scientist” on climate change employed by OUR GOVERNMENT at NASA.  H/T: TigerHawk
    James Hansen, one of the world’s leading climate scientists, will today call fo……

  12. “The problem is not political will, it’s the alligator shoes – the lobbyists. It’s the fact that money talks in Washington, and that democracy is not working the way it’s intended to work.”

    Because democracy is all about show trials and the criminalization of bad thinking.

  13. dicentra says:

    You can see the audit of Hansen’s tweaked temp record here, in reverse chronological order. Mostly for stat junkies, you can still derive the “crap, what’s he done with the data?” from the posts.


    Hansen Frees the Code, wherein he finally deigns to let the little people see what in Sam Hill he’s been up to.

    Hansen’s Y2K Error, wherein his error should leave those in the know “gobsmacked.”

    The 1930s Are Getting Colder, wherein they keep messing with the data to make late the late 20th century look hotter in comparison to the 1930s (dustbowl, anyone?).

    Oh, there’s lots to be found there at that first link.

    Hansen is a government employee who cannot be fired. This is what you get when you put the gubmint in charge of something as trivial as measuring the temperatures.

  14. urthshu says:

    #7 –
    I didn’t see “Kangaroo Courts” on the list, sorry.

  15. […] — and tells sane people all they’ll ever need to know about Hansen’s “credibiity.” Category: Articles of Faith &#9830 […]

  16. Roboc says:

    Comment by urthshu on 6/23 @ 2:14 pm #

    #7 –
    I didn’t see “Kangaroo Courts” on the list, sorry.

    “Progressive Angst” didn’t make the list either. I guess it’s not that complete after all!

  17. SarahW says:

    Hansen is a crank, getting crankery-er with age. He’s past the point where he can be persuasive.

  18. The Lost Dog says:


    What’s up with the moonbats lately? They have forsaken their cover and are revealing their absolutely clueless (and factless) idiocy publicly. Their fascism is being more and more openly displayed, AND accepted by a press that seems to be jogging it’s own way to the same goal.

    What’s up with that? Are they just raising the flag so that in three or four years they can take the U.S.’s almost illiterate gub’mint school “graduates” (of course, we need to count Progg-H’s 25 million “unresident aliens”, too) for the fools that they have created, and THEN fire up the steamroller?

    That’s what it looks like to me. Remember, Hillarycare was crushed, but gub’mint health care is suddenly a given, pretty much on both sides of the aisle.

    These guys are getting scarier by the day. They would have been laughed off the stage even thirty years ago.


    “Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo! Danger, Will Robinson!”.

  19. daleyrocks says:

    “Nothing less is to be expected from Hansen, who (when not busy claiming in the New York Times and on 60 Minutes that he is being muzzled by BushCo) has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by George Soros under the heading “politicization of science.””

    While he was being muzzled by Chimpy McKatrinaburton he was limited to something like 1400 interviews over an 18 month period.

    The Horror!

    The Horror!

  20. Karl says:

    Lost Dog,

    What’s up with the moonbats lately? They have forsaken their cover and are revealing their absolutely clueless (and factless) idiocy publicly. Their fascism is being more and more openly displayed, AND accepted by a press that seems to be jogging it’s own way to the same goal.

    What’s up with that?

    They think Obama has already won and the Carter hairhirt sweater is back in fashion.

  21. nikkolai says:

    Toughen up, Buttercups. Obama-Lama-Ding-Dong ain’t winnin’ nothin’.

  22. Rick Ballard says:


    It’s that or they’ve figured out that they can wave their “Mission Accomplished” banners without going through any effort. Letting one or two hang around as foils is probably good policy but a quick icepick in the ear for any more than that might be an even better policy.

    It ain’t like commenters will ever have the discipline to scroll on by.

  23. urthshu says:

    #22 –

    Heck NO! It’s all gonna be Ron Paul!1! up in your grill come November.

    B/C he’s also caused by Global Warming and everybody knows he’s the Real Savior, epitome of political evolution, etc etc Those twodigit theocon Obamabots don’t have a freakin’ clue. lulz

  24. Radish says:

    dicentra, thanks for the links. The first thing I thought when I saw “James Hansen wants people arrested for lying about global warming” was “hey, doesn’t Hansen lie about global warming?”…

    the Green Bay Packers losing their homefield advantage due to global warming.

    Extra funny because in WI, the eco-hysteria is that the Great Lakes will be gone–totally dry!–because of teh Global Warmening…except for a puddle where Lambeau used to be, apparently.

  25. urthshu says:

    The Great Lakes are there because of Global Warming to begin with.

    At least according to my lying, fascist geology profs, anyway…

  26. dicentra says:

    Just for fun, quoth McIntyre on 22 Jun 2008:

    Here are some more notes and scripts in which I’ve made considerable progress on GISS Step 2. As noted on many occasions, the code is a demented mess – you’d never know that NASA actually has software policies (e.g. here or here). I guess that Hansen and associates regard themselves as being above the law. At this point, I haven’t even begun to approach analysis of whether the code accomplishes its underlying objective. There are innumerable decoding issues – John Goetz, an experienced programmer, compared it to descending into the hell described in a Stephen King novel. I compared it to the meaningless toy in the PPM children’s song – it goes zip when it moves, bop when it stops and whir when it’s standing still. The endless machinations with binary files may have been necessary with Commodore 64s, but are totally pointless in 2008.

    Because of the hapless programming, it takes a long time and considerable patience to figure out what happens when you press any particular button. The frustrating thing is that none of the operations are particularly complicated.

  27. Carin- says:

    I tried to watch a bit of “teh Shep” today while working out – oye! He went on, with that lawyer feller, when discussing this Hansen comment, about how Global warming was an accepted fact, yada yada yada.

    Ever since Katrina … he let the horse out of the barn back then insomuch as his leanings. That horse ain’t ever going back in, is it?

    But, lucky for me, Law and Order was on …

  28. kelly says:

    Hansen…has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by George Soros.

    Hey, man, grant requests are for chumps! JimmyDr.H is down wid the biggest, baddest, megalomaniac Benjamins, yo. Pure, uncut Hungarian, muthafucka.

  29. Carin- says:

    who (when not busy claiming in the New York Times and on 60 Minutes that he is being muzzled by BushCo)

    Shudder. What lengths does the man have to go to get his message out!? DAMN YOU BUSH.

  30. Slartibartfast says:

    The frustrating thing is that none of the operations are particularly complicated.

    And we have a winnah!

  31. Merovign says:

    The good news is that the fraud becomes more and more obvious as the days go by.

    The bad news is that we have to get politicians to notice and internalize that information.

    We’re talking about people who think raising sales taxes will make things more affordable.

  32. geoffb says:

    The Al Gore picture (much thinner) and ad in the sidebar causes some dissonance, and chuckles.

  33. Rusty says:

    Good news! I’m designing a car that runs on Algore! Bad news :-(. There is only so much Algore. Good News! No more Algore!

  34. N. O'Brain says:

    Here’s an interesting AGW debunker site:

    I’m still not familiar with all the nomenclenture, but the same was true when I started reading pw.

  35. kelly says:

    That’s pretty funny, N. O’Brain.

  36. Karl says:

    There is only so much Algore.

    I beg to differ. Al Gore is breaking the law of scarcity.

  37. daleyrocks says:

    If I compared Jim Hansen with the anti-AGW folks, I would say Hansen is more of a Luddite and more antiscience, with his refusal to share results and data (except in the Journal of Irreproducable Results).

    nishi’s mileage may vary.

    So much for Bush’s war on science.

  38. MarkJ says:

    I think the only “space” Herr Doktor Hansen need concern himself about is the empty space between his ears.

  39. The Lost Dog says:

    I don’t know, but has anybody else noticed that “global warming” is morphing into “climate change” lately?

    I think it’s pretty brilliant myself. Even though all of the drive bys haven’t caught up yet, “climate change” makes us responsible for ANY change, whether it be warmer or cooler. And no matter which way it goes, we are selfish and evil people who are destroying the Earth because, unlike the past three billion years, THE CLIMATE IS CHANGING ALL THE TIME!. Beautiful.

    The greens (reds) are fucking insane, and I think their real goal is to starve more than half of the world to death. It appears that what they have in mind is to beat out Stalin and Mao’s combined record of murdering tens of millions of people just for the fuck of it. “Guinness’s World Records”, and all that.

    And I can’t believe that NASA would even hire this Hansen asshole, much less give him a platform to spew his horse shit from.

    I am trying to keep my well documented anger in check, but I am finding it harder and harder to laugh at these lying pricks. They obviously don’t think that this is a game, and even more obviously, will brook no differing opinions (see ProggZero). Hansen’s lawyers are trying to find a judge who will gag the oil companies representatives by force, because anyone who disagrees with him about AGW is an industry dupe, and therefore, no argument will be tolerated. And these in the flesh little fascists dare to call us fascists? It’s mind boggling.

    I’d say Hansen has some pretty big brass balls for a man who has been humbled (i.e. – shown to be lying) more than once, and has had egg all over his face for some time now.

  40. Observer says:

    We live in very fascinating times. Religion and especially Christianity are under constant attack as superstition, irrational and dangerous. Meanwhile, our schools undermine Western thinking (i.e. science and logic) as being oppressive and bigoted. Free speech is under constant attack and science has degenerated into politics. The upshot of all this is we are becoming exactly what Friedrich Nietzsche suggested we should become: an illiberal society run by the brute force and politics. The new religion is politics.

    “Truth” is not determined on the basis of evidence or logic. “Truth” is whatever can be forced upon society through raw political force and it is enforced through speech codes which are designed to silence its detractors either by force or through shame. This new religion, like other civil religions before it (i.e. Communism and Facism) has no tolerence for competing ideas and is totalitarian in nature. Nothing exists outside of this political religion: science, language, religion, speech, history, race, gender, health, economics, technology…nothing.

  41. JD says:

    TLD – Soon, global climate change will morph into its proper name – fucking weather.

  42. alppuccino says:

    Slightly alongside topic:

    If you want to keep your bananas fresh longer, but you don’t like the peel-darkening that occurs when you put them in the fridge – just turn your A/C down to 50 and lay the bunch of bananas on the register. It keeps them cool, but lets the acid escape and prevents brown spots. You will have to bundle up, of course. Enjoy!

  43. N. O'Brain says:

    “Comment by Observer on 6/23 @ 9:41 pm #

    We live in very fascinating times. Religion and especially Christianity are under constant attack as superstition, irrational and dangerous. Meanwhile, our schools undermine Western thinking (i.e. science and logic) as being oppressive and bigoted. Free speech is under constant attack and science has degenerated into politics. The upshot of all this is we are becoming exactly what Friedrich Nietzsche suggested we should become: an illiberal society run by the brute force and politics. The new religion is politics. ”

    See Goldberg, Jonah, Liberal Fascism.

  44. geoffb says:

    “It appears that what they have in mind is to beat out Stalin and Mao’s combined record of murdering tens of millions of people just for the fuck of it. “Guinness’s World Records”, and all that.”

    I believe one of the founding saints of the “green” religion, Rachel Carson, has already claimed the record.

  45. Rusty says:

    No Karl. He is bigger, granted, but I think we have seen peak Algore. Now if only someone could think of a use for hippies. We have an infinite supply of those.

  46. geoffb says:

    Al Gore, traveling through all the world, bringing anthropogenic local cooling (ALC) in his wake. He’s a world treasure.

  47. Rob Crawford says:

    We live in very fascinating times. Religion and especially Christianity are under constant attack as superstition, irrational and dangerous. Meanwhile, our schools undermine Western thinking (i.e. science and logic) as being oppressive and bigoted.

    That’s the best summary of the Catch-22 the left’s created that I’ve ever heard.

  48. Slartibartfast says:

    I think we have seen peak Algore

    You’re making a basic mistake by ignoring the cyclic nature of algore. The algorerhythm, if you will.

  49. The Lost Dog says:

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